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Totally agree that this is the agenda, I've read Alinsky and it's sickening to see our leadership following the great community organizers playbook. But if we stop to engage in a philosophical debate about what motivates these Progs then we play right into their hands.

We should be shouting to anyone that will listen that the shooting today was an attack by ISIS on the citizens of this country. Whether the shooters were directly in contact with ISIS or not doesn't matter. These were followers of islam carrying out the wishes of a foreign power. Don't get distracted, keep the focus on this attack until our leadership has no choice but to call a spade a spade.

Alinsky techniques applied to anti-gunners. Someone could build a marketing campaign on the following. :

1. Anti-gun advocates ISIS are co-conspirators in killing Americans

2. Anti-gunners are racist--only caring when white people get killed and don't car when black people get killed--look at the routine killings in Chicago.

Jeff Hedgpeth wrote a book "Rules for Radicles Defeated" before he passes in recent years. Easy to read. Basically he uses Alinsky's techniques in reverse and against the opposition.

This guy was born in Illinois, probably Dearborn.
Devote muslim
Recently traveled to the middle east and suddenly had a new muslim wife,
Came back and started growing out his beard.
They had a so called IED facilty in their home.
Were strapped with guns, body armor, gopro cameras, and bags of ammo, mags, and pipe bombs.
They didn't purchased the weapons? Who did? Probably an ATF straw buyer.

Sure work place violence.
We need gun control.
F that. We need more guns to combat this terrorism. Because obama and his cronnies want to bring more terrorist here, and make them untouchable. Release more prisoners and criminals.

When are we going to rise up with a powerful lawsuit (like the muslim use to gain more money) and end this push for control against the law abiding based on flawed information to pass laws that will ONLY hurt the good people.
But god allah sure is creating the killing. The guns or the knifes or the bombs are just the tools, if we get rid of all the tools will all this evil stop? Whats next purging and get rid of humans, oh wait that is what the tool of climate change is for. Never mind their is not a answer or solution, mitigation is the only answer A good guy with a gun kills bad guys with guns. Period
I think his wife was the one who turned him into a radical extremist Muslim.
Not many first time mothers with a six month old baby would willingly abandon her child to follow their husband into martyrdom for his newly formed beliefs.
I don't buy the "party argument" indicates workplace violence.

Unless they were willing to risk being seen placing the explosives as they entered the building all decked out in their "shooting outfits",with matching masks, and rifles slung...
...the guy would have first placed/set the devices by attending the party and then come up with some contrived reason to leave the party as soon as he determined there were enough targets, and it was a "go".
...Then quickly change clothes, arm up and return with his "crew" to complete his "mission".

One thing that has me scratching my head is they got away with time to spare, even changed cars. They should have been hundreds of miles way. Why were they still nearby?...what were they waiting around for?
I believe they were surprised by the rapidity and/or size of the response. If their plan was to hang around and blow up some of the first responders, it didn't work out but delayed their get-away.

Workplace, "he just snapped", felt "marginalized", violence doesn't involve multilayer planning, multiple accomplices, get away vehicles, and freeway shootouts.
"Nearly 670 staff members at the center provide services to 30,200 people of all ages with developmental disabilities..."

Wow, that place is huge.

Nothing will come of this. Gun control doesn't seem to help, does it? Politicians will run their mouths but it will fade quickly. This ain't Australia or England.
It's interesting:
Farook goes to Saudi Arabia, comes back w/a Pakistani chemist "wife" who was apparently pregnant on a Tourist Visa?
She pops-out a future terrorist and Farook starts growing his beard.
They start planning an attack for a Muslim Holy Day
She builds the bombs
Now, question: What was the name of The Mosque where all this was planned a year or more ago?o_O
Why were the big wigs of CAIR involved on the same day?
It's interesting:
Why were the big wigs of CAIR involved on the same day?

they know they flipped and became islamic terrorist, they want to derail that idea to prevent racial crimes on other islamic's here is the US......thats why they are all going out of their way to NOT call this islamic terrorism
they just watched europe & racial crimes on other islamic's has SPIKED all over europe since the paris attack
I don't buy the "party argument" indicates workplace violence.

Unless they were willing to risk being seen placing the explosives as they entered the building all decked out in their "shooting outfits",with matching masks, and rifles slung...
...the guy would have first placed/set the devices by attending the party and then come up with some contrived reason to leave the party as soon as he determined there were enough targets, and it was a "go".
...Then quickly change clothes, arm up and return with his "crew" to complete his "mission".

One thing that has me scratching my head is they got away with time to spare, even changed cars. They should have been hundreds of miles way. Why were they still nearby?...what were they waiting around for?
I believe they were surprised by the rapidity and/or size of the response. If their plan was to hang around and blow up some of the first responders, it didn't work out but delayed their get-away.

Workplace, "he just snapped", felt "marginalized", violence doesn't involve multilayer planning, multiple accomplices, get away vehicles, and freeway shootouts.

Some are speculating this was a hybrid attack.

They were obviously prepping for an attack against a soft or even hard target full of American Infidels but perhaps hadn't quite fleshed it out completely.

In the meantime Farook was feeling dissed by his coworkers or anxious to get things over with sooner than planned for some reason. Maybe they had for some reason lost their nerve in an earlier planned attack at a Mall or something.

Perhaps his original plan had unraveled somehow and he figured he could kill two birds with one stone at his Christmas work party?

Strike a blow against America for ISIS and kill some people he personally despised!

Being a devout Muslim he was sure to be full of hatred towards LGBTs and Feminists as well as Jews and Christians. Being diverse CA, the Party was probably checked all the boxes for him.
What a headache for the FBI.
The directive from the top levels insuring that the words "Muslim Terrorist or Jihadist" don't come out in their reports would be frustrating to say the least.
Separating the good guys from the bad guys is the job of police, judges, and policymakers. It is also the natural responsibility of intelligent adults.

Lumping all Japs, Krauts, Reds, Towelheads together so we can bomb the crap out of them is merely shows our historic fear of being injured. We are all hurt by violence. Pouring more violence on innocent civilians (atom bombs or drone attacks) because of our own undifferentiated fears is a surefire way to create more people who wish to seek revenge on us for their injuries in the form of terrorist attacks.

"Terrorism is the war of the poor, and war is the terrorism of the rich." -P. Ustinov

I understand it bothers you to lump people together - kind of like how the anti-gunners lump ALL legal gun owners in with terrorists and psychopaths - it's not nice.

BUT, and that's a HUGE BUT - there is a pattern of consistently growing threats and attacks made by militant Islamists in this country and around the world. That pattern is undeniable and it's increasing in frequency. Based on that information, we can identify the more likely sources of threats. And, like it or not, Islamic radicals are a serious threat. And, it can be very difficult to identify them until after they've done their deed. So, do we go on ignoring the fact that they present a very present, real and growing danger? Or, do we perhaps give them an extra layer of scrutiny? Is it really racist to do so? Is it really bigoted to do so? If a wolf steals your sheep, and keeps stealing them, is it wrong to assume the wolf will be the one that is most likely to steal the next sheep?

This is an interesting article. It just came out in September. If you take a moment, go to the article and look at the interactive timeline of events and threats since 9/11. You'll see the events start to pick up steam in the mid 2000's, but explode in frequency around 2009. I wonder how it is that a hope and change president, one who won the Nobel Peace prize, has managed to let things get WORSE for us? Either way, the facts don't lie - we have a known, defined and definite threat to our safety and security. How long do we turn a blind eye to it?

Some are speculating this was a hybrid attack.

They were obviously prepping for an attack against a soft or even hard target full of American Infidels but perhaps hadn't quite fleshed it out completely.

In the meantime Farook was feeling dissed by his coworkers or anxious to get things over with sooner than planned for some reason. Maybe they had for some reason lost their nerve in an earlier planned attack at a Mall or something.

Perhaps his original plan had unraveled somehow and he figured he could kill two birds with one stone at his Christmas work party?

Strike a blow against America for ISIS and kill some people he personally despised!

Being a devout Muslim he was sure to be full of hatred towards LGBTs and Feminists as well as Jews and Christians. Being diverse CA, the Party was probably checked all the boxes for him.

Well, my company took the necessary steps to rid itself of all references to Christmas last year. We wouldn't want our diverse workforce to be offended at the recognition or observance of arguably the most visible, most celebrated and clearly the largest holiday event of the year. I can't believe the people at that party were so insensitive that they actually had a Christmas party. How could something like that happen in a place like California these days?
Well, my company took the necessary steps to rid itself of all references to Christmas last year. We wouldn't want our diverse workforce to be offended at the recognition or observance of arguably the most visible, most celebrated and clearly the largest holiday event of the year. I can't believe the people at that party were so insensitive that they actually had a Christmas party. How could something like that happen in a place like California these days?
I'm sure it was a "Winter Holiday" Party or something of that nature. Along with the diverse group of his co-workers I'm sure a few devout Atheists were in attendance.

Farook and others like him must be miserable living and working next to such a mix of people who allow their Women to behave like that and Men to be openly Gay with each other! It probably creeped him out with all these ultra Progressive Liberals that populate CA.

I can sympathize with him somewhat.
It would be just as bad for me if I had to live in a strict Muslim Country where Women are required to wear full Burkas or be flogged and Gays are being tossed off roof tops to their death.

Why would anyone want to live in a place they so completely are out of synch with?
last 2 attacks, paris & san berdo had islamic women involved....& the liberals in charge say that islamic refugee women and children are no threat.

seems like we are going to be labeled as cold hearted racist & sexist gun nuts responsible for mass shootings by the lunatic left that keep creating human target shooting zones that are making easy targets for the radicals to hit..... where we are unable to defend ourselves from either the bullets or the or the attacks by a political agenda against the 2nd

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