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dont blame the politicians for gun control...its what "you the people" collectively vote for, if you dont vote democrat you wont get your gun control
is there really anyone that doesnt understand a vote for democrats is a vote for gun control??


I think most all of us on the forum can make the connection between democrats and gun control. But I absolutely do blame the politicians, and while I agree that "we the people" are very much to blame, politicians violating their oath of office are committing treason. The more attacks we get from the left, the more I have to ask why the other side doesn't call them out for what they are. Again, I understand the prior methods of handling these things diplomatically but those days need to end. That's all I'm saying. Oh, and drain the swamp!
If you want a puppy, start by asking for a pony.

Democrats talking about gun control always do this. They toss out comments that are guaranteed to get a huge reaction, and then they pose the actual incremental law they had in mind all along. And for the easily duped, it always gets characterized by the media as the Dem's compromising.

What they actually have in mind will start showing up in legislative committees sometime in early 2018.
So the question is, how do we play the game and countertroll them?

Don't know about counter-trolling, but I'd bet guys like Dave Workman will be looking at all the Democrats that are up for re-election, and focus their 'education' on ones that got in office with slim majorities. And at the same time, target 2A public relations efforts in those electoral districts because it would be a waste of time and money to try to roll-back the big city representatives.

Defeating these kinds of legislative coups doesn't require a sea-change in Democrat views. With their slim majority it could well come down to finding a handful that would be vulnerable if their rural constituents got really up in arms [yeah, that's a pun].
Like proposing to repeal all the laws that aren't funded, are unenforceable, and don't produce any meaningful result? There's an idea!
Hmm... how to create an "Enforceability Assessment Commission"? We don't want city chiefs who will do as their Bluefascist mayors tell 'em to, only elected Sheriffs. Maybe the panel is say seven sheriffs, at least three required to be from Eastern WA, elected by their fellow Sheriffs? If that works then we need funding... the idea is if this panel reviews all new criminal laws and regulations passed and any they find unenforceable are immediately stricken from the books as if struck down by SCOTUS.
If it passes (doesn't seem likely) it's just another law to ignore. The problem is people who obey such laws; if enough refuse then it becomes unenforceable.
Ask them how they'd like an annual abortion permit, or an annual desecrate-the-flag permit, or an annual sh*t-on-the-sidewalks permit, or an annual be-a-douche-without-being-kicked-in-the-balls permit...
Openly defy their laws. By the millions. There are enough of us.
The leftists tell us there are too many illegal immigrants in the us to do anything about. Well, there are a lot more gun owners.
It really is that simple.

The problem is most people value their 5 a day Starbucks and Comcast/iPhone/Sports/titty bar too much to be made an example of. And my experience is that most people are the type who drop their guns and run, much like many at the Oregon standoff did when the feds started cuffing the leadership. They just left their guns behind and ran.
Dang I just had my fishing boat sink in the sound and I had all my guns on board I don't have any more guns so sad

Next time invite several anti gun politicians and leave your guns at home - we can't afford to keep losing future "pre-ban" guns, but Bloomberg can always find more sell outs to replace them. If you need to lure them on the boat make sure they know you are going for environmentally friendly tofu fish...
Getting involve is the most important key to fighting bureaucrats. Those that continue to vote D and consider themselves pro 2A need to also get involved by telling all of their elected officials to knock off the anti-gun crap and start targeting criminals that are the main source of good violence.

And how is that working for California, Oregon and Washington? This is the same advice that has been given for decades and IT DOESN'T WORK. That's why Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the clan still get elected every year. You're outnumbered...not that hard to understand.

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