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* Completion of a "law enforcement certified" training course with a written and physical test.
Who designs this and how will it be implemented AND what will be the physical test'?

Where will these 'training courses' be held? At only a select few LE offices?

What if a range is not near an LE office that is administering the training?

I could go on and on but the sheer stupidity of this is beyond belief.
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If you get flyers or banners or what ever, I have a link in Bend and a small network here in Pdx that may be able to multiply this effort. I can assist with bucks if your can implement this effort. thx.
Thanks. I can email you a PDF. Can your connection in Bend be reliable to print and get copies and distribute? If I can escape work a little early I plan to print and reproduce on this side too.
The NRA people say the signs will be out by the 10th. I figure on driving out to somewhere to collect and then distribute in bundles to some folks here
Problem is, Betsy and Christina Drazen are splitting the vote that would otherwise oppose Kotek.
i say it was a plan from day 1! betsy has been a career demoncrat 21 yrs. tho she is pro 2A kinda.. i think they knew Kotex was dead unless they could split the vote! just My conspiracy theory. i also want to think she saw the light and the demoncrats just was too far left for her anymore
i say it was a plan from day 1! betsy has been a career demoncrat 21 yrs. tho she is pro 2A kinda.. i think they knew Kotex was dead unless they could split the vote! just My conspiracy theory. i also want to think she saw the light and the demoncrats just was too far left for her anymore
If I was in position to speak with them I would try to negotiate a deal between them: They both support one or the other. The other gets a guaranteed position in the administration with power to do something they both agree on.. If Either could be persuaded to do nothing for or against abortions, they could cooperate on crime, the addictions and blocking gun fantasyland laws
If you come up with brochures I have a link network in Bend. Also, have the direct contact with the OHA who appears to be active on this policy if you need it. Just contact me for the number and name.
If you come up with brochures I have a link network in Bend. Also, have the direct contact with the OHA who appears to be active on this policy if you need it. Just contact me for the number and name.
Emailed a flyer PDF. Is designed as 2-sided 8 1/2 x 11.
Happy to speak with your friends in Bend. If you get me an email I can reach out.
Have not seen NRA brochure yet, so can't compare mine with theirs. Will let you know when they show up.
Emailed a flyer PDF. Is designed as 2-sided 8 1/2 x 11.
Happy to speak with your friends in Bend. If you get me an email I can reach out.
Have not seen NRA brochure yet, so can't compare mine with theirs. Will let you know when they show up.
I am researching some bold attention eye catching headlines and bold statistics and will send to you.
Fantastic! Personally I actually think that detailed handouts like these are necessary for winning over potential swing votes.

Quick talking points and summaries are good for grabbing attention, but can come off as disingenuous or misleading to people who might actually want to make an informed decision.

Something like your PDF, in conjunction with a quick fact sheet, would be excellent to distribute to every gun store or pro-2A establishment we can find.
Am doing that right now. Also think windshields at sporting places like Cabelas while the weather is dry and pass outs at shows. Am having great reception at gun shops and gun club so far
Wild idea,

Has anyone printed out and laminated a VOTE NO ON 114 and placed them at the local shooting ranges?

Wolf creek I know has those billboards just before going to the range. Figure it's helpful exposure at the least.
Wild idea,

Has anyone printed out and laminated a VOTE NO ON 114 and placed them at the local shooting ranges?

Wolf creek I know has those billboards just before going to the range. Figure it's helpful exposure at the least.
Yeah we should put them there and on every lane
Man their vers of Measure 114 they have in chiraq certainly has curbed crime and stopped gun violence, hasn't it
That is hardly their goal.

They don't give a ratz azz about stopping crime or violence.

It's about exerting power and control over the people. Not unlike the mask mandates but SB 114 has to be voted on instead of something simply 'decided' on by the governor.

Quite frankly I am surprised brownpile hasn't enacted more 'emergency' anti-gun legislation such as SB 941.
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It occurred to me that we haven't mentioned the voters pamphlet. I checked and the date for submission was July 21st. Be aware that's another hurdle we need to overcome. Our message isn't available to general voters via this means so it's even more important for us to get the word out.
I will have a table at the ARPC gun show promoting our effort to get the word out about this noxious affront to our rights. I will have handouts available and am working on a simple brochure. Remember, this is a grass roots effort and we don't have any national level support or funding available. Printing costs are limited to what we as individuals can afford. If you would like to assist with graphics and layout experience, printing discounts, or help manning the table, please PM me.
The NRA published a new video today the seems relevant.

With the household defender recovering in the hospital for five days, his wife went out and purchased two pistols of her own to train with. Imagine trying to purchase your first pistol in five days or less after BM114. Try five months or more!
The site won't accept PDF's, so I did a save-as-text. Here are some words in text that hopefully people can reuse and pass around. If you want a PDF to print and reproduce as handouts for gun shops, clubs and Aunt Sally, drop me a private message with an email address. The actual PDF fits on two sides of one 8 1/2 x 11 page and the reference links show up. Easy for reproduction at any copy center.

I borrowed some of this from material others posted and sent to me, plus a few websites and my own research. Thank you (or apologies) to those whose material I am reusing. And others should also feel free to reuse this work. Our goal is that 114 fails big time in November. Make copies and get them out there. NRA will have stickers and yard signs in a couple weeks. OFF has a site and signs too. Both have said they are working on interviews and advertising.

Vote NO on Ballot Measure 114
A right delayed is a right denied – Martin Luther King, Jr

The permitting scheme is similar to Illinois' scheme, but worse.
You cannot buy any firearm without a permit that can take a month or more to get. The application must be
made at a Law Enforcement office and requires:
* Fingerprinting and a background check in State and Federal systems; up to a 30-day wait.
* Completion of a "law enforcement certified" training course with a written and physical test.
* The application fee is set at $65. There is no limit on the price of the required class, and those classes
don't exist yet. Law enforcement officials estimate $40 Million to implement classes, but the law comes
with no budget, so it could be years before classes are available at any price.
* Does it help? No. Chicago has similar laws. Chicago has a murder rate higher than Mexico.

Isn't that the same as the current Concealed Handgun License, but with more steps?
Yes. But it does not matter if you have a CHL. You must go through the process again with no guaranteed result.
And when you go to buy a gun even with that permit:
* They make you do another background check and fingerprinting for each new gun purchase even after
you got the "permit to buy".
* The state keeps a permanent registry of the guns you own from your permit, with no exception to
remove serial numbers every 5 years. It becomes gun registration. When this law fails to reduce violent
crime, the state can use this data base to enable more restrictions, "gun taxes" and even confiscation.
* They can block your gun purchase forever. The law will not allow a dealer discretion to
release a firearm to you if the "check" exceeds the 30-day limit. Do you share a name with someone
else? Too bad for you.

The second part bans so-called "high capacity" magazines over 10 rounds despite common use
by pretty much everyone
* Most common shotguns that can accept more than 10 "mini-rounds" will be banned.
* Grandfathering of existing magazines only means you can have them on your property, at the range,
hunting or locked in a separate case transporting them, even if you have a carry permit. Bear in mind
that the government admitted years ago that the 1994-2004 magazine ban did not affect crime.

Who is most affected?
* Residents of high-crime areas plagued with gangs, violence and addicts. Poor and BIPOC residents have
to live there. People who can't afford to move. They can't rely on police to arrive in time.
* In the last 100 years every race, religion, nationality, gender, identity and belief system have been
targets for harassment or worse. Violence and persecution happen against people who can't fight back,
but rarely against people who can. This is also true for street crime. Don't vote away your own self-
defense. Or your children's. You have seen how fast things change.
* Law enforcement is swamped with rising crime, budget cuts and less support from lawmakers. Measure
114 requires a new unfunded bureaucracy and will block gun purchases until they figure one out.
* When this law fails to reduce crime, will they repeal it? No. They will add more laws to turn law abiding
residents into criminals while the repeat offenders still have their guns.
Supporters claim it will reduce accidents
* Drug overdose deaths exceed 100,000 annually. In 2018 there were 458 fatal gun accidents . The same
groups who promoted decriminalizing all drugs (2020 Measure 110) say Measure 114 is for "safety".
Their logic belongs in a comedy club.

Supporters claim it will reduce so-called "gun violence"
* Oregon already has universal background checks for all gun purchases. This adds the same check again
plus a long wait and extra costs of a permit and expensive training that doesn't exist yet.
* Most gun violence is committed by people who already can't pass a background check. They get guns
illegally. Redundant background checks only affect you, not gangsters and drug addicts.
* The 1994 Crime bill magazine and so-called "assault rifle" bans had such low impact on crime that
Congress did not bother to renew it in 2004. Violent crime was falling, and continued to fall nationwide
until 2014 because of improved enforcement methods and longer sentences for repeat offenders.

Supporters claim it will reduce suicides
* The only people who have guns in Japan are police and Yakuza gangsters. Yet their suicide rates are
similar to the US.
* Oregon has decriminalized drugs. They are cheaper and not painful. Ropes and knives are even cheaper
than drugs and more accessible.

Do laws like this work?
* No. Most violent crime is committed by a few repeat offenders . They ignore murder and robbery laws.
Current law bans them from having guns yet they have guns. What will more laws do?
* If these kinds of laws really worked, Baltimore would be the safest place in the US. Baltimore has laws
similar to 114 yet their murder rates exceed El Salvador and Venezuela .
* Magazine restrictions do not impact crime. Ask any law enforcement people you know.
* It is politically difficult to take repeat offenders off the streets or address the real causes of crime. It is
easier for political people to look like they are "doing something" with more useless gun laws.
* When violence breaks out, seconds count. Police are 5-20 minutes away. You may not think about
owning a gun now. But an encampment near your home or an ex who turns violent will change that. Do
you really want to vote away your own ability to protect yourself and your family? These laws affect
you, not violent criminals.

What can I do about it?
* Most people have not heard about 114. If they see flowery words about "gun safety" on the ballot they
will vote for it. Tell everyone to vote NO and why. Copy and distribute this flyer. Learn more here:
o testimony.pdf
Hi there. Greetings from across No Man's Land.

Along with Kevin Starrett, I was the driving force (from the Democratic side) in overcoming the nearly successful attempt by the Democratic legislative caucus, acting en bloc, to spike the one opportunity for the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission to weigh in on the equitable propriety of Measure 114.

You will see the happily FUD-inducing result in the voter's pamphlet, opposite Liz McKanna from LEVO's unhelpful and misleading "explanatory statement."

I wrote pp. 53-57 of this commentary to the Commission; take whatever material you want and run with it: . It is worth your time to see why the other side has suddenly found itself enveloped in a mutiny over gun control.

The key to winning this, for all Oregonians, is to remind enough Democrats that no matter how in love with gun prohibitionism they may be, Measure 114 presents irreconcilable conflicts with our basic principles, and can thus be rejected on that basis alone. No one has to turn in their Democrat card for saying no to this one.

In fact, it may hearten you to know what happened when LEVO asked the Democratic Party of Oregon's State Central Committee (SCC) to endorse Measure 114 at the SCC's quarterly meeting last month in Eugene. We voted (if memory serves) 66-44 against endorsing LEVO's ballot measure, following one of the liveliest endorsement-time debates I've seen in my three terms of service.

The Multnomah County Democratic Central Committee also refused to extend its endorsement the week before the SCC met.

This is an excellent opportunity to find common ground. We are finally having the intra-party debate we should have had forty years ago, had Sens. Kennedy and Moynihan not stifled it in its crib:
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Who designs this and how will it be implemented AND what will be the physical test'?

Where will these 'training courses' be held? At only a select few LE offices?

What if a range is not near an LE office that is administering the training?

I could go on and on but the sheer stupidity of this is beyond belief.
They don't care it's stupid. The point is that it will make us jump through hoops like their dancing monkeys. People need to get fired up and pizzed about this.

If all you can do is pass out brochures, then pass out brochures. You can even do it standing on a street corner. How many will be standing outside Sportsman's and passing out brochures this weekend? Don't have plans, print off 30 or so brochures and get to it. If you can chip in a ream of paper to those of us printing brochures on our own, then do it.

Print out some of the brochures, circle the links on the back and give them to friends and neighbors that you know are pro 2A. Take some to the gun club and bring up what's in this. Let people know that they will no longer be able to carry a gun with a magazine that holds more than ten rounds. Doesn't matter if they have a CHL or not.

When you go into a gun shop to talk to them about leaving a stack of brochures in the counter, ask them if they have heard of Ballot Measure 114. You'll be shocked at how many don't have a clue, even though gun sales will be stopped for the foreseeable future when this goes through.

Get your hair on fire, get your fangs out! This is an all hands on deck casualty response!

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