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One more thing, on April 19th, 1775 the Militia started the United States of America. My ancestors were there in the front lines

Without the Militia there would be no USA, BORs, Constitution, etc.., this is why tyrants seek to malign and marginalize it. You all are the Militia
<broken link removed>

From the website:
The structure of the Washington State Militia is an interesting one that has been under development for many years now. As a collective group, we have determined that the Washington State Militia serves as an idea with no leadership at the state level. We have concluded that we are better off creating regional, county, and community chapters, than one big militia who's leadership is easily infiltrated and taken down.

In other words:

"We are a bunch of paranoid, delusional anti-government freaks who need to worry about the government, constituted by free and fair elections, because they consider us a potential threat, which we really aren't, except we're preparing for an anti-government coup any-old time."

The usual suspects, spouting the usual crap, from their usual imaginary bunkers.

Thanks a lot bubblegums, (there, I spelled it out out myself)you make all gun owners look like crazy people. Thanks a lot.

Meanwhile, not one in 100 of you would actually take up arms against the government you so despise.

Amazing how these groups never form during a Republican administration. Amazing how these groups never get worried as long as a GOP candidate is leading in the polls. Amazing how these groups of useful idiots never come to the fore except when someone not in the camp of the far right comes to the White House.

I've been watching this crap for 20+ odd years and it's just disturbing.

When a president abrogates the 2nd amendment, or the first, or the fourth or fifth with extra-legal authority, it will be time to start thinking about armed resistance. Until then it's paranoid fantasy of idiots, led by far smarter, far more sophisticated people with a specific partisan agenda.

Private Militias do active HARM to our second amendment rights. They are the ones the antis will always point to first as typical of American gun owners. You guys are idiots, fools or insane people. You have no place in civil society.

Put away the guns and engage in political discourse like sane people. The unstated but entirely clear threat of violence if you don't get your way sways no one and actively (and legitimately) scares the Holy Crap out of anyone sane enough to have an opinion worth listening to.

I would bet whatever I own that more than 50% of your membership would turn in their guns in a heartbeat if ordered to. It's always the case with fair weather "patriots."

You guys are delusional, paranoid, and potentially downright dangerous.

Rational gun owners need to put you as far as possible away from them. If you're too stupid to grasp why, you're too stupid to own a gun or exercise any other civil rights.

Take your crap to some other forum. This one is for legitimate citizens, not paranoid, delusional wackos having a wet-dream over a Revolution that AT BEST would be the most catastrophic and awful event on this continent in 400 years.
Like you said, Blitzkrieg, we are the militia. That doesn't mean we should start having regular meetings like we're some sort of Elks club. Look what happened to the Michigan militia a number of years ago when they got some bad press.

There are all kinds of rifle clubs, there's VFW, and others where we can meet meet like minded people. I just think it's bad juju to start organizing and actual "Militia". Maybe "civil unrest" is coming, maybe it isn't, but it would be insane to fire the first shot. And that is exactly what would happen when you have every wing-nut with a bunker in the mountains. getting together and training for a zombie apocalypse. It only takes one dumb-axx, and we have seen a few of those in the news lately.

Just one man's opinion.

You are an odd fish on a gunners forum, lad

I'm older than you, probably, so don't call me Lad.

I am SANE, rather than some radical right-wing nut-job salivating over the prospect of revolution.

We don't need a GD militia. that was for external threats, 230 years ago. No one in their right minds would even CONTEMPLATE an invasion of the continental USA today.

No, the "militias" today are comprised of far-right extremists who think that Obama is a secret Muslim and Kenyan illegal alien, the federal Reserve has no legal authority, with a secret agenda to turn us all into Muslims and citizens should rebel with armed force against a duly elected and constituted legitimate democratic authority.

I'm not the one out of place on a gun forum, it's the KOOKS who are out of place.

It's up to the vast majority to repudiate the nutbags claiming to be among us. You are NOT "us." You are some wackos I wouldn't cross the street to pee on if you were on fire.

You do NOT represent the vast majority of gun owners or second amendment fundamentalists. You represent a fringe-wacko minority within a minority that actively hurts every right I care about by making ME look like a nutbag.

Go straight to HELL.

I do NOT subscribe to your paranoid conspiracy theories. I want nothing to do with you.

I HAVE served this country in uniform. I SPIT on your flag-wrapping insanity. You don't represent anyone but a bunch of unhappy fringe wackos.

Take your private army/"militia" nonsense and stick it where the Sun doesn't shine.

You DON'T represent me, you DON'T represent the great majority of American gun owners. You DON'T represent anyone but wackos.

This is nonsense, pure and simple. anyone too daft to grasp that needs to get an education. I suggest American Civics 101 for a start. Something most of us got in 8th grade.
If you want this country to change for the better, get politically involved. Don't just stockpile guns, ammo, and food. Call, write, e-mail your Representatives, and Senators about specific legislation. Join the tea party or whatever political group. Get informed, get active, get organized. Don't sit around and wait for everything to go to hell. If it does, you can say "I told you so." Until then, we have work to do. When enough registered voters give a shiz,it DOES make a difference. They will do just about anything to keep their cushy jobs.

I'm older than you, probably, so don't call me Lad.

I am SANE, rather than some radical right-wing nut-job salivating over the prospect of revolution.

We don't need a GD militia. that was for external threats, 230 years ago. No one in their right minds would even CONTEMPLATE an invasion of the continental USA today.

No, the "militias" today are comprised of far-right extremists who think that Obama is a secret Muslim and Kenyan illegal alien, the federal Reserve has no legal authority, with a secret agenda to turn us all into Muslims and citizens should rebel with armed force against a duly elected and constituted legitimate democratic authority.

I'm not the one out of place on a gun forum, it's the KOOKS who are out of place.

It's up to the vast majority to repudiate the nutbags claiming to be among us. You are NOT "us." You are some wackos I wouldn't cross the street to pee on if you were on fire.

You do NOT represent the vast majority of gun owners or second amendment fundamentalists. You represent a fringe-wacko minority within a minority that actively hurts every right I care about by making ME look like a nutbag.

Go straight to HELL.

I do NOT subscribe to your paranoid conspiracy theories. I want nothing to do with you.

I HAVE served this country in uniform. I SPIT on your flag-wrapping insanity. You don't represent anyone but a bunch of unhappy fringe wackos.

Take your private army/"militia" nonsense and stick it where the Sun doesn't shine.

You DON'T represent me, you DON'T represent the great majority of American gun owners. You DON'T represent anyone but wackos.

This is nonsense, pure and simple. anyone too daft to grasp that needs to get an education. I suggest American Civics 101 for a start. Something most of us got in 8th grade.

Misterbill, you are as far to one end of the spectrum as some Militia members are to the other end.

a bunch of paranoid, delusional anti-government freaks who need to worry about the government, constituted by free and fair elections

Elections in the USA are neither free or fair, open your eyes.

Amazing how these groups never form during a Republican administration.

They were extremely popular during the Nixon administration.

a bunch of unhappy fringe wackos.

Look in the mirror lately?
I'm older than you, probably, so don't call me Lad.

I am SANE, rather than some radical right-wing nut-job salivating over the prospect of revolution.

We don't need a GD militia. that was for external threats, 230 years ago. No one in their right minds would even CONTEMPLATE an invasion of the continental USA today.

No, the "militias" today are comprised of far-right extremists who think that Obama is a secret Muslim and Kenyan illegal alien, the federal Reserve has no legal authority, with a secret agenda to turn us all into Muslims and citizens should rebel with armed force against a duly elected and constituted legitimate democratic authority.

I'm not the one out of place on a gun forum, it's the KOOKS who are out of place.

It's up to the vast majority to repudiate the nutbags claiming to be among us. You are NOT "us." You are some wackos I wouldn't cross the street to pee on if you were on fire.

You do NOT represent the vast majority of gun owners or second amendment fundamentalists. You represent a fringe-wacko minority within a minority that actively hurts every right I care about by making ME look like a nutbag.

Go straight to HELL.

I do NOT subscribe to your paranoid conspiracy theories. I want nothing to do with you.

I HAVE served this country in uniform. I SPIT on your flag-wrapping insanity. You don't represent anyone but a bunch of unhappy fringe wackos.

Take your private army/"militia" nonsense and stick it where the Sun doesn't shine.

You DON'T represent me, you DON'T represent the great majority of American gun owners. You DON'T represent anyone but wackos.

This is nonsense, pure and simple. anyone too daft to grasp that needs to get an education. I suggest American Civics 101 for a start. Something most of us got in 8th grade.

It seems we have a different view of what is sane. We certainly have a diametrically opposite view of ongoing events. BTW I am 52
We don't need a GD militia. that was for external threats, 230 years ago. No one in their right minds would even CONTEMPLATE an invasion of the continental USA today.

Yep it had absolutely nothing to do with keeping our freedom from INTERNAL problems. They were only worried about Russia attacking 230 years ago. Makes sense.

Alex Jones claim that? With the exception of the outcome of 2000, they are free and fair.

Misterbill nailed it on the head. While the wackadoos may grunt and grouse over it, simply put he gifted everyone with cold truth.

If you want to do some research into it you'll have to search papers OUTSIDE the US. But yeah are elections don't qualify as fair or free anymore. All that aside- there's something wrong when there is that level of fraud in an election and somehow it's OK
Overwhelming paranoia over something that would have an infinitesimal chance of occurring is not sane. Joining a militia is not sane. Those bubblegumming bubblegums and their bubblegum about dumbsday scenarios are the definition of kooky fringe.

Irrational is irrational regardless of age.
Yep it had absolutely nothing to do with keeping our freedom from INTERNAL problems. They were only worried about Russia attacking 230 years ago. Makes sense.

If you want to do some research into it you'll have to search papers OUTSIDE the US. But yeah are elections don't qualify as fair or free anymore. All that aside- there's something wrong when there is that level of fraud in an election and somehow it's OK

Yeah. You're off base.

However, feel free to cite proof. Credible proof, not infowars.
Yep it had absolutely nothing to do with keeping our freedom from INTERNAL problems. They were only worried about Russia attacking 230 years ago. Makes sense.

Research pre-revolution militias. They were established by colonial and crown governments to be an immediate response force to French and Indian attacks primarily. They were most certainly not originally established to be a revolutionary group. That evolved later.

Post revolution, STATES had militias for local defense (we had essentially zero standing army). You will note in the constitution the inherent involvement of the Federal government in the state militias.

"To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;"
Wow. I'm nervous even posting in this thread there's so much irrational hate flying around, mostly from people claiming to be the rational thinkers here.

For the record, I'm not in a Militia, and have no real interest in joining/forming one, I just googled it to answer the question of the original poster.

Misterbill, your post was the epitome of irrational hate. Whatever some Militia did to your family years ago is over. Nobody here did that.

Davematta, if I say that I took a personal active role in the Clark county delegate process and watched with my own two eyes the system being cheated would that be ok? Or does it interfere with some vendetta you have against Alex Jones. (A name I hadn't even heard of until after the state delegate elections were cheated and stolen)

It seems a lot of people are on opposite sides of some issues here, which is the wrong place to be honestly.

There are great people trying to do great things in America. Support them and help them.

There are also just plain evil people plotting evil for the sake of furthering their own cause.

If you refuse to believe both of the above sentences then you are choosing to only see half the story and your opinion and views on current events is marginal at best.

Stereotyping is wrong ok?

If I wanted to join the Tea Party (Just an example, I'm not) I shouldn't have to worry about whether someone else in the tea party gets busted for drugs. That doesn't make me a drug dealer.

Portland (and I believe other major cities) in the 80's used to have a civilian group called the guardian angels the patrolled the streets keeping them safe from gangs. They performed community service and were viewed as a good thing. Why couldn't a militia group do the same? Provide emergency support and help protect regional interests?

You see what happened there? I had an intelligent conversation and didn't suggest we overthrow the government, while at the same time offered another view.

Disagreeing is perfectly normal. Saying you wouldn't cross the street to pee on a burning person is mentally unstable rage flying like stray bullets...
Hey JackThompson. It's a single t if you please. Also I know you'll understand, but I don't really put a lot of stock in anecdotal evidence from non-vetted sources. Which Clark county though?

I can agree with this:
There are great people trying to do great things in America. Support them and help them.

There are also just plain evil people plotting evil for the sake of furthering their own cause.
Of which non-state/federal militias will inevitably be focusing on the latter, not the former. What is the difference between a militia and a gang? From what I've seen it comes down to which government department puts them down. Gangs are dealt with by the PD and sheriff. Militias get the ATF and FBI. Militias will also generally have fewer illegal/illicitly gained guns, and hopefully will dabble less in drugs, but will do well in tax evasion.

Guardian Angels were a good group, citizens taking action. Why couldn't a militia do it? Simple, a militia is going to be a bunch of internet "operators" and other angry sort that will go to iron over what the guardian angels did, which requires a lot of courage.
wikipedia said:
Safety Patrol members are prohibited from carrying weapons and are physically searched before patrolling. They are trained in first aid and CPR, law, conflict resolution, communication, and basic martial arts. Members are paired up and follow the directions of a Patrol Leader. Unless their own or other citizens' lives or health are endangered, they are allowed to do whatever is lawful and necessary.

Why would a militia fail at that? Vendettas, weapons, a desire to "make the go-clock chime", and a basic irrational fear of the government and some random social collapse that controls them with a base, unshakable fear. They're dangerous for those reasons. Hey, I'll be the first to say that as long as they aren't hurting anyone, they can go hole up in some compound and play commando, but the moment the start sowing hate, harm, and trying to harm this country, then they need to get jammed up by the bbc of the law.
Alex Jones claim that? With the exception of the outcome of 2000, they are free and fair.

Misterbill nailed it on the head. While the wackadoos may grunt and grouse over it, simply put he gifted everyone with cold truth.

Simply your preconceived version of the truth.

Hate breeds hate, chill out dude. There are plenty of wackadoos of every possible political perspective to go around.
Simply your preconceived version of the truth.

Hate breeds hate, chill out dude. There are plenty of wackadoos of every possible political perspective to go around.

One fully in line with reality and history though. Dude.

Maybe the next militia will be completely different. Maybe the next gun law will work. Maybe the country will fall under sharia law and I'll hit megabucks. (What are things that have a snowball's chance for $200, Alex.)

Here's the great thing about all this though. It's all just intarwebz chatter. It's not going to impact us ever, so let's at least have fun with it. ;)

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