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I never understood this.... like people have an expectation that presidents control active shooters?

I don't see it like it's a particular President's fault either.


More like....

Rrrrright.....cause isn't it already against the law to MURDER people?

Aloha, Mark

PS.....well, well.....finally an agreement with 1775usmc.:eek:
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"Mass shootings" seem to me to have ZERO to do with who is in office at the time. Unless I have missed something the one constant I see is they happen where people find a bunch of people who can't defend themselves and they are shot like fish in a barrel. The only one I can think of off hand that was "different" was the scum who was shooting from that hotel window. The rest seem to always follow some scum with a gun, going where the people are not allowed to have a gun by law, so he can shoot those who are not armed. What this has to do with who is in Congress or POTUS escapes me.

I see it more like.....

There are some crazy bubblegumty people that are allowed to walk around. Perhaps, they shouldn't have been?

Aloha, Mark
I see it more like.....

There are some crazy bubblegumty people that are allowed to walk around. Perhaps, they shouldn't have been?

Aloha, Mark
I don't think a President can be blamed for mass shootings, but it is conceivable that their policies could contribute to an overall sense of despair that could tip an unbalanced person "over the edge".; That President Obama averaged 3 mass shootings per year during his tenure which coincided with the financial meltdown and overall economic downturn combined with a perception that his administration was preferential to a certain demographic groups could contribute to frustration in many people. I don't think the affordable care act would have helped such a person cope with his problems, either.
Yup....I see what you mean.

But crazy people exists. Mostly, through no fault of the President.

BUT, But, but..... Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) exists.

LOL.'s even in Wikipedia.

BUT...YES....I can also see that stupid politics/politicians could cause someone to go over the edge.


Politicians. Yup...sometimes.......

Aloha, Mark

PS....notice that HR127 requires a psychological examination/clearance to have/own a firearm.

How come....Politicians aren't required to pass this requirement before they even run for office? Not to mention that some of them can't comprehend a simple clause/phrase like in the 2nd A where it says.....

".....shall not be infringed."
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I never understood this.... like people have an expectation that presidents control active shooters?
Its because Orange man bad!
Its why they also blamed Trump for bad hurricanes and tornadoes.
Seriously though, too many people believe the president, whoever he has been, has the power to control crazy people and weather and markets and earthquakes and so on..
That's because its far easier than actually thinking.:confused:

Just wondering are we allowed to criticize Biden or Democrats on Northwest Firearms anymore? Anytime I seem to say anything negative about the Democrat leaders Biden/Harris my post gets removed.. Its at the point where I hardly even bother posting about 2nd Amendment or political issues anymore on this forum. I feel the forum has become mostly just hobbyist and we are suppose to pretend Democrat majority and their leaders Biden/Harris don't unanimously support an Assault Weapon Ban and much worse than that.


Notice their party affiliation and the votes of the Congressman who support the gun control/ban/buyback/confiscation legislations.
Just wondering are we allowed to criticize Biden or Democrats on Northwest Firearms anymore? Anytime I seem to say anything negative about the Democrat leaders Biden/Harris my post gets removed..

Notice their party affiliation and the votes of the Congressman who support the gun control/ban/buyback/confiscation legislations.
The owner of this site tries to avoid it. It just sets off a LOT of gun owners who still vote for the same people who want to take their rights away. It's sad but this site is kind of you are playing at someone else's house. So you play by their rules. ;)
The owner of this site tries to avoid it. It just sets off a LOT of gun owners who still vote for the same people who want to take their rights away. It's sad but this site is kind of you are playing at someone else's house. So you play by their rules. ;)
I've been a member here since '08 and always tried to respect the rules. I felt we were a little more sensible and open to discourse back in the day.. Now, being 2021, and with the "OFFENDED" culture, we are not allowed to even have sensible conversations anymore.. Maybe, when we stop worry about offending gun owners and start honestly discussing about defending our gun freedoms we can really make some waves in protecting our 2nd Amendment rights and our freedoms and liberties. I am here to protect the rights of the "offended", because many of them don't know what they are supporting.

I am aware this is not my gun forum. Hence, why I hardly am posting anymore about 2nd Amendment and other related political issues here. So, I can be respectful.. In my opinion, many people are keeping their views silent so people cannot be offended while our liberties and freedoms and stripped away little by little.

I cannot even post anything critical about Biden on Facebook anymore without 10 fact checks popping up under my post disproving what I said. However, any such same criticisms about Trump and there is not a single Fact Check, unless I am saying something good about him.
I've been a member here since '08 and always tried to respect the rules. I felt we were a little more sensible and open to discourse back in the day.. Now, being 2021, and with the "OFFENDED" culture, we are not allowed to even have sensible conversations anymore.. Maybe, when we stop worry about offending gun owners and start discussing about defending our gun freedoms we can really make some waves in protecting our 2nd Amendment rights and our freedoms and liberties. I am here to protect the rights of the "offended", because many of them don't know what they are supporting.

I am aware this is not my gun forum. Hence, why I hardly am posting anymore about 2nd Amendment and other related political issues here. So, I can be respectful.. In my opinion, many people are keeping their views silent so people cannot be offend while our liberties and freedoms and stripped away little by little.

I cannot even post anything critical about Biden on Facebook anymore without 10 fact checks popping up under my post disproving what I said. However, any such same criticisms about Trump and there is not a single Fact Check, unless I am saying something good about him.
Hey you're preaching to the quire with me here. I was sad to see the heavier moderation here but, it is what it is. The guy who owns it runs it how he wants. I don't agree with it any more than you but, its kind of all we got :D
I always thought I was pretty well behaved at least compared to how I am in real life but I have been censored a few times and told I was being divisive:confused:. So again it is what it is. :s0092:
Mark/1775usmc..Stop it..!
I'd like to think we're all here for the good of all & not get into an online pi$$ing contest. We can agree to disagree without being snotty. Hint Hint.. :mad:

I don't believe anyone here wanted to hear what biden's proposing but it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone as he & kamala have both been advocates of terminating the 2A or some variant thereof.

Washington state has enough garbage anti-2A bills before the Senate/House and we need to focus on what we can actually have some control on. I asked the >55k members here to write/call their legislators on bills before the Senate/House but no idea if that happened. If not, shame on us!
I honestly doubt any of us will ever be able to convince (federally) murray or cantwell to see their way to support the constitution. We've got 3 republicans & 7 democrats & I have no idea where their values lay as state reps. Even @ that it seems there's no definitive answer as to whom will support the constitution.

That being said, we can affect what transpires at the state level under one premise...get off your rear ends and write/call your State legislators, even those outside of of your districts. That's the word from my State Senators` legal aide! Your input is then a legal record by law!
Will it make a difference, who knows. What is a fact is that it sure as he!! can't hurt.

There's several organizations that we can contribute to to help us legally fight in the courts. I would encourage everyone to toss a few bucks towards those smaller organizations that can hopefully do more at the local levels to help us.

In the meantime, stay safe, please remain civil and remember (I hope) we're all here to rally against those seeking to bypass not only the 2A but the constitution.

Their even quoting hitler "the big lie." Politicians and every news channel!
I mean you can't make this stuff up. Maybe we can all wear a special little gold star on our jackets soon.
Their is MASS corruption on both sides of the isle. Trump was neither sides favorite. Unless for a moment, while he was helping them get elected. These people are playing 4 year catch up, with their 47 executive orders. Know and conserve your rights. Pray for our leaders.
Their our many ways to get in our local boards. 1X a month, sit face to face with our local law makers and senators. Very helpful tools online to track when, how, and where. Q had enough folks kicking back last term. We have to unite to conserve our rights . If we don't are kids will be scavengers, losing their nerf gun rights.
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I've been a member here since '08 and always tried to respect the rules. I felt we were a little more sensible and open to discourse back in the day.. Now, being 2021, and with the "OFFENDED" culture, we are not allowed to even have sensible conversations anymore.. Maybe, when we stop worry about offending gun owners and start honestly discussing about defending our gun freedoms we can really make some waves in protecting our 2nd Amendment rights and our freedoms and liberties. I am here to protect the rights of the "offended", because many of them don't know what they are supporting.

I am aware this is not my gun forum. Hence, why I hardly am posting anymore about 2nd Amendment and other related political issues here. So, I can be respectful.. In my opinion, many people are keeping their views silent so people cannot be offended while our liberties and freedoms and stripped away little by little.

I cannot even post anything critical about Biden on Facebook anymore without 10 fact checks popping up under my post disproving what I said. However, any such same criticisms about Trump and there is not a single Fact Check, unless I am saying something good about him.
Hey you're preaching to the quire with me here. I was sad to see the heavier moderation here but, it is what it is. The guy who owns it runs it how he wants. I don't agree with it any more than you but, its kind of all we got :D
I always thought I was pretty well behaved at least compared to how I am in real life but I have been censored a few times and told I was being divisive:confused:. So again it is what it is. :s0092:
Gentlemen, there's a forum named GAB. The forum is 'sort of' like facebook but censors nada that's civil. You can start/create your own page (s) and the site is dedicated to free speech. They don't allow hate speech, makes sense, but allow free speech. You can bad mouth..rant..rave against biden, harris..blah blah & NO CENSORSHIP!
Facebook and the groups I was on censored me so I bailed. They stiffled free speech from others & that violates the constitution. I'll be damned if I'll support any organization that violates free speech and provides funding for them. Anyone on fb is funding anti-free speech, just that simple!

I like NorthWest Firearms because we can discuss/trade/sell/swap/bs/educate about weapons & legislation. But I sincerely hope it stays civil, friendly & educational. If we lose that..then God forbid..:(

I asked the >55k members here to write/call their legislators on bills before the Senate/House but no idea if that happened. If not, shame on us!
I honestly doubt any of us will ever be able to convince (federally) murray or cantwell to see their way to support the constitution. We've got 3 republicans & 7 democrats & I have no idea where their values lay as state reps. Even @ that it seems there's no definitive answer as to whom will support the constitution.

Bonamici telephone townhall schedule - next townhall Feb 17 at 2 PM:

Should be easy to find the schedules for the others also:


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I've been a member here since '08 and always tried to respect the rules. I felt we were a little more sensible and open to discourse back in the day.. Now, being 2021, and with the "OFFENDED" culture, we are not allowed to even have sensible conversations anymore.. Maybe, when we stop worry about offending gun owners and start honestly discussing about defending our gun freedoms we can really make some waves in protecting our 2nd Amendment rights and our freedoms and liberties. I am here to protect the rights of the "offended", because many of them don't know what they are supporting.

I am aware this is not my gun forum. Hence, why I hardly am posting anymore about 2nd Amendment and other related political issues here. So, I can be respectful.. In my opinion, many people are keeping their views silent so people cannot be offended while our liberties and freedoms and stripped away little by little.

I cannot even post anything critical about Biden on Facebook anymore without 10 fact checks popping up under my post disproving what I said. However, any such same criticisms about Trump and there is not a single Fact Check, unless I am saying something good about him.
Today is the first time I have posted here in months. I dropped in to see what was being said about the coming 2a infringements.
When it was announced that there would be heavier moderation here I was a bit shocked, I thought this place was pretty heavily moderated already. If I recall the owner basically invited anyone who didnt like it to move on. So I moved on. To many good threads getting locked, admitted an tifa supporters intentionally getting threads locked (this was the topper, you could watch it happen), etc. My only reason for joining this sight was to gain info regarding the attacks on our 2a rights and to find out what I could do to help. Seemed like we couldnt even honestly discuss what was happening.
Today is the first time I have posted here in months. I dropped in to see what was being said about the coming 2a infringements.
When it was announced that there would be heavier moderation here I was a bit shocked, I thought this place was pretty heavily moderated already. If I recall the owner basically invited anyone who didnt like it to move on. So I moved on. To many good threads getting locked, admitted an tifa supporters intentionally getting threads locked (this was the topper, you could watch it happen), etc. My only reason for joining this sight was to gain info regarding the attacks on our 2a rights and to find out what I could do to help. Seemed like we couldnt even honestly discuss what was happening.
Someone care go fill me in when, " there would be heavier moderation here.."
And, "the owner basically invited anyone who didnt like it to move on."
I miss something?

Hey you're preaching to the quire with me here. I was sad to see the heavier moderation here but, it is what it is. The guy who owns it runs it how he wants. I don't agree with it any more than you but, its kind of all we got :D
I always thought I was pretty well behaved at least compared to how I am in real life but I have been censored a few times and told I was being divisive:confused:. So again it is what it is. :s0092:
I also got one of those. I asked what was divisive and was pointed to the Rules, which did not provide any clarity. So, who knows, might get another one if I get overly colorful when expressing my opposition to Dems and the anti 2A groups.

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