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There is only one question about guns each and everyone of us has to answer to ourselves. Do you as a human being have a right to protect your life with a gun from everyone trying to take your life including the government?

Founders answered that question with the 2nd Amendment. Today's culture seems to believe we are subjects and not fee men.
Well said.

I also see a lot of modern people with the belief of ........

Guns for me, but not for thee.

Rrrright......since the Consitution was enacted, barriers have been put up to gun ownership. It's no longer a simple question (as in your post).'s NOT like.....

"......shall not be infringed."

is universally known and/or accepted just like the 2nd A says so.

Modern politicians seem to believe that the US Constitution actually says.......

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, unless I say it's reasonable and makes common sense to me.
And then.......there are many citizens who also believe that too.

Therein lays the rub.

Aloha, Mark
We aren't the nuts running around saying that literally everything and everyone is racist or misogynistic. Though I do have an understanding of those concepts that is a lot further left than what I grew up with, that is mostly because where I grew up it was acceptable to be openly white supremist and treat wives and daughters as little more than property.
I'm more than a decade older than you, and I remember watching some of this "Patriarch Movement" stuff as a young man, among people I knew. It was sad to see, because sometimes I knew the truth behind these "perfect families": the legalistic "patriarch" with doormat wife and at minimum a half-dozen borderline-abused, perfect-looking kids in tow. They really thought they were doing it right. Whitewashed tombs. :( It was really sad to see the extreme in that culture go off the rails so badly.

As to racism and misogyny, stuff like that was NEVER acceptable in my upbringing; I'll give my parents credit for that.

Sorry, don't mean to derail the thread further. I do appreciate your talking about it. Thank you.
Armed men can receive equality, but they can also demand it, and they can also forcefully obtain it.

If you're not sure what this post is about, consider this:
For 5000 years, government has always been an engine of oppression, and freedom and equality have never been achieved by any people who were unable to demand it and take it by force if necessary.
Freedom and equality have never been preserved by the rule of law alone, anywhere, ever. It has only been preserved by people able to defend it.

The left wants your guns because they intend to oppress you.
They do not want equality.
They want power.
VERY well said
There are laws that regulate people keeping dangerous animals and the importation and keeping of exotic animals. If they don't provide actual jail time they make the owner of the animals almost automatically liable for injuries inflicted by the animals on others. I suspect a death caused by a highly venomous escaped snake might meet the elements of negligent homicide in states that recognize it.
I'm not sure what the intent of your comment is, but regardless, I'll add 2 cents:

An animal has a brain and does whatever it decides to do.

A gun is a paperweight.

Without human manipulation, no gun ever even moved, much less did something.

Well, "ever" is a big word.

I'll admit that a few times per century, a gun fell over or burned in a fire, and then did something by itself.
But when we use comparisons in argument over the merits of "gun control", the rare isolated incident is not the foundation for progress. Rather, what we focus on is the norm.
In my experience, no political group has a monopoly on people who suck.
Communists and people who claim they want to "dismantle our country and the nuclear family" only exist in mass on one side of political spectrum.

No, a 100% monopoly of people who suck doesn't exist in any group, but a large majority sure does.
We aren't the nuts running around saying that literally everything and everyone is racist or misogynistic. Though I do have an understanding of those concepts that is a lot further left than what I grew up with, that is mostly because where I grew up it was acceptable to be openly white supremist and treat wives and daughters as little more than
What cult or otherwise extremist compound did you grow up in?
Communists and people who claim they want to "dismantle our country and the nuclear family" only exist in mass on one side of political spectrum.

No, a 100% monopoly of people who suck doesn't exist in any group, but a large majority sure does.
I'm sorry, where (other than in your fevered imagination) do people who want to "dismantle our country and the nuclear family" exist? Oh, I get it, you're talking about the fascists on the right who already tried to "dismantle our country" and continue to hope for an end to democracy here in the USA. Gotcha.
UBI would be an interesting failed experiment to watch. ;)
Some people just want to watch the world burn too. A real problem with every generation is the extreme narcissistic tendency to believe that all previous generations didn't know what they were doing and that "this time we will do it the right way."

I've always found socialists/communists to be the most absolute disingenuous people. Nothing is stopping them from giving away their personal wealth to those who have less than them in the name of "equality." People who truly believe in something would already be living what they claim.
I'm sorry, where (other than in your fevered imagination) do people who want to "dismantle our country and the nuclear family" exist? Oh, I get it, you're talking about the fascists on the right who already tried to "dismantle our country" and continue to hope for an end to democracy here in the USA. Gotcha.
Other than your opinion, that paragraph had no substance or evidence to back up your claim. Even using the term "fascist" in that manner basically tells me I can't expect a serious discussion from you.

To answer your question, my quoted statement was taken straight from a BLM website, but you go on right ahead and make ASSumptions for yourself.
Some people just want to watch the world burn too. A real problem with every generation is the extreme narcissistic tendency to believe that all previous generations didn't know what they were doing and that "this time we will do it the right way."

I've always found socialists/communists to be the most absolute disingenuous people. Nothing is stopping them from giving away their personal wealth to those who have less than them in the name of "equality." People who truly believe in something would already be living what they claim.
So, you spend a lot of time hanging around with socialists/communists? Asking for a friend.
Disagreement and arguments come from self feelings of hierarchy in the group.
That is definitely the case for some types of argument.

The type I am referring to is "logical argument" in the classical sense, conducted by people who are engaged in the search for some kind of betterment.
Life is full of forks in the road. When forks affect community, there are many different ways to decide which direction to take.
One is brute force.
In a societal sense, if my team is stronger and more heavily armed and more belligerent than your side and no rule of law impedes me, then you'll do things my way and I'll kill you if you don't.
That's known as despotism.

In an arena where despotism is not an option, and war among equals is not desired, the proven method of peaceful conflict resolution and progress is and has been logical argument.

Above, Bob says "argument is not fun."
I'll repeat, logical argument has been the sole platform for advancement of human civilization among civilized people for more than 2000 years.
If you don't care to participate in processes of societal governance, then Bob is right: What a mess, and who cares?
However, if you want a seat at the table, then logical argument with a goal of identifying truth is the only valid path forward.

Real stakeholders are concerned less with personal victory and more with identifying a path to continued peace and prosperity.
It's not about winning, it's about finding truth.
The framers did it 230 years ago, and we reaped the benefits, but we are not doing it now, and so our successors will not reap any benefits.

People defend their values because it's what they live by. About the only way to change that is to change life so drastically that values change.
The ratio of public debt to GDP reached 100% only twice in our history: WWII and 2019. Then Covid happened. Now our ratio of public debt to GDP is ~130% and rising because GDP is down and government excess is up.

The ratio has never been this high in our entire history.
Our current govt is making it higher.
The Trump govt made it higher, and the current govt is doing it too.

In the global arena, 70% is the max sustainable ratio of debt to GDP. Above that, all other nations stop considering your currency as viable and stop buying your bonds, especially when you get over 100%.

"Drastic" is on your immediate horizon.
Your grandchildren absolutely will not retire in the same America that you retired in.
When inflation hits home, remember that the primary cause is not ethereal. Rather, it is the fact that we irrationally overspent and overborrowed as a nation, and thus devalued the currency. The full faith and credit of the US Govt doesn't mean squat when the US Govt spends itself into completely unsustainable levels of debt.
I wrote a detailed post about the mechanics of this situation about 5 weeks(?) ago. It included links to Treasury auctions, FRED charts, Annual Reports of US Govt, etc. I'll see if I can find it and link it here.

It's not a maybe.
It's not "some whacko opinion".
The OMB has been telling Congress for 17 years that this situation is unsustainable.
Covid spending really kicked it over the cliff.
If "the people" do not rectify this situation in the next 5 or 10 years, this nation will fail on the basis of fiscal policy alone.

People may act different socially but their core is their core. Good luck and I wish you well in your efforts but like bringing folks to religion you will have to measure your success one soul at a time. :s0093:
If everything falls apart, you'll be one of the hundreds of millions watching and making glib comments?

If people unite in support of rational fiscal policy before it's too late, and manage to save the nation before it falls apart, you'll be one of the spectators who sat on the sidelines the whole time, saying, "It'll never work?"

No offense dude, but maybe a wise choice is to learn about what is happening and try to do something about it?

What is the purpose of having a voice in govt if you don't use it to do something when something needs to be done?

As far as changing the mind of a leftist, when all of their policies blow up in their face, that's a good time to change their mind.
Since their stupidity creeps in every 200 years, maybe the next Constitution should have a huge clause that defines how leftism kills nations, and, specifies hard rules to prevent it in the future. Like a balanced budget provision. And a No Free Lunch provision. etc. etc.


Maybe try more coffee and less apathy? I don't know man. Your posts suggest awareness but also surrender. Sorry, that's just my take. Enjoy your popcorn from the sidelines.
So, you spend a lot of time hanging around with socialists/communists? Asking for a friend.
There's about 700,000 more people in Seattle than Walla Walla, there are plenty of people who will share with you what they think. I'd almost describe the significant difference in experiences as "sheltered."
Other than your opinion, that paragraph had no substance or evidence to back up your claim. Even using the term "fascist" in that manner basically tells me I can't expect a serious discussion from you.

To answer your question, my quoted statement was taken straight from a BLM website, but you go on right ahead and make ASSumptions for yourself.
You do know that BLM is a grass roots organization and that "the" BLM website is in no way representative of the entire movement, right? Moreover, how is the BLM movement representative of the entire left? Yes, it's part of the left, but so is Nancy Pelosi and I don't recall seeing her protest.

As for "fascism" here you go: "a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition." Sound familiar?
You do know that BLM is a grass roots organization and that "the" BLM website is in no way representative of the entire movement, right? Moreover, how is the BLM movement representative of the entire left? Yes, it's part of the left, but so is Nancy Pelosi and I don't recall seeing her protest.

As for "fascism" here you go: "a political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition." Sound familiar?
The founders and leaders of BLM are self proclaimed trained marxists. I don't know how blatantly they have to make it for you, but they have done a thorough job making their positions and ideology clear.

Where are these fascists that worry you so?

I can point to the past year of BLM and communist related riots doing millions of dollars in damage to public and private buildings and resulting in multiple murders. That didn't matter though because Trump.
The founders and leaders of BLM are self proclaimed trained marxists. I don't know how blatantly they have to make it for you, but they have done a thorough job making their positions and ideology clear.

Where are these fascists that worry you so?

I can point to the past year of BLM and communist related riots doing millions of dollars in damage to public and private buildings and resulting in multiple murders. That didn't matter though because Trump.
I don't get how people don't get that.
I don't get how people don't get that.
Having lived in Seattle my whole life I've got a lot of experience with people seeing blatant as day information contrary to their ideology, completely ignoring it and continuing on with their ideology. Facts are treated as optional, what matters most is feelings and intentions.

That's why I refer to it as mental illness, because the mind sure isn't working correctly when that happens.

YES. I read your entire post #171 and I thank you for your input to the discussion.

If I might suggest?

Save yourself some time (when speaking about the national debt and Govt spending) and perhaps just post something like.


Yeah...maybe that's more me. Forget that I even mentioned it.

Aloha, Mark
I gotta go to bed!

Our criminal justice system doesn't work at all. All of the reasons it doesn't work stem from 5 decades of leftist policy.

Draw a blank chart with an X and Y axis. In the middle of the chart, draw a huge X.
The upward sloping line is 50 years of Cost of Public Education.
The downward sloping line is 50 years of Quality of Public Education.
All of the demise of public education is attributable to leftist policy.

See my earlier diatribe about fiscal failure. Excluding Trump (whom is not a social or political or fiscal conservative), all of the present fiscal woes of this country are attributable to leftist fiscal policy.


Mark: a picture is worth a thousand words.
You take the pictures.
I'll yada yada the words.
We'll cover both bases!
I'm not sure what the intent of your comment is, but regardless, I'll add 2 cents:

An animal has a brain and does whatever it decides to do.

A gun is a paperweight.

Without human manipulation, no gun ever even moved, much less did something.

Well, "ever" is a big word.

I'll admit that a few times per century, a gun fell over or burned in a fire, and then did something by itself.
But when we use comparisons in argument over the merits of "gun control", the rare isolated incident is not the foundation for progress. Rather, what we focus on is the norm.
The intent was to discuss what laws exist, in general, imposing criminal liability on the keeping of dangerous animals, like a banded cobra....I'm surprised you thought my comment was about something else.

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