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If you know a cop with a hard-on patrolling an area, find another place to shoot. If you're not willing to do that then take your chances

If you're defending your life, WGAF about the magazines? Do what it takes to get through the crisis.
As to leaving your magazines on the seat while getting busted for whatever. please refer back to my comment "Don't be stupid." i.e. Don't leave your bubblegum where people can see it/steal it. A paper bag is 8 cents if you can't afford a range bag

What next? What if magazine-eatin
I caution against laying magazines on a seat where someone/anyone can see them.
Probably best to not pick up little Johnny from school property on the way to the range either.

That's just me but hey, you can always get out of trouble by flashing a picture.
I get that, but take for example I sold my old van, while I was cleaning it out I found a 30 round mag I hadn't seen in 4 years. it fell out of my range bag and got stuck in between the seat. I didn't do it on purpose. humans are error prone species. my point is you might do your very best to be 100% but all it would take is one tiny slip up and you're screwed. can you honesty say you've never slipped up or made a mistake your whole life? we're probably more likely to have a unwanted encounter with police then ever be in situation where we have to use a gun to defend ourselves. most people will go their whole life never having to use their gun in defense. but we carry a gun for that unlikely chance event., it's not anymore crazy to be prepared for event you might have to defend yourself legally against this mag ban.
I get that, but take for example I sold my old van, while I was cleaning it out I found a 30 round mag I hadn't seen in 4 years. it fell out of my range bag and got stuck in between the seat. I didn't do it on purpose. humans are error prone species. my point is you might do your very best to be 100% but all it would take is one tiny slip up and you're screwed. can you honesty say you've never slipped up or made a mistake your whole life? we're probably more likely to have a unwanted encounter with police then ever be in situation where we have to use a gun to defend ourselves. most people will go their whole life never having to use their gun in defense. but we carry a gun for that unlikely chance event., it's not anymore crazy to be prepared for event you might have to defend yourself legally against this mag ban.
Heroine, meth, crack, pcp, mushrooms, fentanyl, and all the paraphernalia is all legal. What's wrong with a single mag?

And let's say with your scenario (a mag stuck in between a seat)…. If you havent seen it for a 4 year period of time then it's hidden well enough that a cop isn't going to see it.

Know case law - Plain view doctrine and your 4th amendment right.

Any way there aren't many cops out there anymore. I wouldn't stress it. When it comes to my families safety as well as mine I will do as I wish. Cops don't show up before a crime has been committed….. they show up after. I want as much of an advantage as I can have.

If you wanna take photos and use 10 round mags then do it.
Heroine, meth, crack, pcp, mushrooms, fentanyl, and all the paraphernalia is all legal. What's wrong with a single mag?

And let's say with your scenario (a mag stuck in between a seat)…. If you havent seen it for a 4 year period of time then it's hidden well enough that a cop isn't going to see it.

Know case law - Plain view doctrine and your 4th amendment right.

Any way there aren't many cops out there anymore. I wouldn't stress it. When it comes to my families safety as well as mine I will do as I wish. Cops don't show up before a crime has been committed….. they show up after. I want as much of an advantage as I can have.

If you wanna take photos and use 10 round mags then do it.
take it you've never seen cops search cars. they look in every hide away every crevice. do you live in rural area? I live in city near Eugene I see multiple cops on 5 min drive down to store. I see them constantly pulling people over.
take it you've never seen cops search cars. they look in every hide away every crevice. do you live in rural area? I live in city near Eugene I see multiple cops on 5 min drive down to store. I see them constantly pulling people over.
Unless you're voluntarily letting them search they need a warrant. Don't be stupid and you'll be fine.

Plain view doctrine. Probable cause. Warrant. These are all these you should know.

A traffic stop doesn't give LE the right or privledge to search your vehicle. Unless you allow it. And if you do allow it you can cancel the search at any point and time.
it seems very common that they use probable cause when they see you have a chl to look for any weapons in your car. having a mag will be same as having drugs. so if they can use suspicion of drugs as probably cause I think after 114 they can use suspicion of banned magazines. there was a case in ny of guy who o was transporting magazines out of state to sell per the law and they put him in prison. be interesting to find out how they found he had the mags in first place. it happen when he got pulled over on way out of the state.
it seems very common that they use probable cause when they see you have a chl to look for any weapons in your car. having a mag will be same as having drugs. so if they can use suspicion of drugs as probably cause I think after 114 they can use suspicion of banned magazines. there was a case in ny of guy who o was transporting magazines out of state to sell per the law and they put him in prison. be interesting to find out how they found he had the mags in first place. it happen when he got pulled over on way out of the state.
I've never heard of it being common to have probable cause used against CHL holders. I've been pulled over more than once while carrying and identified as a CHL holder. No problems at all.

A CHL should have the opposite effect you are saying.

Stop spreading misinformation. Specifically the "common" part.
I've never heard of it being common to have probable cause used against CHL holders. I've been pulled over more than once while carrying and identified as a CHL holder. No problems at all.

A CHL should have the opposite effect you are saying.

Stop spreading misinformation. Specifically the "common" part.
ive never been pulled over but read of others having it happen. cops getting are scared and jumpy once they hear word gun or firearm.
use to be quite debate in states where its not required if you should tell them or not. in world where people get shot reaching for their wallet or phone
ive never been pulled over but read of others having it happen. cops getting are scared and jumpy once they hear word gun or firearm.
use to be quite debate in states where its not required if you should tell them or not. in world where people get shot reaching for their wallet or phone
I'll tell you a story from my previous life in the PRK. I am white, middle class, middle aged, overweight and incredibly handsome.
I was carrying a pocket knife but wasn't sure if it was legal because of a 4 inch blade. Being a good citizen, I decided to ask a policeman. There is a 7-11 near where I used to live that was jokingly known as the "Cambrian Park Substation" because there was almost always 1-4 police cars parked there. I go into the 7-11 and there's 4 cops hanging out chatting. I go up to them and ask if if they could tell me if my knife was legal. I show them and they all whip out their pocket knives and we discussed their various merits etc. They told me my knife was OK
Great, but the most profound thing they said was this: "We don't even look at people like you."
Wow. That was a moment of clarity.
The police aren't looking at most people, I'll bet 90% of society are not looked at twice by the police. (Probably 99% of people on this forum)

As you said, you've never been pulled over so right there where would a police officer have the reason or opportunity to search your car for magazines?
I have been pulled over, because I occasionally drive too fast. I haven't been searched yet. So when interacting with police sheriff or any LEO you have a choice You can act stupid and expect no end of hassles. Or you can stay polite calm and respectful and chances are you'll drive off with a warning. The police live under a microscope these days. They have zero support from above and all sorts of rectal orifices who commit real crimes or just live to make a cop's life hard, so showing them some respect and simple courtesy will go a long way toward getting you on your way again.
Don't be stupid
Live your life
And donate to SAF, FPC, GOA and even the NRA to get these stoopid laws tossed out.
ive never been pulled over but read of others having it happen. cops getting are scared and jumpy once they hear word gun or firearm.
use to be quite debate in states where its not required if you should tell them or not. in world where people get shot reaching for their wallet or phone
I highly suggest you you research and know your rights along with how to conduct yourself on a traffic stop. Cause eventually you will have an interaction with law enforcement.
If you look at the ban from the point of being able to charge and arrest cartel and gangs types, it makes sense. The authors and supporters are assuming law abiding gun owners fall into the same category as gang and cartel members. They know this. It's not by accident.
I am white, middle class, middle aged, overweight and incredibly handsome.
Substitute "somewhat older" for "middle aged" and I too fit this profile. Man, I don't spend a lot of time worrying about cops pulling me over. I've only been pulled over three times in my life. Once for a headlight out (because it was out) and twice for speeding (because I was indeed speeding). That was in 1979, 1987 and 1998. The police didn't offer to search my vehicle in any of those instances. Looking back, I remember opening the door and getting out to take a look at my headlights when told one was out. I didn't ask if that was okay or anything. Nobody put a hand on the butt of their gun. I suppose growing up in a small town where you're on a first name basis with the Chief of Police because you played high school football with his stepson has its perks. Or, more likely, things were just simpler back in 1979 and being a policeman was a far better gig than it is now.
it seems very common that they use probable cause when they see you have a chl to look for any weapons in your car. having a mag will be same as having drugs. so if they can use suspicion of drugs as probably cause I think after 114 they can use suspicion of banned magazines. there was a case in ny of guy who o was transporting magazines out of state to sell per the law and they put him in prison. be interesting to find out how they found he had the mags in first place. it happen when he got pulled over on way out of the state.
When? Why was he pulled over in the first place? Got a link to this story?
Re getting pulled over, some prick LEOs will find a way to pull you over if they want to. Fe "I saw you touch the fog line", weave, 1 mph over speed limit, etc, whatever. I don't think you would see a sheriff's deputy ever do this but I have seen it personally with one well known OSP bad actor.

One time I stopped at a highway pullout and was a good 20 feet from the road. I pulled over to use my phone safely. "The hatchet" was coming the other way and pulled over and stared at me on the shoulder in the other lane. After a while he pulled over right next to me and continued to stare. He couldn't find probable cause I guess cuz though cuz he eventually left. I keep a low profile, it was a basic family sedan in good condition, and no bumper stickers or weird clothes or anything at all that would make him target me. He will literally pull you over for anything he possibly can. He is an outlier to be sure but they do exist. Fortunately he is well known in the area he prowls, except for people new to that area.
If you look at the ban from the point of being able to charge and arrest cartel and gangs types, it makes sense. The authors and supporters are assuming law abiding gun owners fall into the same category as gang and cartel members. They know this. It's not by accident.
Now if only they arrested and then actually charged cartel types...
As far as a random traffic stop, treat your mags like they're contraband and make gratuitous use of your right to remain silent. Valid loicense, registration, and proof of insurance. If you hand them your phone make sure to mention that you do not consent to a search of the device and are only providing proof of insurance. Anything else is a courtesy. That you shouldn't be paying the man there to bubblegum up your life more than it already is, often, for his/her own amusement/ego.
Re getting pulled over, some prick LEOs will find a way to pull you over if they want to. Fe "I saw you touch the fog line", weave, 1 mph over speed limit, etc, whatever. I don't think you would see a sheriff's deputy ever do this but I have seen it personally with one well known OSP bad actor.

One time I stopped at a highway pullout and was a good 20 feet from the road. I pulled over to use my phone safely. "The hatchet" was coming the other way and pulled over and stared at me on the shoulder in the other lane. After a while he pulled over right next to me and continued to stare. He couldn't find probable cause I guess cuz though cuz he eventually left. I keep a low profile, it was a basic family sedan in good condition, and no bumper stickers or weird clothes or anything at all that would make him target me. He will literally pull you over for anything he possibly can. He is an outlier to be sure but they do exist. Fortunately he is well known in the area he prowls, except for people new to that area.
Hope you gave him the one finger salute 🖕🏻
Now if only they arrested and then actually charged cartel types...
As far as a random traffic stop, treat your mags like they're contraband and make gratuitous use of your right to remain silent. Valid loicense, registration, and proof of insurance. If you hand them your phone make sure to mention that you do not consent to a search of the device and are only providing proof of insurance. Anything else is a courtesy. That you shouldn't be paying the man there to bubblegum up your life more than it already is, often, for his/her own amusement/ego.
Only way I hand them my phone is if I initiate a wipe on the phone first. He can watch the progress bar if he wants.
You do realize that you don't have to disclose that you have a firearm in the vehicle too….

Be polite, tactful, and respectful. Answer the necessary questions and move on about you day. The way you act will often times dictate how the interaction will continue. Cops aren't NORMALLY the bad guys. But many have no concept of laws or what they are legally allowed to do and not do.

Know your rights. Keep unwanted items out of sight. That includes any where you keep your paperwork or where they may be visible when opening a door etc.

Be smart. Don't be an a$$. Live your life. It's truly not that hard.
Unless you're voluntarily letting them search they need a warrant. Don't be stupid and you'll be fine.

Plain view doctrine. Probable cause. Warrant. These are all these you should know.

A traffic stop doesn't give LE the right or privledge to search your vehicle. Unless you allow it. And if you do allow it you can cancel the search at any point and time.
If they have a ouija dog around, they can fabricate the probable cause when they want.

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