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I see our share of leftists won't reveal themselves regarding the Shelly Luther story.

Bout what I expected...

You talking to me? Yeah, she
Got rained out before I could finish the yard work, sans mask of course.

Question for you true believers in mask fiction: Did you approve of the judge jailing salon owner Shelley Luther for daring to open her place of business?

Or, did you cheer the Texas Supreme Court decision that she had to be set free?

Your answer will tell which side of the Constitution you stand up or down for.

I had to look it up. Seems as though she was taking in $18,000.00 from PPP while at the same time saying she was broke. Or something like that. Attention whore.
You talking to me? Yeah, she

I had to look it up. Seems as though she was taking in $18,000.00 from PPP while at the same time saying she was broke. Or something like that. Attention whore.

The PPP is for her *employees* not for her. And the PPP in application is NOT what the media told us it would be. You only get X dollars per employee until you hit the max. That money also cannot be used for other expenses, and can't go into corporate profits. There's big strings attached to PPP money, but sure, lets pretend that small business owners aren't being hurt by stupid shut down orders while big box retailers get to continue being open, or that being in a small building in close contact with a handful of people at most is somehow worse than being packed into a warehouse size building with hundreds of people.

Good on the Texas supreme court for freeing her, chastizing the idiot judge who demanded she apologize to him for his overstep, and good for Governor Abbott to alter his executive order to explicitly ban jailing someone for breaking the order.
Let's stay away from personal jabs, please. It gets tiring having to continually ask this.

Take a break from the righteous indignation and re-read the forum rules...thank you kindly.
I will also add,.................There are TWO very polar points of view here, 1) is the folks who are taking this serious ( good or over kill, doesn't matter) and 2) those who feel this has been WEAPONIZED for political gains, Both are VALID points that should be discussed, HOWEVER, do so respectfully, not every one is going to agree with your points of view, BUT,.............................This divisive posting and accusatory tone toward each other will result in this thread getting shut down with not even the red banner of death first, so................Play nice, last warning!
The PPP is for her *employees* not for her. And the PPP in application is NOT what the media told us it would be. You only get X dollars per employee until you hit the max. That money also cannot be used for other expenses, and can't go into corporate profits. There's big strings attached to PPP money, but sure, lets pretend that small business owners aren't being hurt by stupid shut down orders while big box retailers get to continue being open, or that being in a small building in close contact with a handful of people at most is somehow worse than being packed into a warehouse size building with hundreds of people.

Good on the Texas supreme court for freeing her, chastizing the idiot judge who demanded she apologize to him for his overstep, and good for Governor Abbott to alter his executive order to explicitly ban jailing someone for breaking the order.

All those terms/acronyms get lumped together by me. My apologies for messing things up.

I fully agree about the big box stores being open when the smaller businesses have to be closed. In our town we have two paint stores that are not open, while the big box stores can go on selling to the customers that they can't serve - that just ain't right.
All those terms/acronyms get lumped together by me. My apologies for messing things up.

I fully agree about the big box stores being open when the smaller businesses have to be closed. In our town we have two paint stores that are not open, while the big box stores can go on selling to the customers that they can't serve - that just ain't right.


If the Stimulus bill hadn't been such a cluster, and that 2 Trillion had been earmarked for small businesses, instead of only $350M of it - maybe the situation would've been different. We tried applying for an EIDL - the loan that had much broader allowable uses - and they ran out of money before ours could get processed. The banks were NOT suppposed to prioritize big-ticket accounts, but they did. Companies like Ruth's Chris, Shake Shack, and Cheesecake Factory were not supposed to get funds, but they did. The Kennedy Center shouldn't have gotten millions then laid off their employees, but they did. This whole thing has been a huge disaster and the measures taken have made largely zero sense. :(
Small businesses are forced to stay closed where the make of brake margin is very slim, so it's no stretch to imagine the amount of hurt and anxiety these business owners are feeling when the big businesses get all the gov moneys and they didn't. I am glad to see the businesses taking on the gov'ners and opening back up against the emergency actions and demands of said gov. bully for them! The small businesses need to make a living too, and if they can do like the big boys do, more power to them!
My intent was questioning "How do we get accurate counts when some would benefit financially by stating COVID"

If you'd like to consider that as me going down a rabbit hole of a conspiracy by asking a fairly mundane question...have fun.

Your question is based on assumptions:
- That the counts we have are inaccurate
- That medical professionals cannot be trusted to both be paid for their work and count accurately / That medical professionals will lie to make a buck

And, if we take those assumptions as givens, then the question implies a grand conspiracy where every doctor and every hospital is faking the data only to get some of those sweet, sweet, the far less fun 1's and 0's that denote today's money.

My question is, are your assumptions accurate? As far as I can tell, no, no they are not. The question is a red herring. The counts may be off, but the reason for any inaccuracy at large in unlikely to be the falsification of coding/records.

If you still don't believe me on this point, then let me ask: what would I have to show you to convince you that the numbers are not being inflated falsely in order to bring the hospitals extra cash?
I worked in the medical care industry since 1969, just retired in Feb of this year
even while wearing a surgical quality face mask, I got a viral lung infection from a patient
progressed up to stage 2 COPD, 40% of my lungs destroyed, and I was only in my 50s and healthy back then
it's a good time to be retired, I can't see me still working in a hospital environment
whether you believe this is an issue out in society, it is an issue in the hospital environment in which I worked
I know what it's like to have your lungs shut down and you feel like your drowning in your own body fluids, as Covid 19 patients do
but I respect your right to still live your life in your environment and take the chance to be exposed to this virus, I did the same for 50 years in the hospitals
in return, respect my right to ask you to social distance from me and others like me
luckily I have 5 acres to self isolate on, my daughter is restricted to an 800 sq ft apartment in Portland
that's the size of my greenhouse
not even she is allowed to come out to visit
I can not imagine this life experience for her
Your question is based on assumptions:
- That the counts we have are inaccurate
- That medical professionals cannot be trusted to both be paid for their work and count accurately / That medical professionals will lie to make a buck

And, if we take those assumptions as givens, then the question implies a grand conspiracy where every doctor and every hospital is faking the data only to get some of those sweet, sweet, the far less fun 1's and 0's that denote today's money.

My question is, are your assumptions accurate? As far as I can tell, no, no they are not. The question is a red herring. The counts may be off, but the reason for any inaccuracy at large in unlikely to be the falsification of coding/records.

If you still don't believe me on this point, then let me ask: what would I have to show you to convince you that the numbers are not being inflated falsely in order to bring the hospitals extra cash?

As anecdotal evidence, a number of doctors have publicly stated on video that they *are* being pressured by hospital administrators to mark COVID for cause of death, even if that's not what killed someone. They're getting more money for COVID cases, which for a healthcare system that is loosing money by shutting down most other functions - means they have to get what money they can. "elective" surgeries are being suspended in most places, as is non-emergency care, and treatments that could be quality of life care, or are actually necessary but deemed "elective" have been put off - which could well lead to people becoming sick or dying from lack of treatment. You have doctors offices, clinics, and hospitals laying people off - so its no stretch of the imagination that these places will bend the facts to bring in cash.

You can both distrust the government and distrust the medical institutions, because both have a stake in inflating the numbers of COVID patients and COVID deaths - the authoritarians like the newfound power they're flexing. The hospitals are making more from COVID than they are other treatments. Then you have the well intentioned folk who are just trying to stay healthy, who may be misguided in their approach.

The US is a big country. We should not be treating every location like its' NYC, and applying the same rules to Portland, or the suburbs, or farm country as you do in LA or NYC or Seattle is foolhardy. Oregon has had 107 deaths from it. Hardly a huge number. Most of those people were older and could've been killed by the flu or hepatitis or some other bug, if they didn't die from cancer, heart disease, or stroke.

The country hasn't been overburdened by COVID. Some individual hospitals may have hit capacity, but the failure to spread the case load among the hospital system is a failure of government and hospital administration moreso than anything else. No reason that one or two hospitals in NYC should be overloaded, while others had excess capacity. Not to mention the naval hospital ships, and the army field hospitals that were set up. Seattle was a hot spot, and their field hospital closed while never seeing a single patient. Their hospital system was not overloaded.

You can argue that the "social distancing" (I hate that term) has worked better than intended, but it can also be argued that the whole damn thing has been far less dramatic than the predictions said it would be. Thing is, we'll never know, so those who believe in the measures taken will point to them and say "see, the lockdowns and mandatory masks and distancing worked, prove me wrong" while the other side will say "see, there weren't 2 million deaths, the numbers say its no more than three times the deadliness of the flu, which is still sub one-percent of the likely infected, you crashed the economy and put us further into national debt for nothing, prove me wrong"

Bureaucrats protect bureaucrats. Politicians are professional liars, and people do weird **** under stress, and this has certainly been a stressful year for most.
I think we can do even better if we skip the masks and just go straight to plastic bags over our heads.
Then not only do we save our fellow man from this awful virus, we also save the planet from all that c02 emitted from our diseased orifices.
Win Win!!
Of the 134 covid deaths reported in Oregon so far....

47.8% were over the age of 80
29.1% were aged between 70 to 79
17.1% were aged between 60 to 60

So! 94% of the covid deaths in Oregon are people over 60 and everyone of those people had one or more health complications. More than half of the covid deaths are people over 80 who all had one or more health complications.

That is pretty damn solid data!!!!

If you are in those age groups...... if you have health complications..... take extra precautions, isolate your self, and only go out during the times set aside from you.

Not sorry that you are scared and fearfull.

I am no longer willing to allow society to remain at a halt just to protect a very specific small population that can take precautions to protect themselves.

My 90 year old grand mother has isolated her self and has taken care to avoid other people.

My 60 year old parents just are not concerned. They have taken precautions, but they are not worried about others not wearing masks.

What of the 100 or so kids in New York who have a pretty gnarly secondary syndrome shown related to the virus?

Would reducing exposure risk as we open up commerce be worthwhile to protect Pacific Northwest kids?

Again, mind, I'm all for opening commerce. Wisely. Not under some types of mandates & such, but folks voluntarily reducing exposure risks.

Unfortunately it seems folks have a misconception about what that means, so decide to politicize it instead.
I was watching a video on some initial research that your blood type may have a large role in your susceptibility to viruses.

The four blood types are A, B, AB, and O, then each of those can be either - or +.... from what I remember (I may misquote the terminology but the gist is) the virus presents as "type A" to the antigens of blood types B, AB, and O... so those blood types are already "programmed" to attack the COVID virus, meaning type A blood groups are potentially more susceptible as they don't have "type-A" antigens... I'm O- (YAY for me!!) and that could explain why throughout my life I have VERY RARELY gotten the flue or even a serious cold virus because my blood type has both "type-A and type-B" antigens... the only thing that sucks is that although I'm a "universal donor" to all other blood types (I'm your best friend if you lose blood... LOL), but if ever needed I can only receive O- blood transfusions.

Anyway, that initial study isn't conclusive and hasn't been peer reviewed.... but yeah, screw Charlie Sheen's "Tiger blood".... I'm O-!! ;):D

I'm O- too, Stomper. I'm in the same boat. And I'm the only O- in my family. None in the wife's family either.

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