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I have pre printed a ream of the "Columbia County Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance" petition forms and pre addressed mailing envelopes and have been standing out on my docks catching the salmon fisherman coming and going out for springers.... they have to go within 50ft of our docks to get to the fishing grounds I have been flagging them down and passing out the petitions and many of them are conceal carrying out there fishing ...... its like a parade of gun guys going past our place :D
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I have pre printed a ream of the "Columbia County Second Amendment Preservation Ordinance" petition forms and pre addressed mailing envelopes and have been standing out on my docks catching the salmon fisherman coming and going out for springers.... they have to go within 50ft of our docks to get to the fishing grounds I have been flagging them down and passing out the petitions and many of them are conceal carrying out there fishing ...... its like a parade of gun guys going past our place the next few weeks :D


Just awesome.
Last big deal, local gun club folks up in arms, lotsa we gottas.
I asked what to do? Crickets.
I said "I sent Kevin $100 hard-earned bux, anyone else?" Crickets...

Was just suggested I stfu after suggesting the thundering herd were a bunch of armed sheeple.

I have a plan. 89 postcards addressed to each rep, senator at the state capitol. msg vote no on 43, 44. signature. $32 per pack. I plan to hand out 30 packs.
After I hand em out at the club, I may take delayed umbridge.
Saw this on TV, it's a rabbi and I think a Christian priest and others, in a church in Portland. They have spearheaded radical causes in the past and are a real bad deal.
I only saw part of it on the Portland news down here and don't remember their name. Can anyone identify these radical leftists?

Search Criteria Form

Chief Petitioner Details for Initiative 43 "Promote Public Safety for All Through the Reduction of Assault Weapons and Large Capacity Magazines".

Walter John Knutson 4526 NE 27th Ave Portland, OR 97211 (503) 288-6174
Michael Z. Cahana 3139 SW Fairmount Blvd. Portland, OR 97239 (503) 577-4814
Alcena E. Boozer 5256 NE 48th Ave. Portland, OR 97218 (503) 544-9773
Search Criteria Form

Chief Petitioner Details for Initiative 43 "Promote Public Safety for All Through the Reduction of Assault Weapons and Large Capacity Magazines".

Walter John Knutson 4526 NE 27th Ave Portland, OR 97211 (503) 288-6174
Michael Z. Cahana 3139 SW Fairmount Blvd. Portland, OR 97239 (503) 577-4814
Alcena E. Boozer 5256 NE 48th Ave. Portland, OR 97218 (503) 544-9773
Many thanks.
How is it a DC resident may be a petitioner in Oregon?
Simple, Vincenza (Jenna) Passalacqua is a political activist, working with the Giffords organization (sound familiar)? No doubt funded by Bloomberg/Soros...

Dennis Richardson should reject this IP, as one of the sponsors is not only not an Oregon resident, but a political hack for the Bloomberg/Soros political machine.

Folks, we have a duty do stand up against these abuses of our civil rights. We got to get noisy and in their face!
Folks, we have a duty do stand up against these abuses of our civil rights. We got to get noisy and in their face!

I have been pounding this drum in here for 2 years! unless we get in the mud with these anti gun delusional crooked people ...YOU WILL LOOSE

Why arent more of our members in more counties petitioning to protect the 2nd like Columbia county is doing? , its like a political circle jerk in here everyone repeating the same tired pro gun talking points "to each other" and doing nothing but send the NRA some petty cash and the NRA has already shown they will let Oregon FALL

every Oregon county except maybe the Portlandians should be petitioning to tell the Oregon democrats to screw off!

10% of the people do all the work and most will vote democrat to negate that effort!!

I take comfort in the fact although I cant rely on Oregon gun owners as "they are mostly the problem always voting democrat" but at least I can attempt to save my own county

good luck to you all
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Simple, Vincenza (Jenna) Passalacqua is a political activist, working with the Giffords organization (sound familiar)? No doubt funded by Bloomberg/Soros...

Dennis Richardson should reject this IP, as one of the sponsors is not only not an Oregon resident, but a political hack for the Bloomberg/Soros political machine.

Folks, we have a duty do stand up against these abuses of our civil rights. We got to get noisy and in their face!
I fully agree. Being nice guys, gets ya nothing. These people hate gun owners...period.
There is a supreme court ruling on this trigger/lock up device issue that can out of the District of Columbia some year ago. The Supreme CT ruled that mandating a lock up was a violation of the 2nd A because it made the firearm in operable and therefore, violated the 2nd A.

There must be some way to ridicule these folks for their stupidity.
There is a supreme court ruling on this trigger/lock up device issue that can out of the District of Columbia some year ago. The Supreme CT ruled that mandating a lock up was a violation of the 2nd A because it made the firearm in operable and therefore, violated the 2nd A.

There must be some way to ridicule these folks for their stupidity.
I remember that and forgot about it.....
Did anyone see this from Rep Bill Post? According to him, the 3,400 sponsorship signatures FAILED the verification! So they needed to turn in an additional 1,000 signatures, which they did. This has caused more delays for them, which is good for us.

Read more details below:

From his FB page yesterday:

Here is the latest on IP 43.

The deadline (per Oregon Law) for the Oregon Elections Division to validate the 3,400 sponsorship signatures the Petitioners turned in on March 26th was this past Friday (4/6). Those of us who signed up for email alerts should have received an email stating they validated the signatures on Friday. Yet, no email alert from the Oregon Elections Division? So I called them.

I was informed the signatures the petitioners turned in failed the State's sampling criteria so the Petitioners were told (last week) they needed to turn in an additional 1000 signatures which they did.

The revised date for the State to validate the new batch of signatures is April 16th. This is good news given the fact they lost another week in an already extremely tight Initiative qualification timeline.

The next step in the qualification process once the signatures are validated by April 16th the Attorney General then has three days to submit the "Proposed" Ballot Title, after which the public comment period opens. Those who signed up via the Oregon Elections Division website will receive an email when the public comment period opens.

With the added week delay the soonest the Petitioners can gather the 88,184 signatures to qualify for the November ballot is now May 24th (keep in mind they'll need far more than 88,000 due to those that will be "thrown out" for errors). That only gives them FIVE or so weeks to gather signatures by the July 6th deadline. So you can see why impeding their progress makes it almost impossible to gather enough signatures. That is why everyone needs to submit a ballot title objection...this will further add to the delay in gathering signatures!

Again I urge everyone to sign up to receive the Election Divisions email alerts and submit your Ballot Title objections during the public comment period.

Link to follow for updates from the SOS office: Oregon Secretary of State Dennis Richardson
Did anyone see this from Rep Bill Post? According to him, the 3,400 sponsorship signatures FAILED the verification! So they needed to turn in an additional 1,000 signatures, which they did. This has caused more delays for them, which is good for us.

Read more details below:

From his FB page yesterday:

Here is the latest on IP 43.

The deadline (per Oregon Law) for the Oregon Elections Division to validate the 3,400 sponsorship signatures the Petitioners turned in on March 26th was this past Friday (4/6). Those of us who signed up for email alerts should have received an email stating they validated the signatures on Friday. Yet, no email alert from the Oregon Elections Division? So I called them.

I was informed the signatures the petitioners turned in failed the State's sampling criteria so the Petitioners were told (last week) they needed to turn in an additional 1000 signatures which they did.

The revised date for the State to validate the new batch of signatures is April 16th. This is good news given the fact they lost another week in an already extremely tight Initiative qualification timeline.

The next step in the qualification process once the signatures are validated by April 16th the Attorney General then has three days to submit the "Proposed" Ballot Title, after which the public comment period opens. Those who signed up via the Oregon Elections Division website will receive an email when the public comment period opens.

With the added week delay the soonest the Petitioners can gather the 88,184 signatures to qualify for the November ballot is now May 24th (keep in mind they'll need far more than 88,000 due to those that will be "thrown out" for errors). That only gives them FIVE or so weeks to gather signatures by the July 6th deadline. So you can see why impeding their progress makes it almost impossible to gather enough signatures. That is why everyone needs to submit a ballot title objection...this will further add to the delay in gathering signatures!

Again I urge everyone to sign up to receive the Election Divisions email alerts and submit your Ballot Title objections during the public comment period.

Link to follow for updates from the SOS office: Oregon Secretary of State Dennis Richardson
Wow, over 3400 signatures and failed to get 1000 validated. They were so proud of the number of signatures that they got, mostly from the rally. What does this say about them and their Initiative? I hope they fail again.

I wonder if we will ever see this on the liberal leaning news - lol.
Wow, over 3400 signatures and failed to get 1000 validated. They were so proud of the number of signatures that they got, mostly from the rally. What does this say about them and their Initiative? I hope they fail again.

I wonder if we will ever see this on the liberal leaning news - lol.

I guess gathering signatures at an anti-gun rally perhaps isn't the best idea. It would be interesting to know why they failed - signatures of unregistered voters? Folks under 18 signing? Liars? I'm honestly surprised they couldn't get 1,000 good signatures out of 3,400 - I thought that part would be a slam dunk. Glad to see this honestly, makes me think there's hope for this to fail.
FYI - just passing along the latest from Jo Rae Perkins.


From: [email protected]
Date: April 12, 2018 at 5:59:27 PM PDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Subject: IP 43 - Counter Attack Update

Good evening everyone-

you are blind copied on this email.

Here is the update on a counter attack.

Most of you saw my suggestion for a counter ballot initiative. I am happy to tell you that is in the works and is being drafted. I contacted a trusted experienced and knowledgable friend before I filed the formal paperwork. He inturn contacted an attorney who is also experienced and knowledgable in the Petition Initiative process.

We will be filing a formal petition. It will be for a Constitutional Amendment to the Oregon Constitution.

However, the petition will be for 2020. You may have seen the timeline I posted on facebook. Just in case you did not, or you want to share the info with others I am laying it out below.

The detailed process is attached with the timeline.

This is the synopsis.

Action: # of Days Cumulative

Petition paperwork filed. 1 1

Secretary of State reviews, approves 3 4

Petitioners gather between 1,000-2,000

signatures and submit for verification 7 11

(I allowed time for petitions to be mailed back)

Elections Division validates min. 1,000 10 21

Elections Division forwards to Attorney

General office for Ballot Title. 5 26

Public comment solicited re: Title 10 36

AG reviews comments & certifies title 10 46

Templates issued to begin signature drive 3 49

So on or about the 49th day from the beginning we can begin gathering the signatures. It could be longer if there are appeals to the ballot title.

Signatures are gathered, bundled and delivered to the Elections Division no later than July 6 for a 2018 attempt.

How many signatures are needed?

To be on the November 2018 ballot: The number of valid signatures required to qualify an initiative for the ballot is based on a percentage of the total votes cast for governor at the last election:

  • For a constitutional initiative, 8% (117,578) of valid signatures is required.
  • For a statutory initiative, 6% (88,184) of valid signatures is required.
We must gather about 20% more than the minimum as there will be people who sign that are not registered to vote, or have the wrong address, or their signature does not match what is on file.

Constitutional amendment: 141,093 minimum turned in.

Statutory amendment: 105,821 minimum turned in.

If we were to file the paperwork tomorrow, the earliest date we can start the push for the rest of signatures is June 1st. 30 days to collect and turn in 141,093 is not realistic. 4,703 per day.

Thus we are going to file for a November 2020 ballot. The total amount needed will change. We will be filing in the next few days. The intial petition will not be ready by April 14th.

Please feel free to pass this info on. As soon as we are ready to formally launch I will send out another email.

In the meantime, as soon as I find a person who is ''anti'' gun, I will ask them to let me record a video with them and will use my persuasion technique on them. If I cannot find someone in the next fews days, I will have to rollplay it. But I will be making a video for phase 1 of the counter attack.

If you do attend any of the rallys, please do not engage the opposition with logic; they do not understand logic, they understand emotion based upon fear and what they imagine.

Thank you all so much for your interest. We are moving forward on this.

If you do not hear from me by the end of next week, please know I have not dropped the ball. I have not started on my income tax returns and have ever filed an extension and will not start this year. I also have a federal elections campaign finance report to complete due on Sunday.

Did I mention I am running for congress? In between all of this, I am traveling through 7 counties. Benton, Coos, Curry, Douglas, Josephine, Lane and Linn. Finally, I hope you all understand I am not working on this counter measure because I am running for congress. It is actually taking valuable time away from my campaign efforts. I am doing this because I am an American! However, if you want to support my congressional campaign, feel free. I am 1 of 5 candidates vying for the opportunity to defeat and displace DeFazio. I am the one candidate who will be able to accomplish that task and I will win the primary. If you want to help out, send an email to me at [email protected] - if you are not registered as a republican, you must change your registration no later than 11:59:59 on April 24th. that website is: Oregon Secretary of State: Voting & Elections

My Congressional Campaign website is: Perkins for Oregon | Jo Rae Perkins Candidate for Oregon's 4th Congressional District

Thank you again,

Jo Rae Perkins
Good point about the logic piece. Logic would dictate that someone read a history book, or try to use some foresight before attempting to contravene the Constitutional rights of citizens.

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