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Many people are just unemployable and many people just plain don't want to work and are comfortable living a bare subsistence life even if it means someone else is paying for it.
I have a sister in law just like this. Living off her mother's disability and social security in an apartment catered to the disabled. She is early 20s has no experience and demands a job that she will like that pays well. Lol! I don't talk to her and when I do I don't hear much that resembles logic.
Took me 5 months to find a job above minimum wage and that was with employee referrals and everything.

Yea there are jobs out there but if your only going to make minimum wage you may as well work at Taco Bell where the employee standards are very low.
Every job I've had was due to personal relationships with people already employed at the business. They have been good jobs, and I've been that guy chomping at the bit to take on more responsibilty, learn about the product and advance as opportunity presents. I am very thankful it has gone this way and feel blessed because of it.

Now days I just want to help the younger guys succeed and make more money. No interest in climbing ladders....just saving and seeing the barn door of retirement on the horizon :)
Just look at traffic lol in Seattle or Portland or any city at 10:00 am the roads are still full of cars and it goes all day long I take routes at my work so I can have day's off in the middle of the week so I don't have to do my shopping on the weekends the Costco in BURLINGTON IS A ZOO ON THE WEEKEND from people here and from Canada
The unemployment rate data is based only on those who are actively seeking employment, not the hundred of thousands who are not. It is actually a very poor indicator of employment or lack of. And it doesn't count the millions who are out of it's database because they have never been entered.
Your right it doesn't count the ones who are not looking for work anymore or they just don't count them after 6months LOL VOTE FOR BERNIE IT'S ALL GOING TO BE FREE LOL VIVA LA VENEZUELA
The thing that gets me down once and a while is that I work my butt off to make ends meet and these yahoos live beyond their means all day every day.

I know a kid at work that uses his credit card every day to buy his Dutch brothers and lunch. Not his bank card, a credit card. Sometimes it's different credit cards throughout the week. By the time he gets to my age, which isn't too far away, he'll be swimming in debt.
I have a credit card too but I don't buy coffee lol I buy guns and ammo
The current unemployment rate is likely what is termed "full employment" by economists. That means the only persons not employed are those who have left jobs and have not yet started with a new employer. The theory is that the unemployment rate will never be zero because some workers will be between jobs at any time you take a "snapshot" of employment.

While politics cloud reports of employment, the above theory is true, but just what the "full employment" rate is will never be fully agreed upon by acedemic and political entities. 6 percent unemployment rate was considered "full employment" in the last century, but since we have seen rates below that in recent times, that term is now reserved for a much lower rate.

Since the method of figuring the unemployment rate has been changed several times, it is becoming hard to make an accurate comparison. The widely published rates have been changed to benefit political interests to the point they are considered unreliable by serious students of economics.

All this does not address those who are not looking for work, or the reasons for them not looking.
According to the, 21 % of Americans receive welfare benefits.. Oregon claims 3 % unemployment.. Numbers dont ad up.. If our economy was in good shape people would not be on the government assistance. More than 3 % of people are either under employed,( meaning they make less than enough to survive) or unemployed.

The wife deals with associates who need to work less hours so they don't jeopardize their their various benefits. Some of those people would love to get full time, but don't, "Under employed". Others work the system to be able to work, but not so much as to short them money. Generally that is someone, single parent with kids, that gets who-knows-what kind of "Assistance"!
long ago I was a social worker actually dedicated to getting those 'not employed' into some form of work or training.

It was just amazing how many excuses could be fabricated to keep those with some alternate taxpayer subsidy from getting up & going to work.
It's hard to get up at 05::00 and go to work when you been out protesting all night or at the bar making plans for the next protest and real hard to do if your mommy doesn't come wake you up and make you go to work
I have a easy job, good pay, benefits, retirement, etc. Good safe union job. We can't find people to apply.
I've worked with people who are parents of these people you see out. They get pissed when I tell them to make their 35 year old kid to get a job so they can enjoy retirement.
I have been keeping track of this for a few years now...

No matter which day or month it is, everywhere I go, it seems to be crowded... And Im not talking about weekends... Im talking about WEEKDAYS.

I live in Washington county and everywhere i go, like the mall, national parks, waterfalls, hot springs, hiking up a mountain, ect ect, it is PACKED with people. People of ALL ages are out as if they have won the lotto. Hell, 70-80% of the people in my area have 2-3 cars in their driveways all day long. Their cars seem to not move.

I see the entire family out during the day as if it is a sunny summer vacation. No one seems to be at work or school..... Now since being retired at a young age, I have all the free time in the world, so I decided to conduct an experiment.

No matter what day, hour, month or week, it is ALWAYS crowded. Everyone seems to be out. While yes, i understand some people work, but during the middle of the week, i expect the places i visit to be dead. Not crowded with the entire family.... If the entire family is out, then who the hell is working??? The dog??? Their cat?

Now before you say, not everyone works 9-5, then let me debunk that.... If you work graveyard or night shift, and you come home during the day, then wouldnt you go straight to sleep??? You wouldnt be going on a 10 mile hike up a mountain, correct? Because you have to work a few hours later.....

And not only that, then how are your kids out? And your wife out? Do you wife and kids work graveyard too?????

I recently moved herre from another state and i still see the same crap... Unemployed people everwhere i go... My good buddy of mine is a server at a resturant and I asked him if people pay with their unemployment card... and guess what, I was right..... People going out having fun on my dime.... I guess they are right when they say 100 million americans are unemployed.. that is 1 out of 3.33 people..

Dear President Trump, 94 Million Out Of Labor Force Is A Sign Of America's Wealth, Not A Failure

And to back up my statement. Here are the proof. Take a look at these webcams of popular places during the weekday..

look at how busy it is!!!!

Multnomah Falls Web Cam

Steel Visitor Center Webcam (U.S. National Park Service)

I noticed the same thing when I moved to Portland. Why are there so many people in coffee shops at 11am!?.

It is my understanding that half decent jobs are pretty scarce in this town and or people have two jobs etc. Most employment opportunities in Portland seem to be in the service industry.

It seems pretty hard to get a decent job here if you don't know someone on the inside, which is funny given Portland's claim to welcome diversity.

Luckily I brought my job with me.
You just take them out of school. Ive done it before a few times. Tell the school the'll be out for the week, get their assignments and do make up tests when they get back. Its easy and no one really cares. Mid spring is the best time to go to Cancun.
I thought the same was true until I realized the population density gives the impression that there is a major increase....before anyone looses their esauphagus over my observation, let me explain.

Back in the service years, I would get a compensatory day after watching the phones all night; we called it CQ or Charge of Quarters, anyway..

The post exchange (PX) from 0900-1200 was almost void of working age soldiers. Towards the end of my career, I lost the comp days so I don't know....

After retirement, I visited the FT Lewis PX; and seen assigned soldiers (not newly-arrived) in the PX at 0900, in their PT gear or BDUs, and buying food or personal crap....something I rarely got to do.

Now, when in the city, I too see people of all ages acting as if they too are retired and living far beyond my abilities.

Do I think a higher percentage of people are lazy? Yes.

Do I think there is a major increase? No

Addendum; sometimes I see a reservist or guardsman shopping for personal stuff (in uniform) on the drill weekends..WTH?
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Most server jobs are part time with weird and alternating schedules as well are a lot of other jobs like mini marts.

Y'all got way too much time on your hands if your envious or even noticing how many people are hanging out in Portland.

In vancouver there is a large population of "street kids' that are basically homeless and haven't got much to do so you'll see them in parks mid week etc. I imagine Portland has the same issues just bigger.
I'm with you. I've said the exact same thing many times. Here's my thoughts.

I'm not going to look up figures but, how many people are in the tri-county(Mult. Wa. Clack.) area now compared to 30 years ago?

The roads are basically the same size now as 30 years ago. There are MORE of them, but that is just to move the people to and from all the new housing.

So many with children don't parent anymore, they befriend their children. Taking the kids out of school to go to the zoo for instance. In the '60s-'70s we didn't get taken out of school for a day at the falls, at the zoo-park-outlet stores. I did, on occasion, miss the last day of school to go on the family vacation, or Friday before opening hunting on Saturday. In our small comunity I seem to remember the school closing on that day!

I don't think there have been a lot more things to do built over the last 30 years? I have heard that Oregon has not added any new camp grounds other than Stubb Stewart since the '70s.

And one other thing that just came to mind. People don't spend family time at home near as much as they used to. I know this for a fact from personally witnessing it. 30 years ago when you drove through neighborhoods the streets were alive with kids playing, parents out side washing cars, doing yard work, standing talking with neighbors. For some years now I've notices that there is hardly anyone stays near home.

When I went to the doctor back in the 1970s in Sacramento, CA and got to school late the roads were fairly deserted since most of the people were working back then. But not anymore. You need to go to Costco during the day and parking lot is almost full in the afternoons now. Not sure what people do for a living anymore but it not like the old days.
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