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If anyone is on Twitter can you please check Portland police log (google "Portland police log")? I don't have Twitter unfortunately and it won't let you check on google anymore like it used to. When I search on goggle it only shows the last 5 or so posts. 4 of those posts were 4 separate shootings. So that's 4 shootings in around 20 minutes. Christmas Eve always seems to be one of the biggest crime days. Screenshot of google search:

Isn't the Max one of those transportation services that explicitly says "no guns allowed" ? :rolleyes:
It's been so long since I've been on one of those trains I don't remember? Used to be kind of a fun thing when we'd have the car at the dealer for a tranny-flush, or something like that, and they'd give us bus passes. We'd do a huge loop around Portland on tri-met to see the different "Weirds", and end up back at the dealer.
FYI 2016 TriMet had total operations revenue of
$542,200,000 but only $118,069,000 came from
passenger fares. That means TriMet riders received a 78% subsidy from other sources.

At Lane Transit District in Eugene, passenger faresin 2015 were only $7.2 million, while total operating revenue was $60.9 million. Non-riders paid for 88%of operations.

For Cherriots Salem-Keizer transit, public support
totaled 94% of all operating revenue in 2015.
Undoubtedly the largest subsidy goes to the
Portland-Eugene passenger rail line operated by
ODOT. For every one-way ticket sold in 2015, the
public paid $120.
Last Edited:
In FY 2016 TriMet had total operations revenue of
$542,200,000 but only $118,069,000 came from
passenger fares. That means TriMet riders received a 78% subsidy from other sources.

At Lane Transit District in Eugene, passenger faresin 2015 were only $7.2 million, while total operating revenue was $60.9 million. Non-riders paid for 88%of operations.

For Cherriots Salem-Keizer transit, public support
totaled 94% of all operating revenue in 2015.
Undoubtedly the largest subsidy goes to the
Portland-Eugene passenger rail line operated by
ODOT. For every one-way ticket sold in 2015, the
public paid $120.
I thought the mandatory strongarm extortion of OR. TriMetTax to the self-employed and service providers paid a large hunk of Oregon public transportation debt. with an added 5% late fee, and a predatory collection fee of 20% 90 day late fee charged for the privilege to be self employed.

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