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The only difference I see between the holocaust and the Indians or the zillions of other people killed in history in the name of religion or genocide is that nobody here is denying the existence of the other holocausts. That's the only odd part to me.

It happened, and it could happen again. Even here in America.

Don't think for a second that the American people are somehow morally superior to the Germans in 1930-1945. The sad way that people either goble up media propaganda or just turn a blind eye to it is clear proof to me that we could throw all of our rednecks and patriots into gas chambers if the powers that be decided we were the new "Terrorists"

In fact, the NDAA paved the way for that.
What's funny is that the link Blitz gave is from a guy who is NOT a trained historian and is only published in his own "journal"....and is hard to read. His writing style is horrid....and he provides no real evidence, just a lot of innuendo.

But hey, that's just me.

I understand, the holohoax is part of your religion. Yes there have been genocides (including of white people) but that time it didn't happen. It is pro-aganda to empower the supposed victims, and many have fallen for it. Hell, WW3 looks to start over it

Attacking the author (like attacking me, the mere messenger) is pure ad hominem attack.,. that means a lost argument from the get-go

And yes, there is a planned genocide in America.. it's already well underway.. how are your finances? How will you survive if the economy totally collapses? Somebodies had best google the Holomdor that happened in the Ukraine in the 1930s. Anyone heard of "Dr Zhivago"? Want 3 guesses who was behind the so called "Red Revolution" and the genocides there?
Blitz, honest question - and you can PM me if you don't want to share publicly. You're trolling everyone, aren't you? If so, it's a work of art.
Blitz, honest question - and you can PM me if you don't want to share publicly. You're trolling everyone, aren't you? If so, it's a work of art.

Can I direct the same question back at you? I see you as an internet plant for enemy forces. You meet all the markers. For one thing you are Johnny on the spot to refute what I assert, almost as if your pay grade depends on it

I am in deadly ernest in my posts
Blitz, how many holocaust deniers have proven their cases in courts of law, in which they sued others for slander? I tried reading that "book" you linked, but like I said, it was impossible to read. There is no EVIDENCE cited....just a lot of innuendo and supposition.

Albert Speer admitted what went on during did other Germans. From my personal contact with Germans while living there for over five years during the 70's, I know that the German people were aware of it...not all of them, sure, and those that were aware weren't able to do anything about it...but it happened.

I seriously can't understand why some people fail to admit that it happened. Either you have 88 inked on your body all over, or you are just learning disabled...I can't decide which it is...

And no, the holocaust is not a part of my religion, truth is....
All you distractors from the OP nobody is buying your distraction from the dirt bag holder and bho in regard to F & F Give it a rest cause nobody cares for the hijack.

What does the holocaust have to due with guns other than the nazis took them away from the citizens so they could do what they did. Lesson learned move on.
back on topic...Univision is doing some great work on finding the guns and showing what is happening with them in Mexico....

Univision report: Fast and Furious Scandal: How the U.S. government armed Mexican drug cartels - Conservative News
Yes they are. The Daily Caller has another write up here:

Univision report connects Operation Fast and Furious scandal to murders of Mexican teenagers | The Daily Caller
"Univision News identified a total of 57 more previously unreported firearms that were bought by straw purchasers monitored by ATF during Operation Fast and Furious, and then recovered in Mexico in sites related to murders, kidnappings, and at least one other massacre," the Univision report reads.


The network also uncovered another Fast and Furious weapons "massacre." On September 2, 2009, 18 young men were killed at "El Aliviane, a rehabilitation center in Ciudad Juarez," according to the report.

Univision found many of these victims through "access to the list of serial numbers for weapons used in Fast and Furious" and the "list of guns seized in Mexico," according to English subtitles on the Spanish-language video.

"After cross-referencing them both lists, it became clear that a least a hundred of them were used in crimes of all kinds," the subtitles read. "We found 57 weapons that were not mentioned in [the U.S.] Congress' investigation."

Though Univision tracked many more victims down, it said that "the death toll that this free flow of weapons authorized by ATF had in Mexico has not been tallied."

Univision held nothing back in its broadcast, airing images and video of bloodied, dead bodies. The network showed the faces of the dead and walked viewers through how cartel operatives hunted their victims down with the weapons President Barack Obama's administration allowed straw buyers to traffick to them.

I can't understand why the liberal press isn't all over this....oh, wait, it's because it is a Dem. President?
For many, there is little belief that the American press has no liberal bias.
I hope for at least some, they will be forced to acknowledge the FACT that if our mainstream media was doing it's job of honestly informing Americans, more reports from this side of the border would have exposed this atrocity long ago.
I believe the American media is as much to blame for this as anyone.
If this admin had known going in that they'd never get away with sweeping this under the rug, they'd have NEVER done it.
But they knew the press would help keep their corruption and ineptitude under wraps.

Thus validating your "liberal press" assertion Ross!
Wow! I didn't know about Operation Gangwalker. Supplying guns to Chicago's murderers by allowing felons to purchase though the NICS system. Which makes felons out of everybody who allowed the criminals to acquire the guns. Now I understand why the murders in Chicago go unreported.

I remember how bad the killings were in Mexico a few years back, it was a war zone.

Odd isn't it that every time there is a huge wave of murders our gov turns out to be one of the arms suppliers, purposely.

You know what this means right? I now have to watch Univision on a regular basis to find out whats going on in the US just like I watch British media.

PJ Media » Gunwalker Explodes into the Heartland

Sipsey Street Irregulars: Codrea Exclusive: "Project Gangwalker?" More gunwalking -- in INDIANA! FBI manipulated NICS system in favor of felons, AGAIN! What did Traver know?
I'm a Christian, but not a "religious" man and I don't care if one believes it or not, or to what depth one believes (or not)... but there is NO WAY that those who perpetuate evil on this scale, and those who aid and abet such evil will not get a major smackdown on "the other side" when all of our puny lives are over...
Originally Posted by Gunnerboy
I dont understand how everyone gets so worked up over the holocaust? come on America did the same to the Native americans we put them in concentra...err reservations and gave them diseases to kill them off, the Soviets murdered twice as many as the Nazi's, We massacred villages in Vietnam, The Brits massacred africans up until the 50s, The africans have been massacring each other for centuries, the Japanese massacred the Chinese, Koreans, and Manchurians during ww2 and far before that. So all man kind has the same intent to kill and conquer so everyone just calm down, and besides if you dont like all of blitz posts Misterbill, than quit adding fuel to his fire.
Ya, the holocaust was just a hiccup in history. Because hey, 11,MILLION people were butchered as a adjunct to world power grabs. -EXCEPT THAT THAT THEY Fing WEREN'T!

They were murdered as a specific and systematic intention of the Third Reich, as documented en mass and in detail in their own disgusting documents.

FU and to any other holocaust denier. You are as evil as the perpetrators. Burn in Hell, which I don't even believe in. But for YOU, I wish there was such a place.
I dont deny the holocaust i know it happened, what i said you inbred, piece of bubblegum is that all PEOPLE are the same, if you cant read that then go take your false information and your accusations and shove them up your ***. And being your a darwinist, i am baffled by how you have not been eliminated by your supreme stupidity and ignorance, never have i seen someone as stupid and flat out ignorant as you sir, i would way rather spend a day in a room full of black panthers(which i am white) than one minute with the lie spewing sack of bubblegum that your are Misterbill.
Oh for gods sake take this crap someplace else, this is a grownups thread.

I agree.
Please note the topic line.
This is far too important to get this thread closed.

Maybe Blitz will start a Holocaust thread and you guys can "debate" it there.

AT the moment, we need all eyes on the ball, and the ball is the magnitude of Fast & Furious and it's implications.
Thank you Jamie!

Devastating Univision report airs on Fast & Furious

A hard-hitting Univision documentary about Operation Fast and Furious that aired Sunday is creating a media tsunami that will be difficult for the Obama administration to dodge because it uses graphic footage of Mexican crime scenes, and points the finger of blame directly at the gun walking scandal.

<broken link removed>
I agree.
Please note the topic line.
This is far too important to get this thread closed.

Maybe Blitz will start a Holocaust thread and you guys can "debate" it there.

AT the moment, we need all eyes on the ball, and the ball is the magnitude of Fast & Furious and it's implications.

This is the libtards goal. Silence the truth

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