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If anyone goes to the hearing, these Brady Campaign talking points being parroted by the sponsors, which are full of misinformation, need to be refuted:

Larry Simoneaux’s Dec. 28th op-ed on assault weapons overlooks a key point. Many semi-automatic assault rifles on the market today can be easily converted to fully automatic operation with minor after-market modifications, and are often purchased with that purpose in mind.

This is false. Semi-automatic rifles can not be "easily converted" to fully automatic fire. Ask the Senators to describe how to make a fully-automatic weapon out of a semi-automatic if it is so easy. They will of course say they don't know how, but they will say they had been told (by Brady) that is was easy. Emphasize that such a conversion is already a Federal crime with severe penalties. Ask them for evidence that semi-automatic rifles "are often purchased with that purpose [conversion to fully automatic fire] in mind". Where is their proof or evidence to back up that statement? Again, it's just propaganda and misinformation.

A less obvious point is that, when it comes to taking life, semi-automatic weapons are as lethal as fully automatic weapons, which were banned in the 1930s because police were being gunned down by gangsters. True, a fully automatic weapon can fire far more rounds per second, but the bullet from a semi-automatic weapon is no less deadly.

And the bullet from a bolt-action rifle, or a close-range shot with buckshot from a shotgun is just as deadly, if not more so. Are they going to ban those firearms next?

And fully automatic weapons were not "banned in the 1930s", they are just taxed in a specific way. Tell him there is a yearly event at a gun club in Oregon where the public can fire fully automatic weapons. Just more evidence the lawmakers proposing these firearm laws are shockingly ignorant about basic facts.

All told, some 40 police officers across the country were killed by semi-automatic weapons over the last four years. FBI research shows these weapons account for nearly a quarter of police killed in the line of duty. It’s not surprising then that the International Association of Chiefs of Police have called for a ban. Yet Washington has failed to ban assault weapons.

"Semi-automatic weapons" includes semi-automatic pistols, like the one Maurice Clemmons used. How many officers were killed by so-called "assault rifles" that are the target of the proposed ban? They won't know. Point out that the study commissioned to review the effects of the 1994 "assault weapon" ban showed that such weapons were rarely used in crimes before the ban was passed, and that the effect of the ban on gun crime was so small that it could not be reliably measured.
I heard back from Craig Pridmore and along with him saying he does not support the passage of this he added:

I appreciate your offer to learn more about what you can do to help defeat this bill. From everyone I've talked to about this bill, it does not have a chance of passing. The prime sponsor of the bill is the chairman of the committee that is hearing the bill, and he has that discretion in choosing which bills to give hearings. I don't expect it to pass out of committee.

Thank you again for taking the time to become educated about an issue that is important to you, and to contact me about it. We are all part of the legislative process, so I take every communication from residents of the 49th Legislative District into consideration.

I look forward to hearing from the folks here at home and welcome any future concerns you might have. Thanks again for taking the time to share your thoughts.

Thank you everyone for keeping in touch with their legislators whether you voted for them or not.
High school state civics class was a while ago...

Can someone explain what, if anything, the material consequences of this "hearing" could be?

Is it just to solicit expert testimony and/or opinions to aid in passing the legislation in the house, or something else entirely?

Sorry if this is a digression, but I'm probably not the only person wondering.
just got this email:
Dear Ian,

Thank you for your support of the Second Amendment. I completely agree with you and will strongly oppose SB 6396. In fact, I went shooting with the NRA's Brian Judy and Senator Adam Kline, who is the prime sponsor of this legislation, at the Black Diamond gun club to try and provide him with an education on different types of firearms.

SB 6396 has been scheduled for a public hearing next Tuesday, January 26th, at 10AM in the Judiciary Committee. The committee meets in Senate Hearing Room 1 in the John A. Cherberg building on the capitol campus.

If you are able to attend the hearing, this would be a very effective forum to voice your opposition to SB 6396.

Thank you again for the email. Please do not hesitate to contact me again with any further input or if there is anything I can do for you.


Pam Roach
High school state civics class was a while ago...

Can someone explain what, if anything, the material consequences of this "hearing" could be?

Is it just to solicit expert testimony and/or opinions to aid in passing the legislation in the house, or something else entirely?

Sorry if this is a digression, but I'm probably not the only person wondering.

It is going to step 2 on this flow chart <broken link removed>
I asked Senator Roach how these things worked and here was her reply:

Arriving early would be a good idea since there will be a large crowd. In the committee room there is a sheet where you can sign on the record in opposition to the bill and you may also sign up to testify on the bill.

So it would be nice if as many people as possible can go and sign the sheet. I'm still seeing if I can skip out on my work.
got this notice yesterday...

&#150; Evergreen State gun owners are urged to contact their state senator, and if possible, plan to attend a hearing on Senate Bill 6396, the proposed ban on so-called &#147;assault weapons&#148; sponsored by Senators Adam Kline and Jeanne Kohl-Welles.

The public hearing is scheduled Tuesday, Jan. 26 at 10 a.m. in Hearing Room 1 of the John A. Cherberg Senate Office building, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms learned Thursday.

I plan to be there, and early enough to try and speak.
an idea I've haad rattling about my cranium:

this wacky bill wants to allow the sheriff to come, unannounced and no warrant, to inspect my home to make sure if I have any of these weapons (I'm certain ALL of us here do... an XD 9 would be banned... as would a Ruger 10/22). That would be a breach of our COnsitutional rights under both the 2nd and 4th Ammendments.

When someone commits a felony, they forfeit many COnstitutional rights.. to vote, own firearms, their very freedom (when incarcerated), freedom to move about and associate freely (often by terms of parole), from search (law enforcement visiting his residence, place of business, in search of evidence, contraband, etc). It is thus no stretch of anything that they could also forfeit their freedom from search by allowing local law enforcement to attend any known residence of the convicted felon at any time and conduct a search for ALL firearms. Had this happened, perhaps the weapons Amrice Clemmens used to kill those four officers would have been found and confiscated. Or, at the very least, since he was arrested in multiple new charges (three indictments since last spring, half a million bucks in bail posted to keep him on the streets), why did not local law enforcement, in view of his long history of violent crime, stop by his house for a visit... maybe they would have found his revolver and/or the stolen 9mm pistol.

Codify the right of local law enforcement to inspect, unannounced and no warrant, the residence of ANY felon convicted of a violent crime who has not yet had his right to arms restored. Just like Adam Smith wants to have them come pay a visit to law abiding citizens who own Ruger 10/22's, Browning High Powers, and Springfield XD's. Why not take the principle intrusive and illegal activity proposed in this legislation, and, rather than using it against law abiding citizens, use it against that limited class of citizens who have proven their untrustworthiness, and have already firfeited many rights othwerwise reserved to the law abiding amongst us.

now THAT dog wouuld hunt, and likely CATCH something.
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"Assault weapons ban misfires in Wash. legislature"

OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) &#8211; After 2009 ended in a hail of high-profile gun violence, Washington state's gun-control advocates are frustrated by an apparent lack of political support for an assault weapons ban, warning that the state will likely face more deadly shootings without it.

The bill comes just weeks after a spate of deadly police shootings, and proponents of the ban say those killings should force politicians to confront gun violence.

"There's more guns, a repressed economy and a lot of angry people," said Ralph Fascitelli, board chairman for state gun control group Washington Ceasefire. "You can't sweep this problem under a rug. Apparently the shooting of eight police isn't enough to confront gun violence in the state."

The bill was named in honor of 18-year-old Aaron Sullivan, who was shot and killed by a SKS 7.62-caliber rifle in Seattle in July. The legislation focuses on "military-style" assault weapons, which can fire rapidly and carry large magazines of ammunition.

Similar bans have not fared well in the state Legislature in the past, and in an election year, supporters face a battle to even get the bill out of committee.

"I will do everything I can to pass this bill this year," said Sen. Adam Kline, D-Seattle, the sponsor of the bill and chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee. A hearing on the bill is scheduled for Tuesday.

Sen. Pam Roach, R-Auburn, said she is mobilizing with other lawmakers against the bill. Since it was announced, her office has received more than 1,000 e-mails asking the Senate to defeat it, Roach said. "We're going to do everything we can to make sure (Kline) doesn't diminish the Second Amendment right," she said.

The National Rifle Association and the Citizen's Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms are also lobbying against it.

Alan Gottlieb, the director of the Citizen's Committee and the Second Amendment Foundation, said he is confident the bill will fail. Not many Democrats, especially those in more conservative districts, want to come out against gun rights in an election year, he said.

"It's extreme," Gottlieb said. "I am kind of surprised they put it in, because it riles up our people."

The bill could have a tough time getting out of Kline's committee, which has five Democrats and three Republicans. One of the Democrats, Sen. Jim Hargrove of Hoquiam, says he will vote no.

Gov. Chris Gregoire said she has not reviewed the bill or closely followed its process, instead choosing to focus on the group of bills that came in response to recent police shooting, including better communication between law enforcement on jail bookings and releases, a review of the bail bonds system, and enhanced benefits for survivors of officers who die in the line of duty.

Sponsors said the bill is similar to the federal assault weapons ban that expired in 2004. It would cover an array of different pistols, shotguns and rifles, including semiautomatic rifles with large ammunition magazines and pistol-grip stocks.

"We're trying to protect the police, we're trying to protect the youth and this is one step to prevent gun violence," Fascitelli said.

Owners of weapons affected by the bill would be able to keep them if they allow the local sheriff's department to inspect and make sure they are stored "safely and securely." The weapons can still be used at firing ranges.

"We're not going to take away anybody's weapon," Kline said. "There will be zero confiscation of weapons, but there will be no new weapons allowed."

The bill has been endorsed by groups such as Washington Ceasefire, the International Association of Police Chiefs, the Jewish Federation of Seattle and the United African Political Action Committee, among others. Seattle police spokesman Mark Jamieson said the department has not taken a position on the bill.

Supporters also have referenced the murder of Seattle police officer Timothy Brenton, who was shot to death in his patrol car on Halloween. Police have said they found an assault rifle at the apartment of Christopher Monfort, the man charged with killing Brenton.

Four Lakewood police officers slain in November were shot with handguns, as were two Pierce County deputies who were ambushed in December. One of the deputies later died from his injuries.

Roach, however, said such high-profile gun crimes are not about the weapons that were used, but the people using them. The crimes show the need for people to defend themselves with firearms, she said.

"Trying to pull in sympathies of the tragedies that occurred recently does not address the underlying issue, which is someone being able to protect themselves in those situations," Roach said.

Got to love the comments section where someone says the NRA is the new KKK....
One thing that came to my mind when reading some of the replies from our wonderful (yeah right!) politicians is, since when are they to be trusted? Time and time again they say one thing and when it comes to their vote they turn around and vote the exact opposite. I'm assuming some have morals and do as they say but I would have to also assume that most may say what they think you want to hear in order to not get any heat towards them. Know what I mean? I am so fed up with gov. trying to take the law abiding citizens guns away. How many gun crimes are from people who own them LEGALLY? Unless its one of those bs times where someone gets into trouble by shooting a potential threat. If someone is making off with your belongings you cant even shoot them if they are facing away from you.. criminals have more rights than we do and its getting seriously old!!
I just want to say that I am a Jew, a member of JPFO (Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership) and the fact that the Jewish Federation of Seattle supports this heinous and barbaric nazi-like legislation is a disgrace to my race and heritage!

Please, I pray nobody attacks the naive members of my ethnic group for the brainwashing that has been imposed on them by liberal fascists. My grandmother's entire village in Ukraine was wiped out by nazis because the fascist government of the Soviet Union passed measures just like the one that is being introduced in Olympia today.

I hope all Jews come together and voice their opposition to this atrocious legistlation that promotes the death of the human race and gives powers to powermongering, selfish and narcissitic bureaucrats who have only one desire, to see you weakened, enslaved and annilhated if necessary.

I will not forget the millions of dead ancestors I have and how some of them and their grandchildren could have been alive today had they had the right to bear arms.

More and more Jewish poeple are waking up to the need to keep and bear arms for the protection of our race. The Orthodox Jews and more conservative Jews are becoming more and more hostile to their liberal counterparts, its almost like we are two different races of people with the same name.

I request nobody looks down on Jewish people because of the support of the leftist and ignorant organization called Jewish Federation of Seattle..

Please remember it was types like Clinton, Giulliani, and George HW. Bush who put in effect and enforced the first assault weapons ban. Its always easy to point figures, but every naive , greedy, corrupt, powermongering person in the world seeks to destroy our freedom, regardless of race.

BTW.. If this ban passes, which I am confident it won't.. It will be chaos and mayhem and I know the lazy liberals in Olympia who possibly are even too busy snorting coke and having lewd parties on our tax dollars, may realize the little fun and games they are playing with our freedom and consitution will backfire on them and haunt them for the rest of their lives. Not only that, but alot of this ban will fall on Barack Hussein Obama and the other liberals causing more fear, panic and chaos across the country. Other states will fear that what happened in WA will become a chain reaction in various other states and it will cause a national outcry and I am not wanting to think of the vigilance and even resistance (verbal and physical) that will be incurred.

Seattle Times wrote an article and also believes it won't pass, I don't believe this is a conservative newspaper by any means.. So, its a good sign reading this from the article.

Also, if this measure passes, I think more vigilante groups will arise that will take the laws into their own hands and give justice to the very same criminals that our government refuses to punish. Our government failed us by releasing a dangerous felon from prison and letting him travel state lines and possess a firearm. Now, the government is using him as a scapegoat to pursue their greatest desire, to strip law-abiding citizens of their freedom!

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