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We just got our first know case here in Idaho as of yesterday.Lady that got it in her 50's and has had it a couple weeks. Mild to moderate flu-like symptoms. THATS IT!!! That is what you are going to see in 98% of these cases. Stop freaking out people!!! It IS the flu. People are going to get sick. VERY few are going to die! Practice good hygiene and maybe hunker down if you can. If you can't try to at least keep you distance. Buy TP if you want- you'll need it someday anyway. Buy some extra food- you'll eat it anyway! Have some extra supplies- you should have had them anyway! Go in public if you want. Carry some sanitizer if you want. Be careful you will, most likely, be fine. STOP THE MADNESS though. That FEAR is whats going to kill you not this Virus! IF its your time its your time nothing you can do about that! My heart is right with my Lord. Im not frightened ONE bit!!! Just my 2c!

Seems like every 10 pages someone new enters into this thing. Please see my post on page 1, it is the very first post. Please read the Academics section.

Comparing it to the flu at this point in time is naive. The flu has had an entire season to amass deaths. Do you really think that nCov would have amassed just as many in the two-ish months that it has been here? No, of course not. And I see that you're not taking a case study of 1 month of flu vs 1 month of nCov in order to draw a more direct comparison. No, you're looking at months of flu vs two months of nCov. (BTW, even the 1:1 month comparison isn't true as there existed many more patients with flu at the start than with nCov in the USA) What you are missing is that the flu usually kills ~0.1% while nCov is up near ~3-4%. Even at 2%, it's over 10x more lethal. Put it this way, in 1000 patients, 1 will die of flue. of the same 1000 with nCov, 100-200 may need hospitalization, 10-20 ICU care, and ~20-40 die.

Do I have your attention?

And you're not taking into account the average 10 days it takes between newly infected populations to show up. That means 10 days between patient 1 and patient 2, 10 more to get to patients 4, 10 more to 8, and so on and on. Does it make sense yet that these things take time? Pop quiz: How long do we expect it to take to reach 100,000 cases?

The average hospital stay for those that need it is 2-4 weeks. Those are big numbers once the total infected reaches the tipping point. Case in point: Italy.

Better case in point: South Korea. Know why they are so darn under control with this? Because their citizens take quarantines seriously - they don't think, "Ah, I feel fine, going to the movies." They take it seriously! And they've got the most in control process seen so far along with the lowest hospitalization and death rate.

You may be ready to meet your maker and good for you if you are. But don't require others to share your outlook on life.

Everyone agrees with you on the stupid panic buying and TP hoarding. That's not what is happening here.
I am with you. I have no idea why people are so dumb with all the well educated people are here. I think there is a systematic state of denial which is cultural and discounts academic information.

I too have been stunned by the degree of anti-intellectualism contained in some contributions.

Would be nice to know which city. But would that push some people over the edge.


I noticed that too. They did the same thing with the patient in Douglas County. (I presume he's being treated in Roseburg, which has the most medical infrastructure in that county, but there is no way to know.)

I'm trying to think of good analogies to help people understand the seriousness of what is going on. I'm reading reports from physicians in seattle and it really feels like they are in vietnam. Their government has failed them, they still cant get adequate testing, they cant get proper protection, half the staff is sent home sick, they are asking for emergency volunteers form all over the US and they are going to be dying to try to help people who the government has failed. My heart has fallen.

So how about this? Dirty bombs (not nuclear bombs but bombs that spread radioactive material)just went off in every city in the US. You cant escape to another city. If you go out you are going to get radiation. Some will die right away, others will carry it back into the home and kill their elderly parents.

There is no one coming to clean up the city, people are flying in from cities with more radiation with bags of fallout with them.

Your best bet is to hunker down at home, protect yourself., stay away from the contamination and contaminated people.
There is NO BENEFIT to telling people not to worry at this point. Yeah it is stupid to buy up all the TP but people should not feel safe going about their usual business.

This is from a physician in a hospital in Washington

  • we have 21 pts and 11 deaths since 2/28.
  • we are seeing pts who are young (20s), fit, no comorbidities, critically ill. It does happen.
  • US has been past containment since January
  • Currently, all of ICU is for critically ill COVIDs, all of floor medsurg for stable COVIDs and EOL care, half of PCU, half of ER. New resp-sx pts Pulmonary Clinic offshoot is open
  • CDC is no longer imposing home quarantine on providers who were wearing only droplet iso PPE when intubating, suctioning, bronching, and in one case doing bloody neurosurgery. Expect when it comes to your place you may initially have staff home-quarantined. Plan for this NOW. Consider wearing airborne iso PPE for aerosol-generating procedures in ANY pt in whom you suspect COVID, just to prevent the mass quarantines.
  • we ran out of N95s (thanks, Costco hoarders) and are bleaching and re-using PAPRs, which is not the manufacturer's recommendation. Not surprised on N95s as we use mostly CAPRs anyway, but still.
The profit driven administrator heavy healthcare system is already stretched extremely thin. Those numbers mean nothing because 6500 tests for 7.4 million people is criminally inadequate. They should be testing 10,000 ever day. 10% of them are going to need critical care and the hospitals in Seattle are already calling for emergency volunteer staff from around the nation. If you get a pneumonia or are in a car accident or have a heart attack, those beds are already filled and you will be dying in the ER or in the ambulance.

If you are going be in denial, the worst thing to do is to try and convince everyone else that everything is fine. This is a website mostly filled with self sufficient people who prepare for the worst more than any other group of people. We are in the start of the worst thing that has happened to the world since WWII and you guys are telling people it is fine to jump on a ship to Europe with u-boats in the water.

Thank you for telling it how it is. I've always appreciated your posts, @bolus, but in this thread it has been nothing short of invaluable.

First of all, neither the Federal or State Government will save your hairy behind. Most of us are only tax payers in their eyes, "read expendable to some extent".

Dot Gov has been completely worthless since day one and likely will continue to be so.

Everyone agrees with you on the stupid panic buying and TP hoarding. That's not what is happening here.

Bingo. I'm tired of that word "panic" being thrown around as if those who are saying get ready are advocating that. No one has done that in this thread. Anyone in their right mind knows that panic is at best stupid and wasteful and at worst can get one hurt or killed. Put another way, no one is saying lose your mind, many are saying use it. :)
I agree with what you have to say, but I am thinking the "madness" is two fold. 1. Madness from the left as unstable emotional people that elected emotional politicians who are not "practical"; hence the panic attacks. 2. Lots of "practical" people were prepared before this Cov 19 hit and "topped" off their supplies.

The is the "political" side; from manipulative politicians that want to use the Cov 19 but as a threatening tool to manipulate votes. just my 2 cents.

Just heard from a local guy that there was early morning pushing and shoving here at the west side Portland Winco. Aparently they opened at 8 am and restocked between midnight to 5 0r 6 or so in the AM. In New York City, the great leadership of civilized men and women, there was a video of a fist fight at the Brooklyn Costco where one person was carried out in an ambulance stretcher over a fight for bottled water. Gotta love the role models of the citizens in New York. Really nice people there with a great reputation of being both civilized and humanitarian ?!
Well said, I too believe most of the hysteria is FUELED by the left wing media!!! Honestly I today went out a toped off my gas cans. Something I do every six months. I keep a good amount on site. I have toped off a few other necessities also as of late. I live in the Boonies though and thats what people who live out here do as a way of life. Not preppers just prepared for bumps in the road. Thats how my parents/grandparents lived! Too many these days live week to week and paycheck to paycheck. Some have to, BUT many spend everything they make because they have no sense of delayed gratification. Hopefully this will be a learning experience for all. Many need the lesson IMO>
Free two week trial of Disney plus started today! :cool:
Also if u want to see free subscription tv shows or some free current movies go to in chrome browser and hit translate button. Don't laugh too hard at some of the translations though. :p If u install "video and tvcast| chromecast" app on ur phone u can cast movie to a chrome cast capable tv.
Last Edited:
Had half a mind to buy a couple carton of smokes, ya know, like prison currency to haggle with the purrel and TP barter folks.

inb4 alcohol hoarders come run a monopoly on everything. Or maybe the ammo hoarders, like in the metro series, brass bullets are currency.
Seems like every 10 pages someone new enters into this thing. Please see my post on page 1, it is the very first post. Please read the Academics section.

Comparing it to the flu at this point in time is naive. The flu has had an entire season to amass deaths. Do you really think that nCov would have amassed just as many in the two-ish months that it has been here? No, of course not. And I see that you're not taking a case study of 1 month of flu vs 1 month of nCov in order to draw a more direct comparison. No, you're looking at months of flu vs two months of nCov. (BTW, even the 1:1 month comparison isn't true as there existed many more patients with flu at the start than with nCov in the USA) What you are missing is that the flu usually kills ~0.1% while nCov is up near ~3-4%. Even at 2%, it's over 10x more lethal. Put it this way, in 1000 patients, 1 will die of flue. of the same 1000 with nCov, 100-200 may need hospitalization, 10-20 ICU care, and ~20-40 die.

Do I have your attention?

And you're not taking into account the average 10 days it takes between newly infected populations to show up. That means 10 days between patient 1 and patient 2, 10 more to get to patients 4, 10 more to 8, and so on and on. Does it make sense yet that these things take time? Pop quiz: How long do we expect it to take to reach 100,000 cases?

The average hospital stay for those that need it is 2-4 weeks. Those are big numbers once the total infected reaches the tipping point. Case in point: Italy.

Better case in point: South Korea. Know why they are so darn under control with this? Because their citizens take quarantines seriously - they don't think, "Ah, I feel fine, going to the movies." They take it seriously! And they've got the most in control process seen so far along with the lowest hospitalization and death rate.

You may be ready to meet your maker and good for you if you are. But don't require others to share your outlook on life.

Everyone agrees with you on the stupid panic buying and TP hoarding. That's not what is happening here.
Let me clarify my position. I am a retired medical provider. I have MANY years in the field. Use universal precautions and limit your exposure and most will be fine. However if you want to panic and spend your time worrying about what if. Knock yourselves out. Im not worried one bit. If I get sick I will treat the symptoms and in a couple weeks Ill be fine. Do what you can to bolster your immune system. Eat good whole foods not the crap that many ingest on a daily basis. Your immune systems are centered in your gut!!! A healthy gut will go a very long way to combat ANY pathogen! Nuff said I'm outta here! Worriers rejoice!!! Get right with God and its a win/win!!!
I noticed that too. They did the same thing with the patient in Douglas County. (I presume he's being treated in Roseburg, which has the most medical infrastructure in that county, but there is no way to know.)

Patient was treated @ Mercy in Roseburg and sent home, before being held long enough to test negative. Hopefully they and family are self quarantining at home.... not sure of that.
This thread deserves a "time capsule" rating, not just a pinning. Something forever permanent on this board. This will happen again at some point in time and it would be wise to have some history to relate to.

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