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If there were real sasquatch', one half tarded one would have walked in front of a trail cam, or got itself hit by a bus, or raided a McDonalds trash can, or punched out a logger, or started it's own college fund. I find it weird that in the day of the high quality camera phone, none of these people can get a shot of one that isn't from a half a mile and looking like something out of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Apparently all of the people who see these things are carrying a 1968 Kodak into the woods with them.
If there were real sasquatch', one half tarded one would have walked in front of a trail cam, or got itself hit by a bus, or raided a McDonalds trash can, or punched out a logger, or started it's own college fund. I find it weird that in the day of the high quality camera phone, none of these people can get a shot of one that isn't from a half a mile and looking like something out of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Apparently all of the people who see these things are carrying a 1968 Kodak into the woods with them.

:s0114: Punched out a logger. Bigfoot BRAWL !
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.................

Y'know what? Your rant that lacks any signs of humor has made the final decision for my coworkers and I. We're totally going to do it, and it's in honor of you!

To make your Boat Float, it must be
A real small dinghie .... :)

philip, who was not ranting, he was offering a safe idea... But maybe you are an oar short of a full dinghie ... I keep mine with Two oars and a life vest... In the Boon Docks, by the Dock of the Bay....
What interests me is the mocking anger of naysayers in these discussions.. they seem to be very disturbed that their world view is being questioned
The Patterson video is actually quite convincing...a female creature sporting a sagittal crest with massive muscles moving under the fur of the legs and back. Very accomplished considering that the best Hollywood could do at the time was Roddy McDowall in a rubber face mask and hairy gloves.

Still, the lack of a body, some bones, or even a decent trailcam picture throw a lot of cold water in the face of believability.

What interests me is the mocking anger of naysayers in these discussions.. they seem to be very disturbed that their world view is being questioned

Yes.. Especially when offered An Example, a true story, that really happened, that is documented, and even is a movie, with Non Actors in it, the Nay Sayers. Say NAY.

Film tells story of slain missionary and a violent Amazon tribe transformed

By Charles Honey, c. 2005 Religion News Service Published January 19, 2006 Every Tribe Entertainment Steve Saint poses in front of a replica of a plane his missionary father flew before he was slain. Every Tribe Entertainment Steve Saint with four Waodani tribesman, three of whom were involved in the spearing of his father. Saint’s father and four other missionaries were killed in 1956 by Ecuadorian tribesmen, a historic tragedy told in the movie, End of the Spear, to be released in theatres Jan. 20. End of the Spear | An EGM Film In the movie End of the Spear, 8-year-old Steve Saint watches as his missionary pilot father, Nate Saint, builds a miniature yellow airplane such as the one Nate flew into the jungles of
the Amazon.
from <broken link removed>

Just because a person has Not Done It Themselves, there is disbeief.

Nay Sayers remind me of believers of Flat Earth Theory, or "we did not really go to the moon" ...

Their counter proof is Non-Existent, but that does Not Stop them from ridicule, or worse, as the member who I quoted above, decides:

..... a. I am ranting.
..... b. They will do something Incredibly Dumb
..... c. Put the blame on me, for their actions.

I at least accept my actions as my own fault, I do not even use the old adage "the devil made me do it".

It is a rare item I shared from my life, I seldom speak of it, the Skyway Big Foot incident. But I did. In this thread, justto say... "I have" I Did Not Have To Write it. I did, write, because IT DID HAPPEN. I speak, Write Truth.period.End of Sentence.

In real life, I have seen so much, that when I share Face to Face, And People drop Jaws, I simply say, "Look, I could Not Make Up this Stuff...." Nor do I want to.

VietNam, 1969. Guard Mount, Stormy Rainy conditions, Thunder more thunder, but I don't see LIGHTENING...
Until. It strikes. Our Middle layer of Concitina wire (Spelling wrong, Xin Loi)...

The Lightening becomes a Ball, and TRAVELS 500 Yards, inside the confines of that wire!!!

I have never seen anything Like it Since, nor BEFORE, but...
It happened.

I have seen & heard BIG FOOT, in California, and in Washington as written, Nay sayers are Welcome to ridicule me as much as they want.

BUT, I will not accept BLAME for their stupid intentions, of frightening drivers in control of a Vehicle, that could Potentially cause an accident.

Saying stuff like that, is Much More CHILDISH, Than saying "it did not Happen", than implying that my veracity is off a bubble, or even Half a Bubble. Because the person implying same, Did Not See it FOR THEMSELVES.

In the Boondocks, my life could be a Movie, for the things I have seen. My Truth sets me Free. HIS TRUTH is what I LIVE by
I'm glad someone brought up the Patterson Footage. The way the muscles move, the length of the arms and the length of the strides are very interesting. Someone did an amazing job.

Don't elephants go to a designated place to die, assuming they aren't shot on the plains? Ancient North American tribes did not leave markers fr their dead. Europeans used to lay their dead in a bog.

And yet we have found more pieces of evidence for all of these things than can be counted.

A live one, dead one, skull, fur or brain. It takes physical evidence for something to be real, not drunk or stoned folks wanting to see something(It seems that 95% of them all have that in common. They very badly WANT it to be real. Of course, everyone that you talk to will claim to be in that other 5%).

It's amazing that in 2013, people don't believe video footage of the Democrat's sending people to vote 10-12 times each, but wholeheartedly believe in a grainy dot on a cell phone image. People really do believe what they want to believe.
unklekippy, Can you PROVIDE, one documented Proof, that any Big Foot reportings have been done by
not drunk or stoned folks wanting to see something(It seems that95% of them all have that in common. They very badly WANT it to be real.

After ALL, and I Quote YOU:
It takes physical evidence for something to be real
where is Your REAL for that statement?

Or is it ~just~ you want to believe they are drunk or stoned?

philip, turning the Table around for you to see, your WORDS must MEAN something for them to be REAL, in the Boondocks.

My First sighting, circa 1967-8 no drugs, no alcohol, those were the Rules my Native American GF had, ~if~ I wanted to Kiss Her Lips... And Did I KISS THEM!!!!!!

1993, hearing BIG FOOT, Rural Olympia WASHINGTON, no drugs in my life for over Seven years, no Alcohol for Four Years.... You see, I don't NEED artificial Stimulants or Depressents, to have WIERD in my life, it just happens...

And the things I have NOT SHARED make WHAT I HAVE SHARED, seem like a childs Tea Party.... But I limit what I say online.

Consider: I openly state, "I am a Pastor". I openly state, "I am a Christian". I openly state my Sobriety Date: I accepted life in AA on June 21, 1980... After not drinking for about Seven Months.

I Openly STATE, "I live by Jesus Christ's rules" ... So, are You including me in the above quotes I make of YOUR POST?

philip, in the boondocks, for a reason.
Last Edited:
Hate to break it to you fellas but.. That Bigfoot footage is just me with my shirt off.
Im quite self conscious about it so I only unclothe in the peaceful serenity that is the forrest.. I guess they caught me on tape.
Its funny, This same thing happened when I went mountain climbing in the himalayans and got overheated once before and decided to take my shirt off..
unklekippy, Can you PROVIDE, one documented Proof, that any Big Foot reportings have been done by

After ALL, and I Quote YOU: where is Your REAL for thiat statement?

Or is it ~just~ you want to believe they are drunk or stoned?

philip, turning the Table around for you to see, your WORDS must MEAN something for them to be REAL, in the Boondocks.

My First sighting, circa 1967-8 no drugs, no alcohol, those were the Rules my Native American GF had, ~if~ I wanted to Kiss Her Lips... And Did I KISS THEM!!!!!!

1993, hearing BIG FOOT, Rural Olympia WASHINGTON, no drugs in my life for over Seven years, no Alcohol for Four Years.... You see, I don't NEED artificial Stimulants or Depressents, to have WIERD in my life, it just happens...

And the things I have NOT SHARED make WHAT I HAVE SHARED, seem like a childs Tea Party.... But I limit what I say online.

Consider: I openly state, "I am a Pastor". I openly state, "I am a Christian". I openly state my Sobriety Date: I accepted life in AA on June 21, 1980... After not drinking for about Seven Months.

I Openly STATE, "I live by Jesus Christ's rules" ... So, are You including me in the above quotes I make of YOUR POST?

philip, in the boondocks, for a reason.


Seriously, how much Peyote have you done over the years? You're obviously whacked out of your mind.
Learn to spell dinghy, dammit. :s0114:

Brutus out

Brutus, you are so Wright abOut that, I went to wiki: Roe Boat, saw dighies, plural, and fOrGot the I before E except after Sea, and other varEEations that occur... Everybody Knows it is Dinghy with a Why sound, hoW could Eye ever make such a grevEEous Air like that, /tounge in cheek, /sarcasm & other nit wit experssions...

SorrEe, I'll try to do More Better NeXt thyme, OK????

Fill up, in the Boon Docks, punch drunk on mirth,he say, pure Mirth... Loves it, and Puns Az Well.... But heis a nice kid, at 63.124 years of Age, and still Refusals to Grow Up !!!!!!
Last Edited:
Seriously, how much Peyote have you done over the years? You're obviously whacked out of your mind.

And YOUR source for that information is from?

Cuthbert Allgood, Why do feel the Need to Attack, just because someone is different in their thinking, than you are? Are you, do you have ~Any~ Spirital Values? Virtually every spiritual belief system has Some Sort of Golden Rule, do to others as you want done to you...

Is there a Reason that you Feel the Need to ATTACK me, personally???? Or do you attack others as well??!

Your Offensive Attitudes must help you bunches with your every day life !!!!!

Sorry, I won't bite at your bait, though you may be a master at it....

In the Boondocks, we speak nice to each other, because, darn it, Life is Hard.
And YOUR source for that information is from?

Cuthbert Allgood, Why do feel the Need to Attack, just because someone is different in their thinking, than you are? Are you, do you have ~Any~ Spirital Values? Virtually every spiritual belief system has Some Sort of Golden Rule, do to others as you want done to you...

Is there a Reason that you Feel the Need to ATTACK me, personally???? Or do you attack others as well??!

Your Offensive Attitudes must help you bunches with your every day life !!!!!

Sorry, I won't bite at your bait, though you may be a master at it....

In the Boondocks, we speak nice to each other, because, darn it, Life is Hard.

Your own rants are proof enough you're out of your mind. What's actually scary is you may be another gun owner. Hopefully you aren't. The anti-2A crowd doesn't need to see your rambling posts to use later as ammunition against us.
And YOUR source for that information is from?

Cuthbert Allgood, Why do feel the Need to Attack, just because someone is different in their thinking, than you are? Are you, do you have ~Any~ Spirital Values? Virtually every spiritual belief system has Some Sort of Golden Rule, do to others as you want done to you...

Is there a Reason that you Feel the Need to ATTACK me, personally???? Or do you attack others as well??!

Your Offensive Attitudes must help you bunches with your every day life !!!!!

Sorry, I won't bite at your bait, though you may be a master at it....

In the Boondocks, we speak nice to each other, because, darn it, Life is Hard.


And please if you have guns get rid of them you seem really disturbed in the head

Your own rants are proof enough you're out of your mind. What's actually scary is you may be another gun owner. Hopefully you aren't. The anti-2A crowd doesn't need to see your rambling posts to use later as ammunition against us.

A one hundred percent lack, of moral courage, integrity, and no redeaming values.

Probably never served in the Military, don't know squat, except to put down people, can't answer a straight up question,

Am I close, Cuthbert? A Momma's boy, hiding behind a keyboard? If Truth were to walk up and tap your shoulder, would you recognize that?

Rather than discuss the Presented topic, you get your fun by trying to tear people apart, on the internet? You look for post's that seem off a bit, and you Scrammer Six them?

I have been straight up with replying to you, and you call it ~ranting~ ??? Cuthbert, you are a wimp.

I won't waste further words with you.

Enlisted, US Army, 1968-1971, when draft dodgers made sounds like your posts, I was in TayNinh, 1969-70. I bet you were not even born yet, when the rockets & mortars were falling there.... Seven K's to the Ho Chi Minh trail, North, West or South... That in Geography was called Cambodia, ~boy~, and I saw people like you make their pants Brown, where they sat down, because the got there, during a dry spell, when Victor Charlie was holding out on his daily ration of metal rain...

I got more respect for him, than you, OR the mother who raised you to be so disrespectful.

But life is nice, in the Boon Docks
No, I said by the average supposed, educated christian teachers, meaning pastors, ministers. etc. - not average Christians.

The average ones ehh? Like you see on TV wearing the collar and being inherently stupid, ignorant, effeminate and uniformed? Or do you personally know these "average ones" through intimate conversation where you can make a blanket statement as you have. Your rhetoric is so cliche' that one could logically assume you may have a slight educational problem. But then again...that is simply an assumption.

Thanks for playing tho :)
A one hundred percent lack, of moral courage, integrity, and no redeaming values.

Probably never served in the Military, don't know squat, except to put down people, can't answer a straight up question,

Am I close, Cuthbert? A Momma's boy, hiding behind a keyboard? If Truth were to walk up and tap your shoulder, would you recognize that?

Rather than discuss the Presented topic, you get your fun by trying to tear people apart, on the internet? You look for post's that seem off a bit, and you Scrammer Six them?

I have been straight up with replying to you, and you call it ~ranting~ ??? Cuthbert, you are a wimp.

I won't waste further words with you.

Enlisted, US Army, 1968-1971, when draft dodgers made sounds like your posts, I was in TayNinh, 1969-70. I bet you were not even born yet, when the rockets & mortars were falling there.... Seven K's to the Ho Chi Minh trail, North, West or South... That in Geography was called Cambodia, ~boy~, and I saw people like you make their pants Brown, where they sat down, because the got there, during a dry spell, when Victor Charlie was holding out on his daily ration of metal rain...

I got more respect for him, than you, OR the mother who raised you to be so disrespectful.

But life is nice, in the Boon Docks

I thought you weren't going to bite at my bait. You're a liar! As for the military, it's not worth serving in today's world. It doesn't make a person more worthy of being hired over some candidate who has years of real world experience that is relevant to what they're applying for. The whole "Vets are highly desired in the workforce" line is a load of BS. It's sad that countless people fall for that crock of crap. Once they seek help for some psychological issues, they're discarded like yesterday's trash. It's no wonder why there are so many suicides each and every day in the military. The DoD's draconian way of thinking is what's actually wrong. Their way of thinking toward sexual assaults/rapes by blaming the victim rather than the attacker is another thing that is wrong. Their way of thinking is just as backwards as Islam.

You clearly took on some Agent Orange in 'Nam. Now I understand why you're totally jacked up.

At any rate, if you decide to come out of the boondocks, here is a . Save it on your desktop and make it your personal mission to find me. I'll happily insult you to your face! :cool:

Oh, and I'll answer your inquiry about whether or not I have any religious leanings: I don't. I don't need a stupid book of fiction to tell me how to live my life. I use reason and logic. That is something religion does not have any room for. Being free from organized BS religion is true freedom. I do as I please.

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