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I believe that the Libertarian party will become the new conservative party of America after the Republicans and Democrats go so far off the deep end that any Constitutionalist or truly conservative minded person realizes that they have no real place to turn anymore. Parties rise out of necessity and we have felt the Republican party was a necessity to protect our rights and freedoms. Sadly, the party has become more and more bureaucratic and all the conservative fundamentals and principles that the Republican party was suppose to stand for are being eroded. More and more Republicans are supporting the very causes that made us hate the Democrat party. In the end, the bureaucracy wants to empower itself and the Constitution is a major annoyance that both parties are seeking to manipulate in different ways.

We can say that people will always vote for the Two Party system because that is what we do. It is this myopic mindset that will keep people incarcerated and subjugated to the corruption and deterioration of morals and principles that help make our country a great nation. When we vote blindly rather than intelligently and decisively we are just fueling the the corruption and deterioration of our society and the potential downfall of our freedoms and liberties.

As far as our current leader... So far, all we have received is an increase in our deficit and now he is pushing for an Assault Bump Stock Ban.. I hardly believe Trump will stop with just a bump stock ban. I wouldn't even be surprised if he rescinds on National Reciprocity as a "REVISION OF HIS VIEWS" due to wake of these new events. Heck, Trump even supported Obama during Sandy Hook when he announced an Assault Weapon Ban. Trump rescinded his statement, saying he was confused or some BS and every Republican swept it under the rug, as if it didn't happen. They also seem to sweep under the rug all his previous statements supporting bans on "Assault Weapons".

I do believe Americans are people who need to be pushed hard and once they are they wake up and make revolutionary changes. We are still a very new nation and I truly do not think we have overcame all the struggles. I also believe we have yet to overcome the hordes of tyrannical leaders who will seek to do what the tyrants have tried for generations. That would be suppressing our freedoms and using unscrupulous means to strip people of their hard earned money and reduce rights and dissolve freedoms in the name of protecting "National Security" and empowering the Bureaucratic machine. I am sure many of our politicians dream of the day our Constitution is nothing more than a historic artifact displayed in museums for historical purposes. However, there are still enough Americans who believe deeply in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. These same Americans will eventually open their eyes and see how both of these crooked political parties do not hold the same beliefs or respect these values that many Americans cherish so dearly.
The best chance libraterians have is to join the Republicans and attempt to influence the direction of the party. They have no chance of doing anything on there own. They have no origanization, money or even strong individual candidates. All those things are required to win. Most stay home smoking dope on Election Day anyway.
I do not believe in guilt by association.
Yeah.. I do not believe in guilt by association, but he was closely tied and aligned with many of the most anti-gun politicians for years. It is well known that he was actually very close with the Clinton family and his daughter, Ivanka, was good friends with the Clinton's daughter. It's true, it could have been coincidental, but his history with the Clinton family I always felt was too cozy for my taste.

OTOH - I don't believe a word that comes out of Trump's mouth. He is a sociopathic liar. A con man. And he isn't even very good at it - I have met and know people who could lie much better and more consistently than he does (e.g., most politicians, used car salesmen, etc.). What amazes me is that so many people fell for his lies when he does it so poorly. It must be that they just want to believe his lies so badly that they voted for him regardless, and so many just keep on believing in him despite all evidence to the contrary.
I agree 100% with what you are stating here. Another thing I wonder is why Trump can be so condescending , abusive and insulting and get away with it and how so many conservative just look the other way. One reason I almost didn't vote for Trump (as I said Hillary was the only reason I did) was when he trashed our veterans. He insulted John McCain for being captured, calling him not a hero. He said POWs are not heroes, that he only believes soldiers who are not captured are heroes. He is the biggest, slimeiest, double-talking, two-faced and mentally deranged politician i have ever seen. Had any other politician said what he said about our veterans/POWs he would have never been able to even run for office. To add insult to injury, Trump is a draft dodger and then insults him and every other POW who put his life on the line for our freedoms, including the draft dodger Trump.

Does anybody remember when Trump said this crap... Why do people have such a short memory?

And, so many forget just 18 years ago, Donald Trump made a statement advocating for the ban of Assault Weapons. It's so funny and convenient how in 2016 when he was running for the Republican president how he suddenly supported "Assault Weapons". Wow, wasn't that an amazing change of heart or perhaps it was a change of circumstances that required him to change his beliefs? Do people really believe he genuinely went from supporter of Assault Weapon Bans to Second Amendment Zealot!? Not a chance!

Donald Trump in 2000: "I Support the Ban on Assault Weapons"
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Guys......:s0128: a moderator said it already and I said it once so i'll say it again....if the mods find me wrong, delete my post......
All these hand wringers need to be talking to there NRA representatives to make sure the law banning bump stocks is written narrow enough to not restrict the use of common useful modifications to our guns. They have a seat at the Trump table and need to use it to good effect. I believe the NRA is behind this action from the beginning. They have been in support of improved background checks and labeling bumpstocks as an NFA item from the beginning.
.... So voting for Johnson to at least help the Libertarian party in the future was the only choice for me and not a bad one either.

Moreover, in many ways (besides gun control - there are other issues besides gun control), Trump is worse than Clinton would be in office.

As a long time "neither GOP nor DNC" straight ticket voter (that will tick off as many Dems as Repubs so I figure it balances), I applaud your 3d party vote. However, as a leftie (please don't shoot me - some of us like the 2A), I cannot get to the notion that Clinton would have been better than Trump. She would have been slicker and her Twitter account carefully managed, but all that means is that she'd have an easier time getting a whole lot of evil stuff done. Plus it sets a terrible precedent to have the presidency become an inheritance to pass around amongst a few oligarchs -- bubblegum kings and queens.
As a long time "neither GOP nor DNC" straight ticket voter (that will tick off as many Dems as Repubs so I figure it balances), I applaud your 3d party vote. However, as a leftie (please don't shoot me - some of us like the 2A), I cannot get to the notion that Clinton would have been better than Trump. She would have been slicker and her Twitter account carefully managed, but all that means is that she'd have an easier time getting a whole lot of evil stuff done. Plus it sets a terrible precedent to have the presidency become an inheritance to pass around amongst a few oligarchs -- bubblegum kings and queens.

She would have been better at lying.

She would not have been as divisive.

She would not be denying climate change.

She wouldn't be undoing much of the environmental and other protective services the government works at.

I can think of very little that Trump is or would be better at. Even his tax reform bill will cause big problems.

Yes, she would have pushed for gun control, but the POTUS does not write legislation, the POTUS only signs it. If the Congress did not pass gun control legislation then the POTUS can do very little. Obama proved that.
All these hand wringers need to be talking to there NRA representatives to make sure the law banning bump stocks is written narrow enough to not restrict the use of common useful modifications to our guns. They have a seat at the Trump table and need to use it to good effect. I believe the NRA is behind this action from the beginning. They have been in support of improved background checks and labeling bumpstocks as an NFA item from the beginning.

The NRA doesn't care about individual gun owners, only their donations and membership dues.
She would have been better at lying.

She would not have been as divisive.

She would not be denying climate change.

She wouldn't be undoing much of the environmental and other protective services the government works at.

I can think of very little that Trump is or would be better at. Even his tax reform bill will cause big problems.

Yes, she would have pushed for gun control, but the POTUS does not write legislation, the POTUS only signs it. If the Congress did not pass gun control legislation then the POTUS can do very little. Obama proved that.

None of that matters if she instituted a no fly zone in Syria, shot down a Russian jet, and then started a global thermonuclear conflagration. She's the worst kind of war hawk. When I think of HRC, I think of this:

A choice between H. Clinton and Trump is like the choice between someone offering to put a bullet in your head or heart. I agree with Heretic that Clinton with a Republican congress may actually have been a better setup than Trump with a Republican Congress that can go totally RINO on us. Something about having opposing forces in Washington DC makes for a more temperate atmosphere where both sides fear the other and have to scramble to get the support of their voters by fighting against the opposition. However, when its one party ruling the roost, there is the potential for corruption and deviation to appease the very people that we have fought against it.

There was no guarantee that the Republicans could have held onto everything with Clinton in the White House and this is where a vote for her would be like playing Russian roulette. I think they are equally heinous, crooked and deceitful individuals. The only thing Trump had going for him is he has to answer to the Republican party, which I thought would keep me safer than answering to the Democrat party. But, as things progress, I think that the freedoms and liberties of Americans are only safe at the hands of the true Constitution supporting party, the Libertarian party.

What also really worries me is how close Clinton and Trump have been with each other over the years. Trump magically became Mr. Republican Freedom Lover when he saw the opportunity. Trump also threatened to run as an independent if he lost the primaries, knowing by doing so, he could easily have given the presidency to the Democrats. He seems to be mostly loyal to himself and not to his party, voters or to the causes he supposedly supports. Clinton and Trump are starting to feel like two sides of the same coin.
It is probably worth noting that Trump today announced he wants and end to "Gun Free Zones". I'll say again, like him or not, trust him or not, don't pass judgment until you see what he actually does. Removing gun free zones is a good step for our side, and a loss for gun control.

On another note, Marco Rubio showed up at a very hostile CNN created town hall where he was lambasted by gun control advocates under CNN direction. He took it, then caved and pandered to them, basically admitting that the gun was the problem. Not a surprise to me for Rubio since he's not a true conservative, but disappointing nonetheless. Many, interestingly enough, are calling him gutsy and heroic for showing up tonight. o_O I disagree - gutsy would have been showing up, then standing up for the 2nd amendment, despite the hostile crowd. He didn't do that.
That is not true either.......are you old enough to remember when all handgun ammunition had to be registered in a book when purchased? Or how about the Clinton assault weapon ban? I have no problem challenging the NFA act if that's the hill you want to die on.
I'm not a young buck, and have bought a LOT of handgun ammo over the years. Not once did they enter it into any book in any shop or store I spent money in, including my uncle's gunshop/gunsmithing business which he had for 40 plus years.
The ONLY ammo any store asked about was 22lr ammo, when they asked "is this for a handgun, or a rifle" the correct answer always is: "for a rifle."

I told friends back when James Brady got shot when there was an attempt on Ronald Reagan, I said " boys, this is the begining of an uphill battle for our gun rights that's not going to stop" they laughed at me when I said that. They aren't laughing now.

I agree also that if you cave in and give those liberal gun grabbing sobs an inch, they'll want and take mile when the ink is dried and on paper, and they are already plotting thier next mission to take more of our gun rights, before the ink is dry.

All the liberal anti's will do is continue to strip us all of our 2nd ammendment rights our founding fathers died for. Freedom doesn't come cheap, and they laid it all on the line for future generations including us, and they paid with blood. There is no "common sense" in the minds of all those yuppie hippy dippy liberals. They are test tube experiments gone wrong, and thier family tree only has one branch on it. Like the country song says, " if you can't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."
Keep your boots straps pulled up boys, and your backbones straight.;)
You want a solid response on Gun Control from a chief executive? I give you, Gov. Matt Bevin of Kentucky.

Same guy who said in 2016 that if Trump & Pence lost to Clinton the tree of liberty will have to be refreshed by the blood of patriots and that might include his own family. (paraphrasing)

On a side note, I shut down a typical Portland hipster import the other day with his, "the founding fathers never wanted citizens to rise up against the government and you don't have the guns to fight back against the army anyway..." First off, There have been 2 very successful insurgencies against the United States Military in the last 50 years, and most of the people fighting the government if it came to that will have experience in those combat actions. Second, (and this one made his head explode) the government was so fearful of itself that they disbanded the entire military after the Revolutionary War for nearly 10 years. They didn't want to have a standing military because they were so concerned it would be turned on the citizenry.
You want a solid response on Gun Control from a chief executive? I give you, Gov. Matt Bevin of Kentucky.

Same guy who said in 2016 that if Trump & Pence lost to Clinton the tree of liberty will have to be refreshed by the blood of patriots and that might include his own family. (paraphrasing)

On a side note, I shut down a typical Portland hipster import the other day with his, "the founding fathers never wanted citizens to rise up against the government and you don't have the guns to fight back against the army anyway..." First off, There have been 2 very successful insurgencies against the United States Military in the last 50 years, and most of the people fighting the government if it came to that will have experience in those combat actions. Second, (and this one made his head explode) the government was so fearful of itself that they disbanded the entire military after the Revolutionary War for nearly 10 years. They didn't want to have a standing military because they were so concerned it would be turned on the citizenry.

Must be nice to have a governor like that - I wouldn't know how that feels :(

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