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This post is addressed to the person who knows exactly what really went down, every step of the way...
I know exactly what happened at every step. I just can't say how I know on here...
...Now, let's not forget that this wasn't the MPD alone. This was a joint effort of the Jackson County Sheriffs' Dept, the Josephine County Sheriffs' Dept, the MPD, a couple of other city police depts who are part of the joint team, and the State Police...
I respectfully request that you do not erroneously include the freedom loving county of Josephine, in these activities...

Now, a personal note from Josephine County Sheriff, Gil Gilbertson:

"Mr. "Gunner3456" can publicly apologize to this agency, if he is so inclined. This operation was a Medford P.D. issue with back up assist by the State Police.

This Office had absolutely no part in that incident."

This post is addressed to the person who knows exactly what really went down, every step of the way...

I respectfully request that you do not erroneously include the freedom loving county of Josephine, in these activities...

Now, a personal note from Josephine County Sheriff, Gil Gilbertson:

"Mr. "Gunner3456" can publicly apologize to this agency, if he is so inclined. This operation was a Medford P.D. issue with back up assist by the State Police.

This Office had absolutely no part in that incident."


This post is addressed to the person who knows exactly what really went down, every step of the way...

I respectfully request that you do not erroneously include the freedom loving county of Josephine, in these activities...

Now, a personal note from Josephine County Sheriff, Gil Gilbertson:

"Mr. "Gunner3456" can publicly apologize to this agency, if he is so inclined. This operation was a Medford P.D. issue with back up assist by the State Police.

This Office had absolutely no part in that incident."


OK, my bad. It was the Roseburg/Douglas County sheriff's office and the Roseburg City Police which participated in providing information and concerns, and not Josephine County. I knew better when I typed it, but I just spaced.

My apologies to Josephine County.

This doesn't detract from the point that several agencies were involved and concerned including the Oregon State Police, and that they took the man into protective custody based on confidential personnel information they had, and had him evaluated.

"Information compiled by Oregon State Police, Medford and Roseburg police, and Jackson and Douglas county sheriff's departments prompted concerns that Pyles could be a threat. The news release noted that police were "extremely concerned" that he might retaliate against his employer."

Again, I just spaced it on which county.

And BTW, the man has his guns back. They were delivered to him personally at his home.

I wonder how folks here would feel if they knew that several police agencies across a fairly wide area were "extremely concerned" that a man might retaliate against his employer," did nothing, and then the man went in and shot up another place of employment?
"I wonder how folks here would feel if they knew that several police agencies across a fairly wide area were "extremely concerned" that a man might retaliate against his employer," did nothing, and then the man went in and shot up another place of employment? "

Considering it was the ODOT, uh... no comment.
If this guy does get his guns back lickitysplit, you can thank all the press coverage. This news item traveled very quickly all over the web, coast to coast and international. If no attention was put on this, the guy might have still been under "evaluation". It's good that people know your missing in this day and age. Just think if it was you and no one gave a rodent's derriere. Scooped away in your own comfy padded room with no rights in sight. For your own protection that is...
If this guy does get his guns back lickitysplit, you can thank all the press coverage. This news item traveled very quickly all over the web, coast to coast and international. If no attention was put on this, the guy might have still been under "evaluation". It's good that people know your missing in this day and age. Just think if it was you and no one gave a rodent's derriere. Scooped away in your own comfy padded room with no rights in sight. For your own protection that is...

Why don't you read the thread before you comment? The guy was released far before this hit the news or the 'net.

He already has his guns back.

Neither he nor any of the police agencies or the news or the net are disclosing what happened that caused multiple police agencies across a 100 mile area to be "extremely concerned that he might retaliate against his employer."

You still don't know what the frick happened now, do you. You're just full of opinions.

Why is it, do you suppose, that even Mr. Pyles isn't disclosing what he did or didn't do to elicit all of this reaction from multiple police agencies?

Doesn't it ever occur to you that just maybe there's more to this story? Since personnel matters are confidential as are hospital records, only Mr. Pyles can disclose anything, and then who knows how he might color his story since no one can publicly disagree?

I repeat my question:

"I wonder how folks here would feel if they knew that several police agencies across a fairly wide area were "extremely concerned" that a man might retaliate against his employer," did nothing, and then the man went in and shot up another place of employment? "

Please answer that? What would have been all over the news then?

This was a classic no-win situation for the police, period.
I read the thread. Someone said his guns are back but I haven't heard a followup news story for confirmation. There was a lot of news stories out on blogs before he was released. It made Alex Jones a few hours after the post was on here.

The police are probably going easy because of the spotlight on them.

You are just posting opinions as well. You would probably be in a better mood if you washed the sand out of your labial area. :s0112:
I read the thread. Someone said his guns are back but I haven't heard a followup news story for confirmation.

Police return weapons to ODOT worker
The guns were delivered Friday morning

March 13, 2010 Link

"Medford police have returned five firearms taken for "safekeeping" Monday morning when their owner was placed in protective custody.

David Pyles, who identified himself as the Oregon Department of Transportation worker taken in for a mental health evaluation Monday, asked for the return of his weapons Thursday.

Three handguns, an AK-47 rifle and a 12-gauge shotgun were delivered back to his home at about 11 a.m. Friday, he and police said in separate statements."

There was a lot of news stories out on blogs before he was released.

"...and the man was taken to Rogue Valley Medical Center for a mental-health evaluation, police said. He was released several hours later." Link

The fact is that he was held for just 4 hours - far short of any posts or news releases.

It made Alex Jones a few hours after the post was on here.

The police are probably going easy because of the spotlight on them.

You are just posting opinions as well. You would probably be in a better mood if you washed the sand out of your labial area. :s0112:

No, I'm posting links for documentation. Man, you are so far behind the curve on what's happening, it's already been in the paper which is always slow compared to the 'net.

Now, I checked back in to apologize and correct my statement about Josephine instead of Douglas County. I also wanted to point out that multiple police agencies were "extremely concerned" that Pyles would retaliate against his employer.

Now I'm finished again because I can't get anywhere here.

Sorry I didn't have the news item on my mind 24/7 like you did, obviously. I have a life. I guess you don't. I wouldn't even have followed up much on the forum if wasn't for the auto-subscribe mode for threads being on. You obviously get enjoyment out of being a ranting statist spaz and shouting people down who don't conform to your collectivist views.

Unless there is more news to add, I would stick this thread with a fork. It's done.
Sorry I didn't have the news item on my mind 24/7 like you did, obviously. I have a life. I guess you don't. I wouldn't even have followed up much on the forum if wasn't for the auto-subscribe mode for threads being on. You obviously get enjoyment out of being a ranting statist spaz and shouting people down who don't conform to your collectivist views.

Unless there is more news to add, I would stick this thread with a fork. It's done.

Aha! I always know I've won a debate when the other side resorts to name calling and insults and abandons or ignores facts.

You just had your azz kicked. :)

Stick a fork in you. You're done!!

..and this topic has really hit everybody's buttons. In the end, I trust the judgement of the law enforcement folks.

1. This gentleman's behavior was exactly the kind of profile that has led to shootings across the country. And, it's why we all carry concealed - to protect ourselves and others against those who would wish us harm, no matter the reason.

2. There was apparently sufficient question to take him into protective custody. If his rights were at all in question, it was done in the interest of protection for him and others..

3. He was investigated, released and weapons returned. No harm, no foul.

4. I think the public safety was well guarded by proactive action.
Last month the IRS got their shotguns and now we have...

I am sure they will all do the right thing with them lol


not THIS is beyond scary. What the Aitch Eee Double Toothpicks has the US Department of Education got getting high end short battel (14") combat shotguns, speciified to match the ones they ALREADY have? Seems every department of the US Government is getting seriously armed. The ONLY ones I can see being armed (beyond, of course, the US military, but they can't be armed on their own bases... go figure THAT one out) are the FBI, perhaps DHS, but only for small specific units, and .... sorry, I can't think of any other department that has even a remote need to be armed like this. Read the link, its crazy.
Gunner maybe you should read the thread again. The links you are posting were posted way ahead of you and there's another that you missed. Here it is one more time just for you:
<broken link removed>

When The director from OFF uses phrases like "it's chilling" in regard to how Mr. Pyles' rights were abused, that should get all gun owners attention.
When it comes to legal matters, sorry, but I think I'd rather have OFF on my side than you.
How do you use a swat team to take someone into " protective" custody? I'm glad they didn't have the third army! Maybe he can get a hearing at a millitary tribunal.

Oh, don't worry, that's coming, if a new law now at the Senate Justice Committee manages to get passed into law...... it removes the word "alien" from existing law which gives the government authority to take any "alien" (that is, NOT AMerican) into custody, no rights, no charges, and detain him.... until, some fine day, he will be brought before a military tribunal for judgement. Any activity that threatens, weakens, attacks, or even assists anyone else doing the above things, will earn him this response. With the changes proposed, the word "alien" (foreigner, not American) is removed, and replaced with some generic language that UNCLUDES any American. It is not necessary to charge with a crime, present evidence, get a warrent.... any "power that be" can arrange for this on the SUSPICION or ALLEGATION of threatening the government.

Better write your US Senators and urge them to squash this evil thing. It could put any, or all, of us in the lockup (after all, we DO like guns... that's a threat to the government in the eyes of some.... with the power to detain and lose the key)
Oh, don't worry, that's coming, if a new law now at the Senate Justice Committee manages to get passed into law...... it removes the word "alien" from existing law which gives the government authority to take any "alien" (that is, NOT AMerican) into custody, no rights, no charges, and detain him.... until, some fine day, he will be brought before a military tribunal for judgement. Any activity that threatens, weakens, attacks, or even assists anyone else doing the above things, will earn him this response. With the changes proposed, the word "alien" (foreigner, not American) is removed, and replaced with some generic language that UNCLUDES any American. It is not necessary to charge with a crime, present evidence, get a warrent.... any "power that be" can arrange for this on the SUSPICION or ALLEGATION of threatening the government.

Better write your US Senators and urge them to squash this evil thing. It could put any, or all, of us in the lockup (after all, we DO like guns... that's a threat to the government in the eyes of some.... with the power to detain and lose the key)


do you have a Senate Bill Number regarding that. I haven't heard about that and usually get updates on these types of bills. Please let me know because that definitely needs to be buried for good!!!

Sorry for hijacking the thread. It kind of relates right:eek:
Aha! I always know I've won a debate when the other side resorts to name calling and insults and abandons or ignores facts.

You just had your azz kicked. :)

Stick a fork in you. You're done!!


Thought you were done with the thread?

Yours has been the most childish behavior I have witnessed on this board.

You spent 18 pages playing games pretending to know, or knowing what all the details were, all the while you were belittling other posters because of their opinions. Opinions, which based on information available, were quite reasonable. If there was something that we did not know, like specific threats being made, then obviously our opinions would have been different.

I dont know if you are as connected to the case as you claimed.

For the sake of your community I hope you do not work for law enforcement. Bragging about having inside information that you are not at liberty to discuss with the public, and then acting like a child in relation to other posters is extremely unprofessional.

My thought is that you are more likely an internet commando, know-it-all loud mouth boot-licking authority loving tool. You are fine with other people having their rights violated and property confiscated as long as big brother says that it was "for the children".

I would also like to point out that THE POLICE WERE WRONG ABOUT HIM BEING A THREAT. And that he was released immediately after the eval was complete. He was NOT a threat to anyone.

Mr. Pyles should be talking to a good attorney and file suit against ALL departments involved, not to mention a solid defamation case against whomever it was that called to police.

There was no disaster averted here. Only a violation of the rights of an AMERICAN CITIZEN. This case also goes to show that no matter what, gun owners (even staunch 2A supporters on here) can be shifted into the gun-grabber camp, just as long as the authorities say that the person is a threat.
wow, two hunnerd comments..... hit anyone's buttons? I feel like I've run a marathon, reading this whole thing.

OK, there are a few items that concern me still
I'm all good with LEO being proactive, rather than just showing up to take pics and measurements of who fell where in the shootemup they feared. Funny thing, they react this way when a state agency is involved, but let a woman and child be in the same situation, with what is often VERY solid reason to fear, and they sit on their hands and use the "we can't DO anything until there's been a CRIME committed" song and dance. So, some situations are "more deserving" of having the law selectively applied, right?

Somewhere back in the begining of this, we learn this same Supe at ODOT has aced two other employees recently. Seems he's got a pattern of dustups with his underlings. Maybe HE is the one should be under evaluation?

Set that aside... SOMEONE came forward with statements, opinions, suppositions, and went to LEO about them. LEO based their decision to act on those accusations (what else can I call them?) Has anyone seriously gone to evaluate these statements? Substantiate them, check with other possible sources? If so, we've not heard.

OK, so they roll the SWAT team... why? Cause he's got guns. Well, I suppose that means ANY action to ANY place with a known presence of arms warrants SWAT action? Over the top.

The guy comes out, after being promised he won't be cuffed, won't be taken away.. "voluntarily" coming out... sees the coppers all over the place, three ayem (who's head is really clear being blasted out of a sound sleep at that hour, walking out into his front yard and seeing wall to wall cops, the SWAT unit, etc?

So, the coppers lied, they cuffed him and took him away anyway.."he came willingly". Well, given those options, arrest with an army present to back it up, or "come along quietly now", what would any sane person do? (hey, I could make a case that, after that, he's sane no eval, go back to sleep, we're done). As pointed out, the "evaluation" does NOT confer upon him the right to legal representation... as would an arrest. He avoides the stigma of an arrest record, but not much more.

Then, he's out in a matter of hours? Hey, I thought this guy was dangerous? About that time, the cops should be all over his accuser..... perhaps requiring HIM to be evaluated as a danger to others.... could have got someone killed, acting on his say so. THEN WHAT??

OK, so they've got "information" the guy might be a danger to someone. How about simply watching him.... let him wake up on his own, fix and eat a nice brekkie, hop into his car..... trail him (they couuld put a bug GPS to track it.... easy peasy, and fully legal with a warrant. OH, and speaking of a warrant, did they HAVE one to use if he'd refused to go along peacefully? Just never served it cause he went "voluntarily"? This would be a plus...).

Suppose he pops his new HK into the boot, and heads out. Where is he going? Back to his office to settle some scores? Fine.... let him get there, remove the gun from the boot, start walking inside..... THEN strike, and neutralise his very real and plausible threat. Oh, he's not going to the office, he's headed out and up Jackson to a remote gravel pit..... or to the local target range to get used to his new toy.... do a little plinking......

Nah, the whole thing stinks. WHO reported what, and on what basis? Are the cops reevaluating the statements that spawned this whole thing? So far, they've got suppositon, someone's "opinion" that he's a 'possible threat"... and the FACT that he has guns (along with some ninety million other law-abiding Americans). The response was more than a bit heavy handed...... and unnecessarily intrusive. I can only guess the source and content of the "report" they got... but when the word of one man can put another in the lockup, with no trial, court evaluation, confrontation of one's accusers, the Constitution is a pile of firestarter on the floor.
So, the shrinks released him as "OK" in a few hours.

The cops have agreed to return his guns, and, by unsubstantiated accounts, he has them back. Solid evidence he really posed no substantial threat. How many thousands of dollars were spent on the show of force, investigation, and now, defense of their actions? SOMEONE bigger than the various LEA involved needs to take this thing apart and examine it. It still, in spite of what "inside information" Gunner might have, stinks. I know how I'd feel if I got dumped out of MY warm bed at oh three hundred to find my place surrounded, guns out, and the "promise" we won't cuff you or haul you off......

First thing, I'd demand to see the warrant. If none, I'd say adios. Back to bed. Bust in if you want to, it ain't that hard, and you'd BETTER have that warrant. If they do, show me it, I'd read it, then demand a lawyer. End of their game. NO agreeing to follow, NO agreement to allow search or seizure, unless specifically named in the warrant.. then I'd lead them to the named property and hand it them. OK, you've got the named property, let me get some more clothes on, and close up the house, because I'm going with you. We're done, everyone has to leave, you;ve no further business here. all the terms of the warrant are met.

I am glad to see OFF involved...... I think they've a good head on them, and will closely examine the details, and help with whatever actions might be appropriate.

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