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They're not wrong. BJ Campbell (*) wrote a piece on this: Collateral Damage, Race, and the Virginia Gun Control Bill | Open Source Defense

(*) This guy is a fantastic writer. Also worth reading if you haven't yet is his series on how the media gooses statistics: The Gun Series - HANDWAVING FREAKOUTERY Also very interesting is his statistical analysis of the chance of chaos: The Surprisingly Solid Mathematical Case of the Tin Foil Hat Gun Prepper

You are right, this is a really good article. Particularly the closing statements.
The Governor banned all guns and weapons at this rally, or so called. They should all show up armed anyways and dare them to do something. which is what the second amendment was made for to begin with.
they wont but they should. can't be free when you can't exercise it and if it's against the law then were not free.
They're not wrong. BJ Campbell (*) wrote a piece on this: Collateral Damage, Race, and the Virginia Gun Control Bill | Open Source Defense

(*) This guy is a fantastic writer. Also worth reading if you haven't yet is his series on how the media gooses statistics: The Gun Series - HANDWAVING FREAKOUTERY Also very interesting is his statistical analysis of the chance of chaos: The Surprisingly Solid Mathematical Case of the Tin Foil Hat Gun Prepper

Makes good points. I've always seen grabbing as another means of economic challenge imposed via taxes or stitching bills together with fines and fees on top of paying for abilities to use. (permits/license etc). Eventually you hit a point where they cannot afford one or the other so it nullifies itself into "well why would I if i cannot afford it?".

The bottom link I read hit home runs with me when he mentions the bosnia wars and how it completely affected day to day at the drop of a hat. His math behind it is sound to. Chuckled at the bit about zombies but his logic behind it is pretty solid tbf. Guess its why I always liked zombie movies - just to see how they survive point A to B.
The bottom link I read hit home runs with me when he mentions the bosnia wars and how it completely affected day to day at the drop of a hat...

I think one of the most disturbing example from that article is this:

In 2010, 8.5 million tourists visited Syria, accounting for 14% of their entire GDP. Eight years later, they have almost half a million dead citizens, and ten million more displaced into Europe. They didn't see this coming, because if they did, they would have fled sooner.
Grandfather clause? WTF all I hear about from anyone is does it have Grandfather clause:mad: who gives a crap if it's grandfathered in or not, it's an infringement all the same. Grandfather clause hahahah :(:mad:
then it stands to reason that 155,000 ordinary law-abiding Virginia citizens will be classified as Class 6 felons when this bill becomes law, then it stands to reason that 155,000 ordinary law-abiding Virginia citizens will be classified as Class 6 felons when this bill becomes law. Uh no they wont not unless they get caught they wont. but once they do most will read about it somewhere and do as usual and say they deserved it or make fun of them or say well now they are felons so they can't own one any more and go about their merry way. :mad:
The Sanctuary counties on that map I like and LEO have said they wont enforce it there but will that prevent the federal govt from coming into those counties to make sure it does? and then again you all have bubblegumed about immigrant Sanctuary cities though so...:D;)
Anyways yeah just another big mess and why either SHTF soon or we accept tyranny through law and order.;)
BS or possibly BS Let's be clear, this is not going to happen for several reasons. But first let's look at the case that it could. This is the case as I understand it:
he causes all to receive a mark, or will rule with an iron hand, or any other part of prophecy that talks about how bad things are going to get.
Maybe not the National guard but I bet the ATF will be called into the state, or FBI etc... will be, or could be.
Our county just recently passed a county initiative the says the sheriff can't enforce unconstitutional laws or something to that effect, but the Sheriff came on TV saying he didn't know what a unconstitutional law is or would be so kind of negates what was passed, especially if the Sheriff is a company man anyhows.
Anyways yeah the guy makes good points but not sure it will matter much. :eek:
UH as he states the National guard maybe too small to enforce but they have tanks and MRAPS et at their disposal so kind of evens things out though.
cops do too all things that most seem to allow them to have.
The Non-compliance numbers not sure those are real, when one considers that most gun owners are law abiding people.:rolleyes: :p:cool::mad:
I do agree with his statement on what might happen and Sanctuary counties is that funds will end in those places and places where no knock raids happen will be in the metro places like Richmond etc...
He also said they will use MRAPS as well. so... yeah.
And as I said he also makes good points on how sanctuary states, cities etc... But the point is he, the Governor could and not sure things are to be that rosy as he states guess we'll see.
And on that day Michael will stand up and a time like no other will be. :eek:
The last link on those articles I like. The prepper one. But those arrested recently were preppers and they used the they are white supremist's argument, and the they broke federal gun laws.
My bet is that they didn't of only broke some small ones but were wanting to go to that rally armed which they and all who are going should, regardless of what the governor did or not.
I do agree with his statement on what might happen and Sanctuary counties is that funds will end in those places and places where no knock raids happen will be in the metro places like Richmond etc...
He also said they will use MRAPS as well. so... yeah.
And as I said he also makes good points on how sanctuary states, cities etc... But the point is he, the Governor could and not sure things are to be that rosy as he states guess we'll see.
And on that day Michael will stand up and a time like no other will be. :eek:
The last link on those articles I like. The prepper one. But those arrested recently were preppers and they used the they are white supremist's argument, and the they broke federal gun laws.
My bet is that they didn't of only broke some small ones but were wanting to go to that rally armed which they and all who are going should, regardless of what the governor did or not.
You need to go to bed:confused:
Whatever is going to happen today will happen regardless of all our specualtion here..
May God watch over the Second Amendment lobbyists and marchers
.gov employees were emailed that not only should they stay home, but that their ID cards are being access denied and will not unlock any of the buildings around the Capitol to allow access tomorrow.


I thought that ALL or most .gov employees for the State of VA, most of the other states in the USA, some cities and the FEDERAL government would be OFF on 1-20-2020 due to it being a holiday.


Commonwealth of Virginia 2020 Pay and Holiday Calendar - OFFICIAL LINK BELOW.

IT is a PAID holiday - day OFF for those VA CAPITOL office and building workers.

The POLITICIANS who work at the CAPITOL would be OFF work and not there at the Capitol so if some of those gun folks thought that they would be able to go INSIDE and TALK TO THEM - they should know that they would NOT be inside. They should have known that from the gitgo before the rally/march was organized.

Now, there may be SOME politicians in the crowd to TALK to the pro gun people but the ones who were NOT for any PRO gun deal - they would be HOME and staying safe from the people who are AGAINST THEM for what they did plus they would be SCARED of the crowd too. They should not be afraid of the PRO gun honest/sane people but they are afraid of MOST of the pro gun people in MY opinion.

U.S. Post offices are closed.

Most (95%) if not ALL bank/credit union buildings are closed too.

Schools are closed in most states including in my college town in MT. Public libraries close too.

Most government EMPLOYEES in most if not all states and most cities have the day off. I think there are only a FEW states that do not use MLK day as a HOLIDAY - paid or not. Some states held off on calling it a HOLIDAY - paid holiday.

I am talking about .gov workers and Some non .gov COMPANIES give the day off to their employees with PAY too.

IT is a Federal Holiday so unless some person in peace officer work, some people called IN for this march/rally and for other protection services... the .gov workers who would be working IN that Capitol building would be OFF WORK anyway.

They shut off the ID cards to protect property and for NO authorized access IN or OUT of the Capitol Building.

MOST places would do that automatically and especially during this time frame because they do NOT want to take responsibility if something GOES DOWN IN A BAD WAY!

Remember the OKC attack and MANY FBI and other .GOV people were told AHEAD OF TIME to STAY HOME and NOT come into work? That is a fact and not scuttlebutt. IT has happened in other cases too!

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The NDAA, the Patriot Act and many other official federal, state and local laws have things INSIDE their BUDGETS, acts and laws that most people do NOT pay attention to.

TINY PRINT and other things included and added to BUDGETS are NOT new news.

That is how your elected officials SCREW YOU by sneaking around and inserting all of that EXTRA crapola into x, y or z!

I personally was AGAINST the NDAA and Patriot Act from the beginning and when the Pat Act was renewed and/or revised too. I caught some FLACK about not being a Patriot or a good American citizen when I said that the PA was not patriotic too!

Oh well! LOL

There were MANY old fashioned conservatives, a few classic liberals and some small l and Large L Libertarians who were NOT for those acts and laws.

BUSH 2 had it ready to go from an old version of the P.A which was UPDATED from Clinton's time too. Bush signed it.

BUSH 2 hired MORE FEDERAL WORKERS, MADE MORE AGENCIES, MERGED OTHER AGENCIES INTO ONE BIG CLUSTER !___! and it was one of the LARGEST INCREASES in hiring MORE .gov workers and making more .gov agencies in our country's history.

I am not LOOKING up the link for that now but BOTH political parties and all news links have stated this for a fact. So did the FEDERAL .gov figures that showed in the annual budgets too.

The national and local news from ALL sides, R, L and in between, have mentioned ONLINE and on the boob tube/radio about the DRILLS and military exercises going on NOW. IT is not from some looney tune only website.

They are JAMMING some things DURING THESE DRILLS THAT ARE GOING ON NOW. That is not scuttlebutt. IT is on some OFFICIAL military websites too.

The NEWS did mention some things about getting some companies to NOT SELL night vision goggles and things like that too. Now, I do NOT KNOW if that will go through or not but some people in .gov work do NOT want NON .gov people to own or use them. That is old news but it would take some BIG thing to stop selling ALL of those night vision goggles in various stores across this country. Sporting goods stores sell them, NVG, where they sell night vision cameras for wildlife viewing in your back yard and for some people who use them to check out their favorite hunting spots.



GPS jamming expected in Southeast during military exercise.

GPS reception may be unavailable or unreliable over a large portion of the southeastern states and the Caribbean during offshore military exercises scheduled between January 16 and 24.

The FAA has posted a flight advisory for the exercises that will require jamming of GPS signals for periods of several hours each day of the event. Navigation guidance, ADS-B, and other services associated with GPS could be affected for up to 400 nautical miles at Flight Level 400, down to a radius of 180 nm at 50 feet above the ground.

The flight advisory encourages pilots to report any GPS anomalies they encounter. Reports may be submitted using this online form.

AOPA reported on a similar event in the southeastern United States in 2019.

AOPA is aware of hundreds of reports of interference to aircraft during events around the country for which notices to airmen were issued, and we consider the risks to GA aircraft highly concerning.

MORE on the link.

The FAA has more information on this too. THIS was on the national news from various websites and sources too. R, L and in between too.

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The first NDAA was supposed to be passed in 1961. I do NOT remember the history of that when I was 11 years old. LOL

I do remember all of the EXTRA stuff that was passed and put into the NDAA when Obama was in office.

They had a whole bunch of stuff in Obama's NDAA papers! Ugh.

I contacted my politicians in MT about Obama's NDAA newer and improved (LOL) version too.

Latest Action‎: ‎Senate - 09/10/2019 Received in ... › bill › senate-bill
S.1790 - 116th Congress (2019-2020): National Defense ... › bill › senate-bill
  1. Cached
Passed House (09/17/2019) ... This bill authorizes FY2020 appropriations and sets forth policies for Department of Defense (DOD) programs and activities, including military personnel strengths. It does not provide budget authority, which is provided in subsequent appropriations ...

I remember reading the LONG version of the NDAA that was put out with Obama.

That goes for the Patriot Act too.

Some of you may want to go back and read all of those links that tell you about what is actually IN some of them.

It is kind of scary to see what was PUT into acts and laws that you never heard about or thought that any R or D or whoever would put these things into law.

Back to the rally now...

STAY SAFE if you do go to the VA rally.

Here's a recent quote from Dan Rather.

Dan Rather
Verified account @DanRather

I fear what makes so many conspiracy theories believable today is that much of what we now know to be true would have seemed like crazy conspiracy theories before 2016.
7:07 PM - 14 Aug 2019

My dislike of conspiracy theories as well as the assorted related actions , like the hiring of crisis actors
( actual hiring thereof or the perceived hiring of ) ...
Are the seeds of distrust that they plant.
Even if a conspiracy theory is proven false...many folks will still believe in it , as it conforms to their ideas , wants and needs.

The above coupled with News Media outlets:
That have a slanted agenda...
Who pander / cater to their sponsors...
Along with articles and reporting that are poorly written...
And finally anything for ratings....

As well as everyone having some sort of recording device in their hands these days , plus all the easy ways to edit and manipulate this data....

Plus the seeming never ending "The end is near"..type of crisis stories that "flood" ( pun intended ) the internet....

Makes for a difficult time finding actual news , you can believe in.

Read many different sources...
Consider the origin of each source....
What do they have to gain for what and how they report things..
Question if what is reported , distorted or misinformation , meant to cause harm...
Compare and contrast each source...look for patterns , common threads , common origins and the like...

It seems a shame that one should have to do the above , just to get an idea of the news...
My dislike of conspiracy theories as well as the assorted related actions , like the hiring of crisis actors
( actual hiring thereof or the perceived hiring of ) ...
Are the seeds of distrust that they plant.
Even if a conspiracy theory is proven false...many folks will still believe in it , as it conforms to their ideas , wants and needs.

The above coupled with News Media outlets:
That have a slanted agenda...
Who pander / cater to their sponsors...
Along with articles and reporting that are poorly written...
And finally anything for ratings....

As well as everyone having some sort of recording device in their hands these days , plus all the easy ways to edit and manipulate this data....

Makes for a difficult time finding actual news , you can believe in.

Read many different sources...
Consider the origin of each source....
What do they have to gain for what and how they report things..
Question if what is reported , distorted or misinformation , meant to cause harm...
Compare and contrast each source...look for patterns , common threads , common origins and the like...

It seems a shame that one should have to do the above , just to get an idea of the news...
Andy, The Video I put in this thread with the sharp blonde gal from Canada goes over all of this re: the crisis actors.

It is crazy..Start the video at 13:50
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Andy, The Video I put in this thread with the sharp blonde gal from Canada shows the actual postings for the crisis actors.

It is crazy..

Again for me ...for my peace of mind...
I need to look at the news item be it a story , report , video , whatever...

And consider the :
What they have to gain with what and how they state their claims...
Look at common threads and for patterns in the story , report , video...
Compare and contrast with other reports and such...
As well as considering the idea that the report is false , for various reasons...

So she may be a "sharp gal"...and what she is saying may actually be true...
But I need to dig into the story further for myself before committing one way or the other.

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