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Despite its length, it isn't that impressive -- it looks like a lot of padding to make anti-gunners think it is the holy grail of gun control, but it is mostly just a list of firearms where the bulk of that list is comprised of exceptions to the ban.
  1. Named banned firearms (AKA: shopping list): 4 - 12
  2. Named firearms excluded from the ban: Pages 25 - 121
Anyone who read Washington's SB5444 will recognize a lot of the general language.
Thankfully, with Trump in office, this won't happen - he'll veto and they won't have the votes to overturn it. Now, when the Dems get another D president and if they have control of the house and senate, watch out. Obama could have done this in his first term, he didn't because of healthcare. Be certain they won't waste that opportunity again.
Well going through the list of stuff on the preposed federal banned list. They were very specific on Descriptions and very specific naming manufactures. If they are going to get that detailed. I think they missed a few for there list. I went over the list a couple for times. So if I am wrong, please correct me. They mentioned all the 90 series HK's and the USC platform. But no mention of the semi auto HK UMP carbine platform. In the bull pup section. They mentioned everything including the Steyr AUG but no mention of the US manufactured MSAR. They listed the Cetme "sporter" rifle but no mention of the Cetme "L" rifle. At the very top of the list and ALL AK's and the variants but they do not list the PSL or Dragonov rifles. They also list just about every AR possible including .22lr AR's. But no mention of AR's in other pistol calibers like 9mm, .45acp, .40s&w, 10mm. It does look like I will be able to keep my bolt action detachable 5 round mag, .50 cal BMG upper mounted on a magless AR lower.:rolleyes:
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Oh yeah. Like.....

"Murder is illegal. But, we need to ban guns. So, that people can't/won't use them, to murder other people."


When you think about a Liberal's logic......

"We need to ban guns. Because, every gunowner is a potential killer."

And if that's true, then......

"Every woman is a potential ________ because, they all have a ________."

And to be fair.....

"Every man is a potential ________ because they all have a _________."

Aloha, Mark
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Classic definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. She is old enough to have dementia so I will say that she either has a significant cognitive impairment or is submitting a bill that she knows very well will get shot down.

If you continue to do something that wont work over and over again, then you are by far useless.
Federal officials must "solemnly swear (or affirm)" that they "will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" and that they "will bear true faith and allegiance to the same."

And, we all know this one.

".....shall not be infringed."

But, it's just words, to Feinstein and many others in Congress.

Aloha, Mark

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