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Just to stay somewhat on topic, Czech this out

Presumably supplied by Czech government, been seeing these pop up. CZ Bren rifles with sightmark optics. This from a Belarusian group of Ukraine TDF

First KelTecs, now sighhtmark... Maybe we can round up some Jennings pistols next?
Russia ceased being a "World Power" with the end of the cold war, America and NATO outspent them and Russia went flat broke, to the point that nobody was getting paid so they all went home to their families and tried to figure out how to eat or heat their flat! The end of the Soviet Empire caused a massive loss of military capabilities as well as material and weapons. Russia could no longer build, let along field modern weapons like Tanks and Jets and warships, systems that cost Millions of Rubbles each, so they do with what is left over, many systems are state of the art 1950's, look at their tanks, still rocking the T-72's, and the jets, a couple of Mig-29's and SU-27's and only a small handful of the more modern types. Their surface fleet is a shadow of it's former self, functioning destroyers are numbered in single digits, cruisers can be counted in one hand with 4 fingers to spare, and carriers, Zip! They claim to have 80ish subs of all types, but in fact have less then 20 that are fully functional. Yea, a real world threat they are!

Now, let's talk Nukes!
At one time, the west estimated that Russia owned several thousand of them, at least they claimed they did, most likely they didn't, but lied to bolster the threat, typical Russian operating procedure! Now, after the fall of the old Soviet Empire, how many of them are still serviceable? Remember Russia is flat broke still, can't afford to pay much of anything to maintain much of anything, (as we have seen with it's rusting hulks of subs and surface ships and lots of other hardware), how many of those hypothetical Nukes do you think they have actually maintained in ready to fly condition? Maybe 2% would be generous, but how many is that number actually, 40 maybe? What about all those supposed chemical artillery shells? How many were left sitting in piles at the depot's not being maintained or even stored properly? How about all the other alleged weapons and munitions, Trucks with Flats, Tanks stuck in mud engines seized? You give Russia far more power then they can actually project, and thus, more of a threat then they actually are, as proved in Ukraine by a bunch of farmers equiped with Western weapon systems that Russia cannot beat! Russia a world power/threat, I think not!

So, Ukraine's chances of winning? I'd say 100% and the real question should be, what happens to Russia now that the curtain has fallen and exposed the great lie? Wanna take bets on what happens next?
China, they are not the global threat ether, with out a serious Navy and experience to sail it, they got nothing to threaten anyone outside the range they can sail, And Nukes, don't bet in them using them, not if they are going to actually occupy whatever it is they are trying to "Win" from the west, so yea! You want to believe China can threaten the United States, go right ahead, outside of Nukes, they got nuffin!
Russia ceased being a "World Power" with the end of the cold war, America and NATO outspent them and Russia went flat broke, to the point that nobody was getting paid so they all went home to their families and tried to figure out how to eat or heat their flat! The end of the Soviet Empire caused a massive loss of military capabilities as well as material and weapons. Russia could no longer build, let along field modern weapons like Tanks and Jets and warships, systems that cost Millions of Rubbles each, so they do with what is left over, many systems are state of the art 1950's, look at their tanks, still rocking the T-72's, and the jets, a couple of Mig-29's and SU-27's and only a small handful of the more modern types. Their surface fleet is a shadow of it's former self, functioning destroyers are numbered in single digits, cruisers can be counted in one hand with 4 fingers to spare, and carriers, Zip! They claim to have 80ish subs of all types, but in fact have less then 20 that are fully functional. Yea, a real world threat they are!

Now, let's talk Nukes!
At one time, the west estimated that Russia owned several thousand of them, at least they claimed they did, most likely they didn't, but lied to bolster the threat, typical Russian operating procedure! Now, after the fall of the old Soviet Empire, how many of them are still serviceable? Remember Russia is flat broke still, can't afford to pay much of anything to maintain much of anything, (as we have seen with it's rusting hulks of subs and surface ships and lots of other hardware), how many of those hypothetical Nukes do you think they have actually maintained in ready to fly condition? Maybe 2% would be generous, but how many is that number actually, 40 maybe? What about all those supposed chemical artillery shells? How many were left sitting in piles at the depot's not being maintained or even stored properly? How about all the other alleged weapons and munitions, Trucks with Flats, Tanks stuck in mud engines seized? You give Russia far more power then they can actually project, and thus, more of a threat then they actually are, as proved in Ukraine by a bunch of farmers equiped with Western weapon systems that Russia cannot beat! Russia a world power/threat, I think not!

So, Ukraine's chances of winning? I'd say 100% and the real question should be, what happens to Russia now that the curtain has fallen and exposed the great lie? Wanna take bets on what happens next?
China, they are not the global threat ether, with out a serious Navy and experience to sail it, they got nothing to threaten anyone outside the range they can sail, And Nukes, don't bet in them using them, not if they are going to actually occupy whatever it is they are trying to "Win" from the west, so yea! You want to believe China can threaten the United States, go right ahead, outside of Nukes, they got nuffin!
I wonder why the US & NATO spend so much money to counter them then?

If Russia is such a joke that Ukraine can kick their bubblegum in a couple of months why does NATO continue expanding, and again, spending billions of dollars to build up defenses against Russia?

Billions of dollars, massive propaganda campaign to thwart a bunch of mongoloids with 60yr old equipment? Hmm....

Then again that's kind of how the US foreign policy establishment rolls... Blow trillions of dollars to defeat backwater 3rd world dumps...

At least we left Afghans with better equipment than they started with
I wonder why the US & NATO spend so much money to counter them then?

If Russia is such a joke that Ukraine can kick their bubblegum in a couple of months why does NATO continue expanding, and again, spending billions of dollars to build up defenses against Russia?

Billions of dollars, massive propaganda campaign to thwart a bunch of mongoloids with 60yr old equipment? Hmm....

Then again that's kind of how the US foreign policy establishment rolls... Blow trillions of dollars to defeat backwater 3rd world dumps...

At least we left Afghans with better equipment than they started with
The Great Military Industrial Complex Ike spoke about!
What better way to build back an economy then the threat posed by a bad guy of the month! Russia played that game for 70+ years, but couldn't keep up, and now with them on the ropes gasping their last, now is the time to hammer them into the dust of history as another failed nation state!

And China is watching this all happen very closely!
As far as Biden saying, Putin could move into a little of Ukraine. If you didn't hear it, go over the few speaking engagements Biden had prior to Putin's invasion. One more of the growing list of blunders.

I don't intend to look through his past jibber jabber when it was dumb the first time. It obviously was not the Green light Putin was waiting for or needed, but it didn't help.
As far as Biden saying, Putin could move into a little of Ukraine. If you didn't hear it, go over the few speaking engagements Biden had prior to Putin's invasion. One more of the growing list of blunders.

I don't intend to look through his past jibber jabber when it was dumb the first time. It obviously was not the Green light Putin was waiting for or needed, but it didn't help.
Our current leader is out of his element when it comes to dealing with a situation like this and with a strong man like Putin.
He's like an old man waving a stick at cloud.
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I have been watching a lot of youtube videos and drawing my own conclusions, plus I have some knowledge from past conflicts. Anyways, I haven't seen a lot of "Sniper Rifles" in action on either side. The pictures of guys carrying scoped Mosin Nagants could very well be rifles looted from homes. Before the full invasion, both sides mostly fielded AK74's or some variation of it. That is unlikely to change for Russia but Ukraine did a general mobilization so they will be getting guns from everywhere to at least double, probably triple and maybe even quadruple the amount of men they have under arms by they time this is over.

So right now all kinds of arms are flowing into Ukraine, but after its over arms will be smuggled out of Ukraine for decades. Most of the guys you see posing for pictures are not the front line professional troops but rather "territory defense" members which would be similar to our national guard but probably with less training, the front line guys are busy fighting Russians, the TO guys hold the ground the front line guys capture. If the tank isn't still smoking and its already rusty, it was knocked out days or weeks earlier.

Its not one sided, but it is lopsided and even though Russia has a huge amount of armor, its obvious they don't have the heart to fight and it shows, they are still good at destroying stationary civilian targets. There has also been a lot of talk of flat tires, I have heard of several theories from lack of maintenance to made in CHI-NA! either way, flat tires and ambushed convoys has taken a heavy toll on the Russian invasion.
As far as Biden saying, Putin could move into a little of Ukraine. If you didn't hear it, go over the few speaking engagements Biden had prior to Putin's invasion. One more of the growing list of blunders.

I don't intend to look through his past jibber jabber when it was dumb the first time. It obviously was not the Green light Putin was waiting for or needed, but it didn't help.
I remember that gaffe. IIRC, it was back in early-to-mid-February, not too far in advance of the invasion.
Something about "a little incursion" into the Ukraine was OK with Biden.
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I would be FAR more concerned with Bidens gaffe the other night when he said Putin was a mad man that needed to be removed from power( Or sum such) and the white house had to try and walk that back after! Putin certainly heard the old Pedo say it live, and knows the old Pedo has no inner monolog and blurts out all kinds of things he shouldn't, so,...............What does Putin think of things now, how might he respond, that he knows how the White House REALLY sees him? Does he go full stupid and unleash hell on earth, or does he tuck tail and runnoft?
Explain to me please the part of the Nazi ideology that doesn't incite violence :s0093:
I think you misunderstood the point of my post. You won't find me defending nazism, in any way. My point, in regards to the illustration you posted, was just that certain groups in our current society (antifa) promote violence against their ideological opponents, and excuse it by saying that it's necessary to resist "Nazis/Fascism".

Nazism and the swastika are fringe territory in the US, nearly universally reviled. As such, it's a useful tool to smear your enemies with. Want to excuse the bad behavior of radicals and extremists on your own side? Just say they're fighting "Nazis"...
The Great Military Industrial Complex Ike spoke about!
What better way to build back an economy then the threat posed by a bad guy of the month! Russia played that game for 70+ years, but couldn't keep up, and now with them on the ropes gasping their last, now is the time to hammer them into the dust of history as another failed nation state!

And China is watching this all happen very closely!
The stock market is still up over 30k and there are far more open jobs that willing bodies to fill them... for those who want to work, things are going okay..

Boosting profits for Raytheon or Lockheed isnt going to improve the lives of the average American... We will still suffer the inflation that will come from printing more money to pay for this bubblegum... we will still suffer high gas prices, especially if the conflict spreads or involves shipping routes or other oil producers... food prices will increase because of the disruptions from the war, especially if it continues to devastate Ukraines and Russias ag regions... or even if it escalates to the point that countries turn to conscription and there arent enough people to work the farms beyond local/military needs...

We are going to be bubblegumed for a long time in this scenario... even if US wins, you and I will suffer economically.

Nevermind the lives lost... how many Americans do we want to throw at this? We havent fought a proper war in a couple of generations. What did we lose, 40 in Korea? 60k in Vietnam? How many do we lose in a full scale war in Europe this time?

Its a stupid plan... Putin can be contained easy enough. Ukraine is not the hill I want my country to suffer over.
Obviously if Putin rolls on NATO, all bets are off. But at this point, going for regime change in Russia is a bad idea.

What happens if Putin goes down? Civil war? How many factions spring up in that conflict... who do we side with? Who secures the 1000s of nukes? Viable or not for launch right now is irrelevant... that material will proliferate like a motherbubblegumer and imagine the destabilization that comes from that... No way Iran doesnt get a hold of a few amidst the chaos.

Nevermind China... do we leave Taiwan hanging? So now its a two front war with a military leadership more worried about woke bubblegum and ideologically purging the ranks... then our political leadership... God help us if bubblegum goes down. We have the best fighters in the world... but if they are constantly hamstrung by bullbubblegum and politicians, its a tough road to victory

I get it... im just not so gung ho about starting a land war in Europe
The stock market is still up over 30k and there are far more open jobs that willing bodies to fill them... for those who want to work, things are going okay..

Boosting profits for Raytheon or Lockheed isnt going to improve the lives of the average American... We will still suffer the inflation that will come from printing more money to pay for this bubblegum... we will still suffer high gas prices, especially if the conflict spreads or involves shipping routes or other oil producers... food prices will increase because of the disruptions from the war, especially if it continues to devastate Ukraines and Russias ag regions... or even if it escalates to the point that countries turn to conscription and there arent enough people to work the farms beyond local/military needs...

We are going to be bubblegumed for a long time in this scenario... even if US wins, you and I will suffer economically.

Nevermind the lives lost... how many Americans do we want to throw at this? We havent fought a proper war in a couple of generations. What did we lose, 40 in Korea? 60k in Vietnam? How many do we lose in a full scale war in Europe this time?

Its a stupid plan... Putin can be contained easy enough. Ukraine is not the hill I want my country to suffer over.
Obviously if Putin rolls on NATO, all bets are off. But at this point, going for regime change in Russia is a bad idea.

What happens if Putin goes down? Civil war? How many factions spring up in that conflict... who do we side with? Who secures the 1000s of nukes? Viable or not for launch right now is irrelevant... that material will proliferate like a motherbubblegumer and imagine the destabilization that comes from that... No way Iran doesnt get a hold of a few amidst the chaos.

Nevermind China... do we leave Taiwan hanging? So now its a two front war with a military leadership more worried about woke bubblegum and ideologically purging the ranks... then our political leadership... God help us if bubblegum goes down. We have the best fighters in the world... but if they are constantly hamstrung by bullbubblegum and politicians, its a tough road to victory

I get it... im just not so gung ho about starting a land war in Europe
1) We'll have to be able to take more pain than Putin.
Outlast him.
I don't think that will happen.

2) The Russian generals sack up and put Putin under house arrest.
The stock market is still up over 30k and there are far more open jobs that willing bodies to fill them... for those who want to work, things are going okay..

Boosting profits for Raytheon or Lockheed isnt going to improve the lives of the average American... We will still suffer the inflation that will come from printing more money to pay for this bubblegum... we will still suffer high gas prices, especially if the conflict spreads or involves shipping routes or other oil producers... food prices will increase because of the disruptions from the war, especially if it continues to devastate Ukraines and Russias ag regions... or even if it escalates to the point that countries turn to conscription and there arent enough people to work the farms beyond local/military needs...

We are going to be bubblegumed for a long time in this scenario... even if US wins, you and I will suffer economically.

Nevermind the lives lost... how many Americans do we want to throw at this? We havent fought a proper war in a couple of generations. What did we lose, 40 in Korea? 60k in Vietnam? How many do we lose in a full scale war in Europe this time?

Its a stupid plan... Putin can be contained easy enough. Ukraine is not the hill I want my country to suffer over.
Obviously if Putin rolls on NATO, all bets are off. But at this point, going for regime change in Russia is a bad idea.

What happens if Putin goes down? Civil war? How many factions spring up in that conflict... who do we side with? Who secures the 1000s of nukes? Viable or not for launch right now is irrelevant... that material will proliferate like a motherbubblegumer and imagine the destabilization that comes from that... No way Iran doesnt get a hold of a few amidst the chaos.

Nevermind China... do we leave Taiwan hanging? So now its a two front war with a military leadership more worried about woke bubblegum and ideologically purging the ranks... then our political leadership... God help us if bubblegum goes down. We have the best fighters in the world... but if they are constantly hamstrung by bullbubblegum and politicians, its a tough road to victory

I get it... im just not so gung ho about starting a land war in Europe
Your a real ray of bubbleguming sunshine arn'tcha"?
Right now, NATO is the largest and most powerful that it's been in a long time, And more united then they have been since 1962. Putin rolled the dice and came up snake eyes, and his gamble will change Russia forever! What comes out of this I do not know, but what I do know is: Ukraine joins NATO, Russia fades away into oblivion, and Europe gets to decide how to divide the spoils! Ukraine takes it's place as the "New" power in Eurasia and we no longer suffer the Russian Boogeyman!
The west influences Ukraine to clean it's act, and Europe gets it's oil and gas, Albet under new management!
So what of the Russian people? What happens to them? Do they get to vote to join the new Ukrainian union, cast off the old Soviet for good, or do they quabble among each other until they get conquered by the biggest bully, failing to clean their own house of all the corruptions?
To me, Ukraine winning means pushing Russians out and restoring the borders to where they were at rhe beginning of the conflict.
Not including Crimea

If you think Russia is losing 4:1 ... Maybe you should look elsewhere for information besides CNN, Tony Blinken or Zelensky.

Here is a map of Russias territorial gains thus far. This is put out by French MoD.
View attachment 1164595

Almost everything east of the Dneiper is in Russian hands, even if Ukrainians are putting up a fight still, they cant claim it. The Russian flag flies over Mariupol too.

A good amount, likely a majority of Ukrainian military sites have been hit... From airbases to storage facilities.
If this was not the case, why are they begging for more planes? Why are they buying more drones from Turkey?

Do you think they need more equipment because they are whooping Russia so badly that they need more capacity to destroy them faster? If you believe that, how do you explain the gains Russia has made?

Russia has an active force of 1mil, 5th largest in the world... You really think theyve lost so many men in this last month theyre resorting to a draft... Again, seek info from other sources.

I'm not some russophile cheering Putin on...
But the propaganda campaign here is so mindblowingly stupid from the Ghost of Kiev & the Snake Island story to Russians are blowing up kids in schools...
I cant believe people who seemingly have some discernment for govt BS are lapping it up.
The Russian flag does not fly over Mariupol. Someone may want to let the TikTok Kadyrovs in on the fact that Mariupol sits on the other side of the Kalmius river.

I'm not exactly sure how you're looking at that map and coming to the conclusion that "Almost everything East of the Dneiper is in Russian hands". The Russians haven't even been able to expand to the administrative borders of the Donbas and Luhansk regions. The Russians have control over one (major)city Kherson, and UKR forces have recently been making inroads in the region with counter-attacks, and regaining territory.

The Russians are facing a severe resupply conundrum. They never planned for the invasion to have stretched on for as long as it has. Numerous equipment resupply trucks and fuel tankers have been destroyed, leaving the Russians limited in how far they're able to advance without being completely cut-off.

As for equipment...

The Ukrainians actually have more tanks than they started the conflict with. They've lost approx. 74 and have captured at least 117 = Net sum gain.

If Russia is so stocked, why are they begging China for equipment? Russia is already having to pull reserves from Georgia to Syria to Tajikistan, and their mediation of the Azerbaijan conflict; risking vulnerabilities in those regions that they are trying to assert control over.

It is you my friend that needs to step away from 'dubious sources' that are feeding into your confirmation bias.

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