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Mr. President, I'm gonna tell you with only slight difference what I tell everyone else: Better call some good caterers, sir, you got a LOOOOOOOOOOOONG day ahead of ya.
He's a wild card, always has been. Personally, I think he's just saber rattling. This flip flop routine is to get press coverage and distract from the stuff he's really doing, like any other politician.

Yes - he is a wild card. You cannot count on what he will say or do.

That is what makes him so dangerous. He will say or do whatever he wants. He has no principles. He goes whichever way the wind blows. It makes me very afraid that this man has the 'button' to our nukes.

As I have said before, Congress makes the laws, so he can't just unilaterally ban this or that thing - he doesn't have as much power as a lot of people think - including himself (although he is learning that). But what he says signals what he will sign (at that moment - five minutes later, who knows?).

You, me, his worshippers - we can't trust what the man says. That is what I have said all along. He is a con man, even more so than he has ever been. I don't know how people have not seen it until now, how some people still don't see it - i do know actually; it is simple human nature, people believe what they want to believe, even to the very end. The 'true believers' will drink that kool aid and follow him right off a cliff. :rolleyes:
Yes - he is a wild card. You cannot count on what he will say or do.

That is what makes him so dangerous. He will say or do whatever he wants. He has no principles. He goes whichever way the wind blows. It makes me very afraid that this man has the 'button' to our nukes.

As I have said before, Congress makes the laws, so he can't just unilaterally ban this or that thing - he doesn't have as much power as a lot of people think - including himself (although he is learning that). But what he says signals what he will sign (at that moment - five minutes later, who knows?).

You, me, his worshippers - we can't trust what the man says. That is what I have said all along. He is a con man, even more so than he has ever been. I don't know how people have not seen it until now, how some people still don't see it - i do know actually; it is simple human nature, people believe what they want to believe, even to the very end. The 'true believers' will drink that kool aid and follow him right off a cliff. :rolleyes:

Yes - he is a wild card. You cannot count on what he will say or do.

That is what makes him so dangerous. He will say or do whatever he wants. He has no principles. He goes whichever way the wind blows. It makes me very afraid that this man has the 'button' to our nukes.

As I have said before, Congress makes the laws, so he can't just unilaterally ban this or that thing - he doesn't have as much power as a lot of people think - including himself (although he is learning that). But what he says signals what he will sign (at that moment - five minutes later, who knows?).

You, me, his worshippers - we can't trust what the man says. That is what I have said all along. He is a con man, even more so than he has ever been. I don't know how people have not seen it until now, how some people still don't see it - i do know actually; it is simple human nature, people believe what they want to believe, even to the very end. The 'true believers' will drink that kool aid and follow him right off a cliff. :rolleyes:

I think you just described the majority of people in Washington D.C. They will all say what they need to say to get what they want. They're all charlatans. Trump is simply a different kind. You don't honestly believe Trump is something so much worse than the rest of the rats in DC?

You make it sound like Trump is the first president in history to flip/flop on issues or not to be trusted. News flash, he's not the first and certainly not the last. You know how many times Bush pissed me off by not backing our position like he should have?

Many thought he had no chance of getting elected, and yet he did. Why? Because the rest of Washington D.C. is so corrupt many folks just wanted to try something different. Out of 17 other candidates, I trusted maybe 2 to be actual decent human beings, the rest were as much not to be trusted as Trump. At least half of those people were RINO's and probably would have given us a Hillary-light presidency.

So far, he's done more good than harm, at least by my count. A solid SCOTUS appointment. Of his federal court appointees, I've heard many of Trump's most vapid haters actually praise the names he's put forward in many cases. The tax break, which is congress, was likely not going to happen if Trump wasn't on the phone to these folks getting them to get something done - when was the last time congress pulled off a win like that? Trump isn't congress, but he get credit for getting those folks to move. He's embarrassed the Democrats on DACA/Illegal immigration. It looks like he's going to get the wall, something we really need badly. And deregulation? It's having a tremendous impact on the economy, across multiple sectors, something I've wanted to see for a long time. He's been the first with the guts to really get in and cut out a bunch of government fat - whereas the rest of Washington loves the government fat too much to make those cuts. His stance on the military is solidly conservative to date. His position on defeating groups like ISIS, also solid.

I get that some people hate him with a flaming passion. Personally, I wish he was capable of just shutting up and doing the job, but, unfortunately, that's not him. And some of his policy positions really don't sit well with me, such as his plans for infrastructure that dump a ton of debt on us, again. Still, we are better off than we would have been with Hillary, by a long shot.

I'm dreaming of the ultimate candidate that will strongly and completely support conservative values, say the right things and do the right things. Unfortunately, I think that is only a dream. No matter who we get, we'll have problems.

And as I said before, until I see what actions he actually takes on guns, I'm withholding judgement on his 2A stance. He likes to talk, he likes to say things that get people worked up - but that doesn't always end in a loss for our side. I really don't know. What I do know is that I would be 100% certain of Hillary's position on guns, and with so many weak-kneed Republicans in congress, they'd probably be working with her to pass strict gun control, maybe even give her AWB II. Trump, for all his faults, is not a stupid man. He knows who he needs supporting him, so why piss off his entire base now? Like I said, wait and see. And if he goes anti-2A, I'll be happy to flame on him on that issue.
Well yesterday Trump told America he could grab us by the Bubblegum. Well, America is a lady and will be treated as such. Trump thinks he can have his way.

If Obama had said anything close to that. Had he even framed it as a question, we know what the outcome would have been.
I guess we should be grateful he wants us to get due proses at all?

Wait? Is it still called due proses after the fact? :s0153:
No. And I knew Donnie wasn't the pro gun candidate everyone thought he was, that's why I supportrd Ben Carson and Ted Cruz long before I even considered voting for Trump because we had no choice at the time.

Maybe people will recognize this in the next election. As a libertarian I'm shocked anyone thought Donald Trump was the pro-gun candidate, he wasn't. He was a lesser of two evils, but ya'll had better options from the start.
No. And I knew Donnie wasn't the pro gun candidate everyone thought he was, that's why I supportrd Ben Carson and Ted Cruz long before I even considered voting for Trump because we had no choice at the time.

Maybe people will recognize this in the next election. As a libertarian I'm shocked anyone thought Donald Trump was the pro-gun candidate, he wasn't. He was a lesser of two evils, but ya'll had better options from the start.

Cruz was my top pick. I held out hope up until the end that people would see him as the better choice, unfortunately we got what we got. I think Cruz would have been a great choice. Carson was good, but ultimately, I don't know that he could have handled the presidency well. I do like his views though.
Well, we at least know Cruz has an AR and uses it to cook bacon. o_O

You'd probably see more libertarian candidates who support the 2A than Republican. I liked Rand Paul because was closer to being a libertarian then the other candidates but ultimately I knew he was never going to be the one to run for president so I put my hat in with Carson and Cruz.
Well yesterday Trump told America he could grab us by the Bubblegum. Well, America is a lady and will be treated as such. Trump thinks he can have his way.

If Obama had said anything close to that. Had he even framed it as a question, we know what the outcome would have been.
Yes we do, the media would have fawned over him, like they always did. Obama was no friend of America, with his phone and his pen...
Yeah we did. We've been here over and over and we keep our unity and pack the courts and stand against the democrats year after year. We come from a position of strength because we represent entropy, the lack of action. We only need to block and obstruct and destroy. The democrats need to "do" things. They need to build which is much harder to do. They build. We throw in a monkey wrench. Government runs off the tracks. We win.

We have three more years to sabotage Washington. That's lots of time. We're doing great.

Seems like you're advocating for a disfunctional government? How is that a good thing (we've already got it anyway)?

Entropy is (in general terms) a measure of disorder in a (thermodynamic) system, not lack of action. Applying it to a government would mean that, the higher the entropy, the more chaotic the government is, and the less it accomplishes. Basically, in a social sense, more entropy means more anarchy.
If Trump staves off an Imminent push for an AWB2 (With scraps like form 4473 Ageism and a Bumpstock Ban ) then so be it , and if he gives Leos authority to seize firearms from folks like eMe Criminals and the Florida School shooter and the guy who shot Chris Kyle prior to them killin anyone then so be it . If you have big "Issues" then don't count on your 4473 Form not getting kicked back ...(Its the future ,its what's for Dinner )
Ive had mine stashed for years... However that doesnt really cut it if I don't have the right to use them legally. And as Solzhenitzen said, there is always a willing :eek: snitch or an executioner... Cruz was my first choice, and then I went along with the flip-flop in chief as the Anyone But Cliton choice.... sigh... I believe we will continue to have these mass shootings until ALL personal weapons are confiscated and the federal power is unassailable- and it is ultimately about totalitarian federal power- as in the jackboot smashing our faces forever..
Not me. We were conned. I trust that that we can primary him with a better choice, or the convention refuse him the nomination. Fool me once........

Come on. He'd do a better job and keep his mouth shut about things he doesnt know anything about.

What is the best choice for future 2nd amendment rights?
We often have to vote on either a bad choice. Or a poor one.

President after president we vote into office. And move down the line, hoping for the best.
And we never really get a Champion.

That's frustrating.

But tearing at each other in anger and fear is destructive. And doesn't help with anything, save some satisfaction you may get as you attempt to scorch the earth. o_O
'I know that you thought you heard what you think I said, but I'm here to tell you that what you think you thought you heard me say was not what I meant'.

D Trump - Your Prez.

Seems like you're advocating for a disfunctional government? How is that a good thing (we've already got it anyway)?

I know what entropy means. I am for a caretaker government that does nothing. Maybe runs the FAA and the Smithsonian which is the only real nice place in DC.

Since I can't get that, I advocate a terminally incompetent, impotent government. One that can't agree on anything ever. Send our reprobates to Washington and let them jaw till their dotage.

If you want small government the next best thing is a government that can't actually do anything. A rapacious wolf with no teeth.

The idea that government is helpful is a quaint legacy of the misty past.

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