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So I guess trlsmn needs to add to the rule book exactly how long one has to be a member here before they can voice an opinion. He should also make a point of telling everyone in a thread how long each person has been a member... Because that is so important to the issue!!! I think that you don't like what you are hearing, and like FOX news, you have to resort to name calling and insults to make yourself feel like a man.

Reading is fundamental, I started my post by stating I wasn't a Beck fan. You also started the name calling, it is the whole point of my post to point that fact out.

Actually what you heard was me voicing my opinion in response to your post labeling an established member, perhaps this is hard to see with Two Left Eyes. :s0155:

Get your head out of "your utero" and smell something that doesn't stink so bad. Its called the truth!

The truth? You labeled someone that you know nothing about a "Beck fan" is this the truth you speak of?

Sure, I will admit to being liberal but I don't have much option with what your precious GOP has to offer...

My GOP? Again this is supported by what? your truth?

.Anyway, back to the topic at hand. The Occupy Movement is a success! I will openly agree that (IF) they broke up a foundation, they shouldn't have. That doesn't mean that I am going to join the band wagon here and tell people they are wrong for exercising their 1st amendment rights! At least through all our disagreements over the first amendment... We can stand together one one other issue... Our 2nd amendment.


This is not a response to anything I wrote but since you added it in I will retort by asking what is this success of Occupy you speak of? What has changed?

I will follow that up with a question of my own, are you in favor of all the terms of the 2nd amendment with no restrictions for lawful citizens and are you currently a firearm owner?
I knew I shouldn't had had 2 glasses of wine with dinner. I saw this thread title and thought that Octomom was going to be yelling and screaming at her husband again...or something like that. Almost didn't click it except saw a Trlsman post and he usually has some great pics of some fantastic food dishes. I was just sitting down to dinner with the very last garden tomato and the wife's lentil soup and Trlsmans stuff always looks better than. In either case, a spirited debate, I read every post, and I thank you for the ideas. We have bigger fish to fry as a country than this little thing, so keep it clean, treat each other the way you want to be treated (You dudes being rude and disrespectful to our brothers still have time to change your posts before the real octomom comes out swinging and deletes that stuff) and have at it.

thanks for the interesting discourse. I have hanked down dinner while I read and now must move on. Carry on!

Police OT up to $750,000.00 so these people what ever their views and beliefs are have screwed the tax payers (NOT the rich but the average property owner trying to make ends meet) Out of 3/4 of a MILLION DOLLARS in Baby sitting fee's

Glad I live in Silverton. And don't have to pay for the mess.
Latest Occupy Portland cost estimate to repair Chapman, Lownsdale squares $50,000.......Latest Occupy Portland cost estimate to repair Chapman, Lownsdale squares $50,000 |

Gotta love them Lib protesters

bullbubblegum. i bet i could do it for $10k or less.

years ago, when i first became a contractor, my buddy tried to get me into ORPIN. i didn't want to have anything to do with state jobs, though, being the ultra right-wing wacko that i am. he described one filled request to me... based on the description (it was a pretty clear cut job) i off-the-top-of-my-headed $11k. he then showed me the winning bid: $48,000

those kids didn't screw the tax-payers- the state, as always, is doing it WAY better than they ever could.
Forum Post: Proposed list of OWS Demands |

Here is a list of "Demands" from the OM

Repeal the Taft-Hartley Act. Unionize ALL workers immediately.-Sure,why not! everybody loves unions, and we are so much better off with them

Raise the minimum wage immediately to $18/hr. Create a maximum wage of $90/hr to eliminate inequality.-Ah yes,this is a fantastic idea.

Institute a 6 hour workday, and 6 weeks of paid vacation.yeah, beacuse that is realistic. Morons!

Institute a moratorium on all foreclosures and layoffs immediately.Because nobody should ever lose their job!

Repeal racist and xenophobic English-only laws.Of course, lets just speak whatever the heck we want then nobody can understand a d@mn thing!

Open the borders to all immigrants, legal or illegal. Offer immediate, unconditional amnesty, to all undocumented residents of the US.Brilliant!

Create a single-payer, universal health care system.Europe and Canada LOVE their universal health care system!

Pass stricter campaign finance reform laws. Ban all private donations. All campaigns will receive equal funding, provided by the taxpayers.Verdict is out for me

Institute a negative income tax, and tax the very rich at rates up to 90%.Evil rich people that provide JOBS to everybody else, again with the moron statement

Pass far stricter environmental protection and animal rights laws.Kill logging completely and give animals more rights than humans?

Allow workers to elect their supervisors.No productivity

Lower the retirement age to 55. Increase Social Security benefits.Because SS has SO MUCH money to just give away

Create a 5% annual wealth tax for the very rich.Smart,more taxes!Tax Tax Tax

Ban the private ownership of land.damn evil landowners they need to go away

Make homeschooling illegal. Religious fanatics use it to feed their children propaganda.More restrictions? I thought this was about too much control

Reduce the age of majority to 16.Dumb

Abolish the death penalty and life in prison. We call for the immediate release of all death row inmates from death row and transferred to regular prisons.Lets just move them into your "camps" then you can all be friends

Release all political prisoners immediately.You can have them all

Immediate withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan.Allready doing that

Abolish the debt limit.where will it go?

Ban private gun ownership.I knew it was in there somewhere

Strengthen the separation of church and state.

Immediate debt forgiveness for all.

End the 'War on Drugs'.

So there you have it ladies and gentlemen the OM "speaking" for America, give up your land, turn in your guns, dont homeschool the kiddies and on and on it goes! Does that speak for the 13,000 + members on here? I think not! Rant off!
Last Edited:
Hi Drew, I like to use the example of the right and left leg. The left leg needs the support of the right, and the right leg needs the support of the left. I see where you could think I got it backwards. Bit if you think about it perhaps (or maybe not) you will see my point.

So how do words defend the right to bear arms? I can see the logic in arms protecting the right to be heard though just not the othe way around.
I think the key word in the link is "proposed"

Secondly the very first sentence in that web page is:

This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Some of the ideas are horrifying and frightening to me, others make sense to me.

I will not discuss with anyone here which ideas i like or dislike.

Except the two I will say are straight f*cked (there's more, but I do not want to discuss)

are the ban on guns and homeschooling.
Tyranny anyone? Whenever these political / sociologic dictates have been implemented in any country, it has been at the point of a gun. There is no other way to implement them. In order for these rules to be enforced, there were a large number of "Political Commisars" assigned to ensure compliance. Imagine a political "Neighborhood Association". You can't paint your house a certain color. It has to be approved by the commitee. Only so many cars on the premises. Now, imagine it going a bit further. The neighborhood watch "Commisar" can walk into your home at any time of day or night to ensure compliance. How much energy are you using? It may be too much and you will be accused of actions against the good of the collective. Same thing for water. How about that home schooling? Too much food in the pantry? Why are you stock piling food when your comrades are going hungry?

You will note that they will never, ever, refer to themselves as socialists or communists, but every point here is straight out of the Communist Manifesto. These "Occupy" protesters say they have no leader, and for right now you can see just how effective there commitee is. A leader must emerge to coalesce this group, and when he or she does, they will run things with an iron fist. They must.

Keep in mind two things. One is the fall of the Soviet Union. Why did they fall? quite plainly, the government running everything was draining the country dry of resources and money. When the collapse finally occured, there was not even any money to pay the military. Soldiers walked off post and sold their rifles, pistols, and anything else they could scavenge just to get transportation home. Officers included. You can see what a mess that left. Military installations left unguarded were raided by criminal elements, and weapons sold on the world black market are still cropping up worldwide, from Somalia to Mexico.
The second item would be our own country. This country is spending money and attempting to manage and regulate everything under the sun, very similar to what a communist regime is like. Government corruption is far moreprevelant than many people fancy. This too is very much like the old "Politburo" of the old USSR. High government officials were corrupt and using the system for ther own betterment and enrichment. If this country runs itself bankrupt on social engineering and government entitlement spending, we too will collapse. We are at a tipping point here, and this group is pushing hard for that "Change". They realize very well it is a tipping point. Next years elections are far more critical than many people think.

Each "demand" exposes just how naive this whole "movement" really is. As an American, I am embarrassed by these people and their supporters/sympathizers. Demands? Yeah, right.

Do these people have it rough? All I see are trouble makers and whiners. Contrast what we see today with these folks: How Young Americans Survived the Hard Times of the Great Depression

Then: "I thought I was tough but changed my mind finding myself suddenly thrust into the buzz saw of life."

Now: "Give me more money even though I'm useless..."

My demand to the occupiers: Get a job and STFU. I'm sick and tired of the occupy thing. Too much national time & energy wasted on a big nothing, time to focus on real issues.
Each "demand" exposes just how naive this whole "movement" really is. As an American, I am embarrassed by these people and their supporters/sympathizers. Demands? Yeah, right.

Do these people have it rough? All I see are trouble makers and whiners. Contrast what we see today with these folks: How Young Americans Survived the Hard Times of the Great Depression

Then: "I thought I was tough but changed my mind finding myself suddenly thrust into the buzz saw of life."

Now: "Give me more money even though I'm useless..."

My demand to the occupiers: Get a job and STFU. I'm sick and tired of the occupy thing. Too much national time & energy wasted on a big nothing, time to focus on real issues.

Exactly! I can't tell you how infuriated it makes me when I hear these words "the OWSM speaks for ALL americans" or "they are speaking for you and me".Go to H3LL! These filthy hippie bums speak for a TINY minority of the population, I don't care what your political beliefs are or what side of the aisle you vote with, but you support anarchy and lazy good for nothing behavior then you are pathetic! The only thing these illegal occupations have served up so far is a place for degenerate bums to congregate and bubblegum about how tough life is and how everybody is out take away their "opportunities"! How can anybody with a sane mind and a decent set of cajones support this crap?! I think most of us here can think back to at least one time in our lives where things were pretty darn hard and looked bleak. But did you say forget this, I am gonna go protest the establishment and the banks and the whoever else I can think of because THEY are the problem! NO! You figured out a way to overcome and somehow you got it figured out. I can relate, I lost my job in January of,2008 and my wife lost hers in February, both of us unemployed, no kids, renting, no job options, even though we were applying for any type of programs we could find, and yet we didnt even qualify for one single assistance programs, not a SINGLE one! So we started selling everything we could afford to get rid of, I sold a Mark Knopfler autographed Strat(gift from my father)we sold some jewelry, and a few other things. My point is, we had to make some really hard choices, and didn't have alot of options but we made it through it, yeah it sucked and it was miserable at times but we did not give up! So when I hear that these creeps speak for me, it makes my blood boil! Anybody that supports these turds has no clue what hard work and perserverance are all about!

You support them? Good then go join them, and like Rufus said? STFU!
Police OT up to $750,000.00 so these people what ever their views and beliefs are have screwed the tax payers (NOT the rich but the average property owner trying to make ends meet) Out of 3/4 of a MILLION DOLLARS in Baby sitting fee's

Glad I live in Silverton. And don't have to pay for the mess.

Id like to point out two things...

1. Im glad that you see that the rich arent going to pay for this, but the average citizen will. Which is sort of the central theme of Occupy. ;)

2. Nobody's property taxes are going to go up to pay for OT & Clean up. Just think of it as less money going to bike paths.
Forum Post: Proposed list of OWS Demands |

Here is a list of "Demands" from the OM


So there you have it ladies and gentlemen the OM "speaking" for America, give up your land, turn in your guns, dont homeschool the kiddies and on and on it goes! Does that speak for the 13,000 + members on here? I think not! Rant off!

Smooth move buddy, with your skillset you could work at Fox news!


"This content is user submitted and not an official statement"

Yup, this was at the heading of the post on that site.

Just the ranting of some fool, just like we are all doing here.
So once again, using misleading info and leaving out important info in order to discredit something.

Good Job. A+
So how do words defend the right to bear arms? I can see the logic in arms protecting the right to be heard though just not the othe way around.

Because it is your first course of action. Just like words are being used when they try to limit your 2A rights. Just like words defended those rights in court.

Somehow, I think you wouldnt see the logic in using arms to protect the right to be heard... if it was a left wing message that was going to be heard.

Whats good for the goose... is good for the gander
I could shorten the demands list to an essential few (my thoughts)

End the non-federal Fed and have the government print its own money. Even if it is just another fiat currency, at least it would be put into circulation without having to pay the Fed interest (which can never be paid back). Without those interest payments, paychecks will have much less taken from them and that will stimulate the economy...and employment. The IRS would shrink, also.

End bank bailouts, both domestic and foreign. When a bank profits heavily from investments, they do not share it with us. So, when they lose heavily from bad investments, why should I have to give them anything? I agree with what Iceland did after Goldman Sach-ed them.

Repeal the "corporations are people" and "money is speech" stuff. This should get rid of the multi-billion lobbying industry and the co-mingling of corporations and government writing laws that favor the corporations. When a corporation can contribute only as much as another "person", then politicians will get back to listening to the people. Then we won't have to fight for our choice to drink raw milk or have non-GMO foods labeled as such or take a megavitamin pill...just because some industry finds it easier to legislate it out of existence rather than compete and make a product that the people really want (corporatism vs capitalism).

Personally, I'm for protesting. However, if this is the list OWS demands (above), then I think they should trade their shotgun for a rifle...with a new scope (there...I added something about guns to the thread:p).
I love this. A lot of you are really showing your true colors here.

similar views posted on a liberal site, talking about the 2A instead of the 1A... you guys would tear them apart as freedom hating anti-gun commies.

But, as I have seen before, double standards are completely acceptable to most of our country... as long as it is in their favor. No one likes the tables turned. Only a TRUE American can tolerate the rights of those they do not like or agree with.

Two pages ago I rambled on way too long, citing many issues that are at the heart of the occupy movement, and are on the minds of millions of Americans. Instead of picking apart the particular issues. You guys went on and on bickering about bullbubblegum... making snappy remarks about others' usernames and whining about how long someone has been a member.

Can you deny that wages have gone down while corporate profits go up?
can you deny that some large corps dont pay crap for taxes, like GE?
People are allowed to stash their money away in offshore tax havens?
Oil companies can report the largest profits in world history, while receiving billions in government subsidies, at the same time we are paying out the *** for gas & diesel?
Financial regulations were done away with that could have prevented the economic collapse?


well? Instead of whining about stinking hippies and poop. As if people arent taking dumps all over downtown, all the time. Though when I heard all this, I went to check it out... I walked through the parks and it wasnt like people said. it was even swept up. And no one can keep the homless out. Did you fail to see all of the people who were there who werent 20something hippies? there were poeple in their 30s, 40s, 50s, people from all over. Even people with jobs that would come on their days off.

There is a serious situation in this country. It didnt happen overnight. It happened over a few decades. These statisitcs can be searched if you care to see for yourself. The bubblegum is hitting the fan for wage earners , period. Im probably the biggest socialist lefty on here, and Ill be the first to say that I dont like how Occupy was going about things... but that doesnt mean that there isnt something to their complaints.

This was a true grass roots movement, thats why there was little organization and they were unable to focus on certain goals. each city was independant of the other groups... random Americans showed up to say their piece and thats why you have the chaos of thought that was Occupy.
In contrast to the TP, which although it did have a grass roots element, was largely a movement funded by big money, especially the large rallies and everything on the national level was financed by right wing ideologues. With simple easy to grasp talking points... No taxes and Obama isnt an American. Whoo Hoo! what the eff is that going to do for the average American? NOTHING

We want to see real people get more money in their pockets. That is going to come from tax cuts or welfare. It can only come from real jobs!
And yes, there is a Socialist element to it, if I had my way. We have taxation without representation. Our taxes are being wasted on bs programs that do not directly benefit us, overpayments and waste, TRILLIONS wasted on two BS wars that have nothing but hurt our national security and killed thousands of American soldiers and wounded tens of thousands of others. We could have so much in this country, but our government is corrupt and bought off.

TAKE THE MONEY OUT OF POLITICS... its that simple. Money is not speech, Corporations are not people. Period.

Gaaaahh! Im talking to the air!
Smooth move buddy, with your skillset you could work at Fox news!


"This content is user submitted and not an official statement"

Yup, this was at the heading of the post on that site.

Just the ranting of some fool, just like we are all doing here.
So once again, using misleading info and leaving out important info in order to discredit something.

Good Job. A+

If you click on the link and read the article it states it at the top, but I guess that is too difficult for some people to figure out. All I was trying to do is point out the position "official" or not that these people have and "quote" that represents average americans.

And what was that about misleading info? I didnt HAVE to leave out anything, that list of demands discredits itself! But thanks for taking the time to understand where I am coming from, instead of just lumping my post together with your bad attitude. Oh wait you didnt! Nevermind!
Can you deny that wages have gone down while corporate profits go up?
Not applicable. It's a symptom, not the problem.

can you deny that some large corps dont pay crap for taxes, like GE?
People are allowed to stash their money away in offshore tax havens?
Oil companies can report the largest profits in world history, while receiving billions in government subsidies, at the same time we are paying out the *** for gas & diesel?
Financial regulations were done away with that could have prevented the economic collapse?

All due to the government intervention in one way or another. And who do you direct your rage towards? Those evil corporations, private entities. It's all the governments doing! Misdirected anger, what a shame.

Hate the "tea party"? Love the "occupiers"? Why? I say it's blind allegiance. You've got it backwards. It must be nice to stand up for a cause that is undefined. It could be this, or it could be that, depending on the circumstances. No matter what, you are correct. How convenient.

The bigger the government gets, the worse the problem will become. "The corporations" only react to the rule changes that the corrupt lawmakers enact. The very same lawmakers, by the way, that YOU elect. How dumb is that?
If you click on the link and read the article it states it at the top, but I guess that is too difficult for some people to figure out. All I was trying to do is point out the position "official" or not that these people have and "quote" that represents average americans.

And what was that about misleading info? I didnt HAVE to leave out anything, that list of demands discredits itself! But thanks for taking the time to understand where I am coming from, instead of just lumping my post together with your bad attitude. Oh wait you didnt! Nevermind!

But thats just it. It is a ridiculous list though it has a few good points. You post it as if it is a true LIST OF DEMANDS and then poke fun at it. You are still failing to see my point. That is the opinion of an individual. You chose not to let the rest of us know, you posted it as if it were the gospel of Occupy... and that isnt the case.

So if you werent trying to portray this one persons opinion as the mission of an entire movement. What was it you were aiming for?

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