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RE: Carry in a Post Office... I wouldn't recommend doing it openly- you will get hassled, possibly charged and arrested. However, you almost certainly won't be convicted. You can mail (post) a firearm. You cannot post a handgun, but you can certainly mail a long gun. There is no verbiage in the rules on carrying a firearm to differentiate between long gun or handgun. I say this to point out it supports the following points:

The rule that people refer to applies to postal service employees. It's part of the Code of Federal Regulations (Code of Federal Regulations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) not a law passed by Congress (The United States Code United States Code - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). It applies to the areas of the Post Office that are off-limits to the public anyway.

"Federal building" is not a Post Office. Not all Federal properties are illegal to cary in... for example, National Forest and National Parks legally follow state law, and Military Bases follow the Base Commander's discretion. this rule is mainly meant o prohibit firearms in courts- most federal buildings are courthouses and the justice system deals with criminals- they don't want extraneous firearms there.

Lawsuit Filed Against Post Office Gun Ban

As an FFL, I can mail a handgun. Anybody can mail an unloaded rifle or shotgun (they recommend registered mail). Since it clearly says I can do that on Postal Property, that means I MUST be able to carry it on Postal Property. There's a great deal of confusion about this point, and I would hesitate to be the one to make a huge test case of it, but only for practical reasons, not for philosophical or legal ones. The website I'm seeing now are showing the verbiage about carrying weapons "for offical purposes" but the last time I was able to find the actuall Postal Service reg, it said "for lawful purposes". Which is a big difference.

Bottom line, you WILL get hassled and probably arrested, it'll ruin your day if it is noticed, but it can't possibly be illegal.
My Crossbreed holster squeaks too. I find it very annoying, but I think I might just be hypersensitive to it due to the fact that I'm carrying. I doubt anybody else notices it.
Thanks for the help guys, I did adjust the holster and move it further back and also up two wholes, I did squeak less but still squeaked not as anoying. I will keep tweaking it. I did notice when I was practicing my draws and dry firing this evening that it was easier to draw and re holster in the new position. My draws were much smoother, quicker and sights aligned more easily. I might try that Dry-ez. Also before I started carrying all my pants fit almost perfectly and not so much now that I carry.

I was at the cemetery helping prep my wife's grandfathers grave for Memorial day and I was kneeling on the ground digging up some sod and my glock grip was fully exposed. The wife was non to happy, and she actually thought that I had carried today to show off to her dad and brother in-law. I thought that was really funny and she honestly thought I hadn't been carrying since our last talk over a month ago when she caught eye of it on my hip before we turned in for the night. Needless to say she was even less happy to hear I had be carrying it daily since then and even on days I didn't leave the house at all. Then I had to go into how yes we are at a cemetery, however just on the other side of the bushes is a park known having issues and also a walking trail that has several areas where the homeless frequent and that the homeless person we have been noticing around town the last two weeks that has been acting very odd could be in the area because all of the times we have seen him isn't to far from where we were at. When we were talking earlier this evening which quickly escalated and then deescalated. She tells me the only people that carry firearms are people who are looking for trouble or because they are around firearms all the time are the ones who will most likely have accidental discharge and I explained that there are no accidental discharges only negligent discharges when adults are using firearms and she said something like. "no that's not what I am talking about, I am talking about when the gun fails because it is a machine, machines fail and it goes off in your holster shooting you or someone around you." She drives me nuts, I know she has very little experience with guns maybe non with real firearms. I know when she was growing up in split homes that her dad only taught her brother about firearms and how to be safe with them. She despises firearms because I am quote "obsessed" with them, so I can't get her to go out with me so I can train her. At our last house I was able to her to shoot bb guns and airsoft in the back yard. She really liked my AR15 airsoft gun but not so much on the daisys that we shot most often. I don't think I will ever change her mind and I have definitely stepped down the "obsession" hoping that maybe she will come around if I cool it off a little for a while. We will see, my brother and a friend both have memberships to a range so I am hoping that maybe after a few more trips she will see that it doesn't have to take the whole day anymore. When I went up to memaloose the last several years, it is an all day trip and she hates that. I would leave with the guys around 8 if not earlier and be home around 8 or 9pm and then there was the preparation and clean up that she hated as well. The last three times I have gone shooting at the range I have been home with in six hours or less one trip was only three hours and since I am only punching paper at the range or shooting 22's at the silhouettes targets preparation and clean up is less than 25% of what it used to be, plus I don't need to take everything I own up with me now that the range is closer and easier. I will still head up memaloose and the other side 4-6 times a year for some run n gun and other fun shooting but for now the access to shooting range will do for most of my needs.

THanks again guys to be continued.
I read that all.. But next time use some paragraphs please.

Funny, you wife's comments mimic my wife's to the tee. Just make sure you are safe. She doesn't need to know you're carrying all the time. Don't broadcast it, to her or to anyone. Go to the range, practice, practice, practice. Make sure you balance your firearms time with time just for her or you be getting a divorce. Watch the expenses and don't spend the mortgage money on guns. Show here you are responsible with storage by getting a real safe... and another for the nightstand AND vehicle.

Try and stay one step ahead of her reasoning with an honest, educated answer. Don't be snippy or condescending. Good luck my friend.
I read that all.. But next time use some paragraphs please.

Funny, you wife's comments mimic my wife's to the tee. Just make sure you are safe. She doesn't need to know you're carrying all the time. Don't broadcast it, to her or to anyone. Go to the range, practice, practice, practice. Make sure you balance your firearms time with time just for her or you be getting a divorce. Watch the expenses and don't spend the mortgage money on guns. Show here you are responsible with storage by getting a real safe... and another for the nightstand AND vehicle.

Try and stay one step ahead of her reasoning with an honest, educated answer. Don't be snippy or condescending. Good luck my friend.

Wow,, Thank you guys for showing me how blessed I am. My wife's only concern when I go to the range is how long I will be gone. And she is always free to join me.
This thread was a good read, I'm getting my license next month and plan on carrying my G19 (or G26, depending on which one I can fit.. haha). I've read a few threads on different forums and the gist of it seems to be that nobody else really cares what you're up to. As with everything else just be confident in yourself lol.

Random off topic question for Oregonians, say I reach for something and my Glock shows briefly, is that a big deal? My friend wants to tell me it's gonna be the end of the world, but I don't think it could be that big of a deal. Any one have input?
This thread was a good read, I'm getting my license next month and plan on carrying my G19 (or G26, depending on which one I can fit.. haha). I've read a few threads on different forums and the gist of it seems to be that nobody else really cares what you're up to. As with everything else just be confident in yourself lol.

Random off topic question for Oregonians, say I reach for something and my Glock shows briefly, is that a big deal? My friend wants to tell me it's gonna be the end of the world, but I don't think it could be that big of a deal. Any one have input?

Oregon is an open carry state, so even if it becomes revealed for a split second, it is not illegal. There are states that I have heard of that if it flashes and someone sees it, it can be called brandishing, but not here. Just because you have a permit to carry it concealed, you do not give up your right to openly carry it.

If you are in a store that does not allow firearms, and you flash it, and they see it, the worst they could do is ask you to leave. If you don't leave, then you are trespassing with a firearm, which is a bad thing. If someone asks you to leave, then do it.
Oregon is an open carry state, so even if it becomes revealed for a split second, it is not illegal. There are states that I have heard of that if it flashes and someone sees it, it can be called brandishing, but not here. Just because you have a permit to carry it concealed, you do not give up your right to openly carry it.

If you are in a store that does not allow firearms, and you flash it, and they see it, the worst they could do is ask you to leave. If you don't leave, then you are trespassing with a firearm, which is a bad thing. If someone asks you to leave, then do it.
Right on, that's what I figured. I would love to get into the open carry scene eventually. And yeah, I'm not out to cause problems, if someone wants me out of their store, no skin off my back. The last thing I'd wanna do is create more issues for myself lol. Thank you.
Regarding the Crossbreed squeak, the paperwork that came with mine mentioned using stick-on pieces of felt behind the clips to help reduce the squeak. I haven't tried it yet, but I did notice that slightly pulling the clips away from the leather makes it squeak a lot less. So it makes sense that having something soft between the clip and the leather will help.
My friend, I think you need to change how you think. Don't look at like "what if someone finds out I'm carrying", look at like it's you right! So what if someone sees it. You've got a permit. You carry to protect not only yourself, but others from "bad-guys".

I've carried for about 10 years now. At first I was the same way you were, always asking the wife, "can you see it?" LOL While shopping at wal-mart I bent over to get something from the bottom shelf and apparently my shirt got stuck on my Glock. A fellow "carrier" walked up and told me of it. I said thanks and went about my business. Remember there are a lot of us out there. And if I noticed your Glock sticking out, I'd tell you and I'm sure so would anyone else who carries.

Oh and stop messing with your shirt while your out and about. It's called "feathering". It's a dead giveaway to anyone who knows anything about carrying. Side note: I don't like open carry, it tells the "bad guy" what I've got. I have a CHL for a reason.

Carry safe,
My friend, I think you need to change how you think. Don't look at like "what if someone finds out I'm carrying", look at like it's you right! So what if someone sees it. You've got a permit. You carry to protect not only yourself, but others from "bad-guys".

I've carried for about 10 years now. At first I was the same way you were, always asking the wife, "can you see it?" LOL While shopping at wal-mart I bent over to get something from the bottom shelf and apparently my shirt got stuck on my Glock. A fellow "carrier" walked up and told me of it. I said thanks and went about my business. Remember there are a lot of us out there. And if I noticed your Glock sticking out, I'd tell you and I'm sure so would anyone else who carries.

Oh and stop messing with your shirt while your out and about. It's called "feathering". It's a dead giveaway to anyone who knows anything about carrying. Side note: I don't like open carry, it tells the "bad guy" what I've got. I have a CHL for a reason.

Carry safe,
Yeah 365,000 of us here in WA alone!!

I know I would def appreciate a fellow brother letting me know quietly if I was printing etc, we all need to stick together!

I have only been carrying a few weeks and know I telegraph / feather a bit, but I am very concious of it and only do it when I have moved or made a motion which would make my shirt ride up / catch on it. I also work on making the adjustment part of natural motion of what I am doing. I don't stand up then stop and give my shirt a yank or reach back to check if it is hung up, I have seen a few people do that myself and the act of stoping and doing it draws the attention of even non carriers. As does reaching back and putting your hand on what you are carrying even if it is out of site, the motion draws the human eye.

Here is an Example of how I handle it (got tip from a fellow carrier); kneeling down to check a bottom shelf I go to strong side knee down. Do this when you 1st kneel down, as it helps in adjustment on standing and has you in a natural position to draw/act if you have to for any reason. It also lessens any printing while you are down since that side hip is at a lesser angle..
Unlike the picture I usuall;y have my hand up on my leg by hip and when I stand I just slide the hand back along my waist to about 3:30 and with a slight pointer/thumb pinch of the bottom of the shirt as I drop my hand to "check my phone, keys, pocket". One fluid smooth motion as I am standing up, would a pro notice if they whatched me or I had been printing badly, yes, but the general public never would, and that is the goal, keep them in blissfull ignorance.

Dressing around carrying also helps. I have a number of shirts that while they are long enough to go many inches past my waist they are to tight and would print BIGTIME. I have others that are nice and loose, but barely reach my belt standing, let alone leaning over etc.. I am pulling those out of my closet and replacing with looser fitting..

Eventually I know I will get over it, I did notice once getting into my car after shopping my shirt had been caught on the shirt, probably for an hour. It was my 1st week so I was very self concious and whatching everyone around me, never once did I see anyone gesture or give me a second look that they had noticed..

In the cold seasons I carry in the inside pocket of a carhaart long as you are not going over 45 oz. it rides ok..a clip holster clipped to the pocket helps stabilize it also, or else it hangs heavy at the bottom of the sig and full size 1911 feel o.k' there..may not want to take off the coat in church and go to the restroom though.
Carrying in church is a creepy sensation, and you imagine the worst..they're gonna see it, am I printing?... confront you, think you're a _ _ _ _ _?
In the summer I plan on utilizing a .22 or .380 on a ankle holster when in the city. Not worth being obviously packing and stumble on a store that posts a sign you don't see and they bust you.
Thanks again guys. I had an incident today at around 2:30pm. I was driving home from helping my dad and I had the kids in the car with me. I was almost home and I saw a guy attacking another guy through his window. I quickly turned the car around to make sure everything was ok. By the time I got back to the mini mart, the guy in the truck was out and holding the attacker the ground. His buddy who was in the passenger seat was, get this, on hold with 911. I stepped out of the car locked the doors and check on the scene. I told the guy on the phone I had seen the attacker, start attacking his friend and that I was checking on the situation. The guy said thanks and after he finally talked with the 911 operator, I was asked to stick around in case the police needed my statement and I agreed. The guy who was attacked and pinning the attacker down was remarkable calm and restrained, even while the attacker tried and failed many times to get away or fight back (attacker was very drunk and possible homeless). His friend got off the phone with 911 and I chilled in the car with my kids for almost 20 before the police showed up.

While waiting for the police my wife called and said she was on her way home from work. I talked to her about what happened and we decided she would come get the kids since I was staying on the scene. After getting off the phone, I decided to pull out my ID and thought about pulling out my carry permit from my wallet, but decided against that. I figured I would just be honest if they noticed I was carrying and go from there. I knew I didn't have to volunteer the info and I figured they were already going to be more on edge that what they didn't know wasn't going to hurt them. Turned out they didn't even talk with me.

The whole time the driver of the truck had the attacker pinned down for probably over 20 minutes. The whole time I was there, I didn't feel threated in any way; the driver and his friend had the situation under control. Once the police finally showed up they talked to the driver, his friend and after placing the attacker in squad car they left. After that the drive and his friend talked for a few seconds and then left also. The driver had several red marks around his neck, a few on his face but otherwise looked okay.

After the driver and his friend left, my wife pulls up and there is nothing to see. I had planned on using this as an example for why I feel it is necessary to carry a handgun; however, it didn't work out as planned. Once we made it home we had to really hurry and get the kids ready for a birthday party we were already late for. I really want to bring this up again with my wife but I know that she is going to deflect the situation and say I was just over exaggerating and it wasn't that bad. Also, she will probably tell me I was just trying to find a reason to pull out my hand gun, even when it wasn't necessary. I am unsure how to have this conversation and have it end in a positive manor. The mini mart is less than a mile from out house, our kid's school and we normally drive by it several times a day. I want to talk with her about how long the response time was, how close to home it is and how we do live in a mostly safe area but bad things can and do happen any and everywhere. I really wish she would have drove up five minutes earlier, she even said she saw two police cars at the intersection right before the mini mark and was curious if they were the same ones. I will bring it up tomorrow and hopefully all goes well.

On to another topic.

I was in the car doing a lot of driving the other day for over three hours and my hip is sore. I am not sure if I will be able to carry concealed in the car all the way down to Cali at the end of summer. We are doing a family vacation to Disneyland the week after school starts for our kids. I am going to try and figure something out.

Thanks again guys I really appreciate it.
Last Edited:
I hope you have a Washington chl. It's against the law to have a loaded pistol in the car without one.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Thanks that was what I found out earlier after I made that post. Hopefully, soon I will have a Washington CHL. I am starting nursing school in a few weeks and I will possible have clinicals in Vancouver and if I do I will be applying.
Sorry, but it sounds like you have a hero complex or need to prove to yourself that there is a reason for you to be carrying.

Don't get a CHL and play Batman. Stay out of trouble and go out of your way to avoid confrontations MORE when you are carrying. No good dead goes unpunished.
Sorry Burt,
No Hero Complex here, Just a God fearing christian(I'm sure you will have something to say about that) and a Eagle Scout. I am the guy that jumps out or the car and helps push stalled cars off the road(even while wearing flip flops). So, yeah if your mean that I am a guy the cares and helps out when there is a need then that is me. If i drove by the same scene 16 months ago then I would have stopped and checked things out, I still would have stayed on the scene like I was asked and offered what ever assistance was necessary. I am not out there only concerned with my self and my family. I will help out where and when ever I can. One of the biggest reasons I am going into nursing is so I can help others and do good things in this messed up world. I really don't know what else to say other than there is no Hero Complex here and any one who knows me would aggree.

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