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My next door neighbor and I are both reasonably prepared. Not "survivalist" by any means, but "prepared" in the Red Cross/Boy Scout sense. (i.e. we don't have six months food, but we do make sure to have a few gallons of water, emergency bags, etc.) We're in SW Portland (Multnomah Village/Garden Home area.)

I'm of the opinion that, living in the city proper, there is no reasonable way to prepare for a true apocalypse scenario (if the S truly HTF, even gold will become worthless.) I prepare for realistic/predictable scenarios. (Earthquake, local terrorist attack, etc.) As long as I live in the city proper, the best way to be prepared is to know my neighbors, and have a plan to survive in place for a week without government help, with infrastructure damage.

Also, if you're in Portland, look into the "NET" (Neighborhood Emergency Team) program: <broken link removed>, a government-sponsored program to get people prepared for emergency situations. Taking the training does not commit you to doing anything. It is a pure volunteer program. (The idea being that you would voluntarily help your immediate neighborhood; not that you would be "called up" National Guard-style.)
Also, if you're in Portland, look into the "NET" (Neighborhood Emergency Team) program: <broken link removed>, a government-sponsored program to get people prepared for emergency situations. Taking the training does not commit you to doing anything. It is a pure volunteer program. (The idea being that you would voluntarily help your immediate neighborhood; not that you would be "called up" National Guard-style.)

Unfortunatly NET seems to be either unfunded or nolonger in use. The Forum hasnt had a recent post since March 2011 and they have NO training scheduled or recent classes posted for months. Its a shame.
Unfortunatly NET seems to be either unfunded or nolonger in use. The Forum hasnt had a recent post since March 2011 and they have NO training scheduled or recent classes posted for months. Its a shame.

Odd, I had someone from the city talking about it at our neighborhood association meeting in November. Definitely talked about it as a current thing... Although now that I look, the next training is September. Quite a ways out... (Ah, it specifies that they ONLY provide the training in the Fall of each year.)
im in gresham and would like to put a group together let me know if your interested. im also thinking of starting a volunteer natural disaster group to help are fellow oregonians in a time of need. please send me a pm with a little about you skills/age/training ect. thanks
Well, seeing as no one's claimed the Rogue Valley yet...
:s0160:*plants flag* I call dibs...

Though, I do know there's a couple of us here, of which i've met a couple (and would love to have them on my side rather than be opposed to them) but you know, we're all shy down here. *returns to his bunker built by the mole people*

Medford represent :s0004:

I will add a flag up in our corner of Medford Area.
Wish I saw this thread 2 years ago ;) anybody in the washougal/ camas area. At the moment I live where my neighbors all stay to them selves. Will be moving my family into Vancouver this summer. Can't pay me to move to Portland.... :)
I live in Salem. I'm very new to prepping, I've been reading on this site for months. Many interesting takes. My wife has recently gotten onboard for our preparedness, so as money starts to come in we'll be stockpiling. I feel like I cant be prepared soon enough although I know I have a ways to go. I know a little about guns but I have only one handgun in my house. Soon I hope to own a 22lr and have a couple thousand rounds. My short term goal is to be able to stay in my house with no power for 3 months. I'd be interested in meeting like minded folks to exchange some ideas.
I'm currently working on trying to get my wife to think about being prepared. At the moment, I can't even get her to see the validity of having an extra bag or two of pet food just in case. We actually just got into an argument about it a few minutes ago, lol. At this point, I've been just getting the extra supplies and stockpiling them on my own, without her. She sure wasn't complaining when we lost power and I pulled out the camp stove and lanterns and all the "normal" stuff I have laying around. We were cooking up what we had in the fridge and she was quite happy with my stove top coffee maker, lol. to Costco we go to get some more things for the house!
I'm currently working on trying to get my wife to think about being prepared. At the moment, I can't even get her to see the validity of having an extra bag or two of pet food just in case. We actually just got into an argument about it a few minutes ago, lol. At this point, I've been just getting the extra supplies and stockpiling them on my own, without her. She sure wasn't complaining when we lost power and I pulled out the camp stove and lanterns and all the "normal" stuff I have laying around. We were cooking up what we had in the fridge and she was quite happy with my stove top coffee maker, lol. to Costco we go to get some more things for the house!

Here is an idea. When she or you go shopping "covertly" buy extra "sale" items. That way you can stock up for a rainy day! The result will be that you will be better prepared when SHTF. The missing items you can buy on your own.
We are not that private. Some of us are just afraid that as soon as we get a group together Home land security will sneak in and put use on their watch list. I and my friends stay in our little group it is safer that way. After The ATF shared list of gun owners that they had compiled from their watch list after Hurricane Katrina for gun confiscating we are gun shy about being on one of the ATF list.
We are not that private. Some of us are just afraid that as soon as we get a group together Home land security will sneak in and put use on their watch list. I and my friends stay in our little group it is safer that way. After The ATF shared list of gun owners that they had compiled from their watch list after Hurricane Katrina for gun confiscating we are gun shy about being on one of the ATF list.

Reason why I don't post pics of my guns or talk much of what I have or don't have. People close to me know I'm prepared and quite knowledgeable and I will talk about a lot of stuff in depth face to face, but that's about it.
While in the USAF as a medic, one of my tasks was to inspect emergency food stockpiles. There are 10 very large wharehoses in Klamath Falls filled to the brim with MREs. I'm talking a couple million cases.
Reason why I don't post pics of my guns or talk much of what I have or don't have. People close to me know I'm prepared and quite knowledgeable and I will talk about a lot of stuff in depth face to face, but that's about it.
First this?

I know if SHTF, I will be using my military access to the bases to my advantage, lol
Than, this?

Am i missing something?


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