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"due process" let a DuPont heir get away with raping a baby. "Due process" let Jeffery Epstein off the hook for running an international pedophile sex ring. "Due process" lets petrochemical companies off with a stern talking to every time they destroy a groundwater table. "Due process" let Coca Cola off the hook for hiring death squads in Colombia to kill union organizers. Both sides are in on it and only sell you an imagined cultural conflict so they can make their friends and themselves rich at your expense.

Trust me, in my profession, I know how things would go without it. You wouldn't want that.
It was known from quite literally the first day of the invasion of Poland that the Wehrmacht was committing wholesale crimes against humanity, and had been known even earlier what their crimes against Jews had been. From 1941 onward you didn't have to look far to find first hand accounts of the scope of the Nazi racial holy war against the Slavs in the east, the Serbs in the south, or the Czechoslovaks right in their backyard. There were first hand accounts, and more physical evidence than could even be accounted for.

This is to you comparable to a crank cult led by a guy who demands to be recognized as a living embodiment of god (who has some truly strange ideas about gays, blacks, non Chinese, and leftists.) claiming without evidence that China is harvesting an amount of organs that would more than double the amount of transplant organs available on a year to year basis?

regarding the UN, they accurately surmised that there were no WMD's in Iraq, that Syria wasn't using chemical weapons, and that iran wasn't enriching weapons grade uranium. They're on a bit of a hot streak as of late so I'm inclined to believe them.

There are still people today who claim the holocaust never happened despite the photos and video. I understand what you are saying about how "it was known" - well the devil surely is in the details there isn't it, because even though people who were there understood what was going on the political powers around the globe didn't initially believe it was happening, and definitely not to the scale it was happening.

Regarding a lot of the rest of your post, I really have no idea what/who you are talking about.
There are still people today who claim the holocaust never happened despite the photos and video. I understand what you are saying about how "it was known" - well the devil surely is in the details there isn't it, because even though people who were there understood what was going on the political powers around the globe didn't initially believe it was happening, and definitely not to the scale it was happening.

Regarding a lot of the rest of your post, I really have no idea what/who you are talking about.

The chasm of difference between the Holocaust and a crank far right cult claiming that the Chinese government is stealing their organs is like Pacific Ocean vast. Surely someone would have found the evidence by now? They've been claiming this for 25 years. Regarding you regarding a lot of my post. You are regurgitating the claims of this cult. And I am addressing that.
I must say you are a great salesman! If no meaningful changes are made to American gun owner demographics in the near future, I will be moving to the promised land known as China to find a better life!

how half of the people in this country could spend the last 4 years being worked up into a frenzy by the obvious lies and bias of the mainstream media and then just uncritically believe that same media when they talk about geopolitical rivals truly beggars the imagination.

1: Iraq only got 6 months to hide them.
2: Who cares how they were doing it, Assad was killing his own people wholesale and O'Bama left them out to dry.
3: YET

1. Iraq didn't need 6 months to hide them. Because they had dismantled and destroyed them years prior while following UN guidelines. Just accept that you got lead into a war on false pretenses by a government looking to exploit an environment of paranoia and jingoism.

2.Remember how we were arming and training all those "moderate rebels" and then they just turned into ISIS and the Al-Nusra front? I don't really care what bashar al Assad was doing because that's not my business. He was merely defending his country from the machinations of Obama and Hilary's state department.

3.This is the cope of the 21st century. Iran has been "just around the corner" of getting a nuclear Arsenal for 20 years and you people still believe it every time it's trotted out like a broken down show horse. Even though they aren't doing it, who cares? Let them. If they have nukes then america will have to stop poking the hornets nest and we can move on to more exciting news stories.
The process is there, but there are human factors at play. Would you rather a system where the powerful can leak convictions, or if they could force convictions of others? At least in the former, the poor win sometimes too.

I would rather a world where the rich and powerful are held to account by bullets and rope while the poor are given due process. Which as it turns out is how China does it.
how half of the people in this country could spend the last 4 years being worked up into a frenzy by the obvious lies and bias of the mainstream media and then just uncritically believe that same media when they talk about geopolitical rivals truly beggars the imagination.

1. Iraq didn't need 6 months to hide them. Because they had dismantled and destroyed them years prior while following UN guidelines. Just accept that you got lead into a war on false pretenses by a government looking to exploit an environment of paranoia and jingoism.

2.Remember how we were arming and training all those "moderate rebels" and then they just turned into ISIS and the Al-Nusra front? I don't really care what bashar al Assad was doing because that's not my business. He was merely defending his country from the machinations of Obama and Hilary's state department.

3.This is the cope of the 21st century. Iran has been "just around the corner" of getting a nuclear Arsenal for 20 years and you people still believe it every time it's trotted out like a broken down show horse. Even though they aren't doing it, who cares? Let them. If they have nukes then america will have to stop poking the hornets nest and we can move on to more exciting news stories.

If you think Iraq was following guidelines, then I got some ocean front property in Arizona to sell you.

Assad was killing his own people. O'Bama was begged by these people for help and he finally promised to support forces that opposed Assad. When they initiated, O'Bama called off the air support and left them out to dry. Then there was the release of detainees from Gitmo to Syria, and then you have ISIS as a result.

The Iran is a direct threat to Israel. We chose our side.
The chasm of difference between the Holocaust and a crank far right cult claiming that the Chinese government is stealing their organs is like Pacific Ocean vast. Surely someone would have found the evidence by now? They've been claiming this for 25 years. Regarding you regarding a lot of my post. You are regurgitating the claims of this cult. And I am addressing that.

There's an awful lot of links related to this, I still don't know what the "far right cult" has anything to do with this.

Here's just one from NBC.

And again - if I am being expected to trust anything put out into the world by the CCP, I'm going to find that information to be coordinated to be exactly what the CCP wants it to be.
how half of the people in this country could spend the last 4 years being worked up into a frenzy by the obvious lies and bias of the mainstream media and then just uncritically believe that same media when they talk about geopolitical rivals truly beggars the imagination.

1. Iraq didn't need 6 months to hide them. Because they had dismantled and destroyed them years prior while following UN guidelines. Just accept that you got lead into a war on false pretenses by a government looking to exploit an environment of paranoia and jingoism.

2.Remember how we were arming and training all those "moderate rebels" and then they just turned into ISIS and the Al-Nusra front? I don't really care what bashar al Assad was doing because that's not my business. He was merely defending his country from the machinations of Obama and Hilary's state department.

3.This is the cope of the 21st century. Iran has been "just around the corner" of getting a nuclear Arsenal for 20 years and you people still believe it every time it's trotted out like a broken down show horse. Even though they aren't doing it, who cares? Let them. If they have nukes then america will have to stop poking the hornets nest and we can move on to more exciting news stories.

Liberty and Justice for All in Chinese paradise.
I mean, the thing I love is to hear people in America, criticize America and give examples of better places. Grow a pair and move! They don't because they secretly know this place ain't that bad.

What's even better is the people who move here to escape from where they were, but want to make here, into where they were.

Liberty and Justice for All in Chinese paradise.

*Marty Mcfly voice* Hey I've seen this one!


You gotta admit it's kinda weird how China keeps sterilizing all these minority groups but the population of said groups keep growing. If they were doing a genocide they sure are doing a terrible job of it.

Can you tell me why the US is allowing the East Turkestan Islamic movement, an ISIS affiliated sect recognized worldwide as a terrorist group by everyone (except the US as of 2020) is allowed to keep a diplomatic mission in Washington DC and lobby Congress? I mean, we were just bombing their camps in Afghanistan two years ago. Why the turnaround?

Or why the entire world believes a bunch of unsourced stories told by Adrian Zenz, a non mandarin speaking German who has never been to China and arrived at a number of "multiple millions" of people interned in camps by interviewing 6 anonymous sources, and is in the employ of the Ukrainian neo Nazi affiliated victims of communism memorial foundation? Can you find a single story on these camps that doesn't source back to that one guy?

Even looking at the stories you linked, it's an Australian think tank funded by US arms contractors looking at satellite pictures and guessing that the blurry results are concentration camps. Real slam dunk journalism.

the second mentions Adrian Zenz in the first sentence, and Does not mention that most everyone in China is fitted with a birth control device because they have a one child policy. Into the trash that one goes too.

There's an awful lot of links related to this, I still don't know what the "far right cult" has anything to do with this.

Here's just one from NBC.

And again - if I am being expected to trust anything put out into the world by the CCP, I'm going to find that information to be coordinated to be exactly what the CCP wants it to be.

follow your sources, that tribunal was brought together on the payroll of Falun Gong and even had members of Falun Gong in it. This is investigation 101. Come on guy. They also didn't even provide any evidence or a methodology for how they arrived at 1 billions dollars. That's a crap ton of organs! Surely this must be traceable.

it's weird how you rightfully hold everything published by China to scrutiny and then just believe everything you read online about China put out by state news agencies.

What's even better is the people who move here to escape from where they were, but want to make here, into where they were.

The majority of those people moved here to escape bloodthirsty right wing regimes installed by the United States to protect corporate interests. I'm sure they would like nothing more than to go back, but any time they try to turn their countries into what they believe it can be, the US comes in with the nun raping baby murdering Contras to put the kibosh on that.
*Marty Mcfly voice* Hey I've seen this one!


You gotta admit it's kinda weird how China keeps sterilizing all these minority groups but the population of said groups keep growing. If they were doing a genocide they sure are doing a terrible job of it.

Can you tell me why the US is allowing the East Turkestan Islamic movement, an ISIS affiliated sect recognized worldwide as a terrorist group by everyone (except the US as of 2020) is allowed to keep a diplomatic mission in Washington DC and lobby Congress? I mean, we were just bombing their camps in Afghanistan two years ago. Why the turnaround?

Or why the entire world believes a bunch of unsourced stories told by Adrian Zenz, a non mandarin speaking German who has never been to China and arrived at a number of "multiple millions" of people interned in camps by interviewing 6 anonymous sources, and is in the employ of the Ukrainian neo Nazi affiliated victims of communism memorial foundation? Can you find a single story on these camps that doesn't source back to that one guy?

Even looking at the stories you linked, it's an Australian think tank funded by US arms contractors looking at satellite pictures and guessing that the blurry results are concentration camps. Real slam dunk journalism.

the second mentions Adrian Zenz in the first sentence, and Does not mention that most everyone in China is fitted with a birth control device because they have a one child policy. Into the trash that one goes too.

follow your sources, that tribunal was brought together on the payroll of Falun Gong and even had members of Falun Gong in it. This is investigation 101. Come on guy. They also didn't even provide any evidence or a methodology for how they arrived at 1 billions dollars. That's a crap ton of organs! Surely this must be traceable.

it's weird how you rightfully hold everything published by China to scrutiny and then just believe everything you read online about China put out by state news agencies.

The majority of those people moved here to escape bloodthirsty right wing regimes installed by the United States to protect corporate interests. I'm sure they would like nothing more than to go back, but any time they try to turn their countries into what they believe it can be, the US comes in with the nun raping baby murdering Contras to put the kibosh on that.

I think I'm starting to understand. The only thing that happens in a China is what the CCP says happens. China is good, the US is bad. People move here because America sucks, but their home countries are worse because of America - yada yada yada.

What groups is that line of thinking popular with?
But if its so dramatically different, why try? Instead of going to McDonalds and ordering pizza, why not just go to Pizza Hut?
But a Big Mac Pizza sounds pretty tasty.

Why go to a place that you know sucks for pizza, when you can create something new and beautiful or at least pivot an existing establishment into something wonderful?

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