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Here is a message from Kim Thatcher explaining why they took action. HB2020 was just the straw that broke the camel's back. The lies and treachery from the Salem Mafia is truly amazing. It's a bit .long, but well worth the read:

"Its Day 2: I am one of the 11 Republican state senators who has left the state in order to deny a quorum to the tyrannical Democrats who have a super majority and are wiling to go to great lengths to ensure passage of their extreme agenda.

I thought you might like to know what we are up against here in Oregon. Actually, I'm not "here" in Oregon as I've had to leave the state since the governor has authorized the Oregon State Police to round us up and bring us back to the capital.

Additionally, starting today, the Senate President is planning to fine each of us $500 a day for each session day we deny the super-majority Democrats a quorum.

Reporters have stalked my home and police came to my house just this morning to pay me a visit in case I "need a ride" to the state capital. (As if THAT'S what's keeping me away!)

The leftist organization, Our Oregon, has made large ad buys against three of us, including myself. The Democrats are threatening community projects in our districts. I'm also a small business owner who works on public works projects so I'm sure I will feel their wrath there as well. Part of the job, I guess.

What's really rich, though, is that our governor, Kate Brown, orchestrated a walkout of Senate Democrats in 2001—when she was the Senate Democrat Leader—over the Republican "redistricting" plan. (By the way, I think our state is still paying the price for letting them get their way on that one.)

Anyway, in 2001 she told the media that the democrat walkout was very "appropriate" and that, "Under certain circumstances it's fair to say we would use all tools available to us."

Now In 2019: Kate Brown to media after REPUBLICANS walkout over an irreversible and extreme bill that will kill our state: "It is absolutely unacceptable that the Senate Republicans would turn their back on their constituents....They need to return and do the jobs they were elected to do."


And guess what... the Senate Republicans say "Under certain circumstances, it's fair to say we will use all tools available to us."

BUT THIS WALKOUT IS NOT ONLY ABOUT THE CAP AND TRADE BILL (or as we "lovingly" refer to as the Cap 'n Crunch bill).

They passed a $2.5 Billion hidden sales tax (gross receipts tax) when we have a record amount of revenue. This tax was purportedly to help schools but will actually be going to plug the giant holes in our public pension liabilities. So we wanted PERS reform. We walked the day before the vote was scheduled on the gross receipts tax.

We were working closely with a Democrat who bucks her party all the time but still has to be careful. Since her party agreed to do meaningful PERS reform she agreed to vote for the bill. AND the D's agreed to kill the gun control bill and the forced vaccination bill going through at that time , AND reset the cap and trade bill AND sit down with republicans in a good faith effort to improve the bill....we promised to return and not to walk out the rest of the legislative session which is over July 1.

We returned after five days.

The day we came back, they passed tax bill the day before our revenue projections came out. Our state has so much revenue, in fact, that it triggered our state's taxpayer "kicker" law where the state returns revenue to taxpayers that exceed projections by a certain percent. More on this later. The hidden sales tax has made people, understandably, angry and they are wanting to collect signatures to get it on the ballot so it can hopefully be overturned.

So, the Democrats have decided to preemptively tilt the outcome of this potential referendum in their favor. They set the date of this election to January 2020 where there are notoriously low voter turnouts. They also granted themselves the power to circumvent the normal process for creating ballot titles by allowing themselves to write the ballot title and description (I.e. the children will suffer unless you make "corporations" pay their fair share) with verbiage that will catch the unaware.

Now back to the kicker. It will likely be over a billion dollars, averaging over $300 per taxpayer. True to form, the Democrats want to steal this money because as you know, there's never an end to the "good" government can do with other people's money.

Meanwhile, regarding the "reset" on HB 2020 the cap n crunch bill... there have been NO Republican amendments accepted. After over a hundred different amendments having been proposed by various people, the Joint Carbon Committee (that is the actual name of it, not the Joint CO2 or "Climate Change Committee , but whatever) scheduled many hearings, adopted a couple amendments and the bill flew through the committee process and across the House floor where it was scheduled to land on the Senate floor yesterday.

After spending all day Wednesday trying to negotiate changes, it was clear they were immovable. So we left the state.

Not only was HB 2020 coming to the Senate floor yesterday, a bill that grants driver licenses to illegals was also scheduled. Both of them contain an emergency clause which precludes a referendum by voters who want to put them on the ballot.

As a side note, just a few years ago, the Oregon legislature passed a driver license bill that was successfully put on the ballot where it was handily rejected by voters 2:1. Every county, except Multnomah where Portland resides, rejected driver licenses for illegals.

The D's learned their lesson. Never again will they let a controversial bill pass that doesn't include an emergency clause. They are afraid of the voters which oddly elected them, so go figure.

If we stay out of Salem, other bills will die as well. The California style "clean diesel" bill (won't be able to register and operate any diesels built prior to 2007), the vote manipulation bill for the hidden sales tax, the driver licenses for illegals bill and the bills they had previously agreed to kill: the gun control bill and the forced vaccination bill.

I'm in xxxx for the moment. Governor Xxx xxx has stated that no Oregon Senate Republicans are welcome here. I believe he would back that up by using his own law enforcement to help Gov Brown get her way on the draconian agenda being forced down our throats in Oregon.

That's all for now."
Here is a message from Kim Thatcher explaining why they took action. HB2020 was just the straw that broke the camel's back. The lies and treachery from the Salem Mafia is truly amazing. It's a bit .long, but well worth the read:

"Its Day 2: I am one of the 11 Republican state senators who has left the state in order to deny a quorum to the tyrannical Democrats who have a super majority and are wiling to go to great lengths to ensure passage of their extreme agenda.

I thought you might like to know what we are up against here in Oregon. Actually, I'm not "here" in Oregon as I've had to leave the state since the governor has authorized the Oregon State Police to round us up and bring us back to the capital.

Additionally, starting today, the Senate President is planning to fine each of us $500 a day for each session day we deny the super-majority Democrats a quorum.

Reporters have stalked my home and police came to my house just this morning to pay me a visit in case I "need a ride" to the state capital. (As if THAT'S what's keeping me away!)

The leftist organization, Our Oregon, has made large ad buys against three of us, including myself. The Democrats are threatening community projects in our districts. I'm also a small business owner who works on public works projects so I'm sure I will feel their wrath there as well. Part of the job, I guess.

What's really rich, though, is that our governor, Kate Brown, orchestrated a walkout of Senate Democrats in 2001—when she was the Senate Democrat Leader—over the Republican "redistricting" plan. (By the way, I think our state is still paying the price for letting them get their way on that one.)

Anyway, in 2001 she told the media that the democrat walkout was very "appropriate" and that, "Under certain circumstances it's fair to say we would use all tools available to us."

Now In 2019: Kate Brown to media after REPUBLICANS walkout over an irreversible and extreme bill that will kill our state: "It is absolutely unacceptable that the Senate Republicans would turn their back on their constituents....They need to return and do the jobs they were elected to do."


And guess what... the Senate Republicans say "Under certain circumstances, it's fair to say we will use all tools available to us."

BUT THIS WALKOUT IS NOT ONLY ABOUT THE CAP AND TRADE BILL (or as we "lovingly" refer to as the Cap 'n Crunch bill).

They passed a $2.5 Billion hidden sales tax (gross receipts tax) when we have a record amount of revenue. This tax was purportedly to help schools but will actually be going to plug the giant holes in our public pension liabilities. So we wanted PERS reform. We walked the day before the vote was scheduled on the gross receipts tax.

We were working closely with a Democrat who bucks her party all the time but still has to be careful. Since her party agreed to do meaningful PERS reform she agreed to vote for the bill. AND the D's agreed to kill the gun control bill and the forced vaccination bill going through at that time , AND reset the cap and trade bill AND sit down with republicans in a good faith effort to improve the bill....we promised to return and not to walk out the rest of the legislative session which is over July 1.

We returned after five days.

The day we came back, they passed tax bill the day before our revenue projections came out. Our state has so much revenue, in fact, that it triggered our state's taxpayer "kicker" law where the state returns revenue to taxpayers that exceed projections by a certain percent. More on this later. The hidden sales tax has made people, understandably, angry and they are wanting to collect signatures to get it on the ballot so it can hopefully be overturned.

So, the Democrats have decided to preemptively tilt the outcome of this potential referendum in their favor. They set the date of this election to January 2020 where there are notoriously low voter turnouts. They also granted themselves the power to circumvent the normal process for creating ballot titles by allowing themselves to write the ballot title and description (I.e. the children will suffer unless you make "corporations" pay their fair share) with verbiage that will catch the unaware.

Now back to the kicker. It will likely be over a billion dollars, averaging over $300 per taxpayer. True to form, the Democrats want to steal this money because as you know, there's never an end to the "good" government can do with other people's money.

Meanwhile, regarding the "reset" on HB 2020 the cap n crunch bill... there have been NO Republican amendments accepted. After over a hundred different amendments having been proposed by various people, the Joint Carbon Committee (that is the actual name of it, not the Joint CO2 or "Climate Change Committee , but whatever) scheduled many hearings, adopted a couple amendments and the bill flew through the committee process and across the House floor where it was scheduled to land on the Senate floor yesterday.

After spending all day Wednesday trying to negotiate changes, it was clear they were immovable. So we left the state.

Not only was HB 2020 coming to the Senate floor yesterday, a bill that grants driver licenses to illegals was also scheduled. Both of them contain an emergency clause which precludes a referendum by voters who want to put them on the ballot.

As a side note, just a few years ago, the Oregon legislature passed a driver license bill that was successfully put on the ballot where it was handily rejected by voters 2:1. Every county, except Multnomah where Portland resides, rejected driver licenses for illegals.

The D's learned their lesson. Never again will they let a controversial bill pass that doesn't include an emergency clause. They are afraid of the voters which oddly elected them, so go figure.

If we stay out of Salem, other bills will die as well. The California style "clean diesel" bill (won't be able to register and operate any diesels built prior to 2007), the vote manipulation bill for the hidden sales tax, the driver licenses for illegals bill and the bills they had previously agreed to kill: the gun control bill and the forced vaccination bill.

I'm in xxxx for the moment. Governor Xxx xxx has stated that no Oregon Senate Republicans are welcome here. I believe he would back that up by using his own law enforcement to help Gov Brown get her way on the draconian agenda being forced down our throats in Oregon.

That's all for now."

Our govenor just signed a Bill for a program called orego looks to charge more for registation of cars based on gas milage.when the can shuttle the unprotected
masses on the max and send them to the work camps and take most heir wages by taxes they might be happy
Last Edited:
Here is a message from Kim Thatcher explaining why they took action. HB2020 was just the straw that broke the camel's back. The lies and treachery from the Salem Mafia is truly amazing. It's a bit .long, but well worth the read:

"Its Day 2: I am one of the 11 Republican state senators who has left the state in order to deny a quorum to the tyrannical Democrats who have a super majority and are wiling to go to great lengths to ensure passage of their extreme agenda.

I thought you might like to know what we are up against here in Oregon. Actually, I'm not "here" in Oregon as I've had to leave the state since the governor has authorized the Oregon State Police to round us up and bring us back to the capital.

Additionally, starting today, the Senate President is planning to fine each of us $500 a day for each session day we deny the super-majority Democrats a quorum.

Reporters have stalked my home and police came to my house just this morning to pay me a visit in case I "need a ride" to the state capital. (As if THAT'S what's keeping me away!)

The leftist organization, Our Oregon, has made large ad buys against three of us, including myself. The Democrats are threatening community projects in our districts. I'm also a small business owner who works on public works projects so I'm sure I will feel their wrath there as well. Part of the job, I guess.

What's really rich, though, is that our governor, Kate Brown, orchestrated a walkout of Senate Democrats in 2001—when she was the Senate Democrat Leader—over the Republican "redistricting" plan. (By the way, I think our state is still paying the price for letting them get their way on that one.)

Anyway, in 2001 she told the media that the democrat walkout was very "appropriate" and that, "Under certain circumstances it's fair to say we would use all tools available to us."

Now In 2019: Kate Brown to media after REPUBLICANS walkout over an irreversible and extreme bill that will kill our state: "It is absolutely unacceptable that the Senate Republicans would turn their back on their constituents....They need to return and do the jobs they were elected to do."


And guess what... the Senate Republicans say "Under certain circumstances, it's fair to say we will use all tools available to us."

BUT THIS WALKOUT IS NOT ONLY ABOUT THE CAP AND TRADE BILL (or as we "lovingly" refer to as the Cap 'n Crunch bill).

They passed a $2.5 Billion hidden sales tax (gross receipts tax) when we have a record amount of revenue. This tax was purportedly to help schools but will actually be going to plug the giant holes in our public pension liabilities. So we wanted PERS reform. We walked the day before the vote was scheduled on the gross receipts tax.

We were working closely with a Democrat who bucks her party all the time but still has to be careful. Since her party agreed to do meaningful PERS reform she agreed to vote for the bill. AND the D's agreed to kill the gun control bill and the forced vaccination bill going through at that time , AND reset the cap and trade bill AND sit down with republicans in a good faith effort to improve the bill....we promised to return and not to walk out the rest of the legislative session which is over July 1.

We returned after five days.

The day we came back, they passed tax bill the day before our revenue projections came out. Our state has so much revenue, in fact, that it triggered our state's taxpayer "kicker" law where the state returns revenue to taxpayers that exceed projections by a certain percent. More on this later. The hidden sales tax has made people, understandably, angry and they are wanting to collect signatures to get it on the ballot so it can hopefully be overturned.

So, the Democrats have decided to preemptively tilt the outcome of this potential referendum in their favor. They set the date of this election to January 2020 where there are notoriously low voter turnouts. They also granted themselves the power to circumvent the normal process for creating ballot titles by allowing themselves to write the ballot title and description (I.e. the children will suffer unless you make "corporations" pay their fair share) with verbiage that will catch the unaware.

Now back to the kicker. It will likely be over a billion dollars, averaging over $300 per taxpayer. True to form, the Democrats want to steal this money because as you know, there's never an end to the "good" government can do with other people's money.

Meanwhile, regarding the "reset" on HB 2020 the cap n crunch bill... there have been NO Republican amendments accepted. After over a hundred different amendments having been proposed by various people, the Joint Carbon Committee (that is the actual name of it, not the Joint CO2 or "Climate Change Committee , but whatever) scheduled many hearings, adopted a couple amendments and the bill flew through the committee process and across the House floor where it was scheduled to land on the Senate floor yesterday.

After spending all day Wednesday trying to negotiate changes, it was clear they were immovable. So we left the state.

Not only was HB 2020 coming to the Senate floor yesterday, a bill that grants driver licenses to illegals was also scheduled. Both of them contain an emergency clause which precludes a referendum by voters who want to put them on the ballot.

As a side note, just a few years ago, the Oregon legislature passed a driver license bill that was successfully put on the ballot where it was handily rejected by voters 2:1. Every county, except Multnomah where Portland resides, rejected driver licenses for illegals.

The D's learned their lesson. Never again will they let a controversial bill pass that doesn't include an emergency clause. They are afraid of the voters which oddly elected them, so go figure.

If we stay out of Salem, other bills will die as well. The California style "clean diesel" bill (won't be able to register and operate any diesels built prior to 2007), the vote manipulation bill for the hidden sales tax, the driver licenses for illegals bill and the bills they had previously agreed to kill: the gun control bill and the forced vaccination bill.

I'm in xxxx for the moment. Governor Xxx xxx has stated that no Oregon Senate Republicans are welcome here. I believe he would back that up by using his own law enforcement to help Gov Brown get her way on the draconian agenda being forced down our throats in Oregon.

That's all for now."
This is very informative and gives a clear view of what most of us have been seeing, a tyrannical and out of control Democrat party controlling the state of Oregon. Oregonians need to pay attention to the double standards coming out of the state capital, take action to dislodge this supermajority, because only Portland, Salem and Eugene are currently being represented...

I'd implore each and every senate republician to take an extended vacation. Let this legislative session end where it is. Perhaps we can fashion a method to remove this fascist dictator from the governors office and the January 2020 Special Election can include voting for a new governor...

It's a dream for sure. But I realize this fight is far from over and it's bound to get uglier before it's finished.

I urge each member here to take a few minutes and drop a note of support and thanks to each of these legislators who are upholding their oath to all Oregonians... Even if they have to be on the lamb to do so... Not like the bought and paid for democrats who have clearly violated their oath...
This is very informative and gives a clear view of what most of us have been seeing, a tyrannical and out of control Democrat party controlling the state of Oregon. Oregonians need to pay attention to the double standards coming out of the state capital, take action to dislodge this supermajority, because only Portland, Salem and Eugene are currently being represented...

I'd implore each and every senate republician to take an extended vacation. Let this legislative session end where it is. Perhaps we can fashion a method to remove this fascist dictator from the governors office and the January 2020 Special Election can include voting for a new governor...

It's a dream for sure. But I realize this fight is far from over and it's bound to get uglier before it's finished.

I urge each member here to take a few minutes and drop a note of support and thanks to each of these legislators who are upholding their oath to all Oregonians... Even if they have to be on the lamb to do so... Not like the bought and paid for democrats who have clearly violated their oath...

Here is the contact information for Oregon's State Senators: Senate SenatorsAll

It wouldn't hurt to let the other side know that we know what they are up to as well. Please Keep in mind that Betsy Johnson is not part of the Salem Mafia and has done much for gun owners and is almost certain the friendly Democrat that Kim Thatcher mentions in her message.
Didn't read the whole thread - 14 pages now - no time for that.

However, I sympathize with my neighbors in OR. On Fri, I heard Nate Shelman's (local Idaho radio) show when he talked to Sen Knopp on air. As he said, Idaho welcomes him and others like him (not that they'd admit where they were at the time)...

Oregon's GOP Senators Protest Carbon Tax Bill by Walking Out
Show (move the progress bar to about -1:11:30 in) on 06/20: The Nate Shelman Show
Here is a message from Kim Thatcher explaining why they took action. HB2020 was just the straw that broke the camel's back. The lies and treachery from the Salem Mafia is truly amazing. It's a bit .long, but well worth the read:

"Its Day 2: I am one of the 11 Republican state senators who has left the state in order to deny a quorum to the tyrannical Democrats who have a super majority and are wiling to go to great lengths to ensure passage of their extreme agenda.

I thought you might like to know what we are up against here in Oregon. Actually, I'm not "here" in Oregon as I've had to leave the state since the governor has authorized the Oregon State Police to round us up and bring us back to the capital.

Additionally, starting today, the Senate President is planning to fine each of us $500 a day for each session day we deny the super-majority Democrats a quorum.

Reporters have stalked my home and police came to my house just this morning to pay me a visit in case I "need a ride" to the state capital. (As if THAT'S what's keeping me away!)

The leftist organization, Our Oregon, has made large ad buys against three of us, including myself. The Democrats are threatening community projects in our districts. I'm also a small business owner who works on public works projects so I'm sure I will feel their wrath there as well. Part of the job, I guess.

What's really rich, though, is that our governor, Kate Brown, orchestrated a walkout of Senate Democrats in 2001—when she was the Senate Democrat Leader—over the Republican "redistricting" plan. (By the way, I think our state is still paying the price for letting them get their way on that one.)

Anyway, in 2001 she told the media that the democrat walkout was very "appropriate" and that, "Under certain circumstances it's fair to say we would use all tools available to us."

Now In 2019: Kate Brown to media after REPUBLICANS walkout over an irreversible and extreme bill that will kill our state: "It is absolutely unacceptable that the Senate Republicans would turn their back on their constituents....They need to return and do the jobs they were elected to do."


And guess what... the Senate Republicans say "Under certain circumstances, it's fair to say we will use all tools available to us."

BUT THIS WALKOUT IS NOT ONLY ABOUT THE CAP AND TRADE BILL (or as we "lovingly" refer to as the Cap 'n Crunch bill).

They passed a $2.5 Billion hidden sales tax (gross receipts tax) when we have a record amount of revenue. This tax was purportedly to help schools but will actually be going to plug the giant holes in our public pension liabilities. So we wanted PERS reform. We walked the day before the vote was scheduled on the gross receipts tax.

We were working closely with a Democrat who bucks her party all the time but still has to be careful. Since her party agreed to do meaningful PERS reform she agreed to vote for the bill. AND the D's agreed to kill the gun control bill and the forced vaccination bill going through at that time , AND reset the cap and trade bill AND sit down with republicans in a good faith effort to improve the bill....we promised to return and not to walk out the rest of the legislative session which is over July 1.

We returned after five days.

The day we came back, they passed tax bill the day before our revenue projections came out. Our state has so much revenue, in fact, that it triggered our state's taxpayer "kicker" law where the state returns revenue to taxpayers that exceed projections by a certain percent. More on this later. The hidden sales tax has made people, understandably, angry and they are wanting to collect signatures to get it on the ballot so it can hopefully be overturned.

So, the Democrats have decided to preemptively tilt the outcome of this potential referendum in their favor. They set the date of this election to January 2020 where there are notoriously low voter turnouts. They also granted themselves the power to circumvent the normal process for creating ballot titles by allowing themselves to write the ballot title and description (I.e. the children will suffer unless you make "corporations" pay their fair share) with verbiage that will catch the unaware.

Now back to the kicker. It will likely be over a billion dollars, averaging over $300 per taxpayer. True to form, the Democrats want to steal this money because as you know, there's never an end to the "good" government can do with other people's money.

Meanwhile, regarding the "reset" on HB 2020 the cap n crunch bill... there have been NO Republican amendments accepted. After over a hundred different amendments having been proposed by various people, the Joint Carbon Committee (that is the actual name of it, not the Joint CO2 or "Climate Change Committee , but whatever) scheduled many hearings, adopted a couple amendments and the bill flew through the committee process and across the House floor where it was scheduled to land on the Senate floor yesterday.

After spending all day Wednesday trying to negotiate changes, it was clear they were immovable. So we left the state.

Not only was HB 2020 coming to the Senate floor yesterday, a bill that grants driver licenses to illegals was also scheduled. Both of them contain an emergency clause which precludes a referendum by voters who want to put them on the ballot.

As a side note, just a few years ago, the Oregon legislature passed a driver license bill that was successfully put on the ballot where it was handily rejected by voters 2:1. Every county, except Multnomah where Portland resides, rejected driver licenses for illegals.

The D's learned their lesson. Never again will they let a controversial bill pass that doesn't include an emergency clause. They are afraid of the voters which oddly elected them, so go figure.

If we stay out of Salem, other bills will die as well. The California style "clean diesel" bill (won't be able to register and operate any diesels built prior to 2007), the vote manipulation bill for the hidden sales tax, the driver licenses for illegals bill and the bills they had previously agreed to kill: the gun control bill and the forced vaccination bill.

I'm in xxxx for the moment. Governor Xxx xxx has stated that no Oregon Senate Republicans are welcome here. I believe he would back that up by using his own law enforcement to help Gov Brown get her way on the draconian agenda being forced down our throats in Oregon.

That's all for now."

How is impreachment not being screamed across this state?
Even if they manage to round up just enough Rs for forced quorum and ram all these bills through; could the Rs or the People bring a suit against the Ds/Capitol, for inserting the Emergency Clause on a tax bill or all tax bills that is expressly, plainly proscribed in the Oregon Constitution?:rolleyes:
Even if they manage to round up just enough Rs for forced quorum and ram all these bills through; could the Rs or the People bring a suit against the Ds/Capitol, for inserting the Emergency Clause on a tax bill or all tax bills that is expressly, plainly proscribed in the Oregon Constitution?:rolleyes:

Taking anyone somewhere against their will is kidnapping.
Even if they manage to round up just enough Rs for forced quorum and ram all these bills through; could the Rs or the People bring a suit against the Ds/Capitol, for inserting the Emergency Clause on a tax bill or all tax bills that is expressly, plainly proscribed in the Oregon Constitution?:rolleyes:
I need to find this in the Oregon Constitution and be sure it hasn't been overturned. If this is still law, I'm gonna feed it back to Peter Courtney, he's personally responsible for what comes to the senate for as the senate president. Time to hold these treasonous legislators to task!
I need to find this in the Oregon Constitution and be sure it hasn't been overturned. If this is still law, I'm gonna feed it back to Peter Courtney, he's personally responsible for what comes to the senate for as the senate president. Time to hold these treasonous legislators to task!
Article IX (9); Section 1a; no note of repeal, no note of overturn.
No poll or head tax shall be levied or collected in Oregon. The Legislative Assembly shall not declare an emergency in any act regulating taxation or exemption.[1]

Seems pretty dang clear and simple here.... if HB2020 among others have any wording as to raising revenue by way of taxation, or exemptions from taxation, these bills must be put to ballot initiative/referendum initiatives to the voters
Article IX (9); Section 1a; no note of repeal, no note of overturn.

Seems pretty dang clear and simple here.... if HB2020 among others have any wording as to raising revenue by way of taxation, or exemptions from taxation, these bills must be put to ballot initiative/referendum initiatives to the voters
Thanks brother, I'll be drafting another nasty gram to Courtney in the morning, I need to sleep on it and make sure the words cut deep enough...
I wonder if it is possible for The People to bring about a civil suit against The State of Oregon to void and nullify all laws pased since 1910 (the year that the emergency clause prohibition passed for bills related to taxation or exemption) that contained both Emergency declared, and taxes to be levied, collected, and/or exemped

Might be interesting. :rolleyes::eek: (I wonder just how many tax bills had Emergency Clause written into them...)
I wonder if it is possible for The People to bring about a civil suit against The State of Oregon to void and nullify all laws pased since 1910 (the year that the emergency clause prohibition passed for bills related to taxation or exemption) that contained both Emergency declared, and taxes to be levied, collected, and/or exemped

Might be interesting. :rolleyes::eek: (I wonder just how many tax bills had Emergency Clause written into them...)

At the end of Rome currency was devalued by wattering it down. Ultimately citizens were taxed so much to power an ineffective military that they just stopped paying.

I appreciate your sentiment to stop the flow of time but the moral decay and rot has set in now. My dream is that we return to a constitutional republic of limited powers instead of playing empire as world police but, my fear is it won't.

You really hit home there with when our republic went astray and not to say you aren't right but I would have placed it more around FDR. The only reason I say that is because of his take over of SCOTUS and mutation of expanding power by regulating inside the states with laws that specifically restricted them to regulating trade between the states not inside them. (Wickard v filburn)

Not to mention policies to redistribute wealth during that period they have been an utter failure other then to increase dependency on the state. The bill of restrictions was meant to clarify our natural rights and the fact that it is used to supposedly promise rights granted is sad.

The other night I was brainstorming what might fix the republic which might be flawed. For one the limited powers were valid for defense and military and returning the federal government to that probably won't happen but would be necessary. Then our state governments would need to cede power in a similar manor of checks and balances to our counties. Instead of abolishing the electoral college we should embrace it's protection of minorities and spread that to the county level. If the rural counties had a single vote the same as the cities then we might live in unity more. But instead we have legislators saying the rural people don't matter, only their constituents.

I know in this day with children running our politics and hoping the popular vote or importing voters will give them a permanent power advantage this is crazy but it would fix our current divide.

I hate that politics is used to force the will of half of America on the other half. Tyranny of the majority has gone on too long. We can live in harmony through decentralization and acceptance of the founding principals that are still as valid today as they were 200 years ago. Would you treat your neighbor with the contempt that the federal government treats the losing side after an election? I remember loving your neighbor being somewhat important there in our nation's history. Divided we fall.

And yes the second amendment was as crucial to our federal defense then as it is now... But weakened. If they could have private warships and canons then would it really be a question to our limited arms today? Need I remind so many that citizens could own grenades during the civil war when black power was the common propellent.

The arms and right to have and bear them didn't change, cultural norms changed that has spured a minority to use them for the wrong reasons. Virtue is the only absolution.

My right to life is of higher morality then the wicked men that wish to take it away, so I won't listen to their lies further. And the arms to protect it are essential to it's existence.

So here we are.
At the end of Rome currency was devalued by wattering it down. Ultimately citizens were taxed so much to power an ineffective military that they just stopped paying.

I appreciate your sentiment to stop the flow of time but the moral decay and rot has set in now. My dream is that we return to a constitutional republic of limited powers instead of playing empire as world police but, my fear is it won't.

You really hit home there with when our republic went astray and not to say you aren't right but I would have placed it more around FDR. The only reason I say that is because of his take over of SCOTUS and mutation of expanding power by regulating inside the states with laws that specifically restricted them to regulating trade between the states not inside them. (Wickard v filburn)

Not to mention policies to redistribute wealth during that period they have been an utter failure other then to increase dependency on the state. The bill of restrictions was meant to clarify our natural rights and the fact that it is used to supposedly promise rights granted is sad.

The other night I was brainstorming what might fix the republic which might be flawed. For one the limited powers were valid for defense and military and returning the federal government to that probably won't happen but would be necessary. Then our state governments would need to cede power in a similar manor of checks and balances to our counties. Instead of abolishing the electoral college we should embrace it's protection of minorities and spread that to the county level. If the rural counties had a single vote the same as the cities then we might live in unity more. But instead we have legislators saying the rural people don't matter, only their constituents.

I know in this day with children running our politics and hoping the popular vote or importing voters will give them a permanent power advantage this is crazy but it would fix our current divide.

I hate that politics is used to force the will of half of America on the other half. Tyranny of the majority has gone on too long. We can live in harmony through decentralization and acceptance of the founding principals that are still as valid today as they were 200 years ago. Would you treat your neighbor with the contempt that the federal government treats the losing side after an election? I remember loving your neighbor being somewhat important there in our nation's history. Divided we fall.

And yes the second amendment was as crucial to our federal defense then as it is now... But weakened. If they could have private warships and canons then would it really be a question to our limited arms today? Need I remind so many that citizens could own grenades during the civil war when black power was the common propellent.

The arms and right to have and bear them didn't change, cultural norms changed that has spured a minority to use them for the wrong reasons. Virtue is the only absolution.

My right to life is of higher morality then the wicked men that wish to take it away, so I won't listen to their lies further. And the arms to protect it are essential to it's existence.

So here we are.

I mostly agree with your Time line of FDR, but I think the seeds of that were sown a little earlier! Really the way the South was treated after the war of Northern Aggression points to a pretty serious shift in the way this country did business, and it opened the doors for agendas and secret powers!
Combined with the expansionist rail roads who ran over and through people with out any gov. oversight or regulation, and we see that business and banks took the power from the people and that really drove the first nails into the coffin of this republic! What FDR did was monstrously wrong on just about every level, and that he was allowed that power further drove nails into that coffin! Then it was Coal, Oil, the Auto Giants, and Iron/Steel that were allowed to further usurp power from the people and hand it to the wealthy elites who just know what's best for us! And lets not forget a really big war we needed nothing to do with other then to build things and make money by killing off a surplus of American youth!
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Lincoln made the first step at opening Pandora's Box and the turn-of-the-century proto-Progs continued down the road, but the real Liberty Murderparty didn't hit full swing until Woodrow Wilson and particularly his usurping, treasonous b*tch of a wife after the stroke.
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