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OK, Grey show me the figures to make your case, but use real numbers not BS ones. The population of AZ is over 30% legal hispanics, but they were prob. dem voters anyway. Crime is down in AZ. As near as I can tell total cost to taxpayers of illegals is remarkably low, less then 40 billion a year using realistic numbers, and that is less than what it will cost for the state to raise the citizen children that would be left behind in a mass deportation. Honest, I don't think we can make either an ethical case, or an economic case for such actions.

In 2005 John McCain ad Ted kennedy tried to put a bill in the senate that was very resonable. There was no way to get it to the floor, too many powerful interests wanted a source of cheap labor.

Juan McAmnesty holding hands with Chappquiddick/bring in the third world Ted.. that act alone was a main causal agent in Juan's defeat in 2008, which left us with a nightmare government

Ted Kennedy was one of the biggest traitors this nation has ever seen. His 1965 immigration act has changed the culture/face of America, forever
I have a page from a Texas newspaper from a few years back in which Mexican people in the city boycotted the white owned businesses for a day, because of similar bills being pushed through. It was very interested to read that although their business was down almost 20%, shoplifting was down over 40% and the amount of money orders being sent out of the country almost stopped completely. Also noticed was the amount of government dollars (food stamps etc) used was down almost 50% compared to actual $. Very strange.
Juan Amnesty holding hands with Chappquiddick/bring in the third world Ted.. that act alone was a main causal agent in Juan's defeat in 2008, which left us with a nightmare government

Ted Kennedy was one of the biggest traitors this nation has ever seen. His 1965 immigration act has changed the culture/face of America, forever

The immigration act I mentioned was in 2005, not the one in 1995.
Fantastic job of finding an objective source too, I'm sure you took the pick of the 'litter'.

I like both McCain and Kennedy, they served their country very well, and are both very exceptional fellows. Compared to these guys I'm a hopeless slacker, but then again, my ego is within realistic bounds and not in orbit around the planet pygmy.

And all this in response to a request for real numbers to back your sides argument, are you so afraid of, that you don't have a leg to stand on?

Again, I'm for amnesty, citizenship, and stopping future illegals, because it is the most ethical, practical, honest, responsible and cheapest thing we can do. Would you be willing to go along with this plan if you got to hit them with sticks during the ceremony?
The immigration act I mentioned was in 2005, not the one in 1995.
Fantastic job of finding an objective source too, I'm sure you took the pick of the 'litter'.

I like both McCain and Kennedy, they served their country very well, and are both very exceptional fellows. Compared to these guys I'm a hopeless slacker, but then again, my ego is within realistic bounds and not in orbit around the planet pygmy.

And all this in response to a request for real numbers to back your sides argument, are you so afraid of, that you don't have a leg to stand on?

Again, I'm for amnesty, citizenship, and stopping future illegals, because it is the most ethical, practical, honest, responsible and cheapest thing we can do. Would you be willing to go along with this plan if you got to hit them with sticks during the ceremony?

I am glad that your beliefs are in the minority. There will be no amnesty and we will solve the problem with law enforcement using whatever laws and force are required
I am glad that your beliefs are in the minority. There will be no amnesty and we will solve the problem with law enforcement using whatever laws and force are required

I'm sure you'll try that even if it is the goofiest thing we can do. I'm not in favor of doing goofy things even if a majority thinks it is good. After all, if the majority can't make a reasoned, fact backed argument to support a crusade, then what are they but a bunch of goofs. Of course, given your approach soon it will be our turn to taken away with law enforcement using whatever laws and force are required. The only protection any of us ever has is if we are lucky enough to live in a system that at least knows the difference between justice and expediency.
Bugeye.. I see you drink the Michael Medved koolaid. Well I don't, and twice in this nation's history we have rounded them up and deported them, If it could be done then it can be done now, unless we are truly neutered as a nation

Check out this POS, folks!

WOW, I didn't know Medved was pro-illegal immigration? I thought he was a conservative talk show host.
Bugeye.. I see you drink the Michael Medved koolaid. Well I don't, and twice in this nation's history we have rounded them up and deported them, If it could be done then it can be done now, unless we are truly neutered as a nation

Check out this POS, folks!

Now on that machete bull crap, watch for a rise in copy cat attacks. segal sure has lowered himself to a new low, didn't care for the fat slob to begin with.
WOW, I didn't know Medved was pro-illegal immigration? I thought he was a conservative talk show host.

Medved keeps on saying that we cannot deport those who are here legally and that we need to go for amnesty. IMO as a paleo-conservative guy, he's a snake
Now on that machete bull crap, watch for a rise in copy cat attacks. segal sure has lowered himself to a new low, didn't care for the fat slob to begin with.

It's clearly incitement to violence against Americans who are for tough border controls and deportation of illegals :huh:
Medved keeps on saying that we cannot deport those who are here legally and that we need to go for amnesty. IMO as a paleo-conservative guy, he's a snake

Legal or illegal? Of course the ones here legally are citizens, just like you and me, it is the illegals that I would like to see driven back across the border. If a man or woman applies for citizenship, takes the necessary courses and passes the test than they are US Citizens. Is there a problem with that?
Legal or illegal? Of course the ones here legally are citizens, just like you and me, it is the illegals that I would like to see driven back across the border. If a man or woman applies for citizenship, takes the necessary courses and passes the test than they are US Citizens. Is there a problem with that?

Medved specifically and repeatedly says it's impossible to deport illegal aliens. His attitude is really quite shocking for a so-called conservative

What if we had that view about apprehending and punishing murderers, rapists, etc..?

PS: Not all here legally are citizens,. a green card is not citizenship. I am sure you already understand this, just sayin'
I'm sure you'll try that even if it is the goofiest thing we can do. I'm not in favor of doing goofy things even if a majority thinks it is good. After all, if the majority can't make a reasoned, fact backed argument to support a crusade, then what are they but a bunch of goofs. Of course, given your approach soon it will be our turn to taken away with law enforcement using whatever laws and force are required. The only protection any of us ever has is if we are lucky enough to live in a system that at least knows the difference between justice and expediency.

The problem is that there is a reason that the majority of people agree with this. It is a issue that spans across the political devide. Alot of people have personal experience with the problems of illegal immigration. You don't have to have a chart and figures in front of you to know that you were mugged by a illegal. You don't have to consult a graph if your uncle was hit by a illegal immigrant and his car as mine was months ago.

I have absolutely no problem with LEGAL CITIZENS at all. The one thing I would say is that when someone becomes a citizen here, they need to support this country and adopt it's ways as previous generations of immigrants have. It seems that some Mexican immigrants think of this as Northern Mexico. It isn't. If they want to come here and become citizens, it is to become AMERICANS. If that isn't what they want to become, then we need to bring other people in who have that desire.

I know some Mexican immigrants who are wonderful people. They learned English and came here proud to be AMERICANS. We need to find those people from whatever country and make sure they are they ones we let in.

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