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Do you find the term 'gun nut' derogatory?

  • Yes

    Votes: 31 26.7%
  • No

    Votes: 55 47.4%
  • It depends (and I'll explain below)

    Votes: 30 25.9%

  • Total voters
I would imagine that if someone that owns guns is speaking to someone else that is also a gun owner, they could be allowed to to refer to each other in conversation as a "Gun-Nuts".

... BUT ...

If one of them wasn't a gun owner, that one would have to refer to the one that owned guns as being a, "Gun-N word".


(I also think a "Gun-Nut's" pro-nouns would be ... yes-sir!, excuse-me-sir!, thank-you-sir!)
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I considered "gun nut" a little derogatory 50 years ago. Very derogatory now in the era of school shootings, an ever present reminder that some people with guns are genuinely nuts.
"Gun Nut" is my personal pronoun so I'm only offended if you don't use it*

* Rules for Radicals Rule 4: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
Sticks and stone may brake my bones but names will never hurt me.
Are know you are, but what am I?
I'm made of rubber, you're made of glue, what ever you say bounce off me and sticks on you.
Neener, neener, neener
I considered "gun nut" a little derogatory 50 years ago. Very derogatory now in the era of school shootings, an ever present reminder that some people with guns are genuinely nuts.
I agree with you.

In THIS day and age, I think that it is a BAD THING to call someone a GUN NUT who owns, shoots or carries a gun.

There are INSANE and sane people who commit crimes/murders using guns. Plus there are just plain EVIL people OUT THERE in la la land who will use any type of an OBJECT including a gun to do their dirty deed.

Big time collector who never shoots or a person who owns several guns who does shoot a LOT or a little - makes no difference to me. Gun owner is a better term just like a car or truck or fill in the blanks owner! There are OTHER far nicer words to use too.

I never liked the term, gun nut, years ago even before I bought my first gun too!

I listened to some podcast several weeks ago and the woman on the show called MEN who wanted and needed certain types of firearms, "Men who wanted pe_is EXTENDERS or some such garbage."

Like it all has to do with sex. To fill up some part of their body that was not MANLY enough according to her. And she is an older lady, not as old as I am, and EX MILITARY too!

Then I heard Jesse V. on some radio show and I had a clip of him talking about gun rights and so forth and I was stumped! HE DID NOT EVEN MENTION the REAL EXPLANATION of the SECOND AMENDMENT about tyrants/tyranny/ etc. when he gave HIS newer and/or REVISED OPINION about the RKBA issue! Holy moly!

I was RAISED old fashioned and OLD SCHOOL. Emily Post manners and so forth.

MY parents and mentors always taught us about the sticks and stones saying many times. CONSIDER THE SOURCE, ignore them, etc.


So if someone 'jokes' about being a gun nut - it depends on WHO is saying it and HOW they say it and what IT means to them saying it to you.

But when another person says it in another way including a stranger or in a DEMEANING WAY which even some so called PRO GUN (?!?) people say in THIS day and age... it is NOT a compliment!

I do NOT even like the word FUDD even though MANY people on THIS website and ALL OVER the WWWeb like to call some of us who PREFER and like old fashioned guns that NAME.

WE support their RKBA and BUYING RIGHTS in THEIR firearms and yet MANY of THEM do NOT support people who like OLD STYLE - OLD FASHIONED looks in our beautiful former or present firearms. Amazing on how that works, eh?! LOL

And they claim to be so TOLERANT. Yeah, right, NOT! LOL And they CONTINUE to use that FUDD word in a VERY nasty way. And some of us were and still are FAR MORE into the RKBA issue than they ever were at ANY AGE and even in states where they THINK are some way but they are NOT compared to the 'West'. Uh huh.

Take care!

Old Lady Cate
I can't believe I'm saying this, but you guys are causing me to think of a new pronoun for myself... :eek:

Gun lover. There you go!

I don't believe in calling a HE a she or a they or whatever.

I don't believe in calling a SHE a he or a they or whatever.

I think all of those NEW names are just plain SALAMI no matter what alphabet SALAD czar wants to call them in this mixed up - bat s crazy world of POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!

Vance sounds like a man's name to me - so you are a HE to me or VANCE.

BRUCE JENNER is a he aka a MALE and HE can call himself CJ or some other name including a sail boat but he is still a MAN to me no matter what he adds to his body, how many HORMONES he takes, what he CUTS OFF (?) of his body, how he applies HIS makeup or wears whatever types of clothes that HE chooses to wear.

ONE thing about Bruce from what I gather is that he DOES or did support the RKBA issue so whatever HE chooses to CALL himself is okay even though to me - he was or STILL IS (?) a RKBA fiscal conservative. ADDED MORE.

HE is a FISCAL CONSERVATIVE and I applaud him for that!

HE said that he does believe in SELF DEFENSE ISSUES and the RKBA issue and I believe that he still MEANS that now!

He should run for governor or for some political office if he continues to live in CA too. A FISCAL CONSERVATIVE WHO BELIEVES IN THE RKBA ISSUE!

He spoke about running and I CRS if he did or not now.

He did speak up about CA being RUINED with homelessness, CRIME, dirt, drugs, booze, etc.

HIS heart and brain are very conservative in SOME THINGS that many of us do CARE ABOUT and he is NOT ashamed to speak up about those issues! I APPLAUD HIM for that!

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I realize this is a zombie thread, but today use of the term "gun nut" is no only derogstory, but downright dangerous. With federal red flag laws being discussed and the communists in control of the party in power, their reasoning is that ANYONE that owns firearms or has an interest in them is mentally ill, prima facie evidence that their firearms must be seized. :s0001:
For most of my adult life, I took no offense to being called a "gun nut", no matter who said it. Now I'm no longer in that camp. 2ndtimer is exactly right, and I've experienced the truth he speaks in a very real way.

I was involved in a situation at the beginning of the year, in which my case was handled in a completely atypical, in fact unprecedented, manner by my employer because they considered me a "gun nut". The mismanagement of my case, based on the label of "gun nut", impacted me mentally, monetarily, and even my physical freedom. I had done nothing illegal or against policy, and was in good company with other employees, both previous and present who were in the same situation. I was handled in a polar opposite, punitive manner, due to the administration considering me a "gun nut". So yes, the term matters to me, and I hate it.
For most of my adult life, I took no offense to being called a "gun nut", no matter who said it. Now I'm no longer in that camp. 2ndtimer is exactly right, and I've experienced the truth he speaks in a very real way.

I was involved in a situation at the beginning of the year, in which my case was handled in a completely atypical, in fact unprecedented, manner by my employer because they considered me a "gun nut". The mismanagement of my case, based on the label of "gun nut", impacted me mentally, monetarily, and even my physical freedom. I had done nothing illegal or against policy, and was in good company with other employees, both previous and present who were in the same situation. I was handled in a polar opposite, punitive manner, due to the administration considering me a "gun nut". So yes, the term matters to me, and I hate it.
I know it's personal, but is there a way for you to further elucidate for the NWFA community as to exactly what happened to you?
Did you get red-flagged and lose your guns, lose your job, go to jail, etc.?
I'd really like to know what happened, since I currently live in a similarly communist hellhole.
I know it's personal, but is there a way for you to further elucidate for the NWFA community as to exactly what happened to you?
Did you get red-flagged and lose your guns, lose your job, go to jail, etc.?
I'd really like to know what happened, since I currently live in a similarly communist hellhole.
I lost my guns and my wife's. They were taken by an illegal warrant, based on an illegal detention. A couple agonizing months later, I won the court case against the law enforcement agency, and they were required to return the firearms. All but 4 have been returned. The 4 still in Property are in limbo. The sad thing is one of those 4 was an engagement gift I bought my wife 28 years ago, before California had a "roster" and the gun is not on the roster, so she will likely not be able to get her own gun back.

As for the monetary impact, I was well on in the hiring process with a state agency, to the point that the regional head of operations covering two counties was personally calling Sacramento to try to get me fast tracked for the position. Because of the detention, I was forced to withdraw my application. To add insult to injury, I already had an open (and approved) worker's comp case for the issue at the time I was detained. The people responsible for my worker's comp case disagreed with the choice of administration and told them that directly. The Admin didn't care or listen to the subject matter experts (which is why I won my court case). Sorry for being so cryptic, it is a personal issue.
JFC! I am stunned! :s0001:

No apologies necessary! What happened to you is abhorrent! Wow, I have no words for that injustice.
I hope you can still sue the pants off these asshats and get your guns back, especially your wife's gun.
The Sacmo job is probably long gone, huh? Probably explains why you're in Colorado Springs.
I truly wish the best for you and that you get justice, but it being a Commiefauxnia case, that's probably unlikely... :(
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JFC! I am stunned! :s0001:

No apologies necessary! What happened to you is abhorrent! Wow, I have no words for that injustice.
I hope you can still sue the pants off these asshats and get your guns back, especially your wife's gun.
The Sacmo job is probably long gone, huh? Probably explains why you're in Colorado Springs.
I truly wish the best for you and that you get justice, but it being a Commiefauxnia case, that's probably unlikely... :(
I appreciate the kind remarks. The State job is off the table, unfortunately. As far as a lawsuit is concerned, I have an attorney for my worker's comp case, and will be discussing with him whether I should obtain counsel for a civil suit against my employer. I sent a memo to my administration, outlining the monetary damages (not even including emotional damages for myself and my wife). It wasn't a wild guess number, I actually had evidence supporting all of it, and it is at 1.5M. My employer is treating me with kids gloves now. They know they screwed up. It would never go to jury trial; County Counsel would settle for a considerable chunk if I go that route.
I appreciate the kind remarks. The State job is off the table, unfortunately. As far as a lawsuit is concerned, I have an attorney for my worker's comp case, and will be discussing with him whether I should obtain counsel for a civil suit against my employer. I sent a memo to my administration, outlining the monetary damages (not even including emotional damages for myself and my wife). It wasn't a wild guess number, I actually had evidence supporting all of it, and it is at 1.5M. My employer is treating me with kids gloves now. They know they screwed up. It would never go to jury trial; County Counsel would settle for a considerable chunk if I go that route.
You're still with the same employer? It's your case, I know, but if it were me, I would press the case, win it, take your $1 million (after attorneys' fees and taxes), invest it wisely, quit, and retire to a life of leisure and shooting your guns. Phuq those bastards! :s0140:
You're still with the same employer? It's your case, I know, but if it were me, I would press the case, win it, take your $1 million (after attorneys' fees and taxes), invest it wisely, quit, and retire to a life of leisure and shooting your guns. Phuq those bastards! :s0140:
You're not wrong. The primary reason I'm still with them is that there is light at the end of the tunnel (I'm eligible for retirement this October), and I don't have to put up with anything, since it's tough for them to hassle me when I'm living several states away. As far as compensation is concerned, I'm currently unable to work overtime, which is where a decent chunk of my income came from, but on the plus side, worker's comp pay is tax free. So for the year of 2022, I won't pay a penny of taxes to the State of California or the Feds.

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