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Clean shoot.

Rayshard Brooks would still be alive if 1) He chose to drink in moderation instead of getting drunk 2) Chose not to drink and drive 3) Chose not to drive drunk and fall asleep at the wheel 3) Chose not to resist arrest 4) Chose not to steal a LEOs taser 5) Chose not to elude still resisting arrest 6) Chose not to point a taser at a LEO while eluding.

Seems like he made several successive poor decisions, ultimately leading to his death. And the officer was justified, because Brooks could have incapacitated an officer with the taser and took their firearm.

I cannot believe people are giving criminals a free pass, because of the color of their skin, society is doomed.
Bugger was wearing a red dress too.
Clean shoot.

Rayshard Brooks would still be alive if 1) He chose to drink in moderation instead of getting drunk 2) Chose not to drink and drive 3) Chose not to drive drunk and fall asleep at the wheel 3) Chose not to resist arrest 4) Chose not to steal a LEOs taser 5) Chose not to elude still resisting arrest 6) Chose not to point a taser at a LEO while eluding.

Seems like he made several successive poor decisions, ultimately leading to his death. And the officer was justified, because Brooks could have incapacitated an officer with the taser and took their firearm.

I cannot believe people are giving criminals a free pass, because of the color of their skin, society is doomed.
That's an awful lot of personal responsibility you are laying on poor Mr. Brooks. Don't you think it would be more appropriate to lay some blame on Wendy's for taking so long to handle his food order?

I think a restorative justice team could have handled this more calmly and got Mr. Brooks his food and pointed him in the right direction to get out of the parking lot.
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This guy fights two officers to the point of taking a police issue Taser away but was probably trying for the cops' sidearm!

Backstory - Atlanta fired four officers, and charged two more officers for tasering two people in a car while resisting arrest after a May 30 protest (riot), after curfew for "excessive force" and Fox news also quoted someone in power there in Atlanta as saying that the Tasers use in this case was "deadly force." I think all six officers are black with decades of experience. Also, one of the suspects, I mean victims, of that Tasering said she thought she was going to die...lawsuit to follow.

To my point, I believe yesterday's use of deadly force WAS Justified, and by the mayor and city attorney's own statements about the Taser use two weeks ago.

This was a good shoot, and all of these police officers should get their jobs back, public apologies up and down by the chain of command, and compensation!

Won't happen turned upside down :confused:

I can't find the article now, but I read this morning that the DA wants murder charges against the officer. Even before the GBI report is in...
Excluding anyone I don't know. From my experience I've seen some LEO that may not exactly be the right fit for the job. Many reasons for that. I firmly believe the average Joe Blow cop is NOT racist.
I think they just don't have the patience and personality to talk criminals off the ledge.
Excluding anyone I don't know. From my experience I've seen some LEO that may not exactly be the right fit for the job. Many reasons for that. I firmly believe the average Joe Blow cop is NOT racist.
I think they just don't have the patience and personality to talk criminals off the ledge.
They shouldn't have to. The scumbag criminal makes a conscious decision to commit crime. Let me also say committing a crime does not instantly make you a scumbag criminal. I used discretion throughout my 24 year career. I am talking about hardened repeat criminals who do it over and over. And I don't mean people stealing candy. I am talking about burglars, car thieves armed and unarmed robbers people who commit aggravated battery rape and attempted murder and murder. There is a difference. I also admit there are people that shouldn't be Officers. They usually get weeded out. Nothing is perfect though. But the amount of bad Officers is much less than any other career field I know of. Just my .02 cents.
Law Enforcement Officer 2021... Part social worker, part babysitter, part psychologist, part behavioral specialist, part delayed adulthood specialist, with an 8yr degree in Restorative Justice.

Law Enforcement 2021: Laws will be reconfigured and renamed as "guidelines/suggestions for getting along and to promote love and affection". There will be no deadly force, period, ever. No SWAT, no hardened vehicles, no black and white vehicles. Officers will be renamed "First Responders" and may NOT carry anything that might be construed as a weapon or a restraint or control implement. All First Responders (formerly known as officers, detectives, and parking enforcement) must wear body cams that are turned on 24/7. Commlinks will provide direction/orders Live from Central Control personel in City Hall Mayor's Office. The DA's office will be disbanded/closed. On scene First Responders must first ask a potential lawbreaker troublemaker to please stop. If misbehavior continues, a professional/licensed/credentialed social worker must be called to the scene to talk reason to the potential lawbreaker troublemaker. If potential lawbreaker troublemaker still misbehaves, a citation request will be issued for the potential lawbreaker troublemaker to appear in the local Justice Court for the potential offense misunderstanding to be considered by a panel of their peers. If a panel of their peers cannot be found, one will be appointed by by a panel of social workers or social integration specialists or intersectional analysts. If a panel of their peers still cannot be found, the matter will be dropped.

Obviously, along with these reformations, prisons will be abolished and all prisoners will be released with an apology, a settlement for damages, and a pension or Guaranteed Basic Income, full healthcare benefits for life for them and any progeny (including current or future girlfriend or boyfriend), free college tuition (if desired and for as long as desired), free housing, free utilities, food stamps for life, an Obamaphone with unlimited minutes/text/data, free cable or satellite TV for life (to include all Premium channels, sports packages, and UFC and/or boxing matches, and all porn channels and PPV), and free recreational drugs for themselves and their friends* (* limited to 6 parties/celebrations per week).
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There were 4 choices made that ended his life.
1. Drink and drive, his choice
2. Resist arrest, his choice
3. Fight two police officers, his choice
4. Grab a cops tazer, fire it at him. His choice

All of those choices were his to make, he chose poorly on each one.
If you fight someone with a gun you risk it being used on you.
Justified in my book.
I was watching some videos evaluating that situation, and right before he was shot it looked like he fired the taser at the officer, the taser let out a bright light and one of the officers seemed to be aware that it was fired at him.

Officer goes to the taser and it's ineffective. Suspect while still resisting steals taser gets up and runs with the taser in hand. Officers pursue on foot. The Suspect who is now less than 21 feet from the Officer (max range of most tasers ) turns around, and points the taser at the Officer. This is where it gets to be an unknown you see the flash so he is pulling the trigger on the taser. That means he may have actually fired the taser, Officer shoots suspect.
Looks to me like the pursuing officer was actually hit by the taser. There is a lot going on and the action is hard to follow, but after watching it numerous times and following each participant in isolation. I see the following:

1) Immediately after the taser emits a flash of light, the pursuing officer seems to stagger and falls against the trunk of a vehicle. He slumps for a moment, then recovers and continues the pursuit. At no point does he appear to point a firearm at the perp.

2) Almost immediately after the pursuing officer recovers and continues chase, the perp falls to the ground. Where did the shot come from? Looks to me like the perp must have been shot by the second officer, who is off screen at the time, almost immediately after the perp fires the taser at the first officer and turns to run.

Anybody else see it like this or do I need a new prescription?
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Looks to me like the pursuing officer was actually hit by the taser. There is a lot going on and the action is hard to follow, but after watching it numerous times and following each participant in isolation. I see the following:

1) Immediately after the taser emits a flash of light, the pursuing officer seems to stagger and falls against the trunk of a vehicle. He slumps for a moment, then recovers and continues the pursuit. At no point does he appear to point a firearm at the perp.

2) Almost immediately after the pursuing officer recovers and continues chase, the perp falls to the ground. Where did the shot come from? Looks to me like the perp must have been shot by the second officer, who is off screen at the time, almost immediately after the perp fires the taser at the first officer and turns to run.

Anybody else see it like this or do I need a new prescription?

Nope, you're eyes are fine. I saw the video on Live Leak and you can definitely see the taser go off and the chasing officer stumble like he was hit with it.
I don't think shooting him in the back was the greatest idea, because neither your or I can do that.
In a high-stress, split-second situation such as a pursuit following a violent assault I don't think anyone had the "idea" to shoot him in the back. It was more likely a reflexive act with very little conscious thought.

A civilian or LEO can lawfully shoot someone in the back to protect someone else from an imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury . If the second officer was the one who fired the shots then he may very well have been justified in shooting Mr. Brooks in the back. It's not very clear to me but Brooks appears to have engaged the first officer with the Taser and posed a possible threat of obtaining the incapacitated (if he was incapacitated) officer's firearm, not to mention the risks posed by the Taser.

I'm a former federal LEO who used to teach use of force and every policy I know of gives you the right to resort to lethal force to protect yourself and/or someone else from an imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury. In a nutshell, I'm saying Officer 2 may have shot Brooks in the back to protect Officer 1. Brooks may have not posed a credible threat at the exact moment shots were fired but the shooting officer may not have known that at the time. A closer analysis of the video evidence may undermine this but that's what it looks like to me right now.
Backstory - Atlanta fired four officers, and charged two more officers for tasering two people in a car while resisting arrest after a May 30 protest (riot), after curfew for "excessive force" and Fox news also quoted someone in power there in Atlanta as saying that the Tasers use in this case was "deadly force." I think all six officers are black with decades of experience.

Five were Black, one was White.
Looks to me like the pursuing officer was actually hit by the taser. There is a lot going on and the action is hard to follow, but after watching it numerous times and following each participant in isolation. I see the following:

1) Immediately after the taser emits a flash of light, the pursuing officer seems to stagger and falls against the trunk of a vehicle. He slumps for a moment, then recovers and continues the pursuit. At no point does he appear to point a firearm at the perp.

2) Almost immediately after the pursuing officer recovers and continues chase, the perp falls to the ground. Where did the shot come from? Looks to me like the perp must have been shot by the second officer, who is off screen at the time, almost immediately after the perp fires the taser at the first officer and turns to run.

Anybody else see it like this or do I need a new prescription?

I agree "There is a lot going on and the action is hard to follow ..." but this is pretty much how events in the video seem to me, too. If the second officer wasn't the shooter then that would be a significantly different use of force scenario.
Didn't know a taser was a deadly weapon at distance.

As a matter of fact in Georgia.
It is .
They have convicted people for it.
But now all of a sudden it's not.
Any way back to the topic this one is tricky.
I would say why would he have a knock down drag out fight with two cops over a obvious DUI.
And then again why would the cops chase him down and have to shoot him over a DUI.
they knew who he was they had his car and ID.
They talked to him for a half hour before this all went down.
Stupid on his part and stupid on the cops part.
@RedCardinalSeven After reviewing the videos (which I hadn't previously scene) and hearing more information about it I think they were completely justified. I think the man could have incapacitated the officers and took their weapons. As well, tasers can be lethal if not used correctly I am hearing.

I feel it was a good shoot and think that if Atlanta mayor doesn't stop making war on her police department she won't have one much longer. Hearing a lot of cops are already leaving the Atlanta PD, along with many others, such as Minneapolis PD, Seattle PD, NYPD, etc.
As a matter of fact in Georgia.
It is .
They have convicted people for it.
But now all of a sudden it's not.
Any way back to the topic this one is tricky.
I would say why would he have a knock down drag out fight with two cops over a obvious DUI.
And then again why would the cops chase him down and have to shoot him over a DUI.
they knew who he was they had his car and ID.
They talked to him for a half hour before this all went down.
Stupid on his part and stupid on the cops part.

EPS, my only thought was they are suppose to apprehend the suspect and maybe could lose their jobs if they just let him run loose. I think it's unfortunate somebody had to die, but the guy did turn around and attempt to hit the policeman with the taser...

Seriously, what police officers do not chase down suspects ? I have yet to hear a person evading arrest who would not be pursued by a police officer. BTW, if that guy would have used the police officer's taser on somebody (out of drunken rage), I bet the liability would come back to the police officer as well and he would have lost his job or been reprimanded just over that.

I do have to add , it's never good to shoot anyone in the back.. Had it been me or you we would be serving time for that shoot most likely.. But, then again, we are not suppose to go and apprehend a suspect who is fleeing either.
EPS, my only thought was they are suppose to apprehend the suspect and maybe could lose their jobs if they just let him run loose. I think it's unfortunate somebody had to die, but the guy did turn around and attempt to hit the policeman with the taser...

Seriously, what police officers do not chase down suspects ? I have yet to hear a person evading arrest who would not be pursued by a police officer. BTW, if that guy would have used the police officer's taser on somebody (out of drunken rage), I bet the liability would come back to the police officer as well and he would have lost his job or been reprimanded just over that.

I do have to add , it's never good to shoot anyone in the back.. Had it been me or you we would be serving time for that shoot most likely.. But, then again, we are not suppose to go and apprehend a suspect who is fleeing either.
Yep that true but I still think it was stupid on all sides.
But this is what I think is going to happen .
There going to say even if he did use the tazer on one cop there was another one there so there is no way he could have got his gun.
And with the way things are .
The chief quitting the mayor won't back the cops .
They better get good lawyers.

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