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Now, surpassing acquired OCD (what with the repeated hand washing) we should now all become agoraphobics...interesting.


I LIKE you and I have always liked you but I do not understand this. Maybe it is a joke or not. I am confused. I am NOT trying to start a fight either!

Hand washing and keeping yourself clean is one of the most important factors to good health whether there is an ILLNESS going around or not.

I am sure that most kids learned this from their family. You could get dirty playing in the dirt or from baseball or on the sand at the beach from swimming or at a pool but when you got home - you CLEANED UP. You washed your hands before you ate a meal or set a table. You washed your hands after using a bathroom. You put on clean clothes after you showered or bathed. You washed your hands several times a day and especially after handling MONEY or your mail or touching things in public.

My MT husband has always worn gloves especially in the last several years when he gets gas and shops at a store. IT is not some new thing to him either.

My late husband wore gloves when he got gas too.


In the military - most men really took care of their feet - whether they were in Nam or not due to jungle rot feet. Plus being in some foreign countries where it was hot/sweaty/dirty. Did they have a foot fetish? LOL NO.

On a USN SHIP or in any enclosed space - you kept clean. You did not want your space or your health compromised on a destroyer or on a carrier.

The first thing that most troops did especially AFTER my late husband's USN Nam time and around the world time did when they (Air NG) landed in a war zone, in any foreign country or playing war games (Stateside and overseas.) was set up a runway and COOKING - CLEANING AREAS FOR SANITATION. Civil Engineers did this in all branches including in the Air NG Fighter Wing which he was in. He had a NON .gov job too.

EDITED: Fighter not fighting wing. TYPO!

WHY did they set up tents or temporary buildings and so forth for keeping clean? Showers, etc. To keep the troops clean. Kitchen areas for the cooks and to keep food preparation clean. They did not set up outhouses next to a cooking area either.

Another point. Staying home from work or school or from a crowded, closed up place if you are very ILL makes sense because you do not contaminate other people. MOST people knew that even when they were little - it was ingrained in them.

I do not think that it is the END OF THE WORLD but I do think that cleanliness is a good thing. I think that if you are very ILL and contagious with any disease, horrific cold or flu that you should stay away from other people until you get better. I am not talking about a sniffle either.

OCD? Really?! Being afraid to go out? Really?!

So the first points of cleanliness and staying home if you are sick or not being around SICK PEOPLE make no sense to you?

We still go OUT. Another thread here about the WA governor.

We are living our lives.

But if my husband gets sick - he will stay home. Me too.

We are not into crowds, don't go to bars, games, etc. but we do go out.

He goes out for his exercise and walks 6 to 7 days a week.

A close friend of his was sick for a week or so with a horrific cold a week ago. His friend stayed home and did not swim, use the gym or walk with my husband. He did not want to contaminate OTHER PEOPLE which makes sense even if that man is in his early 70's.

I guess that I must be rambling here. Excuse me.

I just do not understand WHY people laugh at people who keep clean and don't contaminate other people with their sickness or cough/sneeze all over them and actually cover their mouths IF they do cough or sneeze.

Disclaimer: My late Mom was very well known in the public health field in NY and in MD. Johns-Hopkins in MD and in other positions until her death. I remember those times. I or my family moved to MD for her new job in 1951 and I was one year old.

Take care.

Last Edited:
At work the faucets and soap dispensers are automatic. So you don't touch anything there.

Go to the door and there is that door handle that everybody, including the slobs who don't wash their hands (I work with a lot of people from other countries, some of which were just never taught good hygiene or have it as a custom - especially those from India) use on their way out. At the other office there is a button to open the door for handicapped people - which I bump with my elbow.

So yeah, wash your hands, then immediately contaminate them. :rolleyes:

I think this next week I am going to work from home more. Most everybody at work says they are going to do it, so they can't ding me for it.

Gotta open the door using a paper towel.

I have gotten so good I can open outgoing lever doors with my knee.
I just looked up the US population number and the total number of CV 19 deaths in the US as of yesterday. 2018 population was 327.8 million. CV 19 deaths are at 41. If you do the math, that works out to 15/100,000 of a percent. Wake up and smell the deception people.

You do realize this has just begun, right? It was less than three days ago it was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO).

And are you suggesting the medical and scientific community is deliberately engaging in "deception"? :confused:

I'm very thankful others are looking at what is coming and what has happened in other areas (and here in the 1918 pandemic), not a myopic explanation based on what exists today. With that same view u could see an embryo of a human being early on and just stop there and say "ah that's nothing, just a little microscopic dot".

Buy a bunch of these.

Go store to store charging 200-400 to install.



Just another attempt at levity...

The doom and gloom is getting heavy overall so the more of us willing to be silly the better...I think.

Okay - no problem.

We might go to the range. It has been really WINDY here and if it dies down - we will go.

Plus my sweet husband is cooking dinner tonight. Maybe a beef stew or something yummy! Woo hoo.

Take care. Thank you for the explanation too!

Last Edited:

I LIKE you and I have always liked you but I do not understand this. Maybe it is a joke or not. I am confused. I am NOT trying to start a fight either!

Hand washing and keeping yourself clean is one of the most important factors to good health whether there is an ILLNESS going around or not.

I am sure that most kids learned this from their family. You could get dirty playing in the dirt or from baseball or on the sand at the beach from swimming or at a pool but when you got home - you CLEANED UP. You washed your hands before you ate a meal or set a table. You washed your hands after using a bathroom. You put on clean clothes after you showered or bathed. You washed your hands several times a day and especially after handling MONEY or your mail or touching things in public.

My MT husband has always worn gloves especially in the last several years when he gets gas and shops at a store. IT is not some new thing to him either.

My late husband wore gloves when he got gas too.


In the military - most men really took care of their feet - whether they were in Nam or not due to jungle rot feet. Plus being in some foreign countries where it was hot/sweaty/dirty. Did they have a foot fetish? LOL NO.

On a USN SHIP or in any enclosed space - you kept clean. You did not want your space or your health compromised on a destroyer or on a carrier.

The first thing that most troops did especially AFTER my late husband's USN Nam time and around the world time did when they (Air NG) landed in a war zone, in any foreign country or playing war games (Stateside and overseas.) was set up a runway and COOKING - CLEANING AREAS FOR SANITATION. Civil Engineers did this in all branches including in the Air NG Fighting Wing which he was in. He had a NON .gov job too.

WHY did they set up tents or temporary buildings and so forth for keeping clean? Showers, etc. To keep the troops clean. Kitchen areas for the cooks and to keep food preparation clean. They did not set up outhouses next to a cooking area either.

Another point. Staying home from work or school or from a crowded, closed up place if you are very ILL makes sense because you do not contaminate other people. MOST people knew that even when they were little - it was ingrained in them.

I do not think that it is the END OF THE WORLD but I do think that cleanliness is a good thing. I think that if you are very ILL and contagious with any disease, horrific cold or flu that you should stay away from other people until you get better. I am not talking about a sniffle either.

OCD? Really?! Being afraid to go out? Really?!

So the first points of cleanliness and staying home if you are sick or not being around SICK PEOPLE make no sense to you?

We still go OUT. Another thread here about the WA governor.

We are living our lives.

But if my husband gets sick - he will stay home. Me too.

We are not into crowds, don't go to bars, games, etc. but we do go out.

He goes out for his exercise and walks 6 to 7 days a week.

A close friend of his was sick for a week or so with a horrific cold a week ago. His friend stayed home and did not swim, use the gym or walk with my husband. He did not want to contaminate OTHER PEOPLE which makes sense even if that man is in his early 70's.

I guess that I must be rambling here. Excuse me.

I just do not understand WHY people laugh at people who keep clean and don't contaminate other people with their sickness or cough/sneeze all over them and actually cover their mouths IF they do cough or sneeze.

Disclaimer: My late Mom was very well known in the public health field in NY and in MD. Johns-Hopkins in MD and in other positions until her death. I remember those times. I or my family moved to MD for her new job in 1951 and I was one year old.

Take care.


I love this post. Just have to type it out.

If you study history at ALL, warfare at ALL, you will see all through time disease has killed and crippled armies, even more so then actual combat.

Look at the #s from the American Revolution!

One of the things that made generals and other high ranking officials neccesary was their basic understanding of cleanliness and forcing the ignorant troops to stay clean and not setting up latrines upstream of the drinking water!

Disease wipes out entire populations unlike anything else.

I once sat next to a gentlemen from Australia who was using a modified herpies virus to kill huge numbers of rabbits which are an issue down there I guess. It is more effective than bullets or predators.

Cleanlieness is one of a few things that seperates humans from animals, and there are lots of 2 legged animals walking around today.
I'm trying to think of good analogies to help people understand the seriousness of what is going on. I'm reading reports from physicians in seattle and it really feels like they are in vietnam. Their government has failed them, they still cant get adequate testing, they cant get proper protection, half the staff is sent home sick, they are asking for emergency volunteers form all over the US and they are going to be dying to try to help people who the government has failed. My heart has fallen.

So how about this? Dirty bombs (not nuclear bombs but bombs that spread radioactive material)just went off in every city in the US. You cant escape to another city. If you go out you are going to get radiation. Some will die right away, others will carry it back into the home and kill their elderly parents.

There is no one coming to clean up the city, people are flying in from cities with more radiation with bags of fallout with them.

Your best bet is to hunker down at home, protect yourself., stay away from the contamination and contaminated people.
Found Washington's HHS website. Didn't have to look hard to find Washington states test numbers.

568 positive tests.

Wait for it.........

6001 negative tests.

Keep calm and panic on!
Bingo! Stop the Madness!!! THAT is what will wreck your health NOT Covid19 people!
Bingo! Stop the Madness!!! THAT is what will wreck your health NOT Covid19 people!

There is NO BENEFIT to telling people not to worry at this point. Yeah it is stupid to buy up all the TP but people should not feel safe going about their usual business.

This is from a physician in a hospital in Washington

  • we have 21 pts and 11 deaths since 2/28.
  • we are seeing pts who are young (20s), fit, no comorbidities, critically ill. It does happen.
  • US has been past containment since January
  • Currently, all of ICU is for critically ill COVIDs, all of floor medsurg for stable COVIDs and EOL care, half of PCU, half of ER. New resp-sx pts Pulmonary Clinic offshoot is open
  • CDC is no longer imposing home quarantine on providers who were wearing only droplet iso PPE when intubating, suctioning, bronching, and in one case doing bloody neurosurgery. Expect when it comes to your place you may initially have staff home-quarantined. Plan for this NOW. Consider wearing airborne iso PPE for aerosol-generating procedures in ANY pt in whom you suspect COVID, just to prevent the mass quarantines.
  • we ran out of N95s (thanks, Costco hoarders) and are bleaching and re-using PAPRs, which is not the manufacturer's recommendation. Not surprised on N95s as we use mostly CAPRs anyway, but still.

The profit driven administrator heavy healthcare system is already stretched extremely thin. Those numbers mean nothing because 6500 tests for 7.4 million people is criminally inadequate. They should be testing 10,000 ever day. 10% of them are going to need critical care and the hospitals in Seattle are already calling for emergency volunteer staff from around the nation. If you get a pneumonia or are in a car accident or have a heart attack, those beds are already filled and you will be dying in the ER or in the ambulance.

If you are going be in denial, the worst thing to do is to try and convince everyone else that everything is fine. This is a website mostly filled with self sufficient people who prepare for the worst more than any other group of people. We are in the start of the worst thing that has happened to the world since WWII and you guys are telling people it is fine to jump on a ship to Europe with u-boats in the water.
There is NO BENEFIT to telling people not to worry at this point. Yeah it is stupid to buy up all the TP but people should not feel safe going about their usual business.

This is from a physician in a hospital in Washington

  • we have 21 pts and 11 deaths since 2/28.
  • we are seeing pts who are young (20s), fit, no comorbidities, critically ill. It does happen.
  • US has been past containment since January
  • Currently, all of ICU is for critically ill COVIDs, all of floor medsurg for stable COVIDs and EOL care, half of PCU, half of ER. New resp-sx pts Pulmonary Clinic offshoot is open
  • CDC is no longer imposing home quarantine on providers who were wearing only droplet iso PPE when intubating, suctioning, bronching, and in one case doing bloody neurosurgery. Expect when it comes to your place you may initially have staff home-quarantined. Plan for this NOW. Consider wearing airborne iso PPE for aerosol-generating procedures in ANY pt in whom you suspect COVID, just to prevent the mass quarantines.
  • we ran out of N95s (thanks, Costco hoarders) and are bleaching and re-using PAPRs, which is not the manufacturer's recommendation. Not surprised on N95s as we use mostly CAPRs anyway, but still.

The profit driven administrator heavy healthcare system is already stretched extremely thin. Those numbers mean nothing because 6500 tests for 7.4 million people is criminally inadequate. They should be testing 10,000 ever day. 10% of them are going to need critical care and the hospitals in Seattle are already calling for emergency volunteer staff from around the nation. If you get a pneumonia or are in a car accident or have a heart attack, those beds are already filled and you will be dying in the ER or in the ambulance.

If you are going be in denial, the worst thing to do is to try and convince everyone else that everything is fine. This is a website mostly filled with self sufficient people who prepare for the worst more than any other group of people. We are in the start of the worst thing that has happened to the world since WWII and you guys are telling people it is fine to jump on a ship to Europe with u-boats in the water.
Hang in there Bolus, fight the good fight, BUT.........................
Don't forget about your self and your families needs too, at some point, this will get worse, and it's you and your family first and ONLY!
Of course everything is 'not fine', but panic can be controlled if one exercises self discipline.

BTW, speaking of disease and poor hygiene being a killer of warriors, read up on Napoleon's retreat from Russia - by the time his army fully retreated there was no army...

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