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Is there a mailing address where I can send a check? (again)
Tyler Smith & Associates P.C.
181 N. Grant St. Suite 212
Canby, OR 97013

Not sure why they didn't set this up as a non-profit so deductions could be tax deductible. If you want, you can donate to the Oregon Firearms Education Foundation, OFEF and specify that your donation go to the M114 fight. There is, of course, the additional information needed if you want the tax deduction. So far, OFEF has given over $10,000 to this appeal.

Either way, please donate to help keep us in this fight. Everything we do costs something. It might be time doing research, paper and printer ink, gas for traveling, or meals on the road while attending fundraising or informational meetings.
Tyler Smith & Associates P.C.
181 N. Grant St. Suite 212
Canby, OR 97013

Not sure why they didn't set this up as a non-profit so deductions could be tax deductible. If you want, you can donate to the Oregon Firearms Education Foundation, OFEF and specify that your donation go to the M114 fight. There is, of course, the additional information needed if you want the tax deduction. So far, OFEF has given over $10,000 to this appeal.

Either way, please donate to help keep us in this fight. Everything we do costs something. It might be time doing research, paper and printer ink, gas for traveling, or meals on the road while attending fundraising or informational meetings.
I always stop by and see you at the booth at local shows and toss a $20 in or whatever I have. I let them decide how to spend it, thank you for all your hard work!
Donating to SAF is another option. They have been providing financial support to fight the M114 appeal.


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