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Certainly NOT! Marxists/communists have been skulking around this country and our halls of power for decades.
They NEVER show their faces in the light of day within the political arena.
Because they know damn good and well that their presence is the death knell for the ticket they are on.
Oh, there have been a few. Bernie Sanders for one. But he got elected because of his diatribes against corruption, and the fields he has run against. He also claims his brand of socialism is along the lines of Sweden's, to soft-peddle it.

No, NO ONE, even among democrats, is willing to claim BHO is as far left as we know him to be.
You may think you can come in here and claim that the cpusa hates him, but we all know they supported him twice for president.
Sure he's a stooge of the bankers. Don't kid yourself, that's one of the few sources of funding capable of putting a candidate in the White House.

Lord knows the cpusa doesn't have those kinds of funds, and hasn't since the fall of the soviets.
So go ahead a spew your political double speak.
You fool NO ONE.
Just like the few that tried to come in here with claims of obama's pragmatism.
Turns out, they didn't even know the definition of the term: Pragmatic.

You clearly have never read up on obama's voting record in the Illinois statehouse, or his time in the U.S. Senate.
Oh he's an orator of the highest order. But his upbringing, his roots in college and early politics, as well as the fact that he's never held a job that paid outside of public funds, shows he has no real connections within the "system," or the private industries that support said system.
Mention people from his past like Frank Marshall Davis and he clams up.

Ooooh, a marxist called me a dick that appeals to the tin-foil hat crowd.
Name calling and mockery in the same breath!

I dunno whether I should feel honored, or if I should be laughing my butt off.
Grow up.

I understand marxism/communism pretty well. Especially the part about what it takes to implement it, and keep it.
Mr Solzhenitsyn explained it to me. Along with how best to avoid it.
And about people like you, it appears he was right on the money.

Obviously you do not understand anything beyond the ignorance repeated to you on the television. Solzhenitsyn's commentary comes as a direct result of his experiences in Stalin's gulag, and Stalin's criminal justice policy has absolutely nothing to do with Marx, nor Communism. I have repeatedly explained Marxism and Marxist theory to you, and again and again you ignore all facts and intelligent discussion in favor of the same worn idiocy.

I don't have the patience to deal with your brand of stupidity.
3. If Obama believed in an all-powerful state, then I don't think you'd still be here to complain about it. Autocracy is extremely efficient. Stalin turned the USSR into a major power in ten years, Hitler ended the economic ruin in Germany... And Obama let out credit get downgraded and couldn't even get the debt ceiling raised. And please don't pretend he hasn't had time, this is his second term and any autocrat would have consolidated power by now.

The wild card when comparing Stalin to Obama is Gun Control.


If he tried to stay in past his term, there would be blood and the elites know it- so they have to keep propping puppets up every four years.

Stalin promised continued bread lines and continued distribution of wealth. While selected elites sit happy with full bellies and warm beds while everyone else works to support a system that is broken and corrupted.

5. Canadian Politics. The Conservatives in Canada are far more liberal than ones here. For example, the great majority support their state healthcare system. None of them are nearly so free with national power abroad.

That's not a Conservative can call it what you want, but it's like calling John McCain a Conservative when he's just a Liberal with an (R) in front of his name.

6. I said 'political landscape of the world,' not 'world government.' The fact is that the only world government, the UN, is less powerful than the US under the Articles of Confederation. I am referring to world politics, as in the various political constants that we use in comparative manner. Now, someone advocating caliphate would be extremely right wing socially, politically. Perhaps not economically, unless they want to follow Islamic financial practice. That's fundamentalism or theocracy, which is not left wing at all.

The US as a superpower isn't going to last forever. The US usuaully has a lot of pull because we provide the most aid to other countries, deploy most of the troops to other countries and the US dollar has been the world's primary currency. Nevertheless, this is changing more and more every year. We are seeing a transition as the tourch is being passed off to China from the US. If you can't see it, it's either because you're in denial or you only believe what you want to believe. Like it or not, we are slowly declining as the world's biggest and baddest bully on the block. We've gotten lazy, fat and out of shape because we've slipped from our ideals (Capitalism, Free Market Society, fair taxation, self accountability, independency, etc.).

While you may call it "progress" to have a tax on your health (aka the "Affordable Care Act") you fail to see that we just allowed the US gov to dictate more and more of our lives. What kind of "progress" is that? Who benefits from it? Insurance companies? Lobbyists? Legislators? Doctors? If the government controlled health care was so great, then why do many doctors from around the world flock here to work? Why do we have some of the best facilities in the world? If Socialism is so much better than Capitalism, then why don't you go move to Russia and live there?!

7. Conservative and liberal do not change per se. Societal perception changes. This is because we are not static as human beings. Jefferson was a huge liberal at his time, subscribing to a great deal of enlightenment thought (much later discounted by less idealistic thinkers) that people are fundamentally good, and everyone acts rationally, etc. Since then, we added numerous reforms and changes. Lincoln affirmed the Federal government was the supreme authority. Teddy Roosevelt reacted to the changing economic realities by being the first progressive. FDR continued that legacy. Kennedy made his impacts, as did Johnson. It is foolish to claim they were anything but progressive liberals at their time, and that is the lens through which they should be viewed.

Kennedy was a bigger Conservative than most of the Conservatives we currently have in Congress.

8. Obama and Marxism. Let's look at what Obama has done here. Given shareholders input on executive compensation. Put in place barriers to prevent removal of the secret ballot for workers. Increased minimum wage to account for inflation. Promoted equal pay for women. Refused to use federal tax dollars to pay for private schools. Supported merit pay for teachers. Reduce oil consumption, give tax cuts to alternate fuels. Dumped money into the private sector (bail out). Opposed NAFTA.

I've got a great idea...lets increase the minimum wage to $1,000 an hour...that way nobody will be in poverty!
How can any one with a brain believe Marxism works? It hasn't worked anywhere in all its various iterations. The poor in the Marxist countries are as poor or more so than they were under their previous form of government. Give me 3 true Marxist countries with a high standard of living? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Brutus out

No difference with the moron in the WH with Keynesian economics Been tried many times with the same results never has worked and the American people are living it right now.
I didn't read your whole post but the whole let's raise min wage to a million is moronic. Deal with the question which is what's the real number and stop the theatrics
Lol I'm a rich Capitalist...

Peasants: We have found a witch! (A witch! a witch!)
Burn her burn her!

Peasant 1: We have found a witch, may we burn her?
Vladimir: How do you known she is a witch?
P2: She looks like one!
V: Bring her forward
Woman: I'm not a witch! I'm not a witch!
V: ehh... but you are dressed like one.
W: They dressed me up like this!
All: naah no we didn't... no.
W: And this isn't my nose, it's a false one.
(V lifts up carrot)
V: Well?
P1: Well we did do the nose
V: The nose?
P1: ...And the hat, but she is a witch!
(all: yeah, burn her burn her!)
V: Did you dress her up like this?
P1: No! (no no... no) Yes. (yes yeah) a bit (a bit bit a bit) But she has got a wart!
(P3 points at wart)
V: What makes you think she is a witch?
P2: Well, she turned me into a newt!
V: A newt?!
(P2 pause & look around)
P2: I got better.
P3: Burn her anyway! (burn her burn her burn!)
(king walks in)
V: There are ways of telling whether she is a witch.
P1: Are there? Well then tell us! (tell us)
V: Tell me... what do you do with witches?
P3: Burn'em! Burn them up! (burn burn burn)
V: What do you burn apart from witches?
P1: More witches! (P2 nudge P1)
P3: Wood!
V: So, why do witches burn?
(long pause)
P2: Cuz they're made of... wood?
V: Gooood.
(crowd congratulates P2)
V: So, how do we tell if she is made of wood?
P1: Build a bridge out of her!
V: Ahh, but can you not also make bridges out of stone?
P1: Oh yeah...
V: Does wood sink in water?
P1: No
P3: No. It floats!
P1: Let's throw her into the bog! (yeah yeah ya!)
V: What also floats in water?
P1: Bread
P3: Apples
P2: Very small rocks
(V looks annoyed)
P1: Cider
P3: Grape gravy
P1: Cherries
P3: Mud
King: A Duck!
(all look and stare at king)
V: Exactly! So, logically...
P1(thinking): If she ways the same as a duck... she's made of wood!
V: And therefore,
(pause & think)
P3: A witch! (P1: a witch)(P2: a witch)(all: a witch!)
V: We shall use my largest scales.
(V jumps down)
(walk over while cheering)
(push her into scale)
V: Right, remove the stops!
(wait while scales remains still)
All: A witch! burn her burn her!!

Monty Python - Witch Scene Script
No difference with the moron in the WH with Keynesian economics Been tried many times with the same results never has worked and the American people are living it right now.

The Australians are living with gun control, socialized medicine and a $16 Min wage right now too.

It's not all or nothing all the time. There are good and bad in EVERY system but you guys are fighting for the worst of the worst.

And, obviously, Americans are living with the results of trickle down :p
The Australians are living with gun control, socialized medicine and a $16 Min wage right now too.

It's not all or nothing all the time. There are good and bad in EVERY system but you guys are fighting for the worst of the worst.

And, obviously, Americans are living with the results of trickle down :p

Then go ahead and assert your rights of freedom in another country since your hell bent on distroying this one.
The Australians are living with gun control, socialized medicine and a $16 Min wage right now too.

It's not all or nothing all the time. There are good and bad in EVERY system but you guys are fighting for the worst of the worst.

And, obviously, Americans are living with the results of trickle Up poverty :p

there fixed it for ya
Then go ahead and assert your rights of freedom in another country since your hell bent on distroying this one.

Why can't we learn from Canada's Health care system, Australia's standard of living and do all of that and gun control BETTER than they did? How about that?

Does that make me a witch too?
Obviously you do not understand anything beyond the ignorance repeated to you on the television. Solzhenitsyn's commentary comes as a direct result of his experiences in Stalin's gulag, and Stalin's criminal justice policy has absolutely nothing to do with Marx, nor Communism. I have repeatedly explained Marxism and Marxist theory to you, <snip>
No actually you haven't. You spew that "perfect utopian" version of it that bears little or no resemblance to history and the facts.
And you obviously haven't read enough Solzhenitsyn.
There is way more than Gulag Archipelago.
How do you think he landed in a gulag in the first place? He wrote about his developing disillusion of the marxist/socialist/communist system.
He saw the failures early on, and paid the price with imprisonment and forced labor.

You may not find much of it interesting though. As it will no doubt punch many many holes in your beliefs about marxism, the bourgeoisie, and the troubles with socialism/communism. Troubles and problems that even the most arduous authoritarianism, from a multitude of soviet leaders couldn't solve in their efforts to make marxism work.

Which is why they ultimately abandoned it.
And why you probably should too.
'Cuz you ain't sellin' it 'round here bud.

I find your accusations of obama as a bourgeoisie sellout quite telling, as Solzhenitsyn points out that the leaders of the former soviet regime were ALWAYS in that same position, with a virtual mythology spun around them when they held office, that they were somehow more respectful of the proles than the last bourgeoisie tyrant that held them in their iron grip of oppression.
Sound familiar?!?
The Australians are living with gun control, socialized medicine and a $16 Min wage right now too.

It's not all or nothing all the time. There are good and bad in EVERY system but you guys are fighting for the worst of the worst.

And, obviously, Americans are living with the results of trickle down :p
And maybe you should talk to a few of them on a regular basis.
I have, and EVERY ONE of them would give their left testicle for a 2nd Amendment.

They just tossed the last effort to rob them of yet more rights, productivity and livability.
We'll see how well this latest one does.
The Australians are living with gun control, socialized medicine and a $16 Min wage right now too.

It's not all or nothing all the time. There are good and bad in EVERY system but you guys are fighting for the worst of the worst.

And, obviously, Americans are living with the results of trickle down :p

If you do not like America then get out. Dont try to destroy our way of life. There are many places that you would fit in well. Take your marxism elsewhere.
We dont want it.
If you do not like America then get out. Dont try to destroy our way of life. There are many places that you would fit in well. Take your marxism elsewhere.
We dont want it.

A) YOU don't want change, and YOU are most definitely in the minority of this great republic

B) I guess you're not paying attention, I am getting out. I can still love MY country though even if you don't. Part of being an American, is being part of a community, whether YOU like it or not. I feel really sorry for you, it must be horrible to be trapped in such a tiny closed mind with no windows to the world beyond.
More McCarthy than Hitler with that last one.

And Taku, it's comments like that which are subversive to the American dream and damaging this country.

McCarthy was right on track.
You are an example of his warning.
Your dream is NOT America's dream.
This free Republic will kick you marxists azz's before it's all said and done. You can rattle and spew on all you want, but you will Never win this war.
And maybe you should talk to a few of them on a regular basis.
I have, and EVERY ONE of them would give their left testicle for a 2nd Amendment.

They just tossed the last effort to rob them of yet more rights, productivity and livability.
We'll see how well this latest one does.

RIGHT!!! You should maybe stop picking fights with people that agree with you.

minimum wage did not take away their guns. Would every Australian you know let you cut off their nuts so that they could give up their health care to get the wound treated? Doubtful.

They went too far with gun control, HOWEVER, they are not in open revolution and it didn't end their country either.

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