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I worked with a guy that was a gun control nut. And with good reason...his grandfather was gunned down by a tweeker during a test drive of a car his grandfather was selling. That kind of history is not easy to overcome. And I never tried to argue his feelings. I simple asked him one question. "If you could go back in time and put a firearm in your grandfathers hands, would you do it? Would you give him that fighting chance?"

I hadn't seen him for a year. Over the past year he has educated himself on the subject and has done a 180 with regard to firearms. Now if I could only change his heart about nationalized healthcare. :cool:

I hope he doesn't live in Portland or Multnomah county. If so you better tell him to get the CHL permission so he can exercise his 2nd Amendment rights. Because his open carry firearm can not be loaded and is useless without the CHL.

The 2nd Amendment in the Bill of Rights would be awesome and very, very useful for non-CHL Multnomah county residences if it wasn't for the government rules and regulations.
Shall not be infringed unless there are rules and regulation?
Shall not be infringed if granted permission?

With the CHL permission the firearms rules and regulations will not apply to the CHL holder. Must get the permission re-approved every 4 years though. Yeah rights!!!!!! :s0160:
Closing the books, needs $10k to pay debts.

"After the drama and the passion of the last months' emails, it seems almost anticlimactic to send this one. We did it. We won.

Not "we, the BFDF" but rather "we, the people". Together, we fired a shot across the bow of legislative arrogance and encroaching tyranny. We fought – and beat - an entrenched political machine that, by all accounts, should have ground us into pulp. We pushed back against the billions of Mike Bloomberg, the arm-twisting of Joe Biden and even the persuasion of no less a personality than Bill Clinton to prove that Colorado is run by Coloradans and defined by our values, not by their agenda or their money.

While we're certain many legislators will try to turn a deaf ear to our message that there are repercussions for defying your constituency, many more have heard it clearly and are reassessing their positions. More importantly, many citizens across this nation have gotten the message, too, and have been inspired to start exploring legal ways to reclaim the reins of their local government. Thanks to your willingness to support and stand by us, we may very well have been able to fire America's second "shot heard ‘round the world" and make a real, tangible difference in securing our liberties.

However, we have one final task to complete before closing the books on the John Morse recall and that is to settle accounts in a more literal sense. Our remaining legal bill is somewhere in the neighborhood of $10,000 and we would like to pay it without further delay. It may not be as dramatic a mission as reclaiming our government or making political history but honoring our debts and fulfilling our obligations are just as basic and integral to our beliefs.

If you are able, please help us by again contributing to the cause. While straight donations are always gratefully accepted, we are also finally in a position to offer something for sale &#8211; copies of the "Free Colorado" flags we displayed so proudly when our victory was announced. These flags are available as both a limited-run (only 100 produced) Collector's Edition and a 3' x 5' all-weather edition at <broken link removed> .

We hope we can count on your continued support but we know we could not have achieved this victory without you and we will be forever grateful that you joined the fight.

"We, the people" stood up. We spoke up. We fought back. And we won.

With our sincerest gratitude,

The Basic Freedom Defense Fund

Nick Andrasik
Keith Coniglio
Anthony Garcia
Tim Knight
Luke Wagner


To donate to BFDF go <broken link removed>

Or alternatively you can go to our website, <broken link removed> and click on "Donations" in the upper right hand corner."
In Portland there are plenty of libs who's hearts can be changed. Majority of liberal voters are actually on the fence. They aren't actually informed on much of anything and just vote that way because their hiking buddy votes that way. If their Frolf buddy voted on the right side of the fence, they might also. We can change the momentum in Portland. One of the largest misconceptions that can be changed is that we are the party that supports the success of minorities.

I'm curious. Which party is that?

The rest of what you say has merit. My mother was a dyed in the wool D. Hated everything with an R behind it. Believed all the anti-R crap on CNN and especially MSNBC and she hated FOX News, claiming they lied.

Now, I know a wee bit about news, and even tried to explain that O'Reilly and Hannity aren't the "news" they're the "perspective." For flat level news coverage of events, Fox is actually pretty darned good. They field good reporters who do their homework. Maybe that's why the Left hates 'em so much.

But so far as people voting a certain way because their buddy does...there's a lot more of that going on than we'd like to admit. It demonstrates the laziness of the electorate. Rather sad.
The victory here is the proof that our system still works. When you are unhappy about current politics, they can be changed and it all starts on a local level and grows from there. We all have the power in our local regions to make change. Firing senators, mayors, sheriffs, whoever needs to be changed, is something we can do.

But it is even more local than that. It starts by changing the hearts and minds of people in your life. You cant force change in peoples hearts. You can only plant the seeds the same way the libs have planted the seeds that its uncool to be "right of the line". But to do that you have to spend time with libs. We do have common ground and common interests.

In Portland there are plenty of libs who's hearts can be changed. Majority of liberal voters are actually on the fence. They aren't actually informed on much of anything and just vote that way because their hiking buddy votes that way. If their Frolf buddy voted on the right side of the fence, they might also. We can change the momentum in Portland. One of the largest misconceptions that can be changed is that we are the party that supports the success of minorities.

Smiddy, that's because most libs only go along to get along. Mindless as a herd of lemmings my friend.
Loser Fever This is good.

COLORADO SPRINGS -- Quick, call the CDC. We've got a Rocky Mountain outbreak of Acute Sore Loser Fever. After failing to stave off two historic recall bids on Tuesday, two delusional state legislators and their national party bosses just can't help but double-down and trash voters as dumb, sick, criminal and profligate.

The ululations of gun-grabbing Democrats here in my adopted home state are reverberating far and wide. Appearing on cable TV Thursday to answer the question "What happened?" Pueblo State Sen. Angela Giron sputtered that she lost her seat due to "voter suppression." Giron whined to CNN anchor Brooke Baldwin that voters "weren't able to get to the polls" and that there was "voter confusion."

"Voter confusion"? My goodness. You'd think there were no public libraries, local television stations, talk radio, newspapers, blogs, Facebook, Twitter or government websites to get information about the elections. (Oh, and pay no attention to the massive 6-to-1 spending advantage that Giron and her fellow recall target John Morse, formerly the president of the state Senate, enjoyed.)

"Voter suppression"? Dios mio! You'd think there were New Black Panther Party thugs standing outside the polls shouting racist epithets and waving police batons!

But no, there was no "voter confusion" or "voter suppression." In fact, as the Colorado Peak Politics blog pointed out, the "majority of turnout in (Giron's) district was Democrat, by a large margin. And she still lost. Voter suppression (is) not even believable."

Giron lost in her Obama-loving Democratic Senate District 3 by a whopping 12 points. The only significant complaint about voter suppression came after the polls closed -- and not from anyone in the district, but from out-of-state Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wah-wah-wah-sserman Schultz of Florida. The majority of constituents who signed the recall petitions against her were, um, Democrats. Would Giron care to argue that voters from the same party that put her in office are too dumb and confused to comprehend her state's own Constitution and election process?

Giron was defeated not by elite Republicans and nefarious NRA bigwigs, but by a former Clinton supporter/police chief/campaign neophyte and a couple of upstart citizen activists who make a living as plumbers.

Grassroots organizers in both Pueblo and El Paso counties with little to no previous electoral experience researched the state constitution's recall provisions and put in the hard nose-to-the-ground work of gathering thousands of petition signatures in a brief period. They did their homework, adhered to the law and made their voices heard. As I've reported in my column over the past several months, it was a David vs. gun-grabbing Goliath battle from the start.

Only after the local citizens got the ball rolling -- catching flack from establishment GOP types who initially opposed the disruptive process -- did national organizations weigh in with help. And the campaign cash they provided was still no match for nosybody Bloomberg, Vice President Joe Biden (who personally lobbied state Democratic legislators) and their gun control-freak company.

The significance of this unprecedented battle cannot be overstated. Self-government won. Demagoguery lost. All the Bloomberg bucks in the world couldn't buy immunity for his water-carriers in Colorado. The role of Second Amendment-supporting, limited-government-advocating local women in pushing back against false smears was invaluable. The "reproductive rights" fear-mongering failed. And the use of social media to organize echoed other successful tea party efforts.

The problem for the gun-grabbers wasn't that the voters were uninformed. It was that they were (SET ITAL) too (END ITAL) informed. Voters paid close attention when state Democrats rigged the game during the legislative debate over extreme gun and ammo restrictions that will do nothing to stop the next Aurora, Columbine or Newtown. They watched fellow citizens being blocked from testifying, pushed aside for out-of-staters. They heard Morse accuse gun owners of having a "sickness in their souls." They heard him brag to liberal zealots that he was ignoring their "vile" e-mail.

They rejected Giron's sneering at grassroots organizers as "special interests." They didn't buy that their birth control would disappear. They weren't swayed by shooting victim Rep. Gabby Gifford's husband's emotional appeals or distracted by Bill Clinton's last-minute robocalls.

"What happened?" The reasons these petty tyrants lost are as simple as ABC: arrogance, bitterness and contempt for the people. As more and more self-empowered citizens are learning, you can't fix this stupid hubris. But you can vote it out.

Michelle Malkin is the author of "Culture of Corruption: Obama and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks and Cronies" (Regnery 2010).
Part of the problem in Colorado is the Republicans running nutty candidates e.g. the Tea Party candidate for governor Dan Maes, who barely got 10% of the vote against Hickenlooper in 2010.

Taku might like Maes - he claimed Denver bike lanes were part of a UN Agenda 21 conspiracy - but he was ridiculed for his nutty views, and the overall lack of vetting, including false claims about his work experience.

Fringe candidates like Maes are unelectable and gun owners indulging in that sort of magical thinking just hand the election to the opposition, and the Colorado situation is what you end up with. Sure, the recall is great, but those gun laws will not be overturned, so it's a Pyrrhic victory for gun owners in Colorado.
^ So true.

Those radical right-wingers are their own worst enemies. They commit political suicides, aim too high, lose miserably, get nothing done, and earn themselves yet another reason to whine on forums about the great country they are going to get back. Someday, somehow. By playing "tough" (as in "Internet-tough").

Instead of throwing the Left a bone in the form of, say, a service for voluntary background checks (for sellers who prefer not to arm criminals and for buyers who do not mind getting checked), and loading that legislation with a ton of freebies and pork (like national reciprocity of CHLs, or maybe abolishing CHLs altogether, or getting rid of the ATF and Class 3 altogether) - basically making 1 step back and 2 steps forward, they just "stand their ground" and will end up losing it the very next time the Congress turns deep blue.

Everybody (including me) feels happy that we got outspent 8 by 1 yet still won the recall. The real concern is: why were the NRA and Colorado activists outspent 8 to 1 to begin with? Does anyone really think that we can consistently win political battles with a financial disadvantage like that? Make no mistake: Bloomberg has a money-printing machine. He is not getting poor any time soon. And the only way to counter him is being smarter than him; flexible, tactical, and, yes, moderate.
Hey qball (8ball)
If you wish to continually call my name, I can respond in kind on a pretty regular basis. Is that how you get your jollies.
"feel lucky punk"
Damn I like his quote.
^ So true.

Those radical right-wingers are their own worst enemies. They commit political suicides, aim too high, lose miserably, get nothing done, and earn themselves yet another reason to whine on forums about the great country they are going to get back. Someday, somehow. By playing "tough" (as in "Internet-tough").

Instead of throwing the Left a bone in the form of, say, a service for voluntary background checks (for sellers who prefer not to arm criminals and for buyers who do not mind getting checked), and loading that legislation with a ton of freebies and pork (like national reciprocity of CHLs, or maybe abolishing CHLs altogether, or getting rid of the ATF and Class 3 altogether) - basically making 1 step back and 2 steps forward, they just "stand their ground" and will end up losing it the very next time the Congress turns deep blue.

Everybody (including me) feels happy that we got outspent 8 by 1 yet still won the recall. The real concern is: why were the NRA and Colorado activists outspent 8 to 1 to begin with? Does anyone really think that we can consistently win political battles with a financial disadvantage like that? Make no mistake: Bloomberg has a money-printing machine. He is not getting poor any time soon. And the only way to counter him is being smarter than him; flexible, tactical, and, yes, moderate.

Its radical compromisers like netspirit why we have the anti gun creep into the laws in this country.
Screw your compromises. They are not acceptable ! I will fight them til your "homeland" freezes over.
why were the NRA and Colorado activists outspent 8 to 1 to begin with?

Too many armchair commandos sitting on their couches complaining about the status quo, complaining about the NRA, but don't contribute by joining and paying dues.
Too many armchair commandos sitting on their couches complaining about the status quo, complaining about the NRA, but don't contribute by joining and paying dues.

That is the damn truth.
I am sick of people saying they are pro 2nd and willing to compromise things to say they gained something. We have never gained one damned thing in any compromise. Inch by inch it is how the leftists build their game and the add up til nothing is left but the left.
Compromises be damned ! Same with their proponents.
Also, calling me right wing is a compliment. 8ball and netspirit do that quite often.
Guess I am some kind of threat to their leftist camoflaged agendas?
It is not moderates, or rinos that have saved the 2nd. They might as well come out of their closets and say what they are. Everyone knows anyway. Alinsky has many desguises. None of them unrecognizable !
I'm curious. Which party is that?

The rest of what you say has merit. My mother was a dyed in the wool D. Hated everything with an R behind it. Believed all the anti-R crap on CNN and especially MSNBC and she hated FOX News, claiming they lied.

Now, I know a wee bit about news, and even tried to explain that O'Reilly and Hannity aren't the "news" they're the "perspective." For flat level news coverage of events, Fox is actually pretty darned good. They field good reporters who do their homework. Maybe that's why the Left hates 'em so much.

But so far as people voting a certain way because their buddy does...there's a lot more of that going on than we'd like to admit. It demonstrates the laziness of the electorate. Rather sad.

You sure called that one correct.
Most democrats are just the blind being led by the loudest ones pushing the left wing agenda and that is the MSM and bloomers of the land. When they actually take the initiative to think for themselves they wake up and realize how upside down they are.
Not always though. They still must have some synapses that function.
Also, calling me right wing is a compliment. 8ball and netspirit do that quite often.
Guess I am some kind of threat to their leftist camoflaged agendas? It is not moderates, or rinos that have saved the 2nd. They might as well come out of their closets and say what they are. Everyone knows anyway. Alinsky has many desguises. None of them unrecognizable !
Taku, not only are the progressives loud, and obnoxious, but they used proven PsyOps training to feed the masses, in that first zero election. The masses, now robotic via proven Mind Control PsyOps, did not need it in the second election, in that (last one) they used another tactic, where in some counties actually reported 110% voting, from the 100% value in number of voters.

Figure out the Math on that, then recall, that there were precincts that had ZERO voter in the Republican catagory... Never seen in election history, but it took place in (the last election)

Some say, the next election will only have One Canidate, and he has already won.... It would be a sick, real sick joke to share, If It Were Not TRUE... Or so close to fact, that it can be considered, "a done deal"

Question for the DECADE: "how do we convince the youngsters, that we old timers Know What we are talking about????

If a youngster was Not Around, when the Berlin Wall was Built, or being Finished, just how will they UNDERSTAND how important it was When it Got Torn Down????

And who was it, that said: "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall" ???? Ronald Reagon, the finest President in Living History.

Off Topic? Nope. ~The Topic~ will always be, "Freedom, is not Free"

philip, who watched the B&W TV, of our Flying FOOD into West Berlin. Who listened to JFK (a more Conservative President, than either Bush era's were) say: "Ich Bin Berlinner" much more believable, than when zero tried to copy him.
on the CO note - they are getting yet more rain today - many places are already flooded along the front range. Places like Estes Park can only get out via the seasonally open trail ridge road until the other 2 roads out are rebuilt. Apparently I-25 is closed in a few places, highway 34 is flooded in Kersey, Hwy 85 is flooded south of Greeley and Loveland is basically split in 2 with no way to cross from one side to the other. Pictures of highway 34 out by Kersey show that the area is flooded to the point that water comes up to the railroad crossing gates well above the freeway. Let's hope this next storm doesn't dump too much rain and they can rebuild the roads and infrastructure destroyed by the storm.

I'm just waiting for giron and morse to claim that the storm (after the election) prevented fair voting...
If you don't like it, back off the tags and name calling, or expect to receive it in kind.

When they run out of real facts they rather make up their own facts or resort to name calling. Guess someone isn't able to manufacture their own facts.

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