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Real question. At what economic point would the scales tip faster towards a civil war or even a revolution, in 20+ years?

What happens if credit card APRs gets as high as those shady-but-legal "check cashing"/"payday loans" places, 38.5%?
How high would income taxes have to get for the average workers before they decide its not worth working anymore and that its more profitable to do crime?

Does anyone really believe people won't be converting semiautos into FA weapons and other NFA weapons once a civil war or revolution breaks out?

Maybe thats why one Party hss been hellbent on disarming Americans?
Interesting developments on the Texas border, states declaring their rights against the federal government is how the first civil war started.
As long as there is internet and electricity and warm pizzas are being delivered nobody is going to do anything. Even if people lose their businesses and their life savings and their kids can't read, they still will not do anything. Covid proved that.
I think what Covid proved was that people won't do anything if the government provides enough handouts. My daughter worked for a clothing company that did all their manufacturing in China. The company went tits up at the start of the pandemic when all the factories in China were closed. They had a chain of brick and mortar stores as well contracts with major retailers such as Nordstrom. They couldn't deliver on their contracts and they had no merchandise in their stores. Bankruptcy followed.

Anyway, my daughter was on unemployment for almost 2 years. Thanks to the generous CA system and supplemental federal benefits, she made more on unemployment than her salary with the former company.

The fallout from that period is that employers are still having a hard time filling job openings (I'm sure you know as well as anyone). The unemployment rate looks low but that's because the workforce participation rate (the percentage of unemployed actively looking for work) is way down. People don't want to work anymore.

Take away those government bennies and I think you'd see a much different scenario.
Take away those government bennies and I think you'd see a much different scenario.
To an extent, maybe, but I'm not sure it matters much at this point, since the government will soon be out of money the way things are headed.

The subjects will be content as long as the weed is legal, beer is cheap, they still have their 80" TVs, microwave ovens and the latest smartphone. The subjects don't care that our healthcare system is broken, the imbeciles have taken over our educational system (not that many even have bothered to find out what their children are being taught in the public schools these days), our country's natural beauty is thoroughly despoiled with trash all along the roadways and even throughout the few remaining wilderness areas, the Southwest will run out of water, our justice system is catch and release, our public roads and streets are riddled with potholes and traffic turns ten-minute commutes into hellish two hours ordeals..

We're headed for higher taxes, personal income tax in Washington state, our state is determined to close down all the gun shops and disarm the citizens here, the fentanyl crisis is out of control, businesses are shutting down or moving out of state in droves, the Dems in the statehouse are working to allow convicted felons to vote while they're still incarcerated, a Big Mac costs $6.95 and a Starbucks latte $8.00.

Yet, most of the younger people I talk to regularly seem to think the quality of life up here in the PNW is awesome and the only thing they have a problem with is older white males.

I never would have given the topic of a civil war in the USA even a fleeting thought, but I find myself pondering the notion a lot more often these days.
To an extent, maybe, but I'm not sure it matters much at this point, since the government will soon be out of money the way things are headed.
That's basically what I was trying to get at. Gov't goes bust, no bennies, different scenario.

Yet, most of the younger people I talk to regularly seem to think the quality of life up here in the PNW is awesome and the only thing they have a problem with is older white males.
I'm flabbergasted (my late Mother's favorite word) by the number of young people who use the word "boomer" as an insult, and seem to blame all the world's problems on my generation. Not a healthy development, if you ask me.
I'm flabbergasted (my late Mother's favorite word) by the number of young people who use the word "boomer" as an insult, and seem to blame all the world's problems on my generation. Not a healthy development, if you ask me.
Yep. Just further contributes to the polarization of our society. I do find it insulting when some twenty-something a$$hat with zero life experience uses that term towards me, or in front of me.
That's basically what I was trying to get at. Gov't goes bust, no bennies, different scenario.

I'm flabbergasted (my late Mother's favorite word) by the number of young people who use the word "boomer" as an insult, and seem to blame all the world's problems on my generation. Not a healthy development, if you ask me.
In 2015 my kids came home from High School and reported that their teacher had proclaimed in the classroom that the country's problems were due to the Baby Boomers. Since my wife and I had them late in life, and we were born at the peak of the Baby Boom, the kids realized that the accusation was aimed at us. Fortunately, the kids were aware of how hard we worked to keep the household afloat, and how much we opposed the destructive trends in our society. They made sure we knew what the teachers were trying to slander us, and reported all the subversive stuff they presented in class. The kids had to be careful not to oppose the teachers, since that would lead to retaliation in their grades.

The scary thing is that this was a small town pretty far away from the liberal strongholds of Oregon. Things must be much worse now.
In 2015 my kids came home from High School and reported that their teacher had proclaimed in the classroom that the country's problems were due to the Baby Boomers. Since my wife and I had them late in life, and we were born at the peak of the Baby Boom, the kids realized that the accusation was aimed at us. Fortunately, the kids were aware of how hard we worked to keep the household afloat, and how much we opposed the destructive trends in our society. They made sure we knew what the teachers were trying to slander us, and reported all the subversive stuff they presented in class. The kids had to be careful not to oppose the teachers, since that would lead to retaliation in their grades.

The scary thing is that this was a small town pretty far away from the liberal strongholds of Oregon. Things must be much worse now.
Marxist ideology always has to have an "oppressor" (in this case the baby boomers) and an "oppressed". It's such bullbubblegum, they make up "the oppressor" as they see fit and by what they hear on social media. The message is always "it's unfair, we (or some bullbubblegum "oppressed group") are the victim", never "here is how you can take control of your own life and be successful".
The scary thing is that this was a small town pretty far away from the liberal strongholds of Oregon. Things must be much worse now.
It seems that the disciples of Antonio Gramsci have completed what he called "The Long March Through the Institutions."

I wonder how many Americans realize that the father of our current Secretary of Transportation was co-founder and past-president of the International Gramsci Society.


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