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Sara Gelser (D) District 8 (Corvallis/Albany) has withdrawn her support for SB 723, a bill that would ban wildlife derbies!

She States :
"I realized that I am missing a great deal of information about the hunting and fishing community, predator management, and events and strategies."

She continued, "it is clear that this bill is much more broad and spreads into areas about which I lack sufficient information. As a result, I have withdrawn my name from the bill and am no longer a sponsor. I can't justify being the sponsor of a bill about which I cannot answer all of the questions."
we just had a bill submitted in Hawaii to ban all hunting. It wasnt worded that way, it was worded that all invasive species should be eliminated. But since everything on Hawaii is an invasive species it would basically require eradication of all land animals on the island.

Brilliant. Politicians are flipping brilliant.
So.... that would mean EVERYTHING else you would vote for too, right "Senator"? 'Cuz you don't know sheite about squat! o_O

Ya would be nice if these bone heads, would oh; I don't know read the Constitution ??
Ya know that thing you swore to uphold...........or is that asking too much.?
we just had a bill submitted in Hawaii to ban all hunting. It wasnt worded that way, it was worded that all invasive species should be eliminated. But since everything on Hawaii is an invasive species it would basically require eradication of all land animals on the island.

Brilliant. Politicians are flipping brilliant.

And um.... all the two-legged "animals" on the islands are an invasive (and destructive) speciies, too.... pure genius. :rolleyes:
Not to mention, "we must pass the bill so that we can see what's in it", BS!
The legislator that submitted the hawaii bill was asked by fox news and she said that "she did not fully understand the bill"

I counted, the bill has 221 words in it. Literally 2 inches of single spaced text
She is still a bubblegum.

She probably knows somebody who told her they would suffer a financial impact from the end of derbies.

I don't think anything else would have changed her mind.
Sara Gelser (D) District 8 (Corvallis/Albany) has withdrawn her support for SB 723, a bill that would ban wildlife derbies!

She States :
"I realized that I am missing a great deal of information about the hunting and fishing community, predator management, and events and strategies."

She continued, "it is clear that this bill is much more broad and spreads into areas about which I lack sufficient information. As a result, I have withdrawn my name from the bill and am no longer a sponsor. I can't justify being the sponsor of a bill about which I cannot answer all of the questions."

Brilliant! Is there any way to convince those Anti-gunners proposing bazaar firearms laws that THEY lack sufficient information to write coherent firearms laws?

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