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I also got an email from Jeff Merkley suggesting that a "privileged and powerful elite" and "pools of corporate and 'dark' money" were behind this "coup" attempt.
I used to get his propaganda too. I started it just to keep tabs on what they were thinking, but after awhile it wasn't even good for a laugh anymore. Plus, l could easily get his talking points and outrage du jour before he knew what it would be just by turning on a network.
Nope. Both in private Christian schools for most of their education, then one in a charter school and the other in a tiny farming town school. Both good kids out of high school. Then they got corrupted by social media and leftist media.

I've come to realize, with my own son, that what is really corrupting the younger generations is the "good life".
I bet your kids have/had it better than you did.
No matter how much trouble my kid gets in to, there's always a full refrigerator of good food, multitude of entertainment options, always a warm home, clean comfy bed. The family car(s) are nice, there's no gunshots down the streets, there's no strung-out hookers banging on the windows.
My kid's life is infinitely better than mine was when I was young. I was raised by a hippy single mom who tried to raise me to be a liberal. However, due to the circumstances of my growing up, it didn't work out that way.
I've come to realize, with my own son, that what is really corrupting the younger generations is the "good life".
I bet your kids have/had it better than you did.
No matter how much trouble my kid gets in to, there's always a full refrigerator of good food, multitude of entertainment options, always a warm home, clean comfy bed. The family car(s) are nice, there's no gunshots down the streets, there's no strung-out hookers banging on the windows.
My kid's life is infinitely better than mine was when I was young. I was raised by a hippy single mom who tried to raise me to be a liberal. However, due to the circumstances of my growing up, it didn't work out that way.
Dr. Spock did us no favors.
So the National Guard is swarming into DC to protect the theft of an election by a leftist cabal.

Nothing to see here, move along. Disregard your 2A rights, you don't need them, we'll protect you.

Our nation has literally been stolen. Our solution is chat boards? No. Our solution should be not to drain the swamp, but to FILL IT, with PATRIOTS. Peaceably assemble by the millions and FILL THE SWAMP so much that it'll overflow nationwide. STAY THERE. Use your 2A rights to protect yourself. Last I checked, the Constitution still applied to DC. Heller helped preserve that truth.

We are a REPUBLIC. It has been stolen. The proof is massive. Big tech, the MSM, leftist politicians, and billionaires are trying to seize control and sculpt the nation as their own.

We need to FILL and OCCUPY the SWAMP before this fraud is propagated.
I hardly think the forefathers would want a war over one political candidate losing a democratically held election. If you take some time to read up & understand our forefathers, they had IMMENSLEY differing views on many topics when forming our nation and crafting the constitution.
Rhetoric may feel cathartic for a moment, but civil discourse is how adults and democracies solve differences. To think that America is at the point of war with itself over Trump losing an election (that he even said was rigged prior to the election), you've been successfully gaslighted ...
I never voted for Trump and have no regrets about that. And I think he probably lost the election because he was deeply unpopular for some valid reasons but also for some specious reasons. I've seen a few presidents come and go and I remember the lies told about Carter and about Reagan and every president after them. But the years of pervasive, sustained, and unwarranted dishonesty about Trump is something I've never seen in my life.

More to the point, the media falsely claimed in virtually a single voice there was no evidence of election irregularities. I've already said I believe Trump lost because of his unpopularity but the claim, repeated ad nauseum, that allegations of election problems were "baseless" is demonstrably false. There indisputably was evidence. Then there's the whole rush to anoint Biden as "president-elect". When the 2000 election was disputed the NY Times and most of the rest of the mainstream media waited until Gore conceded the election the second time in December before they started referring to him as "president-elect". Not this time.

Talk about gaslighting, what happened after the 2020 election is a massive psy op or propaganda campaign to ensure there will be no comprehensive investigation of any allegations of election improprieties. Again, I believe Trump actually lost the election but I have very little doubt that there were also significant election issues that have been buried. To be clear, I am not claiming there was (or was not) conclusive evidence or proof of enough election problems to change the outcome. I've read some of their pleadings and it's clear that Trump's clown car legal team was also a godsend to Team Biden.

However, there was a full court press to ensure that the evidence was never fairly and fully evaluated in either the court of public opinion or any court of law. The Supreme Court refused to evaluate the evidence presented by the State of Texas on the grounds that Texas does not have "a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections". This is patently absurd. Texas and other states may not have any interest in how other states elect their own state officials but when it comes to the POTUS they most assuredly do have an interest.

After what the Dems pulled off in the Trump presidency and 2020 election they and their media and Big Tech allies have been encouraged to double-down on suppressing dissent and thoughtcrime. They are quickly closing any space for "civil discourse". No one should ever go to war for Trump or any other elected official but I think many of the Founders would be deeply concerned about the current state of affairs of the country and rightly so.
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I never voted for Trump and have no regrets about that. And I think he probably lost the election because he was deeply unpopular for some valid reasons but also for some specious reasons. I've seen a few presidents come and go and I remember the lies told about Carter and about Reagan and every president after them. But the years of pervasive, sustained, and unwarranted dishonesty about Trump is something I've never seen in my life.

More to the point, the media falsely claimed in virtually a single voice there was no evidence of election irregularities. I've already said I believe Trump lost because of his unpopularity but the claim, repeated ad nauseum, that allegations of election problems were "baseless" is demonstrably false. There indisputably was evidence. Then there's the whole rush to anoint Biden as "president-elect". When the 2000 election was disputed the NY Times and most of the rest of the mainstream media waited until Gore conceded the election the second time in December before they started referring to him as "president-elect". Not this time.

Talk about gaslighting, what happened after the 2020 election is a massive psy op or propaganda campaign to ensure there will be no comprehensive investigation of any allegations of election improprieties. Again, I believe Trump actually lost the election but I have very little doubt that there were also significant election issues that have been buried. To be clear, I am not claiming there was (or was not) conclusive evidence or proof of enough election problems to change the outcome. I've read some of their pleadings and it's clear that Trump's clown car legal team was also a godsend to Team Biden.

However, there was a full court press to ensure that the evidence was never fairly and fully evaluated in either the court of public opinion or any court of law. The Supreme Court refused to evaluate the evidence presented by the State of Texas on the grounds that Texas does not have "a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections". This is patently absurd. Texas and other states may not have any interest in how other states elect their own state officials but when it comes to the POTUS they most assuredly do have an interest.

After what the Dems pulled off in the Trump presidency and 2020 election they and their media and Big Tech allies have been encouraged to double-down on suppressing dissent and thoughtcrime. They are quickly closing any space for "civil discourse". No one should ever go to war for Trump or any other elected official but I think many of the Founders would be deeply concerned about the current state of affairs of the country and rightly so.

Very detailed response, though I do disagree on your thoughts about Trump specifically (a matter for another thread for certain). However the remainder rings quite true, and appreciate the thought and time it took to write it so well.

As you have said it is simply preposterous that such a contested issue was unanimously agreed upon by all media outlets and how would make even the lest suspicious person begin to think...or not. Sheep have their own place in the world I guess
Remember when he stated nearly two million illegitimate votes were cast for that very election he won? Oddly enough though he never presented this evidence to Congress, the American people, or most importantly, the its four years later and eating crow stew. Just sayin:cool: I'm not happy about it but he screwed himself on this one
Much of your assessment is correct, however you couldn't be more WRONG about the true results of the election. DONALD TRUMP WON BY A LANDSLIDE. I won't stand by while YOU gaslight this 2A community in stating otherwise.

The evidence is massive and indisputable, with more evidence coming out daily. This election is being stolen and the left is seizing control of this nation; the left being the haters of liberty. Why anyone would feel it's OK to stand by and watch this happen is beyond me.

Several 2A sites have been taken down by the left already, with the latest actor being Go Daddy who has also taken down Oathkeepers. This is an assault on our Republic, and soon the taking down of our 2A sites will be small potatoes compared to what they have already begun to enact in Congress regarding the confiscation of our weapons. Biden himself has stated many times that he plans to force you to give up your 'assault weapons', calling it a 'buy back program'. The government can't 'buy back' something they've never owned. This is confiscation.

Conservatives are the enemy. Because GUNS. They fear us, and that's the way our Republic is supposed to be, and why we have the 2A to begin with. We have been asleep but the sheer magnitude of this conservative purge has awakened the masses.

The government is to fear the people, not the other way around.

This is not rhetoric.

You are entitled to your opinions about the outcome of this election, but they are wrong.

I don't think he's gaslighting. Not everyone who disagrees with us is evil. Some of them are just wrong. :)
RKBA is not protected by the 2nd Amendment, nor Congress, much less by old men wearing black dresses. It's protected by ornery bastards who won't put up with tyrants or with their minions.
A big concern I have now is the so-called "Boogaloo" movement, or other "armed protests" that are rumored to be happening in a few days.

If some of those armed folks get itchy trigger fingers, or do anything really stupid with "black rifles", that'll be just what the Dems and gun grabbers want as an excuse to attack 2A.
Much of your assessment is correct, however you couldn't be more WRONG about the true results of the election. DONALD TRUMP WON BY A LANDSLIDE. I won't stand by while YOU gaslight this 2A community in stating otherwise.
I wrote: "Talk about gaslighting, what happened after the 2020 election is a massive psy op or propaganda campaign to ensure there will be no comprehensive investigation of any allegations of election improprieties. Again, I believe Trump actually lost the election but I have very little doubt that there were also significant election issues that have been buried. To be clear, I am not claiming there was (or was not) conclusive evidence or proof of enough election problems to change the outcome."

I expressed my opinion of the evidence and I've actually read several of the legal complaints filed by the Trump campaign. As I've indicated, I'm open to other evidence and changing my mind on that basis. I might be mistaken but so far I haven't seen any evidence of a landslide. To express such opinions is not gaslighting or an attack on the 2A community under any reasonable definitions.
A big concern I have now is the so-called "Boogaloo" movement, or other "armed protests" that are rumored to be happening in a few days.

If some of those armed folks get itchy trigger fingers, or do anything really stupid with "black rifles", that'll be just what the Dems and gun grabbers want as an excuse to attack 2A.

Totally agreed!

The FBI said to expect "armed protests" at all 50 state capitols over the inauguration. This smells ripe of false flag events being staged for next week. They won't let this opportunity pass to further advance their agenda.
It's not going to take a false flag to see things happen, but it will kick it off. The base has been established by the left and for the sake of the Republic the right simply won't stand for it anymore. If 'black rifles' give the left more cause to tighten the noose, more 'black rifles' will shut that down. You can bank on it.

If that goes down, I would NOT want to be an employee with any of the big tech or MSM companies that have been supporting this travesty. It will indeed be a purge.

Once started, it won't end, and we only got a slight taste of that last week. Hundreds of millions of guns in freedom-loving hands. No one's taking them away.

IMHO most of the National Guard is supportive of Trump. No one wants to harm them. I believe they'd be well advised to step aside if things break loose over the weekend.

You guys have to understand that it's hit bottom. Based on the reports I'm seeing, it's going down.

I'm only stating what my observations and instincts are telling me, not encouraging any of the above. The coming week will tell the story.

What would you do if someone broke into your house, kicked you out, and began living in it with no legal authorization, and not only did you see it first hand, you had video, documents, and other evidence to back it all up? And then you go to the police and they do nothing, nor do the courts, nor does anyone else, leaving you to resolve it on your own?

Would you walk away and just let them have it, hoping to convince them at some point to give it all back, that in the meantime they won't trash or sell all of your furniture or sell your house out from under you without giving a damn about your pain or damages?

That's exactly what's happening in America at this very moment. People have no alternative but to take their house back on their own, with no fear of the consequences.

What they truly fear is if they do nothing at all.

This is happening right now.
It's not going to take a false flag to see things happen, but it will kick it off. The base has been established by the left and for the sake of the Republic the right simply won't stand for it anymore. If 'black rifles' give the left more cause to tighten the noose, more 'black rifles' will shut that down. You can bank on it.

If that goes down, I would NOT want to be an employee with any of the big tech or MSM companies that have been supporting this travesty. It will indeed be a purge.

Once started, it won't end, and we only got a slight taste of that last week. Hundreds of millions of guns in freedom-loving hands. No one's taking them away.

IMHO most of the National Guard is supportive of Trump. No one wants to harm them. I believe they'd be well advised to step aside if things break loose over the weekend.

You guys have to understand that it's hit bottom. Based on the reports I'm seeing, it's going down.

I'm only stating what my observations and instincts are telling me, not encouraging any of the above. The coming week will tell the story.

What would you do if someone broke into your house, kicked you out, and began living in it with no legal authorization, and not only did you see it first hand, you had video, documents, and other evidence to back it all up? And then you go to the police and they do nothing, nor do the courts, nor does anyone else, leaving you to resolve it on your own?

Would you walk away and just let them have it, hoping to convince them at some point to give it all back, that in the meantime they won't trash or sell all of your furniture or sell your house out from under you without giving a damn about your pain or damages?

That's exactly what's happening in America at this very moment. People have no alternative but to take their house back on their own, with no fear of the consequences.

What they truly fear is if they do nothing at all.

This is happening right now.

Then we are screwed, because it will fail.
Then we are screwed, because it will fail.
I don't think you understand.

It won't be about 'defeating the military' or anything in that order. It's about the narrative. America has had it.

Did you see how shaken up Congress was about having their house invaded? It's OK to burn and loot cities, but don't interfere with where they collect their paychecks, that's not OK. Besides, 'we have the best security on the planet. We can spew all the sh!t we want and will remain UNTOUCHABLE. We can in no way be held accountable. We do NOT have to be concerned about CONSEQUENCES when we openly disregard the public'.

The power is with the people and this may soon be out in the open.

This is exactly what their mentality is. When they all find themselves under siege, at home, work, or wherever it may be, including family members or co-workers, the 'fear of God' will truly inspire their souls. The awakened giant will be front and center and their isolated chamber will shrink around them.

You can't dupe the nation forever while using 'past success' as a reason to continue. At some point you're going to get called out on it and when the ballot box fails, you know what's next. This won't be an isolated 'lone wolf' incident that they can pass off, but this will truly inspire a ton of lone wolves to do their bidding.

I think you truly misunderstand the narrative that'll go out and the chaos it will inflict if this truly happens. The left can spin it all they want but they'll be broadcasting from their basements until they're discovered. The nation has had enough.

I just advised my family members to stock up on food, essentials, gas, and more, and to get ready to hunker down. Not being an alarmist, just suggesting they practice some due diligence in advance of others, should this storm head our way. First time I've EVER sent such a warning to any of them.
I understand it just fine, I just think you're overestimating the response the "fed up" will generate, and underestimating the response the "powers that be" will respond with to crush any violent nonsense that may ensue.

They're just as "fed up" as the people on the right who aren't happy with the electoral system because they believe (just as strongly) that it was a free and fair election (or at least there wasn't enough shenanigans to have swayed the outcome), and no matter what you or I say or what some rowdy MAGA hats say, they aren't going to be swayed.

There are only 2 ways forward: either talk it out, or literally fight it out. If the people you are talking about are done talking and are ready to start shooting, we are screwed in my estimation.
It appears the senate is now under control of the left with VP Harris having the deciding vote. They will no doubt waste no time attacking the 2nd amendment. The cards are in their favor with only the supreme court left to defend our rights. Sad times
The Senate was in Democrat control in 2008, and prior to that as well throughout history.

What makes this time different?

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