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SB 5050 and SB 5444 Call to Action

Below is a step by step process for those who are uncertain of how the process works.

Right now Washington State is facing some of the most extreme gun measures in its history. We need to get everyone on board to help fight this. This is what you can do to start the fight:

1. Contact your Senator via email. You can send the composed email to each of the legislators in your district as well. Remember to include in your letter a request for a response. Use this link to determine who your legislators and senator are: Washington State Legislature

2. Call the office of the representative sponsoring each bill:
HB 1134, Strom Peterson (D), 21st legislative district, 324 John L. O'Brien Building PO Box 40600 Olympia, WA 98504 (360) 786 - 7950 [email protected]

HB 1387, Laura Jinkins (D), 308 John L. O'Brien Building PO Box 40600 Olympia, WA 98504 (360) 786 - 7930 [email protected]

HB 2042, Jim Walsh (R), 19th district, 428 John L. FO'Brien Building PO Box 40600 Olympia, WA 98504 (360) 786 - 7806 [email protected]

SB 5444 and SB 5050, David Frockt (D), 46th district, 227 John A. Cherberg Building PO Box 40446 Olympia, WA 98504 (360) 786 - 7690 [email protected]

3. Prepare to attend the public hearing. This is where your presence will make a difference. We need to get as many people as possible to attend in solidarity against this bill. Whether or not you decide to speak, you can make a statement by your presence so plan to wear a respectable 2A shirt, and wear it proudly! Attached is a link with information that I urge everyone to read. It includes info regarding what you'll need to do if you want your voice heard. In addition, those who are unable to attend may also prepare a written testimony and still be heard! We can all do this! Here is the link: Washington State Legislature How to Testify You may use this link to set up an account and notification for when the meeting will take place: Log In

4. With the above info, begin reaching out to friends and members of NWFA who you know will want to speak at the committee meeting (public hearing). Personal message with one another on this site to determine what remarks you would like to make, so we may avoid repetitive messages.

I've written this because I believe our voices will make a difference. While many here on NWFA do some of the above often, there are others who do not know the process and I'm hoping this will be of help. As of yet, I haven't seen a particular thread addressing the actions we all need to take and time is of the essence. Please plan to clear your schedule for the day should the public hearing come up last minute. Also, it is very important to be courteous in this process...many of us have some choice words we'd rather give, but they won't help our cause.

Also, you don't have to be a Washington resident to show at the hearing, and we need all hands on deck!

Regarding parking at the capitol, parking police know that there are a lot of visitors who don't know the system. They'll put a ticket on your car the moment your meter expires, so watch out! Here is a link to help you find safe places to park: Washington State Legislature Parking

Thank you!
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Been on all my legislators since 2012 and will not let up. We must ask these politicians who are for it or on the fence what their experience are with actual guns or even AR-15's. They honestly don't know squat about them and are basing their finding about them from gun hating groups and other anti-gun politicians who are pushing their agenda.
It is up to us to tell them of our experiences and demand that they hold criminals accountable for the horrific acts and not the law abiding gun owners, we didn't shoot anyone!!!!
Don't just tell... maybe invite them to join you for a Fact Finding Session on the range so they can see things for themselves.

Never flip the hardcores, but if you can explain why all those features on your AR are there, and get them to have fun shooting it, you might warm a few of the squishy middle to our cause...
My goal in creating a new thread is to reach a great number of readers, and provide to them a clear step by step process of activism in Olympia. I'm in close contact with someone who understands the inside workings of the system, and I've come to understand that demonstrations outside the capitol building truly have little to no effect on what happens inside.

Furthermore, it is important to understand that the same senator who has sponsored SB 5444 is the same one to sponsor SB 5050. There is a sinister reason these are put into two separate bills, and we need people to act on both. As of this moment SB 5050 is still being written, so in one sense we are ahead of the game. However, on that same token there is much work to be done.

I would like to reiterate the importance of reaching out in a generous manner. You can gain a lot of points with the legislative assistant (LA) by speaking kindly and sharing your concerns.

There are serious talking points you can and should use. Key words such as racism and underprivileged get their attention quickly. You can express concern over the cost prohibitive nature of the bill putting the less fortunate at greater risk, and that this will also have negative affects on minority communities with increased levels of crime.

The statistics speak loudly too, even if these people don't want to hear them. Nevertheless, we need to show up prepared.
I looked over the financial estimates for HB1387/SB5444 ( <broken link removed> ). It would cost ~1 million ($975,200) in 2018 and they say it would only take .1 FTE (full time employee) to maintain the program, which I highly doubt it would be that little.

They are really underestimating the cost of this bill. Watching the House Judiciary Committee meeting from 2/2/17 (watch - TVW, Washington States' Public Affairs Network) I don't see anyone bring this up.
So words like impaired, infringed & unconstitutional will not work on legislators? This right here is exactly what they are considering doing to all Washington citizens.
I don't care how they slice it or dice it, it is what it is.
Use whatever wording you like but at least make your words heard to these politicians.
I looked over the financial estimates for HB1387/SB5444 ( <broken link removed> ). It would cost ~1 million ($975,200) in 2018 and they say it would only take .1 FTE (full time employee) to maintain the program, which I highly doubt it would be that little.

They are really underestimating the cost of this bill. Watching the House Judiciary Committee meeting from 2/2/17 (watch - TVW, Washington States' Public Affairs Network) I don't see anyone bring this up.
do you have another link for the cost estimations? i couldn't get it to work from my phone
So words like impaired, infringed & unconstitutional will not work on legislators? This right here is exactly what they are considering doing to all Washington citizens.
I don't care how they slice it or dice it, it is what it is.
Use whatever wording you like but at least make your words heard to these politicians.

I'm not any more excited than you about this. The fact of the matter is, we are dealing with people that are blind to the truth. We have an opportunity here to appeal to them in ways that could drastically change the outcome. Keep in mind that the people we talk to in Olympia, the legislative assistants for example, are simply messengers to their bosses. There is an effective way we can connect with them, and that is by sharing the types of concerns that they are capable of identifying with. Beyond that, I'm not not saying you should censure truth or get comfortable with politically correct behavior. Just use tactful thought in how you handle these conversations and be sly as a serpent.

The goal here is to prepare to meet them in numbers. They will cower at the presence of a crowd of opposition, but they will also dismiss in their mind one who appears unruly.
Good Gawd what are these ignoramuses politicians smoking or drinking???:mad::mad::mad:
The push from these politicians (D's, they are now progressive liberals and not D's) keeps coming folks and it is a direct result of the past presidential election. They lost but they feel that the popular vote won and enough of the (D's) voted and they feel 'NOW IS THE TIME" to get gun laws passed.

Folks I received an email from one of my Rep's and he stated that "I doubt neither bill (SB5050 & Sb5444) will pass the legislator even though I do think we need the extended BGC for Assault Weapons. I have it on record that if these bills are put on an initiative ballot that they will pass". Right from the horses mouth!!!! We have got to get our "proverbial sh!t" together if we want to keep our rights!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Info updated on my opening post. Please let your voice be heard!

Call the office of the representative sponsoring each bill:

HB 1134, Strom Peterson (D) 21st legislative district, 324 John L. O'Brien Building PO Box 40600 Olympia, WA 98504 (360) 786 - 7950 [email protected]

HB 1387, Laura Jinkins (D), Olympia Office 308 John L. O'Brien Building PO Box 40600 Olympia, WA 98504 (360) 786 - 7930 [email protected]

HB 2042, Jim Walsh (R) 19th district, Olympia Office 428 John L. FO'Brien Building PO Box 40600 Olympia, WA 98504 (360) 786 - 7806 [email protected]

SB 5444 and SB 5050, David Frockt (D) 46th district, Olympia Office 227 John A. Cherberg Building PO Box 40446 Olympia, WA 98504 (360) 786 - 7690 [email protected]
Thank you for posting this. I am planning on writing up a report regarding "assault weapons" that I'd love to give in testimony to congress, if I haven't missed my chance.

Any idea when this hearing will be?
Letter wrote to my districts reps and senator. Will be writing the bill sponsors tomorrow.

Dear Senator Hobbs, Mr. Lovick and Mr. Harmsworth,

I am writing to express my firm opposition to SB5050 and it's companion bill, HB1134. When looking at the crime statistics related to not only so-called "assault weapons" but ALL rifles, the numbers simply don't add up. It has been publicly acknowledged that the Clinton-era federal Assault Weapons Ban was by and large ineffective in crime reduction.

Numbers don't lie. People simply are not being murdered by "assault rifles" at any rate that this legislation would effect. Although I can't find numbers for WA State specifically, judging by the national numbers published by the FBI, I would have to imagine our state's figures are nearly insignificant.

We have the great fortune to live in a beautiful and low crime state which affords it's citizens the gun rights set forth by the US Constitution. (Ok that's a bit of platitude there... but when talking to a politician...) What we have already works.

Please vote no on this feel-good legislation. This is important to me and my future votes will reflect this.
Made the calls to the senators and reps in my region. One staffer mentioned that they've "gotten a lot" of calls about the bills. I took the high cost angle that lumanaughty was referring to above.

Let's keep up with the phone calls expressing our concerns.

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