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Your wrong.
There's all kinds of opinions out there.
There's probably a anti gun forum out there.
But the title of this website is northwest forearms.
So you see, anything that pushes a bullet, should be always legal.
No questions asked.
Sorry to be so straight forward.
I totally agree.
It's a small minded thing.
But when it comes to gun control, us gun dudes, don't like to open our minds.
That's for liberals.
Small minded is our thing.
Wen it's about guns.
Unless we are wondering which gun to buy next.
Here's the issue Again!
It was a stupid question for this website.
No, it is a place for those who believe "shall not be infringed", means just that. That is the prevailing opinion here. If someone has an opinion any different than that, with all that is presently happening in our country, this may not be the place for them. This question should NEVER be brought up here in the current situation. We should be focused on how we are going to keep ALL of our rights. I, and I would imagine, the majority of the people here feel that giving up anything else is too much.
Let's try to relax, since no threat to our current freedoms exists today. Nobody of any consequence is proposing any kind of firearms confiscation at this time. That whole notion is a red herring put forth by gun manufacturers at every possible opportunity to promote more firearms and ammunition sales. That's their job. Look at the statistics. It works every time. Though no threat to the Second Amendment ever materializes, gun and ammunition sales skyrocket every time this subject appears in the media. I wish I had a motivator to promote sales like that for me. Every corporation is in business to sell their products. Laws of fiduciary responsibility require that their boards of directors and their accounting departments sole responsibility is to see that that company makes as much profit as possible. Societal concerns are not allowed to be factors in their decisions. That's fine, but the society as a whole is not constrained by such rules that focus only on a company's financial interests. Our collective social responsibility trumps the bottom line of any particular corporation. So, the NRA or the NNSF, as spokespersons and lobbyists for the firearms industry, are doing what any trade organization would do on behalf of the industries that fund them. They can not take the communities' issues into account.
I'm happy to say we are guaranteed "inalienable rights" by our Constitution. But, we are guaranteed no "absolute rights." Like it or not, all our inalienable rights are subject to some restrictions and exceptions. That has been so since our rights were first enumerated and as they have been refined over the decades.
The greatest threat to our Second Amendment rights at this time is the growing level of gun violence by irresponsible, mentally unstable and criminal people who have guns. If atrocities like Sandy Hook, Aurora, Tucson and so many other places continue to occur, you can be certain that our Second Amendment rights will eventually suffer or disappear. I would not like to see that happen, but there are a lot of well-meaning people who would and their numbers will only grow if this kind of violence gets worse. So, let's stop resisting everything and get on board to find at least some kind of a solution to this problem before the tide turns against our right to be responsible gun owners. Protect the Second Amendment!
Let's try to relax, since no threat to our current freedoms exists today. Nobody of any consequence is proposing any kind of firearms confiscation at this time. That whole notion is a red herring put forth by gun manufacturers at every possible opportunity to promote more firearms and ammunition sales. That's their job. Look at the statistics. It works every time. Though no threat to the Second Amendment ever materializes, gun and ammunition sales skyrocket every time this subject appears in the media. I wish I had a motivator to promote sales like that for me. Every corporation is in business to sell their products. Laws of fiduciary responsibility require that their boards of directors and their accounting departments sole responsibility is to see that that company makes as much profit as possible. Societal concerns are not allowed to be factors in their decisions. That's fine, but the society as a whole is not constrained by such rules that focus only on a company's financial interests. Our collective social responsibility trumps the bottom line of any particular corporation. So, the NRA or the NNSF, as spokespersons and lobbyists for the firearms industry, are doing what any trade organization would do on behalf of the industries that fund them. They can not take the communities' issues into account.
I'm happy to say we are guaranteed "inalienable rights" by our Constitution. But, we are guaranteed no "absolute rights." Like it or not, all our inalienable rights are subject to some restrictions and exceptions. That has been so since our rights were first enumerated and as they have been refined over the decades.
The greatest threat to our Second Amendment rights at this time is the growing level of gun violence by irresponsible, mentally unstable and criminal people who have guns. If atrocities like Sandy Hook, Aurora, Tucson and so many other places continue to occur, you can be certain that our Second Amendment rights will eventually suffer or disappear. I would not like to see that happen, but there are a lot of well-meaning people who would and their numbers will only grow if this kind of violence gets worse. So, let's stop resisting everything and get on board to find at least some kind of a solution to this problem before the tide turns against our right to be responsible gun owners. Protect the Second Amendment!
The solution is very simple. We all get on the same team, and make sure that the government goes after the true root of the problem: Mental health. Guns are inanimate objects. And regardless of what you tell yourself there is a very real threat to our Second Amendment rights right now, rights which have already been infringed upon a great deal. I have not brought up confiscation, but that is the eventual result of any registration program, history has shown us that.

If you are willing to give up anything, you are in the wrong place, period. And until that attitude changes, well, see ya.
Hey skip Conley
I and most disagree with your opinion.
The urban idiots and lefties will find a way to take our guns.
Will they succeed, it depends on your opinion of success and what you lost in fighting for it.
The population grows, and that means more idiots.
More idiots, more murders.
I hold my religion higher than my love of guns.
But I need my guns, to fight off the Feds.
The Constitution guarantees us "inalienable rights." Nothing anywhere in this world guarantees anyone any "absolute rights" about anything. Every freedom comes with limits and responsibilities. The more serious ones come with even more. Adolescent-style temper tantrums won't ever change that basic fact of life. But, maturity will bring a better understanding of it. I guarantee you, you would hate for anyone else to have such an "absolute right" to do anything. We really must try hard not to allow irrational fear to poison our thinking and make our best effort to play nicely with one another, if we are to have a happy and peaceful existence.
Play nice together?
Your an idiot.
How has playing nicely helped us with all the crap Obama has slammed down our throats the last 4 years.
Go pontificate on some other website wimp.
Now, before you assume my maturity level, or to tell me what I would hate, you had better think for a minute about who you may be trying to "school".

I have seen first hand what happens to people when their right to self defense is taken from them. I have seen this, because I have done this. I have also seen real fear. Combat is an ugly thing, men don't die with dignity when shot. I have been in places where people have "absolute rights" to do things to others, I have had those rights.

Don't you dare come on this forum, where you are very much a minority in your way of thinking, with all of your thirteen posts, from nowhere near the Pacific Northwest, and pretend to know anything about me or others like me. I never called you any kind of name or treated you with any disrespect. Nor did I aim to make assumptions about the way you think and why.

You have made it perfectly clear in all of your thirteen posts how you feel. You came here, you should be the one to "play nice". I've said it before, and I'll say it again for you now, since you are new here:

What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED do you not understand? Don't bother answering, I'm not interested in any more of your assumptions, and you have been relegated to the ignore list.
Nobody is going to take our guns. That's just bait from the gun industry. As the population grows, there will be as many more smart people and caring people as the idiots and murders you so fear. You might want to learn Spanish, though. In the meantime, though, find something real to fear, like bigotry and ignorance and phony religiosity. Why not try spending some of that ammo money and some of your precious time in this world helping care some poor and infirm person in your area who's lost hope in humanity. Take some needy children under your love and protection. I'm pretty sure, your religion teaches you that is the path to salvation, and that you should "fear no evil." I've checked the Bible, and it doesn't say anything about fighting off the Feds, or even the Romans. Have some courage. Courage is nourishing. Fear is poison. Be kind. Be well.
Damn straight, and thank you for your service.
I did call him names, and I did tell him to get lost.
I won't take that back.
My people had an extermination order on them, in this country many years ago.
So guns mean the world to me, and the protection of my family.
And one last thing scottnbarbi.
Your right, this country was put together with civil discussion.
But those man, at that point in this country, had more common sense, without the benefit of lining there pockets like today's political corn holes.
Nobody is going to take our guns. That's just bait from the gun industry. As the population grows, there will be as many more smart people and caring people as the idiots and murders you so fear. You might want to learn Spanish, though. In the meantime, though, find something real to fear, like bigotry and ignorance and phony religiosity. Why not try spending some of that ammo money and some of your precious time in this world helping care some poor and infirm person in your area who's lost hope in humanity. Take some needy children under your love and protection. I'm pretty sure, your religion teaches you that is the path to salvation, and that you should "fear no evil." I've checked the Bible, and it doesn't say anything about fighting off the Feds, or even the Romans. Have some courage. Courage is nourishing. Fear is poison. Be kind. Be well.

This really is it. The only thing I fear, is ignorance. Look that word up, it's not a nice word. I don't need to learn Spanish, I live in the USA, and if someone needs to communicate with me then they will speak American English. I will worry about my family and my children, you are more than welcome to continue the march toward socialism, and hand out all of your earnings so that everyone may be equal, not for me. I retired from the Army an NCO, everyone is not equal. I was/am a military man since 1994, religion is my rifle, through my rifle I have found salvation, it brought me home to my loved ones.

If you think I lack courage, you had better find your religion and pray you never get the chance to say that to my face.

You must lead such a tiny inconsequential existence on your little sand bar in the south, to feel the need to come on the internet and call men, who you have no personal knowledge of. Really, how dare you?
Nobody is going to take our guns. That's just bait from the gun industry. As the population grows, there will be as many more smart people and caring people as the idiots and murders you so fear. You might want to learn Spanish, though. In the meantime, though, find something real to fear, like bigotry and ignorance and phony religiosity. Why not try spending some of that ammo money and some of your precious time in this world helping care some poor and infirm person in your area who's lost hope in humanity. Take some needy children under your love and protection. I'm pretty sure, your religion teaches you that is the path to salvation, and that you should "fear no evil." I've checked the Bible, and it doesn't say anything about fighting off the Feds, or even the Romans. Have some courage. Courage is nourishing. Fear is poison. Be kind. Be well.


This forum is about firearms as the title suggests. If you want to talk about Spanish, bigotry, ignorance, religiosity, serving the poor, needy children, and salvation, please take it somewhere else. I am not interested in your form of ethics.

BTW, you don't know anything about the bible or constitutional rights. Please stick to the things you know about, like peace rallys and yoga.
This really is it. The only thing I fear, is ignorance. Look that word up, it's not a nice word. I don't need to learn Spanish, I live in the USA, and if someone needs to communicate with me then they will speak American English. I will worry about my family and my children, you are more than welcome to continue the march toward socialism, and hand out all of your earnings so that everyone may be equal, not for me. I retired from the Army an NCO, everyone is not equal. I was/am a military man since 1994, religion is my rifle, through my rifle I have found salvation, it brought me home to my loved ones.

If you think I lack courage, you had better find your religion and pray you never get the chance to say that to my face.

You must lead such a tiny inconsequential existence on your little sand bar in the south, to feel the need to come on the internet and call men, who you have no personal knowledge of. Really, how dare you?

While I disagree with your religious views, I do agree with everything else you posted 100%!!!!!!

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