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"(1) REQUIRED INFORMATION.—Under the firearm registration system, the owner of a firearm shall transmit to the Bureau—

"(A) the make, model, and serial number of the firearm, the identity of the owner of the firearm, the date the firearm was acquired by the owner, and where the firearm is or will be stored; and

"(A) IN GENERAL.—The Attorney General shall establish and maintain a database of all firearms registered pursuant to this subsection.
"(B) ACCESS.—The Attorney General shall make the contents of the database accessible to all members of the public, all Federal, State, and local law enforcement authorities, all branches of the United States Armed Forces, and all State and local governments, as defined by the Bureau.
Any question as to why there's still several thousand National Guard troops on Capitol Hill....

After 1/6/21 I have zero doubts, and it wasn't to take away guns.

I've got to say, and I don't care who flames or threatens me, that the entire argument regarding "fighting back against government tyranny" has shown itself to be nothing but a Country Crock.
People protesting their family members being executed, without trial, for the color of their skin, people simply looking to be treated with simple human respect, and hordes of cocked-n-locked s*itheads get a big chubby to be the first to jump in and help the tyrannical government suppress the liberty of others, by force of arms.

Seems like most every comment here is someone complaining about their particular "liberty" being in danger. Where was all that concern when it was somebody else?

I'll do what I can to fight this law via non-compliance and generally supporting the Second. But I'll never knowingly support, assist, or vote for any Republican, Libertarian, cop, or grifter of any sort again in my lifetime.

Nor will I feel the need to justify my position. God and history will handle that. My people got here in 1620 and got on with the business of separating the land from the natives and my ancestors have either shed or drawn blood in most every conflict, first in New England, then nationally, then the international wars.

Last summer, when I watched a Fed trying to beat up a USNA grad during the PDX demos, the overwhelming majority of the "proud patriot" community, thought it was all good fun and supported the Feds unconditionally, although the victim was simply attempting to have a conversation with the cops over illegal orders, something which the "patriot" crowd clearly knows nothing of, apparently having never served (one can only assume, that or they're just plain stupid).

As far as it goes, I'd like to see some licensing and testing required in order to claim the title of "Patriot". No Joke.
I gotta be more careful with my meds. I was reading....

I've got to say, and I don't care who flames or threatens me, that the entire argument regarding "fighting back against government tyranny" has shown itself to be nothing but a Country Crock.

But somehow I thought I read...."Country Cook".


After that mess. I well.....went for another beer. I'll be back again after I'm done refreshing myself. Cheers.

Aloha, Mark
After 1/6/21 I have zero doubts, and it wasn't to take away guns.

I've got to say, and I don't care who flames or threatens me, that the entire argument regarding "fighting back against government tyranny" has shown itself to be nothing but a Country Crock.
People protesting their family members being executed, without trial, for the color of their skin, people simply looking to be treated with simple human respect, and hordes of cocked-n-locked s*itheads get a big chubby to be the first to jump in and help the tyrannical government suppress the liberty of others, by force of arms.

Seems like most every comment here is someone complaining about their particular "liberty" being in danger. Where was all that concern when it was somebody else?

I'll do what I can to fight this law via non-compliance and generally supporting the Second. But I'll never knowingly support, assist, or vote for any Republican, Libertarian, cop, or grifter of any sort again in my lifetime.

Nor will I feel the need to justify my position. God and history will handle that. My people got here in 1620 and got on with the business of separating the land from the natives and my ancestors have either shed or drawn blood in most every conflict, first in New England, then nationally, then the international wars.

Last summer, when I watched a Fed trying to beat up a USNA grad during the PDX demos, the overwhelming majority of the "proud patriot" community, thought it was all good fun and supported the Feds unconditionally, although the victim was simply attempting to have a conversation with the cops over illegal orders, something which the "patriot" crowd clearly knows nothing of, apparently having never served (one can only assume, that or they're just plain stupid).

As far as it goes, I'd like to see some licensing and testing required in order to claim the title of "Patriot". No Joke.
Don't confuse Antifa actions with patriotic actions. What happened January 6th was Antifa doing, had been well planned out and has since been reasonable well documented. Antifa <> Patriot.
I don't think there was an issue with getting people to vote. The 2020 election set a new record for votes.

If you want people to vote your way, you'll have to get the majority of voters in the middle on your side. Things like raiding the Capitol building, killing a police officer and sending a few dozen other police officers to the ER generally don't get voters in the middle on your side.

You might say that those people at the Capitol on January 6th don't represent all people here. That's true. But those people are a subset of people here. Oath Keepers? Militia? Trump supporters? Time to flush all those insurrectionists.
I don't think there was an issue with getting people to vote. The 2020 election set a new record for votes.

If you want people to vote your way, you'll have to get the majority of voters in the middle on your side. Things like raiding the Capitol building, killing a police officer and sending a few dozen other police officers to the ER generally don't get voters in the middle on your side.

You might say that those people at the Capitol on January 6th don't represent all people here. That's true. But those people are a subset of people here. Oath Keepers? Militia? Trump supporters? Time to flush all those insurrectionists.

There is a little bit of irony to this sentiment (as it pertains to attacks on the 2nd Amendment) in that there was no firearms related violence except from the Capitol Police. Whether such use of force was justified is, of course, yet to be determined.

I do understand where you are coming from though. Anti-gun advocates will use false correlations all day to justify increased restrictions. As such, I agree that we need to use constructive ways to appeal to those who are indifferent or against the 2nd Amendment; but we also have to stand firm and make sure we yield no ground in the process.
After 1/6/21 I have zero doubts, and it wasn't to take away guns.

I've got to say, and I don't care who flames or threatens me, that the entire argument regarding "fighting back against government tyranny" has shown itself to be nothing but a Country Crock.
People protesting their family members being executed, without trial, for the color of their skin, people simply looking to be treated with simple human respect, and hordes of cocked-n-locked s*itheads get a big chubby to be the first to jump in and help the tyrannical government suppress the liberty of others, by force of arms.

Seems like most every comment here is someone complaining about their particular "liberty" being in danger. Where was all that concern when it was somebody else?

I'll do what I can to fight this law via non-compliance and generally supporting the Second. But I'll never knowingly support, assist, or vote for any Republican, Libertarian, cop, or grifter of any sort again in my lifetime.

Nor will I feel the need to justify my position. God and history will handle that. My people got here in 1620 and got on with the business of separating the land from the natives and my ancestors have either shed or drawn blood in most every conflict, first in New England, then nationally, then the international wars.

Last summer, when I watched a Fed trying to beat up a USNA grad during the PDX demos, the overwhelming majority of the "proud patriot" community, thought it was all good fun and supported the Feds unconditionally, although the victim was simply attempting to have a conversation with the cops over illegal orders, something which the "patriot" crowd clearly knows nothing of, apparently having never served (one can only assume, that or they're just plain stupid).

As far as it goes, I'd like to see some licensing and testing required in order to claim the title of "Patriot". No Joke.
No. Not just no, but HELL NO!
Since BIDEN was offering to forgiver $10k in student loans. Yeah....I can imagine that those sitting on the fence might have jumped big time onto his bandwagon. Why not? He's offering FREE MONEY.

So then, if I was running......maybe I should offer to forgive $20k in student loans?

LOL....Yup, buying my way to the Presidency. IMHO..... It's a political farce that he was able to get away with it. But really....what do I know.:s0092:

I pay taxes. And, when I borrow money......I pay it back.

Aloha, Mark
Last Edited:
If they ever came for our guns, its nice to know which "fellow" gun owners would be directing the feds to the next gun owners house. One of the many utilities of open forums like this.
I don't think there was an issue with getting people to vote. The 2020 election set a new record for votes.

If you want people to vote your way, you'll have to get the majority of voters in the middle on your side. Things like raiding the Capitol building, killing a police officer and sending a few dozen other police officers to the ER generally don't get voters in the middle on your side.

You might say that those people at the Capitol on January 6th don't represent all people here. That's true. But those people are a subset of people here. Oath Keepers? Militia? Trump supporters? Time to flush all those insurrectionists.
Weren't they really Antifa?????
No they're not representative of people here...
I don't think there was an issue with getting people to vote. The 2020 election set a new record for votes.

If you want people to vote your way, you'll have to get the majority of voters in the middle on your side. Things like raiding the Capitol building, killing a police officer and sending a few dozen other police officers to the ER generally don't get voters in the middle on your side.

You might say that those people at the Capitol on January 6th don't represent all people here. That's true. But those people are a subset of people here. Oath Keepers? Militia? Trump supporters? Time to flush all those insurrectionists.
Yes, there *IS* an issue with getting people to vote. 49% of Oregon voters are gun owners, but only half of them vote. If they all voted every time we would win every time.
Yes, there *IS* an issue with getting people to vote. 49% of Oregon voters are gun owners, but only half of them vote. If they all voted every time we would win every time.
Most of them vote, just not every gun owner votes the way you might want. You can call them Voters Always Giving In by Nodding Acceptance to Socialists, or VAGINAS. No offense meant to actual vaginas.
After 1/6/21 I have zero doubts, and it wasn't to take away guns.

I've got to say, and I don't care who flames or threatens me, that the entire argument regarding "fighting back against government tyranny" has shown itself to be nothing but a Country Crock.
People protesting their family members being executed, without trial, for the color of their skin, people simply looking to be treated with simple human respect, and hordes of cocked-n-locked s*itheads get a big chubby to be the first to jump in and help the tyrannical government suppress the liberty of others, by force of arms.

Seems like most every comment here is someone complaining about their particular "liberty" being in danger. Where was all that concern when it was somebody else?

I'll do what I can to fight this law via non-compliance and generally supporting the Second. But I'll never knowingly support, assist, or vote for any Republican, Libertarian, cop, or grifter of any sort again in my lifetime.

Nor will I feel the need to justify my position. God and history will handle that. My people got here in 1620 and got on with the business of separating the land from the natives and my ancestors have either shed or drawn blood in most every conflict, first in New England, then nationally, then the international wars.

Last summer, when I watched a Fed trying to beat up a USNA grad during the PDX demos, the overwhelming majority of the "proud patriot" community, thought it was all good fun and supported the Feds unconditionally, although the victim was simply attempting to have a conversation with the cops over illegal orders, something which the "patriot" crowd clearly knows nothing of, apparently having never served (one can only assume, that or they're just plain stupid).

As far as it goes, I'd like to see some licensing and testing required in order to claim the title of "Patriot". No Joke.

Hey, 1627 here! You got me beat by 7 years. Also blood shed by my ancestors in every conflict since. That blood was shed for freedoms, my friend. Freedom does not include being murdered by the police state no matter what color you are. They also don't include murdering innocent citizens going about their business on public roadways, nor brutalizing those same citizens for driving down the wrong street. Nor do they include throwing explosives at federal officers, nor burning federal buildings. Antifa is not fighting for freedom. Antifa is bullying and assaulting government officials and ordinary citizens. Antifa is not "people simply looking to be treated with simple human respect." So take your bullcrap somewhere else. It won't fly here.

And oh yeah, I grew up dirt poor and from the wrong side of the tracks. Later on, I adopted and raised two black toddlers when I married my second wife. And yeah, I had that same talk with them about how to survive a police traffic stop that my dad had with me. It's not just black people that get executed by the police. It's poor people of all colors, and the stats bear me out.

Until we recognize that it's not about "racism" we won't solve this problem. It's about classism. The police deal 98% with poor people all day, every day. They assume on sight that poor people are criminals who are up to no good. All people, regardless of how they look, or their economic status need to be treated with professionalism, even the obviously guilty ones. That's how good cops behave.

If you're a cop who gets upset and out of control at being "disrespected" you're in the wrong profession. You have an ego problem and you should have been weeded out long ago, but then, that's why you chose to be a cop, so you could have a license to take out your frustrations and inferiorities on people with less power than you. As a cop, if you set yourself up as judge, jury, and executioner you don't deserve a badge.

It's police policy and training that need to change. If police are only following policy when they shoot an unarmed suspect, then that policy is dead wrong. And the argument that that wrong-headed policy is there to keep cops safe is dead wrong too. Yes, being a cop is a dangerous job, not as dangerous as a dozen others, but still dangerous, but you had your eyes wide open going in. Nobody held a gun to your head and said, "Be a cop."

So yeah, there are bad cops who do bad things. And there are also bad citizens who do bad things. Both are wrong. Both need to be weeded out and put where they can't take out their hatred and frustrations on society. And when you take sides and pretend that one set of bad actors is innocent you're not fooling anyone but yourself.
Most of them vote, just not every gun owner votes the way you might want. You can call them Voters Always Giving In by Nodding Acceptance to Socialists, or VAGINAS. No offense meant to actual vaginas.

The actual statistic is roughly 50% don't vote.

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