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The "Authority's" are still working on the fall guy's and their stories. Only a few will "sorta" be held accountable.
If we could see the whole truth then heads would seriously roll. That will never happen. The "Authority's" are still covering their own tracks.
For the most part I bet we barely know much of anything about how it was really handled. All the nuts and bolts and the real players that helped run it.

For the most part we will get to know what they will let us know. We are lucky that any of this is being leaked out.

We need another Internal Investigation into it. That will help bring out the truth. Yeah right....
Well, two more border patrol agents shot - out of the Brian Terry station in AZ. Wonder if they'll be able to trace the firearms when/if they catch the perps?

Right now this is all I have, and Univision is apparently asking the same question. To my knowledge, no guns were recovered:

Border agents shot, 1 dead near border station named for Brian Terry

Two Border Patrol agents were shot and one was killed Tuesday morning in southern Arizona near Naco, where the patrol station named in honor of slain agent Brian Terry was dedicated recently.

<broken link removed>
Oh crap.

I hope they were better armed than Brain Terry was and and least had a fighting chance.

Also hope they didn't run, hide and call 911 like they were told to.
Oh crap.

I hope they were better armed than Brain Terry was and and least had a fighting chance.

Also hope they didn't run, hide and call 911 like they were told to.
Unfortunately, that's all they had left.
The hope things would change.

When will the atrocities this admin has fostered go away?
The day we scrap this admin, and move on.
There's a good chance those BP agents were on horse back in that area. Most carry side arms, and some have rifles. My son works the southern California border, and says things are getting pretty hot down there also.
Yet another reason to watch the Univision special on Fast and Furious:
Additional guns, previously unreported by congressional investigators, found their way into the hands of drug traffickers across Latin America in countries such as, Honduras and Colombia, as well as the U.S. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. A person familiar with the recent congressional hearings called Univision's findings "the holy grail" that Congress had been searching for.

Get the full story on "Fast and Furious" on a special edition of Univision's "Aquí y Ahora" (Here and Now) this Sunday, September 30, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. ET/PT (6 p.m. Central), which will be aired with closed captioning in English.

With the subtitles, there is NO REASON not to watch.

I find it SOOOO sickening that we supposedly have a "free press," yet are forced to go to a foreign source to get accurate information on the goings-on within our own administration, and our Department of inJustice.
Apparently the American media has freely gone "all-in" to protect this president and see him re-elected.
Thanks for playing.
No message of your own, just attack the message and/or the messenger.

While the standard of justice in the U.S. burns to the ground.
Medic! Tin foil STAT!
Hmmm, you tried that in this thread too:
So here, lets play it again, and we'll see if you have ANY answers this time:

They needed support for increased scrutiny of gun sales, if not an outright AWB.
As explained here:
Documents: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

If there was no way to track these guns once they crossed the border, then why did they do it?

What possible reason could ANYONE have for selling over 2,000 civilian AKs, ARs and Barrett .50s to known straw purchasers, ushering them through the NICS, and then NOT following them after the sale?

What possible reason would they have for forbidding the field agents from pursuing/observing the gun runners/walkers?

And what possible reason would they have for persecuting/prosecuting the whistleblowers that exposed it?

Why didn't eric holder support the whistleblowers, and pursue the perpetrators within the U.S. Attorney's office and the BATFE?

Furthermore how on earth could ANYONE that claims to be part of law enforcement, and who has risen to the highest LE office in the land, NOT KNOW or reasonably predict, what was going to happen when these guns arrived in Mexico?

Furthermore, what possible motivation would/could the president have to keep the facts of who was ultimately responsible for this deadly fiasco from the public, and the Mexican government?

And why on earth, would obama keep it from his own Inspector General in the process of an internal investigation?

Are the facts so damning that he can't even let members of his own administration know?

They must be. Why else would he claim executive privilege?

So will we get crickets crying out for more tin-foil?
Or another attempt at defense of the indefensible?
Hmmm, you tried that in this thread too:
So here, lets play it again, and we'll see if you have ANY answers this time:

They needed support for increased scrutiny of gun sales, if not an outright AWB.
As explained here:
Documents: ATF used "Fast and Furious" to make the case for gun regulations - CBS News Investigates - CBS News

If there was no way to track these guns once they crossed the border, then why did they do it?

What possible reason could ANYONE have for selling over 2,000 civilian AKs, ARs and Barrett .50s to known straw purchasers, ushering them through the NICS, and then NOT following them after the sale?

What possible reason would they have for forbidding the field agents from pursuing/observing the gun runners/walkers?

And what possible reason would they have for persecuting/prosecuting the whistleblowers that exposed it?

Why didn't eric holder support the whistleblowers, and pursue the perpetrators within the U.S. Attorney's office and the BATFE?

Furthermore how on earth could ANYONE that claims to be part of law enforcement, and who has risen to the highest LE office in the land, NOT KNOW or reasonably predict, what was going to happen when these guns arrived in Mexico?

Furthermore, what possible motivation would/could the president have to keep the facts of who was ultimately responsible for this deadly fiasco from the public, and the Mexican government?

And why on earth, would obama keep it from his own Inspector General in the process of an internal investigation?

Are the facts so damning that he can't even let members of his own administration know?

They must be. Why else would he claim executive privilege?

So will we get crickets crying out for more tin-foil?
Or another attempt at defense of the indefensible?

once again the supporters of this crook have no argument to work with so they try and change the subject again ( and to head the discussion off ahead of time by crook I mean holder and all his supporters even the one trying to invoke exe privilege)
I find it SOOOO sickening that we supposedly have a "free press," yet are forced to go to a foreign source to get accurate information on the goings-on within our own administration, and our Department of inJustice.
Apparently the American media has freely gone "all-in" to protect this president and see him re-elected.

Medic! Tin foil STAT!

So Alpha please give us your explanation on why the major media refused to report on this story for over a year. Please explain how it's just a co-incidence that five gun walking operations were going on at the same time, one in Phoenix, two in Texas, one in Florida, and one in Illinois. Why is it not news that the feds were illegally supplying guns to Chicago's (worlds highest major city murder rate) trigger happy felons? Explain how the incredibly high murder rate in Chicago goes largely unreported.

Serious questions. Got a serious answer?
Fast & Furious now officially a campaign issue

Operation Fast and Furious has officially been elevated to the status of “campaign issue,” courtesy of a new fund-raising solicitation mailed by Republican vice presidential hopeful Paul Ryan, just as Barack Obama and Mitt Romney prepare to square off Wednesday evening.

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Yet another reason to watch the Univision special on Fast and Furious:

The Untold Story Behind The "Fast and Furious" Scandal - ABC News

With the subtitles, there is NO REASON not to watch.

I find it SOOOO sickening that we supposedly have a "free press," yet are forced to go to a foreign source to get accurate information on the goings-on within our own administration, and our Department of inJustice.
Apparently the American media has freely gone "all-in" to protect this president and see him re-elected.

there is no free press it's been bought and paid for
So Alpha please give us your explanation on why the major media refused to report on this story for over a year. Please explain how it's just a co-incidence that five gun walking operations were going on at the same time, one in Phoenix, two in Texas, one in Florida, and one in Illinois. Why is it not news that the feds were illegally supplying guns to Chicago's (worlds highest major city murder rate) trigger happy felons? Explain how the incredibly high murder rate in Chicago goes largely unreported.

Serious questions. Got a serious answer?


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