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So please answer the question - what rights have you actually lost under Obama - not some other anti gunner - I mean Obama and only Obama? Why is this such a hard question to answer? What laws has Obama passed that has changed your gun ownership from six or more years ago? I think I know but waiting to hear from those smarter than myself.

James Ruby

I did answer the question a while back. I thought you saw it:

Alright Mr. Ruby, here you go.

For one thing, I can't buy two rifles in any of the border states without getting my name on a terrorist watch list.

He is pushing more connections to guns affecting mental health and having doctors push his brainwashing.

He is furthering the general brainwashing on guns which can have lasting negative impacts.

He has massively reduced the number of people being prosecuted for gun-related violations. Not only does this increase the number of violent criminals on the street, it impacts public perception against guns.

He has not signed yet, but endorsed the UN ATT (the only reason he hasn't signed it is that he knows it would be rejected).

He banned the importation of thousands of US historical firearms.

And those are only the things he has been successful in doing. Small steps my friend.

And like Peetar said, this is only the 2nd Ammendment, and they are all real impacts to our 2A rights. It doesn't have to directly ban guns to be infringing on our rights, or making steps in preparation for more restrictions.
When he is found guilty - remember innocent until proven guilty - I will throw the first rock.
And as far as Obama being the worst president we may disagree but I support your right to say it.
I wonder when we get our next president does this cycle begin anew.

James Ruby
All of you folks who were afraid of Hitler were proven WRONG!
He never took over the world. He wasn't the boogie man you said he was! See! He couldn't get even HALF of what he wanted to accomplish! He never even came close to abolishing the Juden from the face of the Earth. Yet all you right-wingers claimed he was for "National Socialism" (NA ZI) and that he was going to bring it to all of us!
Well, he didn't!

-This message brought to you by the morally bankrupt lib-tard cadre' for social justice.
When he is found guilty - remember innocent until proven guilty - I will throw the first rock.
And as far as Obama being the worst president we may disagree but I support your right to say it.
I wonder when we get our next president does this cycle begin anew.

James Ruby

You support my right to say it? Oh, well thank's so much! How gracious of you! Meanwhile you also glibly support a hyper-corrupt politician who targets his political enemies with IRS audits, chilling free speech and threatening the very rule of law in this country. A man who rules with an iron fist by executive fiat. You support a party and an administration that has proven itself to be unworthy of the offices they occupy and that makes YOU part of the problem, James Ruby.

I hereby sentence you to carry the weight of shame. To live under the administration you gleefully support, never to complain when (in a few years) a scum-bag republican uses the precedent of this administrations actions to dismantle the rule of law in this country.

I blame YOU and those like you, not for supporting Obama, but for continuing to support him when it is as clear as the nose on your face that they are scum. Clear as day that they are attempting to fundamentally transform this country from one of laws to one that gleefully disregards the Bill of Rights.
Thank you for the reply - I am sorry that I missed it.

I am vaguely aware of the border state and there gun laws - thank you for the reminder on that and i beleive that to be the most significant law that was changed or has impacted our rights. So I am wrong when I said NONE earlier.

I dont agree on the number of people being prosecuted being any less - they have never prosecuted very many criminals on gun related purchases in the last 20 years - this does not make it right but to me this is not just Obama's problem. I personally would like to see anyone criminal who tries to be buy a gun be put away for five years. My nephew is now one so this is close to home for me.

I think he tried to ban those M1 garands from coming back into the country but I did not think he was successful at that.

As far as brainwashing - there are no laws that I know of that support that - I believe that is something else he would like but to date no legislation at the executive level has been enacted on it.

Thanks for answering the question.

James Ruby
You support my right to say it? Oh, well thank's so much! How gracious of you! Meanwhile you also glibly support a hyper-corrupt politician who targets his political enemies with IRS audits, chilling free speech and threatening the very rule of law in this country. A man who rules with an iron fist by executive fiat. You support a party and an administration that has proven itself to be unworthy of the offices they occupy and that makes YOU part of the problem, James Ruby.

I hereby sentence you to carry the weight of shame. To live under the administration you gleefully support, never to complain when (in a few years) a scum-bag republican uses the precedent of this administrations actions to dismantle the rule of law in this country.

I blame YOU and those like you, not for supporting Obama, but for continuing to support him when it is as clear as the nose on your face that they are scum. Clear as day that they are attempting to fundamentally transform this country from one of laws to one that gleefully disregards the Bill of Rights.

We already had a scumbag republican - named GW and yet you refuse to live under that shame..Many of the things you accuse Obama for in your previous post was stated under that republican.

James Ruby
I refuse to live under that shame because I did not support him and already acknowleged his complicity in this. You, however, play the fool in this charade of tonal respect as you actively support someone who is clearly as corrupt as they come and is actively seeking the abolishment of the Bill of Rights. Good luck defending him. You don't deserve the rights you still have.
Bush did start a lot of the policies that are reducing our freedoms. He was no friend to the patriot. He did some good things and some bad. The Patriot Act, ironically, being one of the worst. The problem is that is seems Obama has doubled down on all of Bush's worst ideas and most infringing programs.

So you voted right? And as far as you telling me what I deserve - my response should not be posted here though I really don't care what you think which should also be pretty evident. I have earned my rights and my right to vote for whom I want to - dont like it too bad. When you want to compare my rights tell us all what you did to deserve yours.

James Ruby
Fewer than those that voted for Bush II.


They all became "Libertarians" overnight.


A link to an almost 20 year old story.



Why would the date matter? Was Mein Kampf not relevant to what Hitler did?

The arguments put forth here excusing Obama for attacking our gun rights are ridiculus. There is no doubt that some of the people care more about supporting the total failure that is Obama than they care about their own constitutions rights.

I believe some here are just here simply for propaganda purposes and doubtful they are gun owners.

One individual even posted my real name in this thread, an individual I have never spoken too and would have no reason to know my name which means I am of interest to our resident Obama apologists and anti-gun spies.

So you voted right? And as far as you telling me what I deserve - my response should not be posted here though I really don't care what you think which should also be pretty evident. I have earned my rights and my right to vote for whom I want to - dont like it too bad. When you want to compare my rights tell us all what you did to deserve yours.

James Ruby

Well, for one, I serve my country (like that is a big deal)...also I upheld my oath and continue to defend the Constitution in any small way I can. I refuse to support elected officials who illegally detain and or extra-judicially KILL American citizens without trial. I don't make excuses for those illegal acts. I don't serve as an apologist for them. I do what a good American is supposed to do, resist and spread the word. Don't come whining to me when they come for your family James Ruby. Just go quietly.

You should be ashamed of yourself.

The cognitive dissonance of people who support those who are openly trying to subvert something they took an oath to defend. Unbelievable.

The oath doesn't expire once you hit the civ population. Or does it?

I personally do not believe that this guy is a gun owner at all. If he is, he must be a Fudd.
Why would the date matter? Was Mein Kampf not relevant to what Hitler did?

The arguments put forth here excusing Obama for attacking our gun rights are ridiculus. There is no doubt that some of the people care more about supporting the total failure that is Obama than they care about their own constitutions rights.

I believe some here are just here simply for propaganda purposes and doubtful they are gun owners.

One individual even posted my real name in this thread, an individual I have never spoken too and would have no reason to know my name which means I am of interest to our resident Obama apologists and anti-gun spies.

The administration has admitted to doing exactly that. Recruiting Obama apologists to go online and spread the word that Fascism isn't as bad as we think it is. We just haven't given it a chance. Well said.
Just to make sure we are on even playing field here is the oath that enlisted members swear when they go into the service" I swore my oath on June 15th 1980 in the Detroit AFEES station and still remember doing it.

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

You are right it says to support the constitution and as you state it does not end when you leave the service. The next part states that you will obey the POTUS and those officers appointed over you.
So I would argue that you are only doing a half *** job of following your oath there Peetar. I swore to uphold both parts when I went into the Navy and yes serving your country to me is a big deal - I think others agree with that. You state you serve your country what branch?

By the way I have 13.5 years active duty and 3.5 years under water on Submarines. could go on but it doesnt really make that much difference - right?

As far as coming for my family - I dont need to make an apologies - i will be there and when I am done I will no longer need my firearms that you say I dont have a right to. Well think what you will - I have a safe of guns to show your ignorance and have purchased from several on this website.I have lived with guns all my life and believe in the right to self defense.

Since I get the impression you dont vote, in my opinion you no longer have a right to an opinion on the president. The right to vote - even if I am wrong gives me a say as to who I support. I wonder why you dont vote it seems like a right that you would use based on it being in the constitution. Too much trouble for you?

I guess our convesation is over - have a great life and please grow up.

James Ruby
Just to make sure we are on even playing field here is the oath that enlisted members swear when they go into the service" I swore my oath on June 15th 1980 in the Detroit AFEES station and still remember doing it.

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

I was not in the military, but I do have some familiarity here. I believe the UCMJ (and other regulations) state that unconstitutional or unlawfull orders are void and not to be followed. Thereby making your primary duty to the Constitution and not the politicians. If they are not upholding their part of the deal, you are not supposed to follow them.
My only consolation is that history will judge the Obama administration on the facts and not what the mainstream media misreported or more often disinformed in our time. The e-mails, the commission testimonies, the talking points, in other words all the historical primary sources will be available for a dispassionate study of the abuse of power. An abuse I might add that exceeds the infamous Nixon repertoire.

His use of his bully pulpit alone has influenced a number of state laws. Yes, my rights have been infringed over what they were 10 years ago. Want to move to a certain state for worker health reasons. Then you'd better know how many bbs your boomstick can legally carry or if it has the evil, horrible, maiming instrument attached called a bayonet lug, etc. etc. when was the last time a pistol grip killed anyone?

It is his intent and his cronies that continue to worry many of us. Never mind the data or that throughout history UBCs have been a precursor to firearm confiscation by the governments of the world. More than you can imagine see through the smoke screen and won't be cowed by those who would strip of our constitutional rights.

Brutus Out.
I was not in the military, but I do have some familiarity here. I believe the UCMJ (and other regulations) state that unconstitutional or unlawfull orders are void and not to be followed. Thereby making your primary duty to the Constitution and not the politicians. If they are not upholding their part of the deal, you are not supposed to follow them.

I have read the constitution, i have read the UCMJ though dont have it memorized, I have also read the Blue Jackets Manual - no where in there does it say that you can second guess the president or those appointed above you. If the order was truly wrong then it would be cut and dry but many of the things being debated here are not cut and dry. There is also the morale concept of right and wrong. All these things must be considered when you decide to challenge the leadership and there will always be consequences for the leadership does not like to be challenged. Somethings must always be challenged regardless of the cost to ones self.

James Ruby
The arguments put forth here excusing Obama for attacking our gun rights are ridiculus.

You are correct.

The fact that no one can answer a simple question, but fluffs their ansers with a bunch of "what if's", "almost's", "Mein Kampf", "mental health", and a bunch of fear mongering is ridiculous.

JGR asked a simple question, and all the posturing following that question rings hollow and desperate.

And for what it's worth, I voted in the last two elections, but not for Obama. I don't excuse him for what he has actually done, but the hand wringing over what he almost did, wants to do according to Info Wars, or anything else is mental masturbation not based in fact, and distracts from actual problems.
Just to make sure we are on even playing field here is the oath that enlisted members swear when they go into the service" I swore my oath on June 15th 1980 in the Detroit AFEES station and still remember doing it.

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

You are right it says to support the constitution and as you state it does not end when you leave the service. The next part states that you will obey the POTUS and those officers appointed over you.
So I would argue that you are only doing a half *** job of following your oath there Peetar. I swore to uphold both parts when I went into the Navy and yes serving your country to me is a big deal - I think others agree with that. You state you serve your country what branch?

By the way I have 13.5 years active duty and 3.5 years under water on Submarines. could go on but it doesnt really make that much difference - right?

As far as coming for my family - I dont need to make an apologies - i will be there and when I am done I will no longer need my firearms that you say I dont have a right to. Well think what you will - I have a safe of guns to show your ignorance and have purchased from several on this website.I have lived with guns all my life and believe in the right to self defense.

Since I get the impression you dont vote, in my opinion you no longer have a right to an opinion on the president. The right to vote - even if I am wrong gives me a say as to who I support. I wonder why you dont vote it seems like a right that you would use based on it being in the constitution. Too much trouble for you?

I guess our convesation is over - have a great life and please grow up.

James Ruby

First off, James, I am not going to tell you what branch or what I do in the .mil and under what capacity I do it. Let's just say I am not impressed with your service or military service in general. I've been in long enough to know that swinging your dick around and wrapping yourself in the flag is mostly B.S.. Any good N.C.O. or Chief will tell you that. Besides, If I tell you about my service, you're the type who would just love to report me to the Obama ATTACKWATCH website for having "a little too much to think". No thank's old man.

I don't care what you think about how I vote. I do vote by the way but if I didn't vote, could you blame me?

Plenty of folks didn't vote for Ahmadinejad because it was pointless. What would you tell them? It's their fault?
The fact that I do vote means I still have hope. I am not sure why with people like you posting on the forums.

You will go quietly, James. You already have.
-Have a great life and please wake up

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Ruby, It's very difficult for me to keep an open mind about your past. And believe me, I'm trying. There are those of us who have served in the military without making threats against their crewmates. Please stay away from describing your service in this forum any more.

You're not the only submariner on this forum. I served on 637 class attack boats. I would like to be able to say that what you've done doesn't bother me, but it does. And it bothers me greatly. If your story is true, I'm rather surprised that you didn't spend time in Leavenworth. I suspect that more than a few would liked to have seen you turning big rocks into little rocks with the Walker family.

You have every right to voice your opinions here, but please, stop using your military experience as a demonstration of your stellar service to this country.

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