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Old article from 2013 talking about the cuts thats effecting hospitals for the "next 10 years" . 7 years have passed; :s0054:
With budget cuts from that time onwards, hospitals have had to make do with less equipment, outdated equipment; Salem Hospital's infusion/wound care dept have very old tvs in the care rooms :rolleyes: by old, I mean glass CRT displays and coax cables..
The Realities of Sequester and Budget Cuts on Local Hospitals
It's a precursor to the Honey Badger if you don't do the Honey-Do! :eek:
Ask my Wife! ;)
My friend has been feeling really sick (flu-like symptoms, high fever, delirious as a result, etc....) for about a week. He is older and afraid that he may have the coronavirus. His wife is a stewardess (is that word OK to use?). Anyway, he went to the hospital here in Vancouver to try and get tested.

The hospital more or less told him.....

"No test for you, unless you get admitted."

WTF? He doesn't feel that he needs to be admitted. YET. As he doesn't feel like he's dying. YET. He doesn't want to take up valuable resources.

What is the hospital trying to do? Run up the numbers? And costs?

So anyway.....he went continue his "sheltering in place" and getting better on his own.

Now think about it....

1) The hospital didn't want to use one of their valuable test kits. Saving them for themselves? OK....I see that they are more at risk.
2) But, he goes home and infects how many (if he has it)? And, everyone who may have even a slight contact w/ his family members may also be at risk.
3) Then....... say that a non-paying (uninsured) person went to the hospital. Well, that person has practically no incentive to "not be admitted" to the hospital. Rrrright.....3 squares and a nice warm bed at the tax payer's expense.

I thought that the medical profession was more about......

"Defensive Medicine" Better safe than sorry......Rrrright....LIABILITY was already mentioned.


Yes, I realize that test kits are in short supply and these are terrible times. Do I blame the President? No. I blame the CCP. But then, the saddest thing is......I don't expect that the USA will change our relationship with them as a result.

Thanks for allowing me to vent a little.

Aloha, Mark

Watch this interview, I have a lot of respect for Dr. Michael Osterholm and think he is probably one of the most educated and sensible researchers ( who wrote books with almost prophetic outcomes about pandemics) on this subject. I just listened to his last podcast of 3 days ago.. He said that we have a very large new scare coming in as there will be a huge deficiency in the needed tests, due to a lack of supply and an excessively high demand. It could take over a year from what I am hearing for them to produce enough tests for the large masses of people who need them. Only the wealthy and elite and very sick seem to be able to immediately get these tests in many areas. And , I am told the availability of tests will actually decrease and they may soon start to not even be available to many people as demand skyrockets.

I am not trying to stir up panic, but heard a very educated disease research specialist who has served under multiple Administrations in our government and is the head of a large disease research group named CIDRAP give a very educated opinion.

I do think Trump is giving too much fluff talk, but sadly, in many ways , happy talk or not, Michael Osterholm some how agrees with a lot of Trumps measures, even if they are indirect. He just wishes there would be more straight talk and less happy hopes, when the situation will be quite dire probably for at least a year.

We are not getting out of this situation any time soon, no matter how happy the promises are and the Democrats dreams of government mandates saving our country in the months are all just smoke and Dr. Michael Osterholm definitely criticizes them as well.

I like his bipartisan and truly honest assessment and analysis of the situation.

You can hear the latest interview on spotify.
These people need to be publicly punished, caining, whipping, ect..............
Something painful, that leaves permanent scars for the whole world to see!
These people are sub human animals and should be treated as such, like the local animal shelter says "please spay and neuter".
and we're just getting rolling.
we're just getting rolling.

First case was Jan 20 or 21, but the US only had 12 cases by Feb 5.

Why is this thread 250 pages long?!!!! Good god don't you guys have better things to do like catch up on your honey do's?!!!:D

You can't give up until you win the argument, or until the other guy is blue in the face. :cool:

So, legit question here, why are we so dang short on Ventilators, why do we need so many now compared to the flu?

Good question. The flu hospitalizatoin rate this season was "moderate" per the CDC, and I'd expect the flu season to be tapering off. US hospitals have 160,000 ventilators ready to go and another 8,900 in a national reserve.
If there are currently 85,594 known CV cases in the US, and only a smallish precentage need a ventilator, I don't know the answer unless ventilators are booked up most of the time anyway. NY could be a problem - they have 36,994 active cases:

Went to get groceries today. Wore an N95 (no vent) mask. Just a few people were wearing a mask - most wearing the surgical masks. From the looks I got, perhaps some had never seen an N95. :)

Washed face and hands with anti-bacterial soap when I returned home and gargled with 21.6% alcohol mouth wash. ;)

Also wiped down the milk jug handle and a few other items with rubbing alcohol. Will wash hands after handling any groceries before touching face or food with hands, etc.

Stay safe everyone. No spreading it - DJT needs our help! ;)
Good news is im at least in the group of people with mild symptoms. No fever, mainly just a a dry cough, and a little fatigued. But no work = more naps (when my kids let me)

The nurse jabbed both my wife and myself in the ear pretty hard though, its more uncomfortable than the actual symptoms.

I waited for an hour in what turned out to be the wrong waiting room (that they sent me to) then when i finally was sent to the right room, i atill sat around in a completely empty waiting room where no one was currently being seen. Yet the hold-up waa supposedly because of how backed up they have been.

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