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Please feel free to contact me more about this especially if it interests you. I am looking for people that would like to become active beyond simplistic storage.

The idea for this is evolving fast in my mind. I will after hunting season start researching the legal aspect of it. My goal is to find investors in the next few months set up requirements and partnerships for this.

This would not be as one PM suggested a Hippy community.

The goal to create a SHTF Center for Living, Resources, Storage, and Use. We all have different talents and together we could make this into something great.
Let me expand out on the thought process now that it’s not 4 am in the morning.

The time frame for getting this started is about 1 year depending on investments and any unforeseen constraints. The goal is to be at a min 30 miles away from Portland due to any nuclear blast that may come.
The goals for this place (will evolve keep that in mind):
1. Provide storage for SHTF equipment for individuals wanting a stash outside of the city.
2. Small farm of livestock and garden. Sell off extra live-stock and provide fresh resources for eatable food for family’s part of the community.
3. Garage for working on equipment, cars, and such for members.
4. Background checks will be required for access.
5. Establish groups, farming, hunting, fishing, and sewing plus anything that is beneficial.
6. Become self-sustainable and functional within 1 years of breaking ground.

If interested in investing or be part of this please PM your email or email [email protected]
Or post any questions

Thank you,

Updated original post topic with a better summary.
Well I would be interested in hearing more about this when you get further information. One of my main questions when looking this over is this:

Would this be a co-ownership or a subscription/membership/rental. In other words is this something that one can buy into and have some say what happens and who can join or is it just a "pay-as-you-go" sort of thing?
I'm interested in hearing more. At least somewhat open minded toward the idea. We live in Vancouver now but plan on buying a place somewhere north of Battleground upto Yacolt area. We feel that area best meets our needs at this time and it just feels right. We are probably about one year from doing this.
Updated my post. Yes, investors/partners are definitely welcome and most beneficial to the getting this started. Shares will be appropriately provided though I will control majority rule at all times.

My target group or thoughts is people exactly like you clambo. People that want out of the city but its a dream that is hard due to financial circumstances. Come lease a place from us for cheap and help out in the center to offset cost is the idea.
I'll be interested to hear how you set up the legal structure for this. I think Washington State has requirements for selling "shares" in anything. A membership structure is probably easier to manage, but that doesn't raise much in the way of capital and probably has its own contractual issues. Are there any lawyer-types (or maybe real estate folks) lurking about who could opine on this?

Just something you'll want to consider.
Its a learning experience that is for sure. I am hopefully there is a way to do it. As its prime functionality is a Private Learning Center. I will keep you posted as I figure it out.
I would suggest looking into the model of biz structure used for time shares and/or private campgrounds. That way there's a value proposition for th investor (an ownership if you will), it can probably be written off as a second home mortgage interest deduction like a time share would be (probably not TOO useful in this scenario) and you could set up an HOA-like voting structure with bylaws.
The other idea I pitched to friends of mine a while back is that I would buy the property, and they would invest in building the structures necessary for their retreat. In return, I would rent out the cabins as a weekend retnal during the summers as a business in which they owned a portion. I keep ownership of the real estate, they own an interst in the business that built and rents out the buildings.
I like both thought ideas Thebastidge. There is something like the 2nd I know of up above me in Yacolt. They allow people to own the houses but lease the property they are on. Its kinda confusing but works.
"though I will control majority rule at all times."

"Come lease a place from us for cheap"
So this will be on your property? Would I be able to carry a firearm openly on your property? Can I store my firearms there when I am not there? Who will provide security for my things that I store there when I am not there?.......Not tryin to be an arse but there will be so many legal aspects to this it will be a huge challenge.
Bottom line, most people are having a hard time affording a place to live, much less a vacation/SHTF property. There has to be some kind of ownership and probably an income stream associated with it to make it feasible. Unless and until they give up their dreams of living a middle class lifestyle, down-size their dreams and start thikning in terms of basic survival, it'll be extremely difficult to make something like this work without it beinga business model organized under existing laws.

Ownership also takes care of a lot of those questions about rights while on the property. Tenant laws would provide guidance.

Now, if you want to set yourself up with a business that has as its second-order effects the pleasant situation of making you well-prepared for the zombie apocalypse, that might work too, but you can't really expect people to pitch in fo rthat. If you want to set up a learning center, then the kinds of facilities you would need would be well-suited to use in the event of an emergency as well, and would be a tax write-off/business expense in the near term. But unless you have partners prepared to work in that training center model with you, again, it's not likley someone is going to pony up money or labour to make it ready.
The storage aspect would be just like any other storage unit under a gate you are responsible to have your own insurance and such.

yes you could open carry on the property just like you can Washington itself. I would like to have a place available of course for shooting.

sorry for typo on cell
A few things here... as I've seen more than a few of these type ideas come and go:

First, before you start hitting up strangers on the 'tubes, look at your friends, and family connections. Building anything like this will be a lot easier among people who have known each other for a long time, and that familial or near familial bond can help smooth over some of the rough patches you are bound to run into. People can get pretty riled up when money gets involved, if it's family, depending on your family, that may be enough that you can get along after a rough patch. Strangers, usually don't.

Second, talking about it before you even start is a good way for the whole thing to go sideways. If you want to put together some people to buy in, you need to sell this idea as something other than "give me a bunch of money so we can all have property together". They need to see a reason why they should give you money, see how they will be paid back, and see what kind of collateral you have to guarantee their investment.

Let me make two examples of the right way to do this:

One of the offroad clubs I belong to has done something similar - There is a particular area out in the desert where there are a lot of homestead properties (each property is usually 2.5 or 5 acres), about 40 years ago one of the guys bought property out there, and in the time since then about 20 other people in the club have bought properties that are either very close, or directly contiguous. This works because all of the people who have "invested" in property are largely on their own, there is no community property and no exchanging of money between members, thus there is no coercion among the membership. There is a gentlemans agreement between the members, that if they are going to sell a property, it should be offered up to the other members first.

A second example, I have family that owns a very large ranch in northern california, I am welcome to camp, hunt, and stay there whenever I like, wherever I like, and usually bring whomever I like. But I make it a valid point that whenever something needs to be done (whether anything is said about it or not) that it gets done. Gates get fixed, fences get mended, holes get dug, roads get improved, maps get updated, trees get planted, campsites get cleaned up, wild game gets shared etc.

From this I can share a few conclusions:

People who pay for something expect something in return, therefore you need to set out EXACTLY what they are paying for, and EXACTLY what your expectations are, and what their expectations are. Any miscommunication here will result in abject failure.

Careful selection of the people is also very important, you want people who will give 110%, people who clean up their own messes, and will clean up the messes of others in order to make things work. You don't want people who will make a mess an expect someone else to clean it up. So selection of personal temper is very important.
30 miles out?
THe worst place you can be is a half a tank of gas or less from a major city. If the SHTF and people start fleeing the city where do you think they will end up? Where they run out of gas.

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