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I'm not fighting them passing the bill at all. I think that's a lost cause to fight it entirely.

I am urging everyone I can bend their ear on to overhaul the system to be reasonable though for the love of god. I want them to leverage technology to help make this so easy and convenient to use that you'd have to be a criminal not to use it.
I think the following would be reasonable:

I think the state should build the system so as background checks can be performed outside of gun stores. A phone app where you take a picture of the purchaser, and a picture of their drivers license and submit it should be more than adequate for face to face sales. It provides an avenue to quickly and conveniently do a background check for a face to face sale. If you AREN'T using a system so simple you're just wasting your time.

It's a reasonable compromise I feel as well. MANY people on here require a CCL to sell their firearm. Obviously there are enough people in the community who want to know that who they sell to is legitimate. This will be a quick and convenient way to do so.

It won't be perfect, people can cheat the system... but honestly why the hell would you cheat the system when you can just circumvent the system entirely? The whole thing is pretty much voluntary and would recover undercover officers to perform a sting on.
I'm not sure what abortions have to do with background checks. I'm also not sure what the problem with stem cells?
I don't want any sort of background check. I don't think anyone needs to know what I own. It is nice that some people want to see my ODL or CHL for a private sale. I am happy to show it to them. I will not let them copy it or write a bill of sale. I don't see the need.
I'm not fighting them passing the bill at all. I think that's a lost cause to fight it entirely.

I am urging everyone I can bend their ear on to overhaul the system to be reasonable though for the love of god. I want them to leverage technology to help make this so easy and convenient to use that you'd have to be a criminal not to use it.

Better sell your guns!!!
Compromise = giving up a little more of your god given, constitutionally guaranteed rights. End of story.
A little nibble hear, a little piece there, until you have nothing left but whatever meager government subsidized existence the progressives have allowed you to keep.

Enough is enough more compromising my rights.

I feel the most American and FREE when I meet a fellow law-abiding Oregonian in a Fred Meyer parking lot and sell them a gun with cash on the hood.


Maybe someone could roll in the clip of Gandalf's "You shall not PASS!!"

I feel the most American and FREE when I meet a fellow law-abiding Oregonian in a Fred Meyer parking lot and sell them a gun with cash on the hood.


Maybe someone could roll in the clip of Gandalf's "You shall not PASS!!"

Good idea, here you go! ;)

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I think the following would be reasonable:

I think the state should build the system so as background checks can be performed outside of gun stores.

That already exists. It is the same system that private sellers are supposed to be using at gun shows. Oregon State Police maintains a toll-free number 1-800-432-5059 that is open from 8am to 10pm every day except Thanksgiving and Christmas. Any private seller who wants to voluntarily perform a background check can do so. There is a $10 fee.

The problem is many people apparently don't know what already exists, and they want to re-invent the wheel. Perhaps instead of passing more laws, they should put some money into public service announcements and public education so people know about the system that already exists.
The text of the OFF Alert:

OFF ALERT 06.04.13

Senator Betsy Johnson, who until now has been a solid “no” on new gun restrictions, appears to be changing her mind.

After a stint away from the Capitol due to a car accident, she has said she is open to a “reasonable background check bill.”

NY billionaire Michael Bloomberg just dropped over a million dollars in Nevada to ram through this kind of new attack on gun rights. And we know he’s planning to spend heavily here in Oregon.

We found it strange that the anti-gun bills were being held up, and some were saying the Democrats were waiting until Johnson got out of the hospital, but since she has been adamant about voting “no” that made no sense. *Now maybe it does.

Clearly Senator Johnson is feeling incredible heat from her caucus and the money sure to come into Oregon from Bloomberg is not going to help us either.

In Nevada, Justin Jones, a Democratic State Senator who sponsored Bloomberg’s anti-gun bill there, was quoted as saying he hoped Bloomberg would stay involved in Nevada politics. “It never hurts to have friends with money,” he said.

And trust us, this fight is going to be all about money and Bloomberg has an unlimited supply to impose his totalitarian plans.

Johnson, we have been told, is part of the appointed “work group” on gun control. Based on her past assurance that she would stand up for gun rights, this is very bad news indeed.

Please contact Senator Johnson and ask her to stick by her promises to protect Oregonians' gun rights. No amount of money from an out-of-state billionaire should be able to buy our liberty.

Contact info and sample message follow.

Senator Betsy Johnson
Capitol Phone: 503-986-1716
District Phone: 503-543-4046
900 Court St NE, S-209, Salem, OR, 97301
Email: [email protected]
Website: Senator Elizabeth Johnson


Dear Senator Johnson,

After your courageous stand defending my gun rights, I was very disappointed to hear you are considering supporting and expansion of the failed background check system here in Oregon.

You may know that Michael Bloomberg just spent over million dollars to ram though a similar bill in Nevada.

As an Oregonian, I am deeply offended that a billionaire is trying to buy my freedom. *I strongly urge you to reject his hypocritical agenda.

Remember, when Bloomberg travels to his mansion in Bermuda, he takes armed NY cops with him even though even the Bermuda Police don’t have guns.

Bloomberg’s cynical, deceitful agenda must not be allowed to control our legislature.


As soon as I saw this, I wrote Senator Johnson. Here's what I got back within less than 15 minutes from her:

Dear [Redacted],

Thank you for your email.

I have not changed my position on any of the gun bills being proposed; should they come to the floor of the Senate, I will still be a no.

With respect to what has been posted elsewhere, here is exactly what was reported in my facebook post:

"May 31

Budgets, background checks public safety on 'This Week with State Senator Betsy Johnson'. Senator Johnson says legislators are busily working on budgets and some legislators are also talking about reasonable gun background check legislation. Senator Johnson says she has nothing specific to share about any potential legislation, it's just an early conversation, but it is a bi-partisan effort to close some loopholes in Oregon's gun background check system. Senator Johnson says 2nd amendment rights are being respected, and she believes there needs to have a way to have folks who have been adjudicated as mentally ill to be added to the gun registry, so that person would not be able to own a gun. Senator Johnson says nothing on the gun issue has dramatically changed, other than some Democrats and Republicans are sitting down together -- she says gun safety awareness courses are part of this preliminary conversation. 4 previous gun bills are gone and won't be heard. Senator Johnson says those four bills will not be the basis of any conversation about gun laws going on now. She says there is no specific legislation being discussed at this point, and right now, it's just talking."

As you can see, my comments have to do with better reporting of adjudicated mental conditions to NICS (an area that Oregon has a dismal track record on), and promote (NOT MANDATE!) gun safety courses (think a Hunter’s Safety Course).

During this entire “gun” discussion, these are two areas that have most often been mentioned by pro 2A constituents. For the Oregonian, OFF or others to somehow “extrapolate” more into what I have said would be, well, I’ll let you decide.

In any event, I am sorry that recent reports have caused you concern. I have not, and will not, be changing my position on the proposed bills.

And, I have nothing to do with the New York folks.

I hope this clarifies the issue a bit. If I can offer any additional information, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Best regards,

(503) 986-1716
That already exists. It is the same system that private sellers are supposed to be using at gun shows. Oregon State Police maintains a toll-free number 1-800-432-5059 that is open from 8am to 10pm every day except Thanksgiving and Christmas. Any private seller who wants to voluntarily perform a background check can do so. There is a $10 fee.

The problem is many people apparently don't know what already exists, and they want to re-invent the wheel. Perhaps instead of passing more laws, they should put some money into public service announcements and public education so people know about the system that already exists.

I'm going to call that number and report back on exactly what is required, but it has been my experience that it is not something two people can reasonably use to quickly and easily facilitate a sale.

It's also not what is being proposed as required usage from what I've been reading and hearing on various news outlets. Sales will have to happen with a licensed FFL. The 1-800 number you posted isn't what they're attempting to require us to use.
A couple more links about NY/Bloomberg's involvement if it hasn't already been posted. I'm thinking this topic might need it's own thread. Does anyone have any insiders at the capitol who know first hand how many/how much leverage and pressure they are applying? I wonder what the Portland Occupy 99%ers think about this 1%'er poking his finger in it. Bloomberg Gun control today; tomorrow?

Bloomberg wants the best gun control money can buy | The Oregon Catalyst
Background negotiations on gun legislation continue in Oregon Senate |
Just finished for the second time today writing all of the senators. My last email headline addressed the theme to keep the antigun New York May Bloombergers ideas and lobbist's out of Oregon. Hopefull you will do the same. I also addressed that a refocus on improving the NICS system, prosecution of violations and reminded the legislators this is not the time to increase government powers. That is: violations into private lives (Verizon), harassessment, and abuse of powere with the IRS and government coverups and lying with Bengazzi affair! We do not need expanded backgroudn checks. And, we do not need New Yorker's telling Oregonians how to run their own state. Maybe that will help. Please send off your emails and continue to do so! Thanks.
Got this from Rep Sal Esquivel today as well:

SB700 and others – Gun Control - Second Amendment

Just an update on suggested Gun Control legislation presently in the legislature. At the present time SB700 – which calls for deeper intrusion on private gun sales – and the other suggested bills by Senate President Peter Courtney – are held in the Senate Rules Committee. Rules is one of the committees which continues to operate right up to the last day of session.

There has been some talk about reviving the bills – and remember the saying – "no bill is dead until the last gavel falls" – so we ask that you remain vigilante. Keeping up the work on emails, letters and phone calls is important – right to the very end. You can track the gun bills at This information system is very user friendly and will help you stay up to date on legislation you wish to follow.

Recently I learned that lobbyists have been hired by Michael Bloomberg's Mayors Against Illegal Guns Action Fund so additional pressure will be applied to the anti-gun elected officials within the Legislature.

I want to confirm with you that I remain a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment and will do all I can to prevent these bills from passing through the House.

Thank you again for writing, staying in touch, and being vigilante on this very important matter.


The BOLD is my addition to show that they know about the Bloomberg crap.

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