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One thing that always gets to me about a western movie (fiction) where a group of bullies or a single bully/bad guy, whatever, takes over a community, cowering them into submission, is that the whole community together outnumbers them, has guns, but just lets them have their way.

Now maybe this is how some people would react, maybe not. But I can't help but think - watching the fictional portrayal, that all they have to do is pick off the bad guys one at a time, or if just one guy, shoot him in the back with a rifle from a distance, or bushwack him with a shotgun - whatever works. The bad guys don't have eyes in the back of their heads and ambushing them could work well.

In a country where the guns outnumber the people, putting oneself out there as a marauder in a SHTF scenario, is just asking to get shot/stabbed/run over with a car - just plain killed then hung from a light post with the sign "Sic semper tyrannis" (or something to that effect) around their necks.
Most folks who aren't willing to push back are going to accept any form of order. Those westerns may over simplify this fact, but I see truth in the story.
If there is some semblance of order - maybe the tendency is to go with the flow.

OTOH, with the chaos of a gang going around taking food and raping the women, then the "order" becomes the resistance to that chaos.
Gangs invariably have a leader of some sort. This person, or small group of people, will see the opportunity to contain the herd of sheeple. All they need is to regulate their dog pack . It's played out daily all over the world since the beginning of civilization.
Just thinking but would rather reflect on more of your opinions on the matter, I don't see the marauders going to homes for some time as not much there worth getting shot for. I think they would probably be fighting rival gangs for the stores like Costco etc. Take it and hold it because they can't loot enough.

Whats your opinions? :s0093:
Blunt honesty.
I don't see those "marauders " doing much of anything. Just like the militia types you see hanging out on occasional camping trips. These are larpers who pretend to be criminals .

Bottom line, when things really go south everyone will do what they know and not much more. So , if these wannabe Lord Humongous fools aren't already out road warrioring for real today, they won't be 48hrs after armageddon either.
Blunt honesty.
I don't see those "marauders " doing much of anything. Just like the militia types you see hanging out on occasional camping trips. These are larpers who pretend to be criminals .

Bottom line, when things really go south everyone will do what they know and not much more. So , if these wannabe Lord Humongous fools aren't already out road warrioring for real today, they won't be 48hrs after armageddon either.
I kinda follow the Golden Horde theory in the event of collapse. stores would be empty in 3-5 days and all the people in the cities would stream out of those cities like hungry locusts. following the roads and branching out looking for food. or starving in FEMA camps.
Blunt honesty.
I don't see those "marauders " doing much of anything. Just like the militia types you see hanging out on occasional camping trips. These are larpers who pretend to be criminals .

Bottom line, when things really go south everyone will do what they know and not much more. So , if these wannabe Lord Humongous fools aren't already out road warrioring for real today, they won't be 48hrs after armageddon either.
If I hadn't have seen riots, looting and burning in the big cities for the last few years I might agree with you 100%. Yet the culture seems to crash as Antifa and blm do as they please so yes the marauders may be impotent but there are other gangs I think will fill the shoes.

Still I doubt any of them will be in a hurry to go home to home for loot when the big stores have all they need.
It's the ability to read individuals in a group quickly, and the willingness to act without hesitation or mercy that will defeat them.
See the alpha(s) and strike first. No Quarter.
Just about Precisely how I feel about it. I know anyone i would want to be around afterwards will be sheltering in place and not larping gypsy on a whim.
So just just being out on the street right afterwards will be a huge mark against them in "my book" i would absolutely shoot anyone on sight without hesitation if i saw neighborhood arson etc. Id consider that arson on my own home in that scenario. "Bubblegum" can and i think will get out of hand exponentially quick. Entire forests and neighborhoods will burn. Evil will do what evil does without any regard or remorse.

"All that's required for evil to prevail, is for good men to stand by and do nothing" i will die fighting, not standing idly by waiting. I will be vigilant..
If I hadn't have seen riots, looting and burning in the big cities for the last few years I might agree with you 100%. Yet the culture seems to crash as Antifa and blm do as they please so yes the marauders may be impotent but there are other gangs I think will fill the shoes.

Still I doubt any of them will be in a hurry to go home to home for loot when the big stores have all they need.
I don't see any fat stupid camo'd out fake viking "squads " in the riot regulars.

The people out rioting are good at it because they have practice. It's routine for them.
And don't forget, some of the best of them are nomadic. They are purposely being moved around the country from city to city.
still, if the marauders decide to loot the average home they will get a bunch of Chinese junk, an old coffee pot and a half a roll of TP. Majority are not preppers with huge hoardes of goods. Heck I don't have a neighbor that doesn't shop for food every week so two weeks into a shtf and its all gone from the average house.
I'm old. I'm tired. I'll send a bunch of them to their leader in Hell and then...

This world is not my home
I'm just passing through
My treasures are laid up
Somewhere beyond the blue

The Angels beckon me
From Heaven's open door
And I can't feel at home
In this world anymore

Oh Lord, you know
I have no friend like you
If Heaven's not my home
Then Lord what will I do

The Angels beckon me
From Heaven's open door
And I can't feel at home
In this world anymore

These are all good reasons to get to know your neighbors. Try to figure out who will fight, who won't and who might betray you.
If I hadn't have seen riots, looting and burning in the big cities for the last few years I might agree with you 100%. Yet the culture seems to crash as Antifa and blm do as they please so yes the marauders may be impotent but there are other gangs I think will fill the shoes.

Still I doubt any of them will be in a hurry to go home to home for loot when the big stores have all they need.
Makes sense, except that the miscreants doing the rioting downtown right now basically go home every night to shelter food, electricity and internet. If some sort of game changing SHTF collapse occurred, most of these types would probably sit still until they ran out of their own and then their friends food. Then they may have a couple of days of localized scavenging before reality hits them. At that point the great starve off will begin. Within three weeks of the event kick off, you won't have to worry about many of them. The ones still able to go about wandering will be weak and desperate. It's unlikely that any of the downtown riot crowd have prepared for much beyond their next Uber eats delivery of doritos. The scenarios will be different outside the city and outside the metro area.
When the SHTF, there are no friends, only survivors.

I completely disagree with that statement. If a truly catastrophic event happens, we're going to be relying on each other much more than we do now. People who are arrogant and self-centered will have a much harder time than those who are willing to work together.

I think our circle of friends would grow dramatically, because of our need for each other.

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