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I wish the small wet fart tumbler had removable end caps instead of the single end cap. The small one would be much handier and actually work better (cleaner) for small batches. I like to put the slotted strainer in one end, remove the other and use a hose to rinse pins and dirty water through while shaking into a 5 gallon bucket. Then I can put them in my water filled Dillon media seperator to get the last few pins out.

I'm going to give the Southern Shine tumbling media a try this summer in lieu of the SS pins. I'm pretty sure the results will be even cleaner primer pockets, less time and no pins getting stuck sideways in necks.
I wish the small wet fart tumbler had removable end caps instead of the single end cap. The small one would be much handier and actually work better (cleaner) for small batches. I like to put the slotted strainer in one end, remove the other and use a hose to rinse pins and dirty water through while shaking into a 5 gallon bucket. Then I can put them in my water filled Dillon media seperator to get the last few pins out.

I'm going to give the Southern Shine tumbling media a try this summer in lieu of the SS pins. I'm pretty sure the results will be even cleaner primer pockets, less time and no pins getting stuck sideways in necks.
Just be care with southern shine media. The chips are VERY aggressive. Don't tumble for the same amount of time you normally would or the cases may come out looking like they were bead blasted.

Don't ask me how I know this.
Last night I rand a batch for the full 3 hour timer which ran out about 9:00. I did not want to deal with it then so I let it sit overnight ~12 hours.

This morning I ran it for about 30 min. Still had suds, and all brass came out as good as the other couple of batches I have tired.
Just be care with southern shine media. The chips are VERY aggressive. Don't tumble for the same amount of time you normally would or the cases may come out looking like they were bead blasted.
I have a train car load of 9mm I'm going to test it out on when / if I do it. I appreciate the heads up.
There's something very satisfying about seeing all that shiny brass come out!
Indeed it does. ;)
If I use corncob medium with new finish car wax, I can get the outside looking just as polished as tumbling but primer pockets and the insides aren't as clean. Caveman likes him some clean innards and PP's.

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How does the media separator work for you? I've never had one. I just shake off the bulk of the pins and then toss a strong magnet in the drum and put it back on the machine for 5 minutes. Never had a stray pin since🤷‍♂️.
When I first started with the wet mess I liked the results with tumbling in the separator dry, there were pins left and had to re rinse due to suds.
A few times later I tried it full of water which removed ALL the suds and no pins left. :s0069:

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