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Size is the magnitude or dimensions of a thing. Size can be measured as length, width, height, diameter, perimeter, area, volume, or mass.
In mathematical terms, "size is a concept abstracted from the process of measuring by comparing a longer to a shorter". Size is determined by the process of comparing or measuring objects, which results in the determination of the magnitude of a quantity, such as length or mass, relative to a unit of measurement. Such a magnitude is usually expressed as a numerical value of units on a previously established spatial scale, such as meters or inches.
The sizes with which humans tend to be most familiar are body dimensions (measures of anthropometry), which include measures such as human height, and human body weight. These measures can, in the aggregate, allow the generation of commercially useful distributions of products that accommodate expected body sizes, as with the creation of clothing sizes and shoe sizes, and with the standardization of door frame dimensions, ceiling heights, and bed sizes. The human experience of size can lead to a psychological tendency towards size bias, wherein the relative importance or perceived complexity of organisms and other objects is judged based on their size relative to humans, and particularly whether this size makes them easy to observe without aid.
I have a ton of 30-06 brass but very little 270 brass. The interwebs seems to think there may be problems with neck thickness and neck splitting when resizing 30-06 to 270. Anybody here had experience with this conversion? Was neck thickness a common problem? Were certain brands of brass better...
Was resizing a bunch of 300 blackout tonight and a case slipped out of my hand into the already processed bucket! Guess I have to case gauge all of them can’t find it lol
I've had issues with 9mm resizing die causing scratches in the past, and I was completely baffled about why this happens.
Last night I had this with some 357mag cases - both nickel and brass. Brass are shown in my photos.
I spoke with both LEE and Dillon about this issue.
Apparently in the...
I'm having major issues resizing once fired .375 Win brass.
I did wet tumble, dried it and am now trying to resize. But I'm not able to push the case into the die. If I'd use more force I'd break my bench which is 1" thick plywood. I know wet tumbling can affect friction but I've tried both old...
I have metric shlt-ton of 9mm brass for plinking and a bunch of nickel that I'm getting ready to load JHP rounds.
While loading a ladder test for the nickel cases I noticed that none of them, after a full length resizing/loading and a light crimp fit in the case gauge completely. 99.9% of the...
I acquired a 50 Beowulf upper today from an extremely generous member and would like to experiment with some improvised low power hand loads. I don't have any dies and probably won't be able to get my hands any for a little while. The member also gave me a box of ammo that has some loaded rounds...
I am doing so more cleaning and reloading components and equipment consolidating, so I am offering for sale some 300 Win Mag reloading components and resizing dies, all for just $60. I got too much of reloading components and equipment, and I want to sell the items that I won't need. The...
I seem to recall that I used to be able to resize the reply box/window in the lower right hand corner in order to see more of what I was typing?
This seems to be missing now?
Or am I mistaken and this was only on some other forum?
I know I can be verbose in my posts/replies, but that isn't...
Background, I'm new to reloading and going through my first batch.
So I'm running a Hornady New Dimension FL resizing die for resizing .223 cartridges and followed the instructions for setting the die in place by screwing it down until it touches the shell holder. Before running a case through...
I have reloaded 7mm rem Mag for my son for 15 years using Nosler 160 gr AccuBonds that group five rounds in 5/8ths inch at 100 yards in his Remington 700.
I decided to load more for this fall's hunting seasons. I sized 40 RP brass including turning to length. Before priming I decided to...
Don't know just how it happened, but I have some brass that I primed that won't fit my case gauge. Either I missed resizing it somehow, or my sizing die was set wrong. So how do I resize it without decapping or contaminating live primers? This is rifle brass, so carbide isn't an option...
I'm reloading some old M2AP, some were machine pulled with marks, some pulled with no marks. I'm measuring most of the bullets at .309" on my calipers, none more than .3095, mostly around .3085. Do I need to resize these? The margin is so small I'm not sure if it's a problem. This is not for a...