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I'll be there with my family a little bit later. Right now both kids in full morning mode and wife asleep. There were big flakes of snow falling for a bit but none of them stuck on ground long enough to make travel risky.. over 34 degrees and roads seems to be just fine.
I'll be there with my family a little bit later. Right now both kids in full morning mode and wife asleep. There were big flakes of snow falling for a bit but none of them stuck on ground long enough to make travel risky.. over 34 degrees and roads seems to be just fine.

Snow-ma-gedon in S. Oregon ATM. 3 whole " even & still coming down...

Really pretty nice.
Where at, I'm here now and could use some
Sorry for late reply..... Back right of snack bar, entrance wall . Between snack bar and safe guy .Hope that helps . :)

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A Lot more vendors, a lot more options. Wall to wall like the old days.. lots of people.. we had a good time. Even though my kids made it difficult to get close to many tables, particularly the 3-year old who wants to touch everything shiny :rolleyes: got a Choate Machine tool E-2 stock with buffer assembly, its gonna go on the "ugly" Dissipator :D
Edit. I didn't want to pay $85 for plain jane A2 stocks, and I didn't find any good A2 USGI rifle length handguards. Lots of carbine HGs and a whole pile of stock A2 grips.
Thank you, I left already but may return tomorrow. I met several members there as well, was a great show.
I talked to piratepast40 at the OFF table , saw banjogeek at his and oremike at his ammo table . My phone was off n on in building so couldn't respond to forum .... Dang tech anyways . Or it could have been Queen maxipad running interference . :s0011:
That's all I had to mention to the old lady they had beanie babies and her response was you coming? Awesome! She probably also buy lunch.
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I almost forgot, what did y'all think about the cartel table at the end of one of the aisles? Lots of gold and chrome plating as well as engraving. I thought right away, looks like a display for the cartel.
I drove up from Roseburg yesterday, first time at that show, it was worth the drive, I saw 3 guns I would have purchased, but wasn't sure it would be worth trying to figure out the hassle, if background didn't get an instant pass, so instead I left with 400 rounds of 45 acp and some 32 S&w long ammo, and I'm always a sucker for kids fund raisers, so a pack of targets and a pile of chocolate bars came home with me also.

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  • Roseburg, OR
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