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Aw...........Hell! Just dug up a fine little tidbit! It seams that a State Attorney General does indeed have the full weight and power to enact existing law by executive orders provided the law in question is all ready on the books! It appears that Mass has adopted Clintons AWB that sunset and made it there own! This A.G. has simple defined and in enforcing the full weight of existing law!!!! Damn them Bubblegummers:mad:
I'm still trying to figure this whole Executive Order thingy, How in Hell can this person even think she has this kind of authority? Who in blazes has not arrested this azzhat for taking the law into there own hands and enacted a State Law they have no power to do?
Well at least we all got insurance!
While we got David Bowman on the tikker here, A while back you posted a story of how things will go when they try a ban/confiscation, Any chance you can find that and post it up again, We need to have that around to show all the libtards who might be thinkin long these lines! Would be a useful tool to let them know we are still here and ain't goin no where soon!
While we got David Bowman on the tikker here, A while back you posted a story of how things will go when they try a ban/confiscation, Any chance you can find that and post it up again, We need to have that around to show all the libtards who might be thinkin long these lines! Would be a useful tool to let them know we are still here and ain't goin no where soon!

Oh, they expect the LEOs and the Guard/UN to do their dirty work. Well, when the dust settles, we can repurpose all the FEMA camps, right?:rolleyes:

Brutus Out
I heard from a friend the other day via facebook. He's a LIEbral but what he said made a perverse sort of sense to me. He said that he and others are fearful that if the wrong presidential candidate wins in November that "80 years of progressive/socialist work will be destroyed." He apparently loves what has been happening in the country the past 80 years. A lot of us don't like it eg- Massachawhatever. The only reasonable response open now to we who don't like the results of 80 years of socialist agenda progress is to vote in the November election. Vote for a presidential candidate who will truly uphold our 2nd amendment rights. Get all of your friends to do the same. Don't leave your mail in ballot blank and on your hall table. All of us can gripe, carp, whine, commiserate, bewail, rage, fume, belittle and so on forever. It will do absolutely no good if pro-2nd amendment folks don't vote in November. Learned a saying years ago, "If it is to be, it is up to me". I'm voting. Hope you will too. I really do not want to see WA / OR become the next CA or MA. Thanks for reading this.
I hear ya etrain16 I am seriously boycotting all products and services from the entire new england area! NO new england area business will be selling any thing to me, and I advise you all to do the same! My theory is this, If you want to affect change, there are two ways to do that, Vote with your voice or vote with your wallet! When the States see how much money they are loosing they might change the tune! At least one can hope! This means no Ben and Jerries Ice cream, No Narraganset ice tea, no main lobster, no nothing that is made or comes from New england!

Don't lump all of New England in with this. New Hampshire (I think anyways), and Maine are still "free states".

That'd be as bad as boycotting manufacturers here in Oregon & Washington, for dufus Kalifornia laws.
I wish I were a better engineer... so I could design and patent an MA-illegal "assault weapon" that used her bloviating buttocks as an integral part of it and serve her with a "By your own decree YOU are now Banned In Taxachusetts."
I hear ya etrain16 I am seriously boycotting all products and services from the entire new england area! NO new england area business will be selling any thing to me, and I advise you all to do the same! My theory is this, If you want to affect change, there are two ways to do that, Vote with your voice or vote with your wallet! When the States see how much money they are loosing they might change the tune! At least one can hope! This means no Ben and Jerries Ice cream, No Narraganset ice tea, no main lobster, no nothing that is made or comes from New england!
You should be boycotting those Shinko Pits Ben & Jerry anyway. :)
As usual the Democrats NAILED it on gun policy. Massachusetts has a MAJOR problem with rifles. More than TEN people died in 10 years from all rifles including hunting rifles and .22's etc. I am glad they are laser focused on REAL PROBLEMS!!

I'll also add, how often has a legally sold product been banned overnight and made illegal to sell? Shouldn't gun stores be able to force the state to purchase their stock so they can recoup their investment? The Dems have played their hands on a very dangerous game of government overreach.
I'm still trying to figure this whole Executive Order thingy, How in Hell can this person even think she has this kind of authority? Who in blazes has not arrested this azzhat for taking the law into there own hands and enacted a State Law they have no power to do?

I think they're getting around this because she didn't create/pass a new law, she simply issued a clarification as to the definition of "assault" rifles/weapons based on an existing law. Apparently they didn't like the fact that manufacturers, based on PUBLIC DEMAND, come up with designs that skirt the existing law, based on technicalities. All she did was further clarify the law to make sure it was clear that no form of this type of gun can be sold. MA stuck with the Clinton AWB of 94 even after it phased out in 2004. They're simply trying to get rid of the clever workarounds. And since she's not creating legislation, she has the authority, as was confirmed by the Governor.

This should be a big concern for us, because it shows that non-lawmakers, like the AG, can find devious ways to twist other laws by redefining terms, etc. In fact, I think they write these laws in such a way that they may say one thing when they're passed, but can be reinterpreted later to make them even worse.

We need to watch our legislators in the upcoming elections in November, particularly at the state level. It seems clear that states are where these fights will happen primarily, and it's the place where we can have more impact on the makeup of our legislatures.
Mods, if there is a more appropriate place for this, please move. I confess with three different legal/political related forums (Firearms Laws and Legal, Firearm Legislation and Activism, Legal & Political), I'm not always sure where things should go. With that said, however, this is a very big deal and one that has very big ramifications for all gun owners so perhaps it's better suited for the "General" forum for the sake of visibility. But I defer to your excellent judgment. :)

The Massachusetts State Attorney General took it upon herself to selectively reinterpret it's existing AWB law and issued a notice today, banning the further sale of all "assault weapons" effective immediately.

It's almost like they're in a contest with California trying to see which state can crap on the Constitution more. :rolleyes:

Full story here...

BREAKING: Massachusetts Attorney General Bans Sales of All New "Assault Weapons" As of Today - The Truth About Guns (

Two gun channels also have videos out, highlighting the issue:

Impeach her.

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