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My doctors office, A Providence affiliate, will not take my cash.
Refusing to give them my card, they so far they are billing me so I can send a check. I'm wondering when that will stop.
My doctors office, A Providence affiliate, will not take my cash.
Refusing to give them my card, they so far they are billing me so I can send a check. I'm wondering when that will stop.
Now that is a little strange. Have to "guess" they just don't want the hassle and risk of keeping cash then having to take it to the bank?
Some resale places and most of the vendors at the local flea market only takes cash or precious metals ("will trade for gold/silver!") Even though more and more vendors are setting up mobile debit/credit card systems such as Square and Google Pay among others... some people still prefer the security of cash
Sweden could be viewed as a social petri dish if we were at all concerned about our future. But, alas, we merrily follow our European brethren down the yellow brick road.
My business only accepts cash. I'm not giving the banks a percentage of my earnings so that they can earn even more money off my money.
Once again, it must be said that if an economy falls apart, gold and silver will have little value, either. In Venezuela they are wanting food, goods, items that keep their families afloat.

Gold is useless!
Though I will add to my post above that one my cousins down there (Norberto) has a recession-proof business; he owns/operates a couple porn shops in the Buenos Aires area. His occupation is a source of amusement on two continents. :s0112:

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